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October 06, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-10-06

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VoL XXXVIII, No. 14.



Emphatic disapproval of the use of home town today, while we, in Annf
miinoratoninth dbae n heAror hvetowak Ate srvngcontin uousCAy for 22ON
automobile ban in Adeiphi House of "As a matter of recorO, his state- years as model maker aud geneirai
O N misinformation in the debate on the Arbor, have to walk." IAfci seving ontnuously for 2_ RMat m bl a i dl h!osIf"AL atr o e od hs sae e r s o e a e n e ealb U f YiL~ I I
F ii U i U Si i I I Representatives Tuesday night was ment is untrue. Of the five students mechanic of the Naval ank in the
i ar i n A11Prin ro rtnot ;G11 eZ, Rel e er IRepor-ted Tken


voiced yesterday by President Clar-
OW ol 1111 I ~r ence Cook Little._

(By Associated Press)
LANSING, Oct. 5.-A reorganization
which ousts Leigh J. Young as di-
rector of conservation and installs W.
H. Loutit, of Grand Haven, as ex-
ecutive chairman and George Ho-
garth, of Ionia, as acting director was
announced today by the state conser-
vation commission. Loutit is a mem-
her of the commission. Hogarth is its
present secretary. The change be-
comes effective immediately.
The conservation commission, in ex-
ecutive session, accepted Director
Young's resignation. The reorganiza-
tion had been expected for some time.
In fact Young's resignation was plac-
ed in Governor Green's hands Sept. 19,
but was withheld from publication
while the governor sought a succes-
sor. \
Action Not Voluntary
Director Young made it plain, fol-
lowing the act of the commission, that
his resignation was not voluntary.
"My resignation was requested. The
only reason given by the governor
was that I seemed to be unable to
control the commission. I would like
to know the other causes, if any. Of
course politics is a possibility, al-~
though my guess is no better than any
one else's," Mr. Young said.
The governor and members of the
commission took the position that the
director was not properly guiding the
actions of the commission. The pres-
ent commission, appointed last Jan-
uary, has revoked many orders issued
by former commissions, has changed
its mind on some occasions after or-
ders were authorized and has other-
wise wavered in its policies, accord-
ing to those demanding the reorgan-
It was known that Director Young
was not in accord with some of the
actions of the commission. Frequent-
ly he was opposed to proposals advo-
cated by the late James Oliver Cur-
wood. He disapproved from the re-
scinding of orders prohibiting spears
on inland lakes and streams. The
fight to abolish the anti-spear regu-
lation was led by Commissioner Harry
H. Whiteley, who succeeded Commis-
sioner Curwood.
Commissioner Loutit is considered
by his colleagues as an able conser-
vationists, a two-fisted executive, and
a fearless fighter. The members of
the commission believe he will run
the depaartment.
Commission Issues Statement
Following the announcement of the
reorganization the commission issued
the following statement:
"Mr. L. J. Young, the director of the
department of conservation, having
on Sept. 19 tendered his resignation
as director to the governor of the
state of Michigan, and having been
requested by the governor to continue
as such director until the governor
was prepared to accept such resigna-
tion, Mr. Young today brought up the
subject of his resignation and re-
quested the chairman of the commis-
sion to secure the governor's accep-
tance of same effective immediately.
The chairman of the commission in
compliance with Mr. Young's request,
took the matter up with the governor,
and the governor and the chairman at
Mr. Young's request, accepted such
resignation to take effect immediately.
Thereupon, with the consent of the
governor, the chairman procured the
consent of Commissioner Loutit toact
as executive chairman until such time
as the governor should have an op-
portunity to appoint a new director.
"The resignation of Director Young,
having at his request been accepted
by the governor, upon motion of Mr.
Loutit, supported by Mr. Titus, it was
resolved that your commission wishes

to and has hereby expressed its re-
grets upon the severance of its very
pleasant relations with Mr. Young
and wishes to do and does hereby ex-
tend D-rcctor Young its thanks for his
work in behalf of the department, and
extends its very best wishes for his
future happiness and success,"
Mr. Young, who was on leave of
absence from the University of Michi-
gan, will return to his duties there.
Receion of the broadcasting of
the world series game attracted a
harge crowd to the taproom at the

President Little, yin. discus:ng the
debate, declared, "The chief oppon-
ents of the rule used a large amount
l of misinformation, and are students
who wish to drive cars, and who may
represent the student body, but prob-
ably do not. The small attendance
at the Adelphi debate, at which less
than 70 students and faculty men
were present, shows a lack of inter-
est in the question. If it were of
pressing local interest, a larger num-
ber might be expected to attend."
President Little pointed out as an
example of the inaccuracies in data
used as arguments against the ban,
the reported statement of Gerald
0. Dkystra, '30L, of Allegan. Dykstra
is reported to have said, "as a matter
of record, the last accident in the
spring, and the one which finally crys-
tallized the opinion of the Board of
Regents, was serious enough to keep
the students involved in it out ofI
1 school this semester. But that student
is driving a brand new car in his own
Dean Joseph BTrsley to Discuss Auto
Bans in This University and
In Other Schools
Four well known University of-
ficials and two soloists will be in-
cluded on the second "Michigan Night"''
radio program to be broadcast a weeki
from Friday night, Oct.d14,according
to the announcement of Waldo M.
Abbot yesterday, who is program
manager and announcer.
Included among the five speeches
will be a discussion by Joseph A.
Bursley, dean of students, on the
tendency of universities throughout
the country to ban student automo-
biles, and on the present ban at'
Dr. Albert Furstenberg, of the de-
l partment of otolaryngology, and also
I of the University hospital, will con-
tinue the series of talks on diseases
of the ear, begun on the last pro-
gram of the 1926-27 series by Dr. R.
Bishop Canfield, of the University hos-
Prof. Leo L. Sharfman, of the de-
partment of economics will speak on
a topic related to hisuparticular field
of study. Prof. Arthur Aton, of the
department of history, will be the
fourth speaker on the seon' pro-
gram and will address the radio
audience on some current topic.
On the musical side of the program,
James Hamilton, instructor in voice in
the University School of Music, will
render several solos, and Marion Stru-
bel Freeman will present four violin
As has been the case with the broad-
casting of other University programs,
the program will be relayed over the
wire from the old Adelphi room on the
fourth floor of Uniaersity hall to the
Detroit News station. WWJ.
According to Announcer Abbot, re-
quests for pamphlets containing copies
of this year's speeches given on the
various radio programs are still com-
ing in. Programs will be broadcast
every other Friday night during the
present college year.
Registrar Ira Smith; Dr. J. B. Ed-
monson, director of the Division of
University Inspection of High Schools;
and A. W. Clevenger, high school in-
spector, will attend the meeting of
the Upper Peninsula Educational as-
sociation at Ironwood this week, and
will take part in a conference with

school executives at Ironwood on
Thursday, Oct. 6. Dr. Edmonson willj
speak at a banquet of the University
alumni of the Upper Peninsula at
Ironwood on Friday, Oct. 7.
T. Hawley Tapping, secretary of the
Alumni association, declared last
night that he will be unable to attend
the meeting but that one of the mem-
bers of the Alumni association on the
Upper Peninsula will in all probabil-
ity take his. place at the convention.
Under the direction of the Build-


who survived the serious accident
mentioned, four are known to be at-
tending school this semester," de-
dared President Little.
"The debate Tuescday night is one
thing that shows that it is a good ideat
to continue the present rule," Presi-
dent Little stated.t
Manchurians Lose Cities of Taotngsu
And ialzazn to Anti-Northern
Province Troops
(By Associated Press)
PEKING, Oct. 5.-The possibility of'
Peking's fall before Shansi province
troops increased greatly today with
news that Taotingsu, important city
about 85 miles southwest of Peking,
had been evacuated by the Manchur-
The evacuation of Toatingsu, com-
ing on the heels of the capture of Kal-
zan, north of Peking, by the Shansi
forces, indicated thatathejanti-north-
ern leaders had won a major victory.;
The departure of the aviation and
heavy artillery units of the Manchur-
ians from Peking to Tintsin today
suggested the possibility here that the
Manchurians may be planning evac-
uation of the capital.
Definite nervousness has developed
and an overturn is possible.
(The Associated Press correspon-
dent cabled today indicating that he
was restricted by censorship in Pe-
king from disclosing the full signifi-
cance of the military movement above
mentioned. His message indicated
that important developments affect-
ing the fate of Peking were imminent.)
Many of Country's Foremost Surgeonsj
Among Those Who Visit Mos-
pital and Convene Here
More than four hundred surgeons'
who are in Detroit attending the an-
nual convention of the American Col-
lege of Surgeons were.in Ann Arbor'
as the guests of the University hos-
pital staff on Tuesday and Wednes-
day. Many of the foremost surgeons'
of the country are among those who
have visited here within the last two
The sessions here consisted in
clinics and speeches on many sub-
jects of medicine. The entire equip-
ment of the University hospital for,
handling operations has been in use
for the benefit of . the visitors and
many of the prominent specialists in
the various fields of medicine have ad-
dressed gatherings here.
Dr. Carl Eberbach of the University
hospital staff states that many of the
visiting surgeons have commented up-
on the excellent equipment in use
here. They have characterized the
wealth of material at hayd here in
the lines of surgical interests as be-
ing most extraordinary and unusual.
The sessions in Ann Arbor will con-
tinue today and it is expected that
three or four hundred surgeons will
be here. The meeting will be held
from 10 to 12 o'clock this morning
after which lunch will be served for
the group at the Union. Group meet-
ings are held in the aternon from
2 to 4 o'clock.

Al a r t ne 1'niAee ig U a-Ln Eee dy r O
Herman Graff died early yesterday And Executed by Adherents Of
morning at his home here.
Prof. Herbert C. Sadler, of the-
Marine engineering department, in 25 DEPUTIES EXPELLED
commenting on the death described-
Graff as "one of the finest of crafts- (By Associated PIre s)
men, a man of fine character and be- NEW YORK, Oct. 5 -The Calles
loved by those who knew him. Ser- governmentmi ilexico continued to-I
vices such as his were invaluable for day to press ruthlessly its mersure
scientific investigatons, where the for eradication of a new revolution.
highest degree of accuracy"wasessen- General Arnulfo (tone7. highest
tial to success," Professor Sadler said. survivig leader of the rebels, was
executed today in Vera Cruz state, ac-
cording to a report to the Mexican
consiflate general here, thl3 source
of which was not disclosed. Gomez'
was captured last night, his advices
D said, and swiftly paid the penalty al-
': ready exacted from his colleague, Gen.
Francisco Serrano, presidential can-
RdiSate and erstwhile intimate of Al-
varo Obregon, and a score of lesser




Department Says Action Was Routine
Matter And Did Not Involve
Section 317
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 5.-The treas-
ury took an unexpected hand in the
Franco-American tariff debate today
with the announcement that customs

While federal troops pursued the
depleted bodies of recalcitrant troops
in the field, the chamber of deputies
moved to purge the capital of those al-
leged to have given support to the
revolutionary movement. Twenty-
five deputies were expelled on the
ground that, because of affiliation
with the cause of the Gomez and Ser-
rano candidacies, they no longer were
worthy of seats in the chamber nor of
The Vera Cruz legislature expelled
five of its members for a sinilar rea-
son and ordered them put on trialfor
complicity in the rebellion.
Failure of Mexico City dispatches
quickly to confirm the capture of

# WI'eyne Scbroder, Treasurer, May Also
i Be MBinned Froin Office For
Similar Reason
After a heated session held last
night at the Union, the Student Coun-
cil, by a unanimously adopted motion,
declared Kenneth Haven, '29 B.D.,
elected yesterday to the presidency
of the senior literary class, to be in-
eligible, and the office was held to be
vacant. The action was taken as a
result of the fact that Haven is en-
rolled in the combined curriculum
leading to a degree in busines admin-
istration, and the Council held that
1 haven Declared Ineligible To Take
Office As Is Now In Business
Administration School
Seniors of the College of Literature,

collectors had been directed to impose Gomez tended to discount that report. Science, and the Arts elected their of-
on a list of French imports increases It was considered as the type of news ficers at a. meeting held yesterday af-
of duty equal to the increases fixed which would be quickly passed i ternoon in the Natural Science audi-
by France on similar American prod- through the tight censorship being torium. Though Kenneth Haven, '29
ucts on September 6. The department maintained by the government on 'all B. Ad. was chosen president from a
said its action was a routine matter avenues of communication. field of three candidates he will be un-
and did not involve Section 317 of the I.able to take the office due to the fact
tariff act, which provides for retalia- SEE FARRINGTON that he is enrolled in the combined
tory duties in case of tariff discrimin- curriculum leading to a degree in the
ation against the United States, but AS NEW LEADER I School of Business Administration.
was taken under specific provisions Robert Leland, 28, and Gordon
of the tariff schedules themselves. j FORPI-IILIPPIN c Packer, '28, were Haven's opponents
Inquiry at the state department, + for the office. Packer was eliminated
where the American reply to the lastI- on the primary ballot, and in the fi-
French tariff note still is in prepara- (ly Associated Press) nal vote between Leland and Haven.
tion, with hopes that a means of ad- HARTFORD, Conn., Oct. 5.--Wal- the latter won by 151 votes to 142.
justing the situation created by lace R. Forrington, for the past six The new election to choose a man to
French tariff discriminations might i years governor of the territory of replace the ineligible president-elect
have been found, it developed that the Hawaii, has been recommended to will be held Friday afternoon, as an-
diplomatic branch of the government President Coolidge and Secretary of I nounced elsewhere on this page.
did not know of the treasury action War Dwight W. Davis by U. S. Sen. Margaret Meyer, 28, was chosen
until after public announcement had Hiram Bingham to succeed the late vice-president from a field of five
been jnade.. What effect the treas- Gen. Leonard Wood as governor-gen- candidates, and Jean McKaig, '28, was
E ry's course may have upon the dip- eral of the Philippines, Senator Bing- elected secretary of the class. Only
lomatic negotiations no official cared ham said tonight in an interview to be ocndidates were nominated for
to say. published in the Hartford Courant to- s c.
objects Are Taxed moboihed ing. fIn the four-cornered race for the
rfhe articles upoin which the in- morirow morning. treasurership, involving Fred Fuller,
The recommendation to the Presi- ',ales K p2 ay Schror,
crease of duty is ordered by treas- dent was made when the Connecticut '28, and Harold Tiffany '28, Kna
ury instructions, are automobiles and senator visited at the Summer White, and Schpodep suvved the prehmin
bicycles and their parts, paper board House in South Dakota on his return ary ballot though Schroder was victor
ail other cardboard products, brick from a trip to the Orient. finally by a majority of 97 votes out
acetate and several other related of 255 cast. It is possible that
chemicals and cements. N ickets Issued Schroder also, however, will be de-
Pending an adjustment with FranceNlared ieligible by the Student coun-
state department communications to For M. S. C. Game To cil before the second election to be
that government have called attention held Friday afternoon, though it was
to section 317 of the tariff act which iEase Seating Cowd impossible to determine his class.and
topertmits 17 ofhesd trif amcts whi (college last night.
perits the president to impose du- New football tickets, innovated to The eligibility of the women stu-
of discrimination against the United fall into the ceremonious change that dents elected to senior class offices
States, or in the event of continued follows the shift of the Wolverines will also be investigated before the
discrimination to embargo importa- from Ferry field to the new Michigan Friday election, and those who are in-
tions altogether. stadium, have been introduced for eligible will be automatically removed
The action of the treasury depart- this year by the Athletic association, and a successor elected.
ment has no connection with this sec- with the first block issued for theI
tion of the tariff act, and there was a game with Michigan State Saturday. BEAUTIFUL BLACK I
diseposition among administration of- The new pasteboards, green faced ! AND WHITE KITTY
ficers to regard the language of the 1 in color for the first issue, are illus-I I SPECTS CAMPUS
specific paragraph of the law as man- trative of the University name, with a N E T
datory on the treasury. large Wolverine planted in the center.-
Jardine Discusses Tariff The section and seat designations, as (By Kernel)
Secretary Jardine joined, the tariff well as the gate entrance and other The whole atmosphere of the Uni-
discussion today to make clear that essentials, are recorded on the front versity has changed! It happened at
certain American quarantine regula- side, with the white back devoted to 12:02 this morning in the flickering
tions mentioned by France in her note an outline plan of the stadium, by shadows of Hill auditorium when a
to the state department as effecting means of which the seats may be ho- new and potent resident was sighted
,_._ ,,....1- .,-- "..1.1, -- +t.,1 atAi (dIn the han C id Also ig -it was a beautiful beast with f~i


precedent prevents the participation of
such students in the senior literary
class elections.
The exact text of the motion, as
adopted by the Council, follows: "Re-
solved that Keupmeth Haven is inelig-
ible to hold office of senior class
p~residenit since students enrolled in
the combined curicula between the
(Due to the ineligibility of the
president-elect a new election
will be held in the senior 1
class of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts. At
C this election a president and
such other officers as may by
that time be declared ineligible
will be chosen.)
Friday Afternoon
Natural Science Auditorium ..
4:00 o'clock
College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts are not eligible for senior lit-
erary class offices."
Class Has Right to Elect.
The motion was adopted only after
investigation with the issue involved
being first the question of Havens
class and then whether or not the
junior class of the business adminis-
tration school, of which the ineligible
president is also a member, is given
an opportunity to elect its own of-
ficers. It was found by the Council
that the junior class had held its own
election last fall, and that according
to the Council schedule of elections
Haven's class in the School of Busi-
ness Administration has been assig-
ned the date of Thursday, Oct. 13 for
its election this year,
This date was assigned more than a
week ago, it was pointed out by the
Council members, and was announced
in The Daily on Thursday, Sept. 29.
In view of this fact it was decided
by the Council that to allow partici-
pation to these students in the elec-
tions of the senior literary class would
be in effect to give them a double
In the second place it was decided
that since students enrolled in the
combined curricula of other schools
and colleges 'on the campus, including
the first year medical, law, and dental
classes, are not allowed by-precendent
to participate in sehior literary class
elections, it would be unfair to al-
low students occupying the same
status in the School of Business Ad-
ministration to participate. The
Council held that the only proper
class in which Haven can participate
is obviously the junior class of the
School of business administration.
To Hold Another Election.
Following the action removing
Haven the Student council decided
that another election to choose his
successor is the only fair course. It
was decided that this special election
should be held at 4 o'clock on Friday
of this week. It will be held in
Natural Science auditorium.
It was also decided that before the
second election the eligibility of the
other men and women chosen yester-
day afternoon would also be investi-
gated, and though it is possible that
Wayne Schroeder, '28, elected a
treasurer, will also be declared ineli-
gible on the same grounds, no defin-
ite information upon which to base
this action could be secured by the
Student council last night.
Only two other questions confront-
ed the Council at its meeting; the first
involving the nroblem as to whether
or not the resolution adopted at the
last meeting of the body in regard to
the automobile regulations should be
submitted to the Regents or not. After
only a short discussion it was decided
to refer the matter to the- committee
previously appointed. The other ques-
tion, as to whether or not members of
the football squad should be allowed
to cast ballots by proxy in the class
elections, due to their inability to be

present, was left without decision
when a motion to the effect was laid
on the table.
Reports were heard from the com-
mittees appointed to run the class
games and the pep meetings as well,
and arrangements for both are in
CHICAGO.--Top prices for world
series' tickets will be $6.00 exclusive
of war tax, according to Judge Landis.
I Working until mid-night last
night, the Athletic associaton
completed the task of mamilno f


her commerce were -solely for the cae n e1 aULDU s CSe, , s1
purpose of preventing the introduc- printed the warning against specula-
tion of foreign diseases into this coun- tors, and that to students against
try. transfer.

Prof. J. S. Reeves of the political Those members who represent the the advisory committee for women
various colleges on the campus are students, and Dean Bursley, whoj
science department has accepted a re- called in to attend the meetings only is chairman of the body, are also mem-
appointment to the University Com- when the member of the student body bers of the committee as is the presi-
mittee on Discipline. His acceptance to be examined is from that schoo dent of the Student council, Court-
completes the personnel of the com- r itmembers of two schools are in- land C. Smith, '28, and Elizabeth C.{
mttee for the ensuing year. Prof. volved, the two representatives from Nutt, '28 president of the Women's
Peter Field of the mathematics depart- those colleges meet with the three league.. Smith is permitted to ap-
ment in the engineering college, and members appointed from the Univer- point two additional members of the
Prof. H. F. Goodrich of the Law sity Senate. student council to appear at meetings
School, make up the remainder of the Deals With Certain Cases. of the committee. Smith has appoint-
list of members appointed from the The University Committee on Disci- ed Charles S. Gibert, '28, and John
University Senate. phine determines the action to be T. Snodgrass, '28. Miss Nutt is priv-

I4-Lt, WUZ) A, UJ'.ULU t OCU6L VYII ur
both black and white, with the white
fur stretched between two patches of
black fur from its neck to its tail.
Women students might have cried
for a piece of its fur-but they would
not have molested it last night. No
crowd gathered to view the curiosity,
and though speculation was rife as to
its mission, several of the more astute
witnesses were of the opinion that the
new arrival is a night enforcement
officer for the automobile ban.
(The beast was a mephitis-mephitis.)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 5.-A telegram
of condolence was sent today by Sec-
retary Wilbur to Edward F. Schlee, one
of the round-the-world flyers, who
collapsed last night after a day of
celebration at Detroit, where his
townspeople gave him a friendly wel-
come. Secretary Wilbur praised the
courage of Schlee and his companion,
William S. Brock, in undertaking the


In addition to this group, who taken in those cases which are re-
serve for three-year terms, there is a ferred to them, either because of the
member of the committee from all specific nature, or because of a gen-
of the major colleges on the campus. eral policy already established. This
IProf. M. P. Tilley of the English de- commttee is concerned primarily with
partment, is the representative from requring discipline of individual stu-
the literary college; Prof. Burke dents.
Shartel is from the Law School; Prof. The personnel of the Commiitte on

ieged to appoint one member froni
the Women's league.
No Voice in Atl.letics.
The Senate Committee on Student
affairs has charge of all student activ-
ities except those involving athletics.
This means that it determines many of
the major policies adopted on the



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