THE MICHIGAN DAILY TTIURS)AY, CTOBER P, G.1927 schedules. They will also tell what for their room ~audhoard~ in the home TOO FEW JOBS FOR MANY WOMEN 1 AT OHIOK STATE; FRESHMEN GET PREFERE !'NCEBY EMPLOYERS THERE Ohio State freshma'n women are not now being reorganized for the pur- ? etsnm.adestlpoenm I oing to let "papa" pay for their pose of giving a more, complete serv- her, class rank, college, andl her age education., They are going out after ice to both ernloyers and girls. will head the alpplication blank. Ap- the money themselves, and they are! Reports of emp7loyers will e a new plicants will also be required to tell going to get more of it than the girls? feature of the service. rhiese will their major studies, gradle averages, of any other class. Seventy-five per aid the students in getting future number of hours being carried, and cent of those getting jobs through employment, and will also help other- ________________ the Y. W. C. A. are freshmen, statis- employers. They will contan. the tics there show. employer's name, his address, hisE TRY )1 IS FOR RECORDERP They will do many' kinds' of work willingness or- unwillingness to recv- I this year. In fact, there seem to be omtmend the applicant. and will tell All sophomores and second p~revious experience they have had(1inl whlich I ty live. MisAlive oe and what recommendations they caln miloi1], as' siantlto 1the dean of offer. Applicants will splecify the women, is in ch~a crg(of this<< bureau, kind' of work dlesired and1( the hours -- cpen for employmnent. D)ETROIT-Tlhe Tigrs led the 1 In add~ition to this service, a self major leagues inl doubihlayst 1il~ help bureau has been established for season with 170, and( i stolen bases 1women studIents who wish to work with 138. "Whthpee p~rompt, car~ful, Zoes satisfactory work, and the attitudIe she takes to- ward the work. If an applicant: fails to take a positic.n wvhich ithe deparL- mnent offer, thc reason will be given in the employer's report. A more complete record of almli- cants willI also he !kept. The stu- retary's offico are requested to Ireport in the student office of the Union from 3' to 5 o'clocki Thursday or Friday afternoon. WV. ROGERI GRv'EENEt, I I Recording Secretary. to Phil?"' "His girl friend asked him to- return her picture but it was stuck in his album with Higgins' Paste, so she pasted him with a bottle of Eternal Ink." ------- ------ - \ 1 I that everyone desires to appear at their best at the game Saturday. If you trust your shirts to us, our laundry method& will answer your most exacting requirements. r . ~ IAL. 391 6 MOELAUNDRY a 204 North Main Street Higgins' Eternal Ink (fine for fountain pens). Both are made to last, both are made to give satisfaction. Both do ! You'll find these and other Higgins' Quality Products at your neighborhood dealer's. Ask for them by name. , Goodyear I)rug Co. Slaer BwokStore, -i tlllig0i1 1t Itllt 311t 1E111 I1iI 1190 1ilHt tiliNalI N61i lA6 t l tlltilll ItD1421i11 (A-i r 11.1 STARTING TODAY --------------- mom w loll say ' 1 AIM ago 'jin JL lqzw 1 (1OlJt tTV t ulfSt O. $rux tS . n a I :' uo-yvas te 9° 4~l~eYOU se 'K" a eY~ se~e-' icX vvic ~, M 1 J 'S sell ald yoUt jotgratest) r e'lAs ofh"' s sense S : , Ultra ~r"~' I ~~~~u tla' e U cied eia " ?eX id t} e that e p B l loc d Cree-Y g laW1 F y Tvt , 11 11i ttc3:1Y ^ Vat- . Caro 4 old Cr"ieit' 'youtllilly .] ,treey. And tTitu th in tgli inUtun in-V AkIp it f }9is a gotgeo re~ I seen -oui~t w e WouI'-1ult 1e!C7 C4Qw. VAvr ourself.vA~1at ; 01,1 to nA A NI a w eo y % 7 - - , q a t r i' t r u th e sue r , ti ' _-woo .a t weA "- .o 2 A 41; - -- la$ . s Aacia wisei, *1 ~O l e bY wl , jor o yl Y e late G~ ad / C IiO paieT ap pla di to -OIl c -,A-A d7IectOt nr-fl~ oll tal* IV ILUL I isWuehoot alvemle"c 1patrons V On Ilie Stage- A IdrnI U. V YU~W~W~ - a Added Oil the Stage- T T T T1?.7 T 41% z 1 7l T Y's 11- - I -F IN CEI I A N P 12m, 11