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October 07, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-10-07

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[ 1

Any sophoi
trying out f
to the manag
o'clock either
in room 308a
Franklyn I

mores interested in
for the Glee club
are urged to report
er between 4 and 5
r today or Noonday
at the Union.
D. Burger, Manager.

Edythe Rrowvnhg, American Artist,
Will Assist Gigli in openiing
Concert pr;rant
Beniamino Gigli, Italian tenor of
the Metropolitan Opera company will
formally open the local mu'sical sea-
son with a program of songs and arias
tonight in Hill auditorium. The con-
cert will constitute the first number
of the regular concert series, and will
be presented under the auspices of
the University Choral Union.
On this occasion Gigli wll be as-
sisted by Edythe Browning, a well-
known dramatic soprano, and an
American artist. Vito Carnevali will
act as accompanist for both.
Will Give Several Arias
j ee program as it has been an-
nounced will include several impor-
tant arias, particularly the "0 Para-
diso," from LAfricaine, "M'appari,"
from Pagliacci, all sung by Gigli. He
from Pagliacc, all sung by Gigli. He
will also sing some French ad Eng-
lish songs, notably "Life, Tes Yeux,"
and "Come Love With Me, written by
Ca rueval i,
Miss Browning will sing the arias
"Pleurex, pleurex, nes yeux," from Le
Cid, and "Pace, Pace," from Verdi's La
Forza del Destino in addition to oth-
Gigli is an Ialian who received his
early training in boys' choirs, after-
wards completing the education at
Rome. He early made the rounds of
the opera houses in Milan, Genoa, and
other European cities. - His American
debut was at the Metropolitan Opera
house, where he has spent his seasons
ever since, with the exception of short
trips to Europe and S'outh America.
Gighi is one of the few leading tenors
who have contended for the place held
by the late Enrico Caruso.
In Protrge of Johnon$
Miss Browning was discovered by'
the impresario R. E. Johnston, while
she was a soloist in a New York
church. It is thought by officials of
the University School of Music that
her appearance will add color to the
program as now arranged.
The program tonight will inaugur-
ate the 49th year of the Choral Union
regular.,concert series. The extra se-
ries, which will be opened October 28
with the appearance of Rosa Raisa
and Giacomo Rimini, will be in its
ninth year.
There are a few single tickets for.
the Gigli concert still available, ac-
cording to Charles A Sink, prIgsdent
of the Choral Union. They may be
obtained at the School of Music offices
on Maynard street or if still remain-
ing, at the box office in Hill auditor-
ium. They are priced at $1.50, $2.00,
and $2.50.
Putnam Has Divorce
Problems Solution
(By Associ;tcd Press)
NEW YORK, Oct. 6.--A new solu-
tion for the world's divorce problem
was brought back to civilization to-
day by George Palmer Putnam, pub-
lisher and exploier, home from four
months in the Artic wastes of Batlin-
Th1e solution, he said, lies in emula-
tion of the primitive Eskimo, who has
made divorce non-existent for his race
through the development of a perfectl
economic partneship in which wo-
mans place is in the igloo-chew-
ing her husband's sealskin boots into!
proper softness and flexibility for his
next hunting trip.
With starvation always just around
the corner, Mr. Putnam says, the Es-
kimo still remains one of the happiest
races of the earth. His wants are
fow, his taste simple and in Baitulan
he i a whole-souled monogamist, de-
i oled to his wife and children.
llis is a nomadic race, constantly on
the move and while the wife has her

nal house duties, her most im-
por,,nt function is to assure the foot-!
comforts of her hunter husband by
L aawing his frozen boots into submis-]
Tin Greenland, the explorer pointed
out, the native achieves a "delightful
;ariy" by trading wives with his
ne:;;hhors, but the Eskimo of Baffin-
laud clings to his first wife, although,
sometimes children are adopted by the
wealthier natives when economic
lAsu~ra on the parents becomes too
Leavy for their support.1


Mlore TIhan 100 Delegates are Present
at Smoker of Sixth Annual
Highway Convention
More than 100 delegates from var-
ious sections of the Middle West
opened the conference on highway[
transport and the sixth annual meet-
ing of the Michigan- Motorbus Asso-
ciation with a smoker held last night
in the convention hall of the Union.
Horatio S. Earle, first state high-
way commissioner of Michigan and
former member of the Michigan state
legislature, presided at the initial as-
sembly. Professor John S. Worley of
the transportation engineering depart-
ment of the University delivered an
illustrated lecture on the history of
automotive vehicles. Prof. Worley,
aided by slides, compared the present
day automobiles to the antiquated
vehicle which was operated as early
as 1516. Prof. Worley stated that as
fearl y as the 16th century worm gear-
driven machines were in use in
Illustrations Are Used.
He illustrated these with reproduc-
tions from wood blocks of that period.
A near conception of the modern war
tank was in vogue in 1588, he stated
further. The first engine driven car
was adopted in 1769, and steam furn-
ished the power for this crude but
practical means of transportation. All
of the slides which were screened dur-
ing the address were the property of
the transportation library of the en-
gineering department of the Univer-
sity. -Prof. Worley stressed the adap-
tation of art into the field of engineer-
ing as early as the .16th century.
Arthur H. Blanchard, former pro-
fessor of highway engineering and now
highway transport consultant in
Toledo, 0., presented the principal ad-
dress of the evening's session. Mr.
Blanchard emphasized the lack of
development of all means of transpor-
tation, particularly of busses, in the
United States, comparing the lack of
develoipment here to the splendid
systems of metropolitan London. Mr.
Blanchard also compared the various
methods of traffic control employed
locally and abroad, painting out the
defects of the modern American sys-
tem and the efficiency in vogue in
London Parking Barred.
In discussing the parking problem
iii London Mr. Blanchard asserted
that "virtually no parking was allowed
anywhere, thus assuring ample ease
for the- loading and unloading of bus
passengers in congested districts."
Dr. W. D. Henderson, director of the
University extension division,'was not
present as the main speaker of last
night's meeting. Instead, Dr. Hender-
son will speak at the luncheon held in
the Union this noon.
Featuring the noon luncheon with
Dr. Henderson will be President Clar-1
ence Cook Little who will deliver an+

Prominent Students
Selected For Boaivd
Of Literary College
Dean John R. Effinger, of the Col-
lege of Literature, Science and the
Arts, has announced the appoinment'
of Jo H. Chamberlin, '28, Thomas C.
Winter '34L, andLaura A. Osgood, '28,1
as members of the Administrative
Board of the college.
~ Chamberlin, Winter and Miss Os-
good will sit as regular voting mem-
bers of the Administrative board of
the college on every occasion thatI
students are to appear before the
board for academic dishonesty.
The plan of scleeting some students
each year who have achieved prom-
inence in campus affairs to represent
the student body on the Administr at-
ive board has won the support of the
various deans on the campus. Cham-
berlin is managing editor of The
Daily, Winter was general chairman of
the J-Hop committee last year, and
Miss Osgood is chairman of the
judiciary council of the Women's
. I
Dismissal of Young Caused by Failure
In Con servat ion Departument,
Governor Asserts

Government Concentrates All Forces
At Vera Cruz for Movement
Against Orizaba
(By Associated Press) -
The staccato roar of the firing
squad continued to echo throughout)
Mexico, but despite summary execu-I
tions exacted by the government, re-
ports from many points indicate a#
continuance of a revolutionary move-
General Alfredo Ouijana, command-
er of cavalry in the Mexico City garri-
son, was taken yesterday virtually
from the court martial chamber in
which he was convicted, to face a
firing squad. In Morelos, 13 mem-
bers of the state legislature were shot
by sympathizers with the Gomez Ser-
rano revolt.
Dispatches to the American border
announced that the Mexican treasury
had called upon fiscal agents through-I
out the republic to transfer available
funds to -the capital to meet the in-
creased expenses of military opera-
Vessels Prepare to D)epart
Mexican naval vessels at Vera Cruz
prepared yesterday to depart on an
i unannounced mission.

'Ensian Order Slips
For Senior Pictures
Available At Office
Arrangements have been completed
by the 'Ensian staff for taking the In-
dividual pictures of the members of
the senior class for the 1928 'Ensian.
It is urged that all thume who expect
to graduate this year buy their order
slips at the office in the Press
building and made appointments for
their sittings as soon as possible.
Before making an appointment for
the picture each senior must first go
to the business office in the Press
Ibuilding, open from 1 to 5 o'clock
every afternoon, fill out an activity
card, and pay three dollars for the
order to be photogranhen. 'One dollar
of this goes to the year book to lhe.p
pay for the engraving and printing
and the balance goes to the photo-
grapher when he delivers a satisfac-
tory picture to the 'Ensian office. The
official studios are: Dey, Spedding,
Rentschler, and Randall-Maedell. Only
prints from these studios are accept-
able. It is necessary that this work
be started immediately by every mem-
ber of the class of 1928.t




State Department Still Uncertain
Possible Effect Of Increased
Raites OnImnports


(ByAsocate Pes) anroau ro rng socx nas oeen con-
(By Associated Press) I "" I11I L'A.Id tI UI
centrated around Vera Cruz, for use
LANSING, Oct. 6.-Gov. Fred " W. of the federals in operations toward
Green today took sharp exception to Orizaba, indicating a new focal point
the inference by Leigh J. Young, do- of unrest there and disruption of traf-
posed director of conservation, that fic on the Mexican railway has been
politics might have had something to heightened by the incursion of the
do with Young's dismissal, rebel troops at Tafo Macho.
"In the first place it certainly was The fate ofGeneral Arnulfo Gomez,
not a political appointment when I chief of the rebels, since the execution
named Young, a college professor, who of Gen. Francisco Serrano, remains
was not at all implicated in politics. undetermined definitely, but all re-
In the second place, Mr. Young has ports indicated that he is still in the
had every cooperation, has never field.
been asked by me to do anything of Gen. Arnulfo Gomez and General
a political nature, and has had a free Almada, former commander of te,
aA -i-tu,,nhs fr Mexio City garrison, are rporteto.
hand to lcld 'up l conservation pro-reotdo
gramahe and tfit.Tedeartaentro- have joined forces-estimated at about
grain as he saw fit. The department 1500 men, near Terote in the state of
speaks for itself. He failed. A change Vera Cruz. Much larger forces of
was necessary. We must build. up a government troops are advancing up-
conservation department," the gover- on them. An engagement is expected
nor said. . At any moment.i
"The fact that I endeavored to in-i' Gomez, Almada Rebels Revolt
duce W. H. Loutit, of Grand Haven to ! In the public statement of the Mex-
succeed Mr. Young as director, should ican government, the Gomez and Al-
provide the final argument that there mada rebels are in revolt, although
was no politics. Mr. Loutit is a Demo- other reports indicate revolutionary
crat." movements of more or less impor-
The reorganization announced Wed- tance in half a dozen states.
nesday went into effect today. Form- Terote is not far from Jarlata,
er Director Young was gathering his from which the government employees]
belongings preparatory to moving to were evacuated to the port of Vera
Ann Arbor, where he will resume his Cruz a day or two ago.
professorship in the University.
The governor said he had hoped Di- NOGALES, Ariz., Oct. 6.-The No-
.rector Young would leave without gales Hlerald says advices tonight
foringthefac tat e hd bendis- fr om various sections of Mexico in-
forcing the fact that he had beeni dicate the revolution, instead of being
missed to the attention of the public- t ofr
hL dL1J d1U~ f~I I i11 ~~~

(j~y Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 6.-A little dis-
turbed by the Treasury's action of yes-
terday in raising certain duties on
French imports to correspond with
that country's new rate on American
products, the State department went
forward today with preparation of its
note to France seeking a basis for
negotiation of a most-favored-nation
commercial treaty.
Te deg t g accepted and even,
afirined the Treasury's explanation
that its action was routine demanded
by law, but it was not certain whether
the fact of the increased rates with1
the appearance of retaliation would'
embarrass the diplomatic negotiation."
Those drafting the .note to Paris con-
ridered also whether it should make
mention of the newest and unexpected
The assumption was that should
France' inquire into the newly raised
tariff, the Treasury's explanation
would be repeated with the added as-
surance that its action has no bearing
on the general( Paris discussion.
France's new rates became effective
Sept. 6, but the Treasury explained
today that it had not delayed com-
pliance with the tariff law which re-
quires similar changes in American
duties because of the pending diplo-
matic negotiations. The State depart-+
ment's chief reaction to the affair was
surprise that it had no advance notice
that the Treasury was to take the
course it did.
Some attcntion was also given at
the Department to a statement by As-i
sistant Secretary Lowman of the'
Treasury that American tariff policy
was one of reciprocity and that Amer-
ican duties on specific articles went
up- or down as foreign ddties went up
or down. It was said emphatically
that the American policy was one of1
equal treatment for all countries andt
that only the President or the secre-
tary of state could announce foreign7
Mr. Lowman's statement apparently+
referred, however, only to the specific'
tariff schedules under which the in-'
creases in duties on French goodsI
were made, the law requiring raising'
or lowering of duties on certaii art-j
icles when similar action is taken byI
other countries. It was in that con-
nection that yesterday's Treasury or-]
der also provided for a lowering of
duties on certain German commojities.1

(Margaret Lawler Is Elected President
Of First Year Class In
Nursnug School
Richard Moore, '283. Ad., was elet-
ed president of the senior class of the
School of Business Administration,
Charles Byce, '28P, was chosen presi-
dent of the senior pharmacy class,
and Margaret Lawler, '30N, was elect-
ed to head the first year nursing class
at the elections held yesterday after-
(This election will be held to .I
choose a new president and a
| new treasurer to displace those I
j declared ineligible by the Stu-
dent council after the election j
Today, Natural Science audi-
torium, 4 o'clock.
noon and night. The seniors in the
School of Education, scheduled to hold
their elections yesterday also, had dis-
regarded the arrangements made by'
the Student council and had already
chosen their officers.
The minor officers of the School of
Business Administration were chosen,
as follows: Vice-president, Kenneth
Church, '28B. Ad,; treasurer, Clyne
Crawford, '28 B. Ad.; and secretary,
Frank Gray, '28B. Ad.
Minor Officers Chosen
In the College of Pharriacy the
minor officers chosen were Charles
Walgreen, '28P, vice-president; Doro-
thy Campbell, '28P, secretary; and
Oliver Weinkauff, '28P, treasurer.
In the nursing school the minor of-
ficers included, besides the regular
group, three members of the nursing
council and one athletic representa-
tive. These elections were not under
the jurisdiction of the Student coun-
cil, since the nursing school held its
own elections. Those chosen to the
nursing council from the first year
nursing class were Elma Anderson,
'30N, Irene Pegler, '30N, and Eleanor
Esser, '30N. Margaret ,Schuler, '30N,
was chosen as athletic representative
and Margaret IHet, '30N, was elected
vice-president of the class. The of-
fices of secretary and treasurer com-
bined will be filled by Marvel Higgs,
These three elections conclude the
week's program as arranged by the
Student council, with the exception of
the second election of the, senior lit-
erary class which will be held at 4
o'clock today in Natural Science audi-
torium. The other officers of this
class, including Jean MKaig, '28, and
Margaret Meyer, '28, will remain as
elected since both of the women are
eligible to hold office.
Bore Electionis This Week
Of principal interest among the
elections next week will be the
choices of the junior classes of all
schools and colleges on the campus.
The schedule to be adhered to will be
the same as that followed this week
with the senior elections, with the jun-
ior engineering students, the juniors
of the dental school,, the juniors of
~the Law School, and the juniors of
the college of architecture neting on
Tuesday, the juniors of the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts on
Wednesday, and the juniors of the
School of Business Administration and
the junior pharmacists on Thursday
afternoon. Further announcement of
all times and places will be made in
The Daily.
LONDON-Dense fog enveloping the
whole of the British Isles has led to
several railroad accidents in the last
few days, 11 men being injured and
two killed.

Wayne Schroder, Treasurer-Eleet, Is
Also Ineligible To Hold
Literary Office
Action of the Student council in de-
claring Kenneth Haven, '29B.Ad, in-
eligible for the office of president of
the senior literary class was upheld
by the Senate Committee on Student
Affairs at a special meeting held last
The committee issued the following
statement after the matter of Haven's
eligibility had been referred to the
Senate Committee on Student Affairs
by President Clarence Cook Little, to
whom Haven had appealed.
No Nev Action Justifiable
"In the opinion of the Senate Com-
mittee on Student Affairs there is not
sufficient justification for a recon-
sideration of the action of the Student
council in declaring Mr. Kenneth Ha-
ven ineligible for election as president
of the senior class of the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts. At
the same time it is the opinion of the
committee that the Student council
was negligent in not stating the basis
of eligibility of candidates for such
elective offices prior to the election."
It was further declared yesterday
by officers of the Student council that
Wayne Schroder, '29B.Ad., was also
ineligible to hold office as treasurer
of the senior literary class, after it
was learned that he is also registered
in the School of Business Administra-
tion under "the combined curricula
The two offices will be filled at the
special senior litsrary class election
to be held at 4 o'clock today in Nat-
ural. Science auditorlum. -
Candidates for offices in the elec-
tion today must be students of senior
standing in the literary college;, hav-
ing at least 88 hours credit, who are
.not enrolled in any other school or
college under a combined curricula,
it was declared yesterday by the Stu-
dent council, whose officers stated
that this had been a matter of custom
in the past elections.
Both Sides Pmrsent
The action of the Senate Committee
on Student Affairs followed a meeting
at which -officers of the Student coun-
cil and Haven expressed opinions and
presented facts bearing on the' ques-
tion of his eligibility.
At its weekly meeting Wednesday
night in the Union, the council de-
clared Haven ineligible with the fol-
lowing motion: "Resolved, thatKen-
neth Haven is ineligible to holdt office
of senior class president since stu-
dents- enrolled in the combined cur-
ricula between the Colege of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts. and other
schools or colleges, aretnot eligible
for senior literary class offices." The
council held that Haven's class was
the junior class of the School of Busi-
ness Administration.
(By Associated Press)
PEKIN, Oct. .-The possibility of
Pekin's fall before Shansi province
troops increased gravely today with
news that Paotingfu, important city
about 85 miles southwest of Pekin,
had been evacuated by the Manchu-
The evacuation of Paotingfu, com-
ing on the heels of the capture of
Kalgan, north of Pekin, by the
Shansi forces, indicated that the anti-
northern leaders had won a major
Units Leaving City
The departtre of the aviation and
heavy artillery units of the Man--
churians from Pekin to Tientsin to-
day suggested the posibiity ;here
that the Manchurians may be plan-
ning evacuation of the capital.
Definite nervousness has develop-
ed that an overturn is possible.

(The Associate Press Correspond-
ent in Pekin cabled today indicating
that he was restricted by censorship
in Iekin from disclosing the full sig-
nificance of the military movementa
above mentioned. His message indi-
cated that important developments af-
fecting the fate of Pekin were immi-
Report Stirs Washington


IHenry B. Killilea, of Milwaukee, di-
rector of the Fifth District of the(
Alumni association, and, owner of the
Milwaukee baseball team of the!
American association, has announced
that definite arrangements have been
completed whereby Paul Endriss, Var-
sity cheerleader, can accompany the
football teams on all out-of-town
According to the plans, the Central
Association will furnish travelling ex-
penses, and the fifth district will pay,
out-of-town living expenses. This is
the first time that the Varsity cheer-
leader has ever had expenses for out-
of-town games.

address at that time.
Meetings of the convention
held in the convention- hall
Union during the remainder
TORONTO-One thousand
ters went on strike when the

will be
of the
of this

Contractors' association refused their


crusueu unuer scores ox rng squad
executions, is growing and spreading.
One report chronicled stiff fighting
yesterday almost within sight of thef
cap~ital when federal troops and rev- 1
olutionists clashed at Texcoco. Gov-
ernment bombing planes took a hand
in the battle, the result of which was
not given.
The Herald says four more states
today were indicated as having flaredI
up in protest against the movement to
elect former President Alvaro Obre-
gon as successor to President Calles.
The states were Coahuila, San Luis,
Potosi, and Urango, making 13 listed
as more or less aflame against the
Fernandez Reported Loose
'Phe veteran rebel leader, Nicholas
Fernandez, was reported loose in
northern Chihuahua at the head of a
nucleus of 200 well-armed and mount-
ed troops. General Zeteda and Ri-
caud were said to be leading a large
following against federal troops in
San Luis Potosi far to the south.
Summary court martial and swift
execution of enemies of the govern-'
ment continue, advices assert. In the
state of Morelos, Gen. Dizente Gonza-
lez and 13 members of the state legis-
lature faced a firing squad today.
The federal government, according
to advices received here, is martialhing
its forces, military and financial, to
meet the crisis.
Approximately 300 surgeons made
the trip to Ann Arbor from Detroit
yesterday morning, where they are at-
tending the annual convention of the
American College of Surgeons, to visit
the University hospital.
According to Dr. Carl Eberbach of

"I am personally sure that whatever I
the cause for the dismissal of Leigh
Young as state director of conserva-
tions may, have been, it was not be-
cause Mr. Young played politics,"
President Clarence Cook Little stated
yesterday when interviewed on the
question of Young's resignation. "Mr.
Young is the last person in the world
who would play politics," President
Little said.
Young can return to the University
faculty at any time, according to
President Little and Dean Samuel T.
Dana of the Forestry School. He was
only on leave, and both men expressed
pleasure at the prospects of his- re-
turn. "Though I have heard nothing
definite from Mr. Young recently,"
Dean Dana stated. "I am quite certain

of technical knowledge of the field of
conservation. "The statq administra-
tion has lost a man of very broad
scientific training withthis dismissal,
and it is to be hoped that they will
find a man to fulfill the requirements
of the office in the way that they
should be fulfilled."
When asked for his opinion as to
the cause of the resignation the Presi-
dent stated that he knew nothing of
the inner workings of the conservation
department or the state officials con-
nected with it. He re-affirmed, how-
ever, that in any case it was not be
cause Young was involved in political
machinations on his own part, since
"if anything he is the opposite type."
"We would not have let him take.
the position if we had not been sure

"It is not surprising that 'birth con- immorality of the practice cannot at-
trol has come to the front in England tempt to combat the force of economic
as it has in recent years due to the conditions."
seriousness of the unemployment situ- Further supporting his arguments,
ation there," stated Dean Hugh G. Dean Cabot said, "The question cease's
Sabot of the Medical School comment- to be one of morality but instead be-
ing upon remarks made by Sir John comes one of a consideration of the
Bland-Sutton, one 'of Britain's noted situation. When a man cannot afford
surgeons, in a speech delivered in De- to have children because of the great
troit recently before the members of economic difficulties to be encounter-
the American College of Surgeons. Sir ed, private opinions on the question
John's conclusion was that "The dis- must be put aside and he i-s forced to
astrous unemployment situation in accede to the economic force dictating
England has forced the English people - birth control as a remedy."
to adopt birth control because many "I do not profess to be either in

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