3UA'6CTOE ( 1927 THE MICHIGAN DTAILY' w NEW, USE FOH IODINE AS KILLER OF WORMS MAKE COMMENTS ONALUMNI GAME OF TWO SCHOOLS (By Associated Press) London Sheds Tears PRESIDENT LITTLE CAPTURES UNIQUE WHITE MICE ON At Tax Announced' SUMMER EPEDITION TO ISOLATED NOLSOE ISLAND Intrigued by the unique and hardy where cod were salted and whale served to contain them. In a week On Beloved Monocle ! attribute5of white mice which has;blubber stored, and some in the vil-'the quota of 60 had been filled with r ( oPRINCETON, N. J., Oct. 5.-Cor- (y sciated Press) island of Noloe, President I Dr. W. L. Chandler of 1 S. C. Dis-,menting on the proposed football ourneyed to the Faroe Islands closes Result of Late Experi- game between alumni of Princeton !LONDON-Behind the monocles of summer and brought back to ment in New York and Harvard, the Daily Princetonian London glisten drops of moisture. For Arhor not without a;vent ure and --states editorially that it "is moved to the word has gone out from that most lhap x3 of these island rodents CURE'S S EEPNvF WORMS ish the instigators of the alumni unsympathet of all unsympathetic biological expermentatin. gCWe all success in their undertak- o aThe pre ientprivate exped (By Asociaed Prs ig," in view of "its coniviction of de-I institutions, the taxing department of prsiel'lriae xet (13y Associated Press) ;ni iw t cnito fd~ran into dfiicultes inmost from EAST LANSING, Oct. 5.-Experi- sirability of resumption of relations the government, that those innocent start, f r the tiny village on the i ments of the past summer with the between the two universities." circles of glass and frame are going o of toisoe, inhabited only by im use of colloidal iodine have brought I)ean Fine, chairman of the Prince- be taxed. erished fishermen, literally ha to Dr. D. L. Chandler of thetfateri0 ton board of athletic conTtel, in a Th board of trade has named a hospitality to offer its distingu ogy department -f Michigan State cI- committee to decide exactly what is visitors. Very meagre living accor lege the assurance that it is possible statement this week declared that the meant by an optical instrument. It datons were finally located to successfully use his discovery min game which is scheduled to take place must determine whether the lens is much trouble and discomfort. the treatment of stomach warms in in the Yankee stadium, New York, for ,all that is to be classed as "optical,' Some of the desired mice were f r Cane condcted Oct. 30, would be without the sanction or whether the rims, mounts nd fit to live in the fields, seme in thes number of experiments in New York tizigs are to be regarded as subject to city in cooperation with Virginia or recognition of the university, a 50 per cent import duty. Polytechnic Institute and the United "Although there is no hope of en- The ordinary wearer is waiting to Dressed Beef company of that city. couragement for the project from the see what the better known monocle in this experiment, it was founti athletic officials of Harvard and users, such as Sir Austen Chamber- that if the animals swallowed nat- .thletic .lain, Britain's foreign minister, Sir urally a very weak solution of a Princeton, it is pertinent to realize the Hilton Young, Miss Heather Thatcher, small amount of the colloidal iodine editorial will say, "that the game if and a number of distinguished bar to large amounts of water, the solo- played cannot help being semi-official." tenders are going to d about it. tion reached the fourth stomach and killed the worms immediately. The [ition With grave doubts as to the profes- the sot's sanity, but evidently considering sland hin harmless, the puzzled natives set npov- drop-door traps. While a Scotch A no hostess served the president imme- ished morial English tea every afternoon, mmo- the villagers ranging in age from six after to S0, brought in the captive rodents for inspection. Fruit jars, tin cans, found tea kettles, boxes of all descriptions, sheds crocks, and even a telescope case animals were dosed as they came up for slaughter; the examination of the contents of the stomach following within a few minutes with a resultant finding of no live worms. The application of this' form of iodine as a vermicide to use in the treatment of sheep has been one of the matters of investigation on which Dr. ,Chandler and his associates have been working for several years. He feels now that the treatment has reached a point where it is practical and economical. His earlier success with colloidal iodine was in the treatment of foxes and poultry, in the case of the lat- ter, the iodine being introduced below the crop by meanw of rubber tubing. With foxes, it was first confined in a capsule. Dr. Chandler considers his discov- ery one of the most powerful disin- fectants now within the range of use. ' The weak solution used in the experi- ment with sheep is 200,000 times as powerful as a five per cent carbolic acid solution, yet-it is so harmless that it may be taken internally with- out ill effect. Use of the new iodine by mankind will be made possible, says Dr. Chan- dler, only when such use has been approved by the medical profession, some of whom are at presen experi- menting with it. State College Radio Broadcast Plans To Include Instruction (By Associated Press) EAST LANSING, Oct. 5.-Members of the Michigan State college commit- tee in charge o the educational activ- ities of iadio station KAR, the col- lege broadcasting station, are investi- gating the possibilities of extending their work to include instruction dur- ing certain short periods for such of the consolidated schools and Smith- Hughes high schools as desire it. The plant will necessitate a canvass of the schools to find whether or not the instruction is desired, it was stat- ed. The number of schools having radio receiving sets and the number offering the same sort of work will also be determined in the canvass. The greatest possibility of the pro- posed action is seen in the agricultur- al work of the Smith-Hughes school, where, assured good reception quali- ties, the teachers of the Agricultural college could talk to the classes via radio for 15 or 20 minutes every morn- ing, thus giving the students of the smaller communities the benefit of the teaching forces of the college. MACHINE CAUE OF FIRE Fire caused by a machine becom- ing ignited started Tuesday morning I in the basement of the convalescent building of the University hospital. The flames were quickly extinguished and little damage was done. O R P H E U THEATER.IYI NOW SHOWING josents- -- 0 $7-i f.' m j C p.' f l r 1 . - . ' ''Hot " I O R C H E S T R A S For Those Football Parties Mike Falk Orchestras Phione (>fhi,e lWildl & Co. 09 1Statle St. Ph olIC 9063 CORNWELL COAL - COKE Scranton, Pocahontas Kentucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas Coke This business has been growing ever since it was established. The secret- "giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you think so too, let's get together. CORNWELL COAL - COKE OFFICE, CORNWELL BLOCK Phones, Office : 451-4552 Yard Office: 5152 TICKET'"S FOR Milton C. Work The Bridge Expert Placed on Sale T OD AY AT WAHR'S Price $2.00