GE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICH~vaiG .aN Dt.4 AILY 6. Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Associ ition. The Associated Press is exclusively en- ttiled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-j master General. Suscription by carrier, $4,oo; by mail, $450" Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street.,: Editorial, 425; Business 21214. EITORIAL STAFFE Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ' .JO H. CHAMBERLIN Editor.....................Ellis B. Merry Staff Editor...............Philip C. Brooks City Editor.............Courtland C. Smith Editor Michigan Weekly..Charles E. Behymer Women's Editor...........Marian L. Welles Sports Editor............Herbert E. Vedder Theater,, Books and Music,.Vincent C. Wall, Jr. Telegraph Editor.............Ross W. Ross Assistant City Editor.....Richard C. Kurvink Night Editors Robert E_ Fincl G. Thomas McKean J. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr. Milton Kirshbaumn Reporters Margaret Arthur Charles R. Kaufman Alexander N. Donald J. Kline Bochnowski Sally Knox Emmons A. Bonfield Jack L. bait, Jr. Stratton Buck 'Richard H. Milroy Jean Campbell Charles S.M onroe Jessie Church Catherine. Price Sydney M. Cowan Mary E. Ptolemy William B. Davis Harold L. Passman William C. Davis Morris W. Quinn Mason de la Vergne Pierce Rosenberg Orville L. Dowzer David Scheyer. 1 Clarence N. Edelson Robert G. Silbar % Margaret Gross ]Iow'ard F. Simon Edith V. Egeland George E. Simons Marjorie Follmer Alfred L. Singer James B. Freeman Sylvia 'Stonel Robert J. Gessner George Tilley Milton L. Goldstein Edward L. Warner, Jr. Elaine 1. Gruber Leo gJYocdickL Joseph B. Ho~vell Joseph Zwerdling j I 1 t 7 7 ]BUSINESS STAFF telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER WILIJAM C. PUSCH Assistant Manager.... George H. Annable, Jr. Advertising..............Iichard A. Meyer Advertising...............Arthur M. Hinkley Advertising ....Edward L. Hulse Advertising............John' W. Rtswinckel Accounts... ....... Raymond Wachter Circulation............Gorge B. Ahn, Jr. Publication..................Harvey Talcott Assistants Fred Babcock George Bradley James 0. Brawn James B. Cooper Charles K. ( orrell Bessie U. Egeland Ben -1^ishmn~ Katherine'Frochne Douglass Fuller Herbert Go lberg Carl W. Ha Ray Hotelich Marsden R. Hubbard Hal A. Jaehnt Jaines Jordan Marion Kerr Thales N. Lenington WV. A. Mabaffy George M. Perrett Alex K. Scherer William L. Schloss 11erbert E. Varnum i I / I WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER -5,-197- Night Editor-G. THOMAS MCKEAN THE PLAYS Of the many varieties .of campus activities >which deserve commenda- tion for a high order of achievement, few are more worthy or more deserv- ing of this praise than the plays given in the Mimes theater throughout the year. If the Mimes organization has miade a name for itself with the the annual Union opera, it is also build- ing an impressive record in the line of legitimate plays presented on the campus. Ann Arbor is not large enough tol secure regularly professional com- panies of high dramatic ability to pre- sent the modern products of the metropolitan stage. On the other hand, however, the community has on its campus actors of at least com- parable ability to the best on the pro- fessional stage, and the combination of these two facts has given the Uni- versity some of the finest under- graduate dramatic productions to be found anywhere in the country. "Anna Christie," "To the Ladies," !"R. U. R." and others last year set a standard hard to approach, and the opening performance of the pres- ent season, "The Bad Man," is of the same . high quality. Mimes has rendered a distinct service to the Uni- yersity through these productions. 3AEXICO COMES TO LIFE The present revolution in Mexido Is of immense significance. Not that the uprising is serious in any sense, or that it threatens the stability of the Mexican government, but because it shows, by its very weakness, the growing regard for law and order which that republic is gaining. 'Ten years ago, or five, or even two years ago the revolt of federal troops, In the federal garrison at Mexico City would have been of grave consequence, and would perhaps have meant the downfall of the existing government.' Now, however, with Calles at the helni, th3 uprising means nothing more than a probable skirmish or two, the court-martial of the rebellious of-' ficers, and the disarming of the re- bellious troops.' That Calles has accomplished ans Immense amount toward the stabiliz- ing of Mexico can not be denied. That' he has accomplished these things in the face of tremendous difficulties isE is a tremendous tribute to the govern ment of Calles. Its weakness prove that the Calles government is firm an sound, and the rest of the worl nee'ds no proof to realize that th present president of Mexico, Plutarc Calles, is one of the few great leader which that nation has produced. COTNGRATILATIONS Announcement that Commande Richard E. Byrd will appear in An Arbor on the Oratorical lecture serie again this year, in view of his recen Atlantic achievement for which h was accorded world-wide a'cclamation is a distinct triumph for the official in charge of this year's program. Negotiations have been underway for two weeks but it was not unti the first of this week that the noted explorer-scientist definitely consented to appear here. His subject this year "The Atlantic and Other Flights' should prove to be as interesting as it is timely. A PROMISE Out of the wreck and. the suffering which the floods of the Mississippi river caused, there have come many promises, many plans for the future, and many forecastings that tell of the ,. . removal of any prospects of another such national catastrophe. But all of these have been general; they have been in the nature of moans when the damnage was already done. President C6olIdge, speaking before the annual meeting of the American Red Cross at Washingtofi a few days ago, injected a new note into what 'therwis seemed a long dismal propo- sition. "'We proose," he said, "to solve the problem of flood control so that such a situation may never again have to be met." Out of the afflictions and suffering caused by the flood, Mr. C6olidge believes, new lessons of sani- taton and health have been learned, so that to some degre the catastrophe was a blessing in disguise. It is wis 'that the President takes upon himself the statement of a stand Ike this. In allowing such a catas- trophe to occur' the country was negligent. But in delaying precau- tions against another such catastro- phe, the country .would be criminal. The sooner such work i. begun and finished; 'the lietter will be the' stabil- ity 'of'thd southern part of the coun- try, ald the sfer will be our pros- parity as a whole. LOOKING IY 'TCVEN FUTURE Soemtimes when men cease their work long enough to bause and pre- dict that the world may look forward to a happier future, it is for the effect they create, or mere optimism; but when several men point the general business outlook for 1927 as being "exceedingly bright" their predicitons are, perhaps, to be taken seriously. The latest of these is Harvey R. Young, of Columbus, president of the International 'Association of News- paper Advertising) Executives. Not long ago Bartley J. Doyle, president of the Keystone Publishing Co. and prominent Philadelphia business man saw things in the same light. Numer- ous others who are in a position to speak authoritatively, have forecast the same conditions. One of the reasons, and one of the biggest reasons why these predictions may be taken seriously, is the fact that crops throughout the country are ex- pected to be generally excellent for the first time in several years. When the farmer is prosperous, business usually looks after itself. 1IGl SCHOOL PRACTICE Although the theory is coming into common usage, the practice of ad- vancement and unification in second- ary educatioii is still in a state of chaos, according to the essence of a report issued recently by the Bureau of Education in Washington. The re- port further stltes that the changes in the secondary process involving the junior high school idea and the stand- ardizing of curricula have contributed much to present conditions. Enthus- iasm over the future, however, is not lacking, and investigators are espe- cially gratilled at the efforts being made by leaders in the field every- where. That confusion is existent is easily perceived from looking around the educational plants of any average city, where the paramount features seem to. be the erection of new buildings, the instituting of new systems, and the effort to prepare students against the entrance requirements of the several classes of universities and technical schools. The function of government, the speedily-moving new sciences, and educational psychology are all finding their part in a modern high school education as compared to their utter absence in days gone by. But the average observer sees this chaos as a healthy thing, such as that attendant upon the early days of any enterprise. In it there is little at OASTE ILL ,BETTER Another pledge Sunday has passed into history and a new crop of gig- gling, bubbling coeds are sporting the little emblems that proclaim tempo- rary acceptance into the sisterhood. * * * In the good, not-so-old days, when automobiles were legal tender, the curious college student had an op- portunity to cover enough territory to give him a fairly representative idea of the sorority batting average for the just-ended rushing season. * * * WELCOME, HONEY! '7 .- . Susan Squiffle, '31, coed extraordi- nary, is welcomed into the open arms of Phi Phi. * But now, all is changed. Discount- ing the "exceptional and extraordi- nary" cases, the poor students have been banned from their collegiate privilege. Superhuman efforts alone can enable them to make the rounds of more than two or three houses while the welcoming ceremonies are in process. * * * In justice tothese unfortunates, we hereby offer our suggestions for a bigger and better pledge Sunday. * * * The essentials of our plan is that all pledging must be done strictly ac- cording to a schedule, made out by the Women's League. Pledging will begin early in the morning and will continue until all the girls have been received. * * * At its allotted time, each sorority must have its successful rushees as- sembled at a point at least one block from the house. At a given signal, the girls will march ,slowly to the house, where they will be welcomed according to the old, established cus- toms. Success of the plan depends largely on the schedule. The time for each house should be so arranged that spectatdrs will have to move a mini- mum distance to make the rounds. Enough time must also be given so they will have sufficient opportunity1 to move from house to house without missing any of the proceedings. 1 * * * A committee of representative men could be appointed to give each soror- ity an appropriate rating. A list of such ratings, kept at the Union and each fraternity house, would be a valuable assistance in obtaining a Michigan education. * * ,* Each sorority could issue programs, bearing the names and photographs of the new pledges, also their present(f residences and phone numbers. Such souvenirs could do little harm, and might aid the sororities niaterially i increasing their popularity on the campus.l THIS AFTrERNOON: Tlhe Organ re- cihal i 1Hill auditorimt at 4:15 o'clock. TONI IIT: The Mimes present "The Bad Man" in their theater at S:30 o'clock. * * * "ThE BAD MAIN" A review, by 'I. Leslie A skren. "Destiny to beat Hell"-perhaps, but "The Bad Man" certainly is won- derful melodrama too. Made up of the familiar mortgage, the eternal tri- angle, bandits, six-shooters and Cod- fish, the plots ticks along with the bland smoothness of perfect theater, and unless inhibitions against hokum' bother, furnishes wonderful entertain-, ment. The cast, with the exception of one tragic mistake, was excellently chos- en. Frances Johnson as "Lucia" stands out as much in her acting as a New Yorker would in Mexican sur- roundings. But Lyman Crane playing opposite is not quite an adequate foil. A trifle self-conscious, he suggests that perhaps this play-acting is not so important after all. Kleutgen gave an unusually powerful performance, his control always hinting at reserve power. But the mistake was Mary Louise Murray. She is no "Angela Hardy," and it was wasted talent to try to make her so. But the delight- ful "Red Giddings" saved the day, for Thomas Dougall very nearly stole the show with his slouch and drawl. If he had chewed tobacco he would have been perfect. Charles Livingston as "The Bad Man" was too good to die, and it is only right that he should have tinker- ed with God (fate) to make every- thing come out right in the end. His Spanish was a delight to the ear, and his philosophy, the most seductive thing since Greta Garbo. But his acting carried every bit of the dash and verve that the role demanded, and was a marvel of sustained emotion. The direction was adequate, and had it not been for "Blue Monday" coming on Tuesday the first act would have moved with greater speed than it did; but as it is, it "made no never minds" for the shooting soon kicked the action along into a terrible hurry. But besides being wonderful enter- tainment, "The Bad Man" was a color- ful show as the rainbow in which the beautiful Angela moved about it proves. If they all come like that in Texas, why-"Go West, young man, go West!" y I I THEATER B 0 0 K S m u S MU I& SIC ...................................................... r.. " x.u. x..u. .: ".. .rr r.. i.. u xis.e. ai r Our RY. Must be acknowledged. Come in for yourself and see how those who know the quality of our fountain service make calling at Crippen's a habit. Our malted milks, sodas and sundaes are made of only the purest products. There is always time to enjoy our fountain, service between classes or on your way home. 'Week Beginning, Monday, Oct. 3 Bonstelle Playhouse "THE POOR NUT" By J. C. and Elliott Nugent ICI S: 13a:. 5 1.0(:;Orelt., X1.00, $1.50 Mats.: Tues., Thurs., an~d Sat., 50c, 75c. Look Here! Rain Water Shampoo Finger Waving Marcelling Hair Dyeing Oil Treatment and Haircutting CAYER SHOPPE 406 E. LIBERTY Dial 9471 THE SCHULTZ GROCERY I CAMPUS CHATTERINGS I "At last I've found a way to distinguish the Freshmen wom- en," declalred Percipal Squirt, the perfect Freshman. "They're the ones that wear the little, tight hats." * * * A CHANGE OF POLICY In order to give the other folks who write for this page a chance to really spread themselves, and to give the campus a little more rest from our eternal blatherings about the injustice of things, we have decided upon a slight change of policy. * * * Hereafter, or for a time at least, Rolls will not appear every day. The exact details of the new arrangement have not as yet been decided, but the number of appearances of our efforts will be cut to from three to four a week. * * * So if you are not one of our satisfied customers now in our line of No. 1 fruits and vegetables, let us hope you will become one. Give us a trial and our hopes have been achieved. Wholesale and Retail 4 ] 1 > I I Hope Is the Dream * * * TIME METROPOLITAN PLANS Musical America always evinces widespread interest in the plans of tie Metropolitan Opera company-in its revivals and novelty operas, the new divas who are rising from the ranks and the foreign importations for the new roles. This year the first week's repertoire will not be an- nounced until Gatti-Casazza's return from abroad early in the month. The opening date is set for Oct. 31, and last year we were given to understand that Rosa Ponselle and Martinelli were to do Bellini's "Norma" for a premiere. However, the novelties for the season include "Violanta," an opera in one act, libretto by Hans Mueller and music by Erich Wolfgang Korngold, in German; "Madonna Im- peria," opera in one act, libretto by Rossato, music by Franco Alfano, in Italian; and "La Rondine," opera in three acts, libretto by Guiseppe Adami, music by Giacomo Puccini. There will also be revivals of "Manon Les- caut," * "Carmen," "Le Coq d'Or," "Hansel and Gretel" and some others. But of course this is all up in the air until Papa Kahn and Signor Cassaza put their heads together: -E. G. M. * * * We also specialize in Norris and Gilbert chocolates. They make an ideal gift. McFadden's life was a series of ups and downs-with a hod on his shoulder. But the way he worked to the top of the social ladder is a story without __I PEN One of the Greatest Comedies of the Year TOMORROW Edna Murray in A Store in Every Shopping Cen trf "ROSE OF THE BOWERY" 723 N. University 207 S. Main 217 N. Main Subscribe to -1100 Broadway / THE WEEKLY - t- - - " .................~uw u ". "." ... J.Y. ........- A Special Display The FLORSHEIU.IM SHOE Coffee Nothing sold or bought in Ann Arbor tnat is any better. J. W. Special in five pound lots or more, per pound4 . . . . 40c . -'V s1r ,.< h _". -.,, " " " f " '/ , . r i,,sY i i E GIGLI IN DETROIT Beniamino Gigli, who appears in Ann Abor this Friday night will also present a recital in Orchestra hall next Tuesday evening. Whoever is managing the concert must be rather optimistic about his temperament, for it will be remembered that the last r - "' ,' :,-> i We sincerely hope there will be no tme he was to appear in tnat city, he refused point blank to appear on the great disappointments over the disap. oerte plor becasea o toe pearance of two or three Rolls col ncert platform because of some atnns a-week. Buie on the other han Black Hand letters from the Fascisti miisawe.Bt.nteohr md oa-rsmtig ieta.Aya too elaborate commendations will not local-or something like that. Anyway be welcomed. you all should go hear him in Ann Arbor Friday night; he is liable to do something like that almost any- One of the results of the change time; and his program as announced will be the increased opportunity for] Sunday is splendid, and Gigli always others to display their own ideas as manages to entertain somehow-even to what's wrong with this place, via when he isn't singing. the medium of our next-door neigh- .* * * bor, CampusOpinion. Hitherto, many H I. Sothern will open the first of these have had to be withheld due week in November in "General John ,I ., ,! . i Ra R ' a. " " " e : w A s/ y 'rauM ,':. to __.. .. y z Ct i ..! Wed., Thurs., Friday Iv I I i