THE. MICI 1IGAN DAILY'' .111 -L THE MICHIGAN DAILY ii 1' FOkTywM I NTH NuAL lip. -x"I 1 K. a . XI If, OF season s s ;LSD Sumw r i 1927 1 Auditorium J3ENIAMINO G m ITALIAN T-E- lIt PAUL Ann. Arbor POLISH VIOLINIST -J'NUA v 1 Metropolitani Opera Coujh1iuiy 0 I six UL PERFOR CES a A " iE forty-ninth annual Choral Union Concert S eries brings to Ann Arbor a group of world re- rown.ed artists the equal of which is 'seldomn seen within such a short period of L e The series offers a wide variety of concerts by artists and organizations whose work has put them in the ,front uank of great~ performers. Each concert 'Offers the ultimate in artistry, and in entertainmnent, and assures the success of the series. GUYxM IER WALTER - and - LEE PATT DUAL IPIAN ISTI N OVE M E 10 D MR OCH -ll ivi k - CHORAL UNION CONCERT SERIES EARIL V. MOOR E, Musical Director New York Symphony Orchestra FEB U R Y1 S('11IIEDULE 0OF1VPRCES Each season ticket containis a special coup~on good for TllRPE DOLLARS when. exchanged for .a course May Festival ticket in accor'danice with a schedule to be annouinced. Tickets or'dered by sniail wil be selected in theorder' of r'eceipt nid wil be mailed out about Sep~tembe]r 20 at purehaser's risk, unless additional fee of 17c for regis! i'ation is enclosed. If 'the tickets in any bloc k become exhausted remlaining orders will be filled from t he inext following block. BLOCK "'A"-$7.00 (Patron's Tickets). All seats in Sections 2, 3 n44m (thre cen1ter sections) oni Main Floor and in Sections 7, 8 andl 9 (three center sect ions) in 'i he. l'irst. Balcony, from frost to rear incelusive, are iilclu0,,(I i'i Wha't a'e"( wi s"Ptrn i kt s." l'urchtasers of th esee seats are entitied 1t he l pri\ il-eg 'of . tli l c t o s f r t e M y F siv l p o i e h y m ee 'the y ining hu e i aw9e accordlance xvi, regulations to be- announced later. BLOCIK "1:1"-$6.00. All seats in Sections 1 and 5 on the Main Floor and ill Sections 0 and 10 in the First Balcony, fronit to rear inclusive. BLOCK "C''-$5.50. All seats in the Second Balcony. 1IFIi 'SALE Onl Monday, Septembewr 20, at 8: 30 o'clock in the morning all untisold season tLice; wil be placed on pub~lic sale at the orflice of the University :'drool of Music, Macyna'rd Street, at the above prices. Oni and after Saturday, October 1, remaining Itickets will be offered for siiurile con - certs at $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 each, at the University School of ?Music. Send remittances to Chiarles A. Sik, President. I1 JOEF SUPREME PIANIST - anld - University School of Music FE ODCR A A U4.-,d Aff:,-4- C LI API N