irrWrlf+n l rr rwi+rw w
Vol. XXXVIII, No. 14.
Plans for the opening of the cheer-I
ing section which will function at the
IT flhIIE Ohio State, the Minnesota, and theI
LNavy games, are proceeding, accord-
iL tU v a, uncmnt b Char
Affirmative Wins Debate by Narrow
Margin of Four Votes Over
Negative Team
11g LO alln HONno tI uy 1Utz
B. Gilbert, '28. The tickets have been
allotted so that a huge "M" will be
formed and the proper outlines in
yellow and blue will show from the
The committee in charge of the
cheering section is making plans for
special features with colored cards
and other such novelties. Special
cheer leaders will be stationed in
front of the immediate seats allotted
to the cheering section.
The old contention of the students, No student will be allowed in the
that their personal liberty is being vio- cheering section if he does not wear
at b therursoalig yths boangrdiofhis uniform. Officers of the Studentf
lated by the ruling of the board of Council will he present before the
regents, respecting the banning of gaen ilpstvl euea-
gamnes and will. positively refuse ad-
automobiles on .the campus, was mittance to anyone violating this rule._
scarcely victorious in a debate, heldIt is necessary, according to the
last night by the Adelphi House of chairman of the committee, for the!
Representatives in the society's room sake of the appearance and conduct
on the fourth floor of Angell hall. The of the group and will be unfailingly
arguments were presented to a group ejnforced.
of over 65 persons, including several
faculty members who evidently were
trying to get some representatievj
opinion on the question of the automo B EGON SUPPORTERS
bile in college. E
The question debated was: "Re
solved, that this house believes the "eao f e nLp -dilIU"IIU
present action of the regents in pro--
hibiting autos is unjust." Robert J. Ex-President States Ile Will Withdrav-
Gessner, '29, presided over the meet- 'adidacy, If Necessary, And
ing. Fight Anti-Calles Movement
Representatives Gerald O. Dykstra,-
'30L, and John D. Todd, '30L, com-
posed the affirmative side, and Robert PLANES FIND REVOLTERS
Schwartz, '29L, and Lloyd Bartlett,
'29L, made up the negative. (By Associated Press)
Vote Is Close. MEXICO CITY, Oct. 4.-The iron
The vote was very closely contest- hand of Calles already has fallen upon
ed, the affirmative side of the discus- the alleged instigators of the military
sion-the side which claimed that the revolt. Less than 24 hours after the
present ruling is unjust,-winning by uprising started in Mexico City, Gen.
the scanty margin of only four votes. Francisco Serrano, candidate for the
The faculty members present did not persidency, former war minister, and'
vote. once close friend of General Obregon,
Dykstra, who opened the debate for declared-to be the main leader in the
the affirmnative, said that he was in attempt against the government, was
the position of President Coolidge, captured, court-martialed and execut-
because "he did not choose to run an ed. Thirteen of his most prominent
automobile-thanks to the ban passed followers also paid the supreme pen-
by the regents." alty
"Any necessity for thes."rulingre-ofWith the mutiny of three companies
ytneautos, as i er eproe-f the 20 garrisons in Mexieo City at
stricting autos, ha htued"Alllife, d midnight Sunday and reports of
to exist," he ointinued. ll fe, and threatened risings in various parts
all education is the culling of a cer- of the republic, President Calles and
tain amount of pleasure out of work. General Obregon, whose aspirations
Think what the auto can do for you: Ifor another term in the presidential
Detroit, with its numerous educative chair, are believed to have brought
influences, is within easy reach of the about the widespread movement of re-
humblest fiivver. volt, immediately prepared plans for
"The blaming of the ban on the crushing the rebellion. General Ob-.
number of accidents in which student regon declared that le would with-
drivers were implicated, is unsound draw his candidacy, if necessary, and
insofar as we believe that it is not take the field against the Ahti-Calles
the car which is responsible, as it is! forces.
the car plus drink," Dykstra advanced.° Loyal troops, aided by airplanes,
"As a matter of record, the last acci- were sent immediately in pursuit of
dent in the spring, and the one which the mutineers who had proceeded to-[
finally crystallized the opinion of the wards Pueblo. How well they sue-
regents, was serious enough to keep ceeded in their task is indicated by
the students involved in it, out of an offical bulletin issued this morn-
school this semester. ing. The bulletin gives no details re-
'But that students is driving a brand garding the capture and execution of
new car, in his own town today, while these men, but states briefly:}
-we, in Ann Arbor, have to walk. The "General Francisco Serrano, one of
auto ban violates everyone's personal the leaders in the. uprising, was cap-
liberty, and as such a violation, it j tured in the state of Norelos, together
should be rescinded," he concluded. with a group of his companions, by
Reviews Treliminary Steps. loyal troops commanded by Gen. Juan
Bartlett did not bringi any new argu- Dominguez. They were summarily
ments. He reviewed the steps of the court-martialed and executed."
anti-auto legislation, from President The revolt of the Torren garrison,
Marion Leroy Burton's request''for co- which was admitted yesterday by
operation from the families of uni-; President Calles, proved a sanguinary
versity students, down to the strict affair. There was a short, sharp bat-
regulation ratified by the regents in j toebetween the loyal troops and the
June '27. rebellion's officers and soldiers, which
"The university was forced into the ! ended in victory for the government.
ruling by a student body which would Lieut.-Col. Augunto Manzanilla, in
not cooperate, so the students deserve command of the 16th batallion of the
exactly what they get," Bartlett said. Torreon garrison and all the officersI
"President Little spent a large part of I or his staff were executed. The muti-
hiK address at the convocation in neers in the ranks and file were dis-
Sept. '26, to warn all students that vio- armed.
lation of the then-existing code would The government declares that the
mean a stricter regulation. This mutineers who deserted the Mexico
warning was reiterated in the spring,: City garrison numbered only 800. Fed-
whereupon the 'Michigan Daily pro- eral scout airplanes located them near
tested, though admitting that the rul- Texcoco this morning, whereupon 2,-
w efo able,"hefinished.500 federals were dispatched to that
"' 'The unive sity has always stood foe place from Mexico City to give battle.
Federal airplanes meanwhile were
an institution where one could come preparing to bomb the rebels out of
and study, if he felt so inclined, ort s
their position.
not study, if that was more to his lik- President Calles is personally di-
ing," Todd, the third speaker, said. recting the military campaign from
"The ruling is not in accord with the Chatultetec castle, where Secretary of
spirit of higher education; it infringes, War Amaro and General Alvarez, chief
on ten thousand to catch a handful, of the presidential staff, together with
A 0DB ESS ON NIN3 A large audience last night saw the
second performance of "The Bad Man"
ITgiven by Mimes as the first of the
P LBOI41N Icampus dramatic offerings for the
year. Charles D. Livingstone '28L and
Frances M. Johnson, '28, carried the
SAYS THAT VNITE) STATES IS leading roles in the play, which is a
RAPIDLY BECOMING I melodramatic comedy by Porter Emer-
AN EMPIRE son Browne with its scenes laid on
the Mexican border. Direction of the
DESCRIBES CECIL RHODES pce was also i the hands of Living-
estone, and it was staged under the
Former Secretary to Lloyd George personal direction of E. Mortimer
Traces Development of Shuter.
-- - A review of last night's perform-
Philip Kerr, former secretary to ance of "The Bad Man" will be 1
Lloyd George, delivered the second found in the Theater, Books,
university lecture of the current year and Music column on Page 4.
in Natural Science auditorium yester- _ _
terday afternoon . The subject of Mr. "The ad Man" will be given every
Kerr's address was, "Present Prob- night this week. Tickets for the pro-
lems of the British Empire." duction are reserved and may still be
Beginning his lecture with the state- obtained at the box office in Mimes
ment that the British Empire in its theater.
present form is a coniparatively new - -
creation, Mr. Kerr proceeded to a gen-
eral discussion of the causes for the H
Kerr, the United States itself is rapid-j
ly becoming empire in the mo
longer a "Chaste and immaculate re [
public." Instead, we are following in1
the same paths which England took to 1' achs, Ta' Vicar, lowzer, and P seh
become the imperialistic nation which Be Other {hiers Elcted by
-. ~lterraternit ly od
she is today. Mr. Kerr added by way
of explanation that so-called "em-D
pies " do not grow as the result of a1DIVIDE INTO FIVE GROUPS
definite plan but rather by force of--
circumstances which are frequently 2 Wayne Schroder, '28, of Delta Kappa
i unconitrclable by the country con- Epsilon, was selected president of the
cIrelterfraternity council for the year at
Enumerates Causes. of meeting yesterday afternoon.
The causes for the developmento iheldEdwardWachs '29, Phi Kappa Psi
imperialism Mr. Kerr classed ude ,
three heads: internaiional wars, which was elected secretary, Neal Mac Vicar,
always mean an exchange of colonial '29, Sigma Pi, was made treasurer
possessions; humanitarian motives,
and Orville lDozer, 29E, of Delta
that is, the protector of backward peo-
ple such as the United States protec-.i''n, and William C. Pusch, '28, of Phi
torate in the Phillipine islands and Gamma Delta were selected to serve
the British colonies in Africa; anl en the judicary committee.
economic conditions, w are Forty-eight fraternities were repre
strongest force in the growth of an sented at the meeting by 90 men; an
empire. Mr. Kerr spoke at length on
the forces of business in foreign af. attendance establishing a record for
fairs, saying that because. of economic the council as only six houses had not
motives England had conquered India sent delegates. Dean Joseph Bursley,
and the United States had become who opened the meeting, congratulat-
dominant in Central America. ed the members on the auspicious be-
Mr. Kerr then went on to speak of ginning for this year, and explained
the present status of the British Com- the system of holding elections.
monwealth of Nations. He classed the The Interfraternity Council is divid-
imperial colonies into two divisions, ed into five groups, having either 10
self governing dominions such as or 11 members. The president was
Canada and crown colonies like India elected this year by group four, the
Eand Egypt. According to Mr. Kerr, treasurer by group one, the secretary
the dissolution of the British Empir by group five, while groups two and
is unthinkable both from a practica three each selected one member of the
an sentimentl sfd to leave the Judicary committee. Each group vot-
a British ominion i ree ed separately and by secret ballot.I
Discusses India The judicary committee has charge
In discussing the crown colonies, of the investigation and punishment
Mr. Kerr dwelt at length on India and of all infractions of the council's rules
her desire for self government. Ac- on the part of any fraternity. The
cording to Mr. Kerr, this must be a committee is composed of the presi-
matter of very slow growth, and, in- I dent, secretary and treasurer of the
deed, he doubts if it can be brought council, the two elected students, one
about at all; India's mixed population faculty member and 'one alumnus.
of Mohammadans and Hindues, differ- I The faculty and alumnus members are
ence in languages, and the presence chosen from nominations made by the
of over 700 semi-independent native Interfraternity Council. Five names
states all working against any sort are submitted from which President
of effective representative govern- Clarence Cook Little chooses one
inent. Mr. Kerr also stressed the fact faculty man and Dean Bursley selects
that in Egypt as well as in India there one alumnus. These nominations
is no tradition of self government. were made at the meeting yesterday.
his, Mr. Kerr s opinio mu bei The council will meet again next
i educated into the people before there Touycinwlhe t is exr.
can be any thought of comple .ine-;Monday to begin the work of this year.
onMr. Kerr completed his discussion DETROIT FLYERS
of the British colonies with the state- E
ment that England's problem is to WELCOMED HOME
educate her backward colonial peo- AFTER LONG TRIP
pies to the point of self government
and at the same time to maintain the IA td I )
fundamental structure of government ys
while India and the other protector- DETROIT, Oct. 4.-Edward F.
ates are in the process of education. Schlee and William S. Brock, co -
'This, he added, Nwirs the viewpoint now; pletedterc unavgInote
generally held in England. world today, were greeted by a wel
Sketches British Problems I come as tumultous and sincere as
Mr. Kerr then gave a rapid sketch that given the world hero, Col. Charles'
of Britain's international problems, A. Lindbergh.
mentioning the merchant marine, for- l Exactly at 3 o'clock the big mono-
eign investment, and the problem of plane, "Pride of Detroit," which had
war. Speaking on war, he remarked taken the intrepid flyers without ser-
a that no international difference is so ious mishap across land and sea, set-
important as to justify the slaughter tled to earth at the Ford airport. As
of millions of men. the two men, vho failed in their at-
I Mr. Kerr then concluded his address tem t to break the around-the-world
t with a brief description of Cecilrd f-om their lane, they
Rhodes, the founder of the Rhodes; were greeted by happy friends and
Trust, the organization of which Mr. Mrs Schlee, wife of the
Kerr is the secretary.__eltives. 1. i e,
i irttxrnhCo~ue manv anx-
(By Associt ked Press)
GENEVA, Oct. 4.-Extension of the
idea of arbitration which was advo-
cated so strongly at the recent As-
sembly of the League of Nations as
Man Who Conouered The Atlantic And
North Pole Will Appear
On November 22
CommanderRichard E. Byrd, firstj
man to fly over the North Pole and
more recently conqueror of the At-
lantic, will speak in Ann Arbor on the
Oratorical series, Nov. 22, it was an-
nounced yesterday, following negotia-
tions of two weeks duration.
Commander Byrd needs little intro-
duction to Ann Arbor audiences as a
lecturer, his illustrated talk on last
year's Oratorical series being one of
the most popular g'iven during the
season. This year, speaking on his
more recent widely acclaimed achieve-
ment, his appearance here is expected
to iprove popular.
"The Atlantic and Other Flights"
will be the subject of the pioneer avi-
ator when he appears here Nov.
le will discuss his latest venture, the
Atlantic flight, adding some forecast
on his South Pole Expedition. Because
of his scientific interest in aviation,
IF l
k # #
Y ' Y
an effective road to disarmament is
shown by two treaties registered to- MATIESON HEADS ENGINEERS;
day with the League. GREEN IS CIIOSEN LAW
One between Sweden and Belgium I PRESIDENT
provides that the World Court of In-
ternational Justice shall settle "all LITERARY ELECTION TODAY
disputes of every kind" when it is____
found impossible to settle them Crane Is President of Dental Seniors;
through normal methods of diplomacy t Architects Choose Liebert
or unless the parties of the dispute To head Class
have elected to refer conflicts to a
conciliation commission. Milton Green, '28L, was elected
The second treaty, negotiated be- ss
tween Denmark and Czecho Slovakia president of the senior class of the
tipulates that all conflicts shall go !Law School and Harold Matheson,
either to an arbitration tribunal or '28E, was chosen president of the sen-
the World Court. ior engineering class at their elections
Both treaties ,therefore, give new 'held yesterday. The engineers met
importance to the World Court which yesterday morning and the law stu-
is already directly helpful to the dents yesterday afternoon. In the
league, through its rendering of ad- other senior classes in which elec-
visory opinion. tions were held Willard Crane, '28D,
was chosen head of the senior dental
class and C. R. Liebert, '28A, was
electedOto the presidency of
o r architectural students.oftesn
Matheson was chosen aspesdn
!o the senior engineering glssbyI
ftor, Charles Robinson, 28E Matheson
- - receiving 82 of the 146 votes cast. In
hughes and hoover Are Reported As the Law School Green gained 68 to 42
Being Considered By Meeting I for his nearest rival,/Lyman Brewster,
held in Washigioi '28L.
(By Associated Press) Literary Seniors
WASHINGTON, Oct. 4.--Confer- IINatural Science auditorium.4:00
ences between Chairman William M.
E3utler and members of the Republi- The only class elections to be held
indications are that Ann Arbor pat-
rons may look forward to an interest-
ing lecture on a timely subject. As
was the case when Commander ByrdF
appeared here last year, lie will again
bring motion picture equipment with
him with which to illustrate his lec-
Invented Two Instruments
Commander Byrd is the son of
Richard E. Byrd, Sr., a lawyer in Aus-
tin, Texas. After graduating from
Annapolis, Byrd's first prominent ap-.
pointment was his being placed inr
charge of the navigation preparation
for the Trans-Atlantic flight of the NC
flying boats, of which the NC-4 was>
the craft to cross the Atlantic in the
air. Byrd is the inventor of two in-
struments which made his flight pos-
sible. These two inventions are th
draft indicator and the bubble sex-
tant. He also used the invention of,
Albert Bumstead, of the Nationa.
Geographic society, the sun compass.
Byrd had only one summer of Arctic
experience before he conquered theI
North Pole in 15 hours and 51 minutes.
His first trip was with MacMillan'.
Arctic expedition of 1925 in which
Byrd flew 6,000 miles in exploring and
mapping out new territory with Floyd
Bennet, who was Byrd's pilot on the
Pole trip.
Is Great As Scientist
Two men crossed the Atlantic ahead
of Commander Byrd, but he, made his
flight under such adverse weather
conditions that he was accorded
world-wide acclamation. As a result
of his achievements, Byrd is recog-
nized as one of the great explorer-
Announcement of the completer
course on the Oratorical series for
1927-28, which has not yet been for-
mally made, will be made within theI
next week, according to Carl .0
Brandt, of the department of speech,
who is financial manager of the Ora-#
can National comi
ued here today wi
available candidat
ing in for serious
As is usually th
ians gather to dis
affairs, there we
and rumors, amon
names of Charles
Herbert Hoover w
heard in the discu
Those taking p
ences still insisted
the gathering was
convention city an
ments for the nat
ing, but since P
announcement ti
"choose" to run t
if any gatherings
jwhere candidates
It is evident that
dican leaders have
dent's Rapid City
itely eliminating
race. Some of
hope that he will m
pronouncement a
which the leaders
at the White Ho
the majority opini
Mr. Coolidge woul
of letting his bri
for itself.
Associates of
there was no occ
nificance to the p
to the national co
ier around the b
titular leader of1
idge naturally ha
the party's welfa
desires to hear AN
men have to saya
tions in their res
miI tee were contin- today will occur at 4 o'clock when the
th consideration of seniors of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts will meet to
es apparently com- choose their officers in the Natural
consideration . i Science auditorium. Tomorrow the
i remaining senior classes of the Uni-
cuss national party versity will hold their elections when
re various reports the seniors of the College of Phar-
g Ihem one that the macy, the School of EdC"ion, and
Evans IHughes and the School of Business Administra-
ere most Lrequently tion meet.
ssion. i Minor Officers Elected
at inthe ponfer The minor officers chosen by the
that the purpose of I seniors in the Law. School follow
to consider the next "ggI o s n t e L a l ,
dto maksier te nxtVice-President, xAlbert lBlashfiel,
d to make arrange- '28L; secretary, Russel Boyle, '28L,
'resident Coolidge' and treasurer, Ralph Brody, '28L. The
hsat he lid not contest for vice-president was excep-
here have been few tionally close when Blashfield beat
of party chieftains !Frank Painter, '28L, his competitor,
were not considered.I by a margin of one vote out of 101
t most of the Repub- cast for the office.
accepted the presi- nIn the engineering college the mi-
statenta nnoroffices included: James Florence,
him from the 1928 '28E, as vice-president; Irving Sal-
the committeemen mond, '28E, as secretary, and John
)ake a more definite Mathes, '28E, who was elected treas-
t the breakfast to urer. None of the elections in the
have been invited engineering school were exceptionally
use tomorrow, but close.
ion tonight was that The senior dental class, who chose
d follow his course all of its officers by unanimous vote,
ef statement speak chose, beside Crane, William Dunn,
,28D, for vice-president; Don Winans,
the president said '28D, for secretary and Wilfred L'Heur-
in t tt hi ex,28D, for treasurer.
aS1 LO aUI ;56g
resident's invitation
mmitteemen to gath-
reakfast table. As
the party Mr. Cool-
s a deep interest in
re and he probably
vhat 'the comumittee-
is to political condi-
pective states.
torical series.Applications for tick- LOS ANGELES, Oct. 4.-United
ets will not be received until the an- States Senator Hiram Johnson today
nouncement is made after that time. characterized as "downright falsifica-
tion" a statement attributed to Chair-
NOTE IN BOTTLE man Madden of the House appropria-
Nions committee, which inferred that4
1 FROM FLINT GIRL he had promised Herbert Hoover the
I Californiavote in exchange for Hoov-
FOUND IN PACIFIC er's support of the Boulder Canyon'
dam bill.
(By Associated Press) I 'It seems incredible," Senator John-!
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 4.--A bottle, son stated, "that a man of Madden's
with a note in it purporting to be from experience could have indulged in
Miss Mildred Doran, Flint, Mich., such utter nonsense and downright
3 school teacher, who disappeared with falsification. If he said what is at-
the plane named after her in the Dole tributed to him, there is but one way
flight last August, was found floating to characterize it, and that is with a
off Point Fleming, near Albany, op- short and ugly word. The whole
posite the Golden Gate and on San thing is a mighty thin smoke-screen
_ Francisco bay today. I to hide the real reason, which is that
The bottle was picked up by Karl iMadden is opposed to the Boulder dam
Oelrich, 12, of Albany, and turned project."
- over to authorities for investigation. -
, The note was written on a sheet of EPIDEMIC CLOSES
paper torn from a small notebook in
pencil. Te writing was that of a WICHITA SCHOOLS
woman, small and delicate, but ungra-
mimatically worded. This fact cast (y Associated Press)
;doubts on its authenticity because WICHITA, Kan., Oct. 4.-All the#
I Miss Doran was well educated. The I public and private schools of Wichita,
r message read as follows: except the University of Wichita and
r m"Tuesday- August 16, 1927-On Friends university, were ordered clos-
eod t. Notfeeli o gd. ed tonight by Dr. A. B. Wolfe, city
.second trip. Not feing so good. ys.adu oatratnn p-
o Engine still missing, but the boy says phypsician, due to a threatening epi-
it will be better after it runs awhile. demic of infantile paralysis. The or-
But I fear the worst, and Auggie Ped- der, confining approximately) 24,000;
, lam don't look any too pleased when pupils to their homes, will be effective
I had a look at him last. Just passed for an indefinite period.
a steam shin. First sign of life since
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 4.-Counseling
a "policy of candid discussion, gener-
ous conciliation and wide co-oper-
ation," so that radio may contribute
"beneficient public service," Presi-
dent Coolidge today inaugurated the
International Radio Telegraphic con-
He addressed the more than 400
delegates and experts from 70 coun-
tries and 41 communication compan-
ies, who unanimously acclaimed Sec-
retary Hoover, chairman of the Amer-
ican delegation, president of the con-
ference. Mr. Hoover was nominated
by G. 1. Hofker, delegate from the
"In many fields our country claims
the right to be the master of its own
development," President Coolidge told
the conference. "It cordially concedes
the same riglit to all others. But in
the radio field the most complete de-
velopment lies in mutual concessions
and co-operation.
"Like every invention which in-
creases the power of man it (radio)
may be used for good or evil. It can
serve the cause of understanding and
friendship among nations, or it can
be used to create ill will and dissen-
sion. The world will not be benefited
by this increase in the scope of its
power unless there is corresponding
increase in moral development."
Secretary Hoover reminded the con-
ference of the deficiency of existing
international radio regulation by
which the world, he said, was threat-
encued with chaos ofdunco-ordinated
'traffic." To accomodate the enror-
1mous number of radio activities
ramnng the avilable frequencies, and
he ,ended.I
JDiscusses Other Rulings.
The last speaker summarized thel
rulings of other schools, including
Princeton, Oklahoma, Texas, and
Michigan's neighbor, Illinois.
"The automobile has been the great-
est factor in the lowering of grades,
and at Illinois, the average of the
student who drove, was below the
mean of the entire school," SchwartzE
declared. "The university still is pmi-I
the highest army officials, are his
active aides.
Acting Dean Clare E. Griffin, of the
School of Business Administration,
gave the principle address at the stu-
dent-faculty mixer for those enrolled,
in the School of Business Administra-
Inavigator, wn n as eui llclyxi
ALPHA NU HOLDS Ious hours since the plane headed
Aoutover the Atlantic ocean at the
SECOND MEETING start of the venture, leaped into hem
~ husband's arms. One of the first to
Resolved, that paternalism is bene- congratulate the men was Edward S
cial to students was the question de- 'Evans, millionaire manufacture, who
bated by Alpha Nu at its second reg- . holds jointly the round-the-worl
ular meeting last night. Joseph record of 28 days, made by railroad
Howell, '30, and Howard Simon, '30, steampship, and airplane.
upheld the affirmative; Jack Webster -.--