WEDN DAY, OOTOBR 5 ,1927. THE MICHIGAN DAILY i .f li L' Al:l.i i u GTWL\LO R REPRESENTATIVES OF SIXTY NATIONS, I CONCERNS OPEN CONVENTION (13y Xsocatd"Such subjects," the official Amer-o WU~f( XASHINGTON-Representatives of ican platform states, "deal with thes about sixty nations and delegates government's concern for the protec-n N from fifty independent wireless oper- tion of the public interests; for pre- ating concerns covering the world, vni~ ici iain a o g ues OF NORTHERN REGINvnigdiciiainamnBsr;- convene in Washington yesterdayo secrecy of messages; avoidance of in-i amend and bring up to eaterday I- terference; the government's obliga-t amen an brig u todatetheIn-tion with respect to the safety of hu- ENTIRE NO RH AMERICAN MAP ternational Radiotelegraphic conven- man life and to marine and aerial hAS BEEN CHANGED jBY tion signed in London at the last con- navigation, and related subjects." EXP"LORATIONS grass in 1912. i EXLA_ N It is the aim of the parley to stand- But in most of the countries attend-v ardize the administration of radio ing the conference all wireless con-I MOUNTANRANuE FOUND cmdiati mnst ration adiu cerns are either actually operated by communications, tbe iternational s- the governments or are subject tol Putnam Expedition Discovers Traces ommiictinterational wirelssa strict governmental control. The nat-v Of Ancient Inhabitants Of Baffin shore stations, both by radio tele- Uraltendency in their case is towards o Bay Country graphy and telephony. Attempts will inclusion the proposed convention of lauesdeangwith economic and Prof. L. M. Gould, who has been be made to allocate frequencies, keep- technical principles and methods ofv ing in mind the increased use of wire- operation. In such a field under the with the, Putnam Baffin Bay expedi- less for international communications oeain nsc il ne h tion tohthe Arctic, will ,return to Ann since 1912. American prinieple of allowing a Arbor at the end of this week, accord- The discussions will cover all radio maximum of competition and becauseo ing to a telegram sent to Prof. E. C. services including commercial, press, of constitutional restrictions againsto Case yesterday. Prpfesosr ,Gould has interference in private institutions,! spent the entire summer with the ex- governmental, amateur, experimental, the American government is power- pedition. He acted as chief geograph- tress. less to terfere. er and assistant director of the party Attempts will be made, by some Eu- The principal struggle of the con- which set out to explore Baffin island ropean powers at least, to combine ference is therefore seen, by experts which has not been visited by a white the international Radiotelegraphic here, as likely to center about the in- man since 1731 when Luke Foxe made convention with the existing Interna- clusion in the convention of clauses the original explorations. I tional Telegraphic convention, to affecting the technical running of the The geographical unit has taken which, however, the United States is radio concerns. 5,000 square miles off the map of the not a member, with a view to co-ord- The American delegation proposes west coast of Baffin island, according inaiing all international communica- that the countries participating con- to reports. The entire map of North tion. elude a convention binding upon the America has been changed by the ex- In the course of the conference, governments themselves merely in plorations and, a new range of mofln- which will last until about November matters relating to national policies. tains has been discovered. 17, the greatest difficulties forseen Representatives of the various inter- The party, ender the direction of ara those relating to the method of national radio companies reach George Palmer Putnam, publisher' ? approach of the various problems con- among themselves an understanding ild from 'New York early, in June fronting delegates and to the organ- regarding the actual management of aboard the Morrissey, captained by ization of the conference itself. , international radio communications. Robert E. Bartlett of Arctic fame. Col- The United Sta; es is spokesman for Under such a system, the Americans lections of the flora and fauna of Baf- a group of nations expected to be hold, it would be easier for the radio fin island were gathered while in the greatly in the minority, which desires industry to keep abreast of improve- north and a study a1 the life and col- to limit the scope of the convention ments without being hampered by an ture of the inhabitants of the' region strictly to subjects "which concern international treaty. difficult to alter. were made. Aucient houses of a hith- sovereign governments as govern- Reallocation of votes in the conven- erto unknown people, called the Tun- ments, and not as communicating tion may also furnish lively debates. nic, were excavated and many van- agencies, and which are therefore At London in 1912 the rule was estab- able specimens were found. These suitl'able for inclusion in a formal lished th t countries would have, in people lived in the Arctic before the covenant between sovereign states. addition to an initial vote, as many Eskimos. Professor Gould is on his way to Ann Arbor by way of New York, ac- cording to the telegram received. Ie hopes to arrive here by they end of this week. ELEGATES FRO FIFTY RADIO home delegation, is expected to be !N WIRELESS AFFAIRS AT W ASHINGTON elected chairman of the conference. Other American delegates are Stephen others as were the colonies or plOSes- I ly hus pit i a claim for two more B. Davis of the National Utilities as- sions they controlled, with a 'axi- vot('s for the colonies of Tripolitania;as- mum of six votes for any one nat ion. and Cyrenaica which she acquired and Smith of South Carolina; Repre- Accordingly the United Stat es, Great since 1912. sentative White of Maine; Rear Ad- Britain, France and Germany were al- The Irish Free State has been in. miral W. H. G. Bullard, Chairman of lowed six votes (':Oc. Jl51a)an obtained vited to the conference and is also the federal radio commission; and two votes and Italy three. understood to demand a vote. The , William R. Castle, Jr., Assistant See- The world war and subsfouent up- other British dominions have votes in- retary of State. Many experts from heavals have re-arranged the world eluded in the British six and the ques- the army, navy and commerce depart- in such a fashion that the London tion facing the conference is whethermrnts will be at hand to advise on voting strengths will have to be at to allow the Irish application and least partially rearranged. Germany thereby constitute a possible Biitish technical matters. lost all her possessions, therefore aj- block of seven votes. It has been sug- The American indepenrtent radio parently is entitled now only to one gested that Great Britain relinquish concerns which so far have expressed vote. She claims this classification is Ithe vote for India and substitute that their intention of sending representa- obviously unfair since her worl im- of the Irish Free State. tives to the conference include the All portance warrants great(r voting The Russian votes will be absent America Cables; the American Radio strength than Portugal, for instane., owing to the fact that the Soviet which has two votes or Albania. with Union was not .invited to participate Relay league; the American Railway one vote. in the conference because its govern- association; the American Telephone Japan asserts that she became rec- nm'ent has not been recognized by and Telegraph company; and the ognized during and after the war as Washington. For the same reasons Chamber of (ommerce of the United one of the great world powers and is Ecuador will not be present. States. reported as (iemamlng six votes. Seeretary Hoover of the Commerce Among representatives of foreig' Illinois Will Unveil Statue By Graduate ILLINOIS. - An undergraduate dream of America's foremost sculptor will soon be realized " when Lorado Taft's bronze group "Alma Mater" is unveiled on the university campus. The ideal of his alma mater, the Uni- versity of Illinois, ad represented by a group of classic figures, was first conceived by Taft 40 years ago, on his graduation from the University. It was not until 1922 that Taft crysta- lized his idea in clay. The groupthat was placed before the students and alumni at Com- mencement consisted of three figures. The central 'typefying Alma Mater is of a woman clad in collegiate robes and wearing the bay leaf crown of achievement on her head. Behind this figure is a chair and on either side are male figures emblematic of La- bor and Learning-clasping hands. So pleased were the students and alumni with Mr. Taft's work that prepara- tions were made immediately for the raising of funds to recast the group in bronze. This has been carried out and the mounting of the statuary is near at hand. FAMOUS CHEMIST DIES IN SWEDEN Dr. Svente Arrhenius, professor of chemistry in the Stockholm university and winner of the Nobel prize for chemistry in 1903, died in Stockholm Saturday. He was 63 years old. Arr- henius first formulated the law of electrolytic associations of salts in solution. He was an author of text books on electro-chemistry and is well known in American scientific circles. He has a son who also has gained a repu- tation in chemistry. In addition to being a chemist Arrhenius was an au- thority on astronomy. r~f- ®. 1 r* acquainted .wi/A your- Malke an earl y appointment PHOTOGRAPHER for P RESERVE forever the cherished memo- ries of the golden days that vanish all toosoon.Your Photograph painted by us NOW ... Will link Today with Tomorrow. a sitting Phone 4434 619 E. Liberty St. t H010 G PHS Come On Boys!! Here's the Sale You Have Been Waiting For! ALBERT FIEGEL buys the J. F. Wuerth Clothing Store, on Main Street, and Wednesday at 9 o'clock will start one of the biggest °sales Ann Arbor has ever experienced in years. $50,000 STOCK to be placed on sale for quick disposal. All new Fall merchandise, suits, overcoats, and all the newest furnishings. This will be your opportunity to buy seasons supply and save handsomely. i____ rgn. ei Will rne~c--u iu I I G I 1 .' i I ' i 'This sale will continue for sixteen days. the business with new and complete stock. Mr. t iegel will then continue .Better You know we carry Fashion Park and Adler Rochester c1othing~ I' ~ ~ w /4 You know we carry Fashion Park and Adler Rochester clothing. .