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October 04, 1927 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-10-04

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il? . 3 4. 141'7.

THE ICHIAN Dsh A r h ~fA

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{ ,gY" wJZ999ter ig T ni Te i re n r' . e
12zi! ()II( u 1 U iiii I 1 dJ~
b o th h ro w n 21rth e Sf on r ac,<l# h ': 1 'i uI ' n n u a V a.BA Y
ins; during the la five minutes of c21ll.I22ualwVii y
play and resulting dii ccili into tU 1;rS'toucg ol zlovd \ ilit V
downs, defeated tagg ,' 7, Mi011 1 ns to V a ~.('ubi~ a
(nark the closest approximat ion to a ~I 1r~iad W~
upset in the Big Ten Saturday. (~;rnv~ eViii'g
When M~endenhall kicked, passedTeid 1:, aeWrsa
and ran his way to a touchdown in rt
th al ato i5lii olga ** a31gt ('U 1 l Ll )2021 la,,J year' 1(1 run-
gr( ots ogive Chicago rta f6-() coleit ! ..'':. :,.{ u iin 1thI o1nuamient. this Year~, i
it was expectedI that the 1Naroons ', til h favorite oil past recordst~. The
Noiilcl avoid the disastrous5 opener ci~sif(lioi oiWr a '1
against Missouri two years ago, but),I lllt ~r so far wals in the first
the defeat undoubtedly is, going to do a THrrty inunwnl 1'ih~~~i Hi,2
thle, new crestfallen Midway eleven IHrdhttn Dtoi utiler 't 1nrarG ntin )etheot Jacscn Clover, A e. \fA win-
l~rgod tanharm. emerged the victor in the rnacr tho entering the semnifinals, whlereo he wil'
{ iii' C i''2 rFifereuee Tcams )3 A 1 n.'1 an I'aIie attitlug 'liampi)on- m11eet the winner of the Connor02-
Asidle from the Chicago casualty! shil) by getting seevn hit., out Ofl lint' Rhodes mnatch2. C lover had prceviously
all other Conference elevens escaped(1 tim gantes at bat in Sulnday's (do b!lean- .eclrleated ivinzgst ~n.5-'
' harnri at the hlands of their adverr I s i aairtClvean.Ti~s oostOd Cat. C:nlgiurr deleat 0Norm1Nole
i'S. the Tiger slugger's season a verllage t(, i11 the first round, 5-3.while I1a rold3
].very one of the early seasonf v .895, and left unbrok en his ,tring of lRhodes, who won1 his AMA last year
Jrts iciaNrtwsenoMne d(d year bat lug chainplonshlils. 1Ie Nested Cohen, The match will i~e
sot a, and Ohio, vindlicated the adlvanice first1led the leagule iin 1921, and con- played off in the near fiif lire.
foert ythe display of all kind(s ttied as ('hfmTYo1i 2 ad12. I les c alfu h ora
fio oe as by eroliing uli sizab~le mar- He.ilinanalso minitainer] a Detroit: 11ont, lBergeli e defeatodVse n of_
gins o advata~e.tradition ill vinnin'g the batting -ol- last year's letter winners, 2-:, T an-
bxrim, Eby, and Marek, not to mnen-; ors this year. Since 1907, over a span otlher close muatchl. Morse beat,
tlon the Fewest find of the season, of 21 years, a Detroit player has led Maclkenzie 5-4 in hris initial match, but
Hluston, gave the Ohio squad what tihe Americian league hitters 17 timges, bowed to liergelin 6-5 in the second
Grantland RIice considers as powerful Try Cobb was responsible for 12 0i rouned.
a backfield as that of the Army, whose these championships, Ileilmalil ac- w\e ziull defeaited B~erger, 1 up, in
trio of balcearriers, Wilson, Murrell, counted for four, whiile Reic Man- fihe cloisest mgatch of the tournament
and Cagel were, unexpectedly held toI ush 1led the htague in 1920'. so far, lbut was in turn bestedir~y
O-io's 3e-0ointv.Witib Two home runs, three doubles, and] Courtney, sophomore star, in fil-
Ohios 330 wi ove Witenbrg! a brace of singles were included in second round by a score of 6-4. Court-
was hardly more 'in1ressive than eitil- rJleilniann's assortment. of lilt s on Sun- necy's first Thai oh1 was with W hytee:g
ers North we tern's 47-2 score against lay. Al Simmons of the At hletics, his whom h eoltedt~ by the same score.
South Dakota, or Minnesota's 57-10Inear'est rival, was four p)oint, behindl As thle Iournaniet10Wsad
vitryoerNrt akt, rMih-with a percentage of .3,11. Ward plays the winner of the Connor-
Weseya, 3-0.Rhodes 1mat~ch ini one semi-final, while
WeIWildcas ec2e3-0an. PIURPLE FULLB]ACK MAKES Bergelin and Courtney meet in thle
Coach ]Dick Hanley 's terrible Wild- LONGEST RU IN BIG TBEN

SI (' ''rt .. edder sity of 2m1.d-season prodacct c x, ill ,gr1ipXx

0 17 s C u l n a g s Hunts ! all is a i Is V m l

It's a long. loag trail over a ha idt
i'!.d road before Tad)( Wieinan amidhis
lV i'iii es bring Ithis 1927"1tootball1
5OO1to a ctlose. 'That, was shown
'-IAr agiiiiist Ohio Weseyan S'at-
mdcv 3. As a teamn the W1,olverines are1
tar fromi periection--but .whiat. can he
expect ed in the first; ga 111 of the year
w\ tt h only five vete(rails of 1 926) st art -
inig thle game.
O Olhe other hfald, tile game
'0-l, 111.1;I ht ath rail iN 1101 a
1!!>t'lt ss oII. md ividll 'play, a
14 ch! a('pable r4'e' 0s r Z'
flay hes 0ofi 'omlbloekin' .1a r-c
ed Oe'laly vto :Mi('hig'ai 11ais a110-
Louis Gilbert for the backfield 01c(d
Ray Baer for the line were the out-
standing stars in the firmament. Sama
t alucock mfust; also be given a wo~d
,of praise. A man of speed at running
tboem edswhol should have a dry field,
the litl e halfback made several good
runs on the wet turf.
1L-eiie 'T1aylor, sophbomtore
eaatd, Ill set thue lope and started
at1 rig lt e~d though his lame
bacK was nadvertised a.s being,, too
111111 so( as to play. In file 1i
m41111fetlihe wIts all!owed to play thle
formner Anit Arbor ait hle(1d41 all
I. liat (coild(1le):asked, inlcidentahlly
scorhm igIlie first onehdown on -a
pass from G{ilbert.
Succeeding Taylor w~ls Marshall
Blodwxen. He also playedl well, show-
ing to clear advantage on dlefeinse.
WXhen, Nyland gets b~ack in uniform.
probably, not for 10 (lays, Michigan
will have an end(1 uart et hard to
e(1ual1, let alone excel. To ment1i(on
Oostorbaan's prowess is 'uiniiecessany.
lieT was- only in a little more than
half' the game but snared a pass and
touchdown out of it.
E~velu with (Gabel :and.liner re-
illoved from the ttackles, dais see.
lion1 of the fimrwad wall was not
weak. Ga illbel t emiporarily was
okit with injuries while lBaer

!seemis a most valuable fixtiure at
:;wa rd. Grnnell an ( 1'lo)l irenl-
! ig started at tackle, beingr re.
i placedI later by lPoormnan, Wilder,
an H11Iarrigan. .ill three of these
'. lmen are promtilsing reserves w~ho
-will make Ithe regulars fighat at,
toll speed fokr positionis.
Center and lguiardI reser've material
also showed tip creditably. Nichol-
son, whlo has never worked at pivot
unmtil t he leatst 10 (lays, was given an
opportunity for a quarter at ceinter
i1a(1 later played a guard. Johnny
Schoenfeld played the bulk of the
ganme, Thisted being saved.
t Bova i'4, sophiomiore centter.en ii-
dilate, was oil the field for yes.
terdlay for the first time ini nearly
two4 weeks, but took no active
part as his knee is still tightly
banidaged. Rich is also ailing,
several jolts in Saturday's con.
lest being a little too heavy. is
main comiplaint is a~stiff neck.
Power inI the r'eserve backfield ma-
terial was evident. Geistert showed
speed andI rower in ripping of a 30-
yardl run. (lembis got plenty of prac-
tice as a fullback substitute. Whittle
and McBride also were-given a taste
of backfield experience in a regular
game andl stood up under the test.
G~ilberti's punting-lie 'aeraged
43 yards-was nothing short of
- lietomnlal. for work ont a wet
feld. On. his two runs for touch-
adown, the whole team, got behind
li to add excellent blockinig to
good r ining.
At other times the blocking was
not irreproachable, especially by the
backfield men. In general, the tackles
and endls worked well in uncovering
the embyrd of what may form, a
formidable off tackle running attack.
Whether or ntot, the Wolverine
passing attack Will -he as effective
as formerly must wait for a

the University ow Iowa foolthall Squ,<iUU'Mii I IUI~L U JUVI11
this week, although I he a piino1'a-hiilg
conitest wit i h lio t i c h, u eoSt l A«I.tc(1'rcss)
day is only the secondt till (),, the5('ea-[CCl-AO, Oct .-Wt oa
,Son. point score of 20-three touch1down,1
For theI lawkeye mzachine, must il- ---Glasgow, Iowva right half batc k,
Iter the Big Tenl race atweek craril ion found himself' today at the hzead of
than any Iowa. eleven sintce- .92-1, andl
the Buckeyes rousthe!;o 1 l ter the first list of. individual lpoint,
only one lpracti e, gamel. scor~es for the big ten's 1927 foo~hmll
Although Burt -Img.worcaten musteson.
point his team to p~lay Ohio State ,131c11 iedot for second place were Capt.
Minnesota, tw- ofthle 1 hgTi's aon 0fNrhetn aud
strongest aggreg;at ioils, xwi liii l Gsaso Nreeeset , i
weeks, lie is usin-" every re >ilrt O 'Shorty' Almquist of Minnestota, wvho
aidO~ disasteri. This is the first'sa- -halkecl up 19 points apiece-threeo
son that he has hadl enough assisftns touchdlowns and one goal after toucih-
andlie11 is makinig the most of Mod(own.
Wickhor'st, Bauiry, Walker, and Wvii- The following are the big tein scor-
hiamns."erIs whot chalked up two or more
The Buckeyes will offer a variAI at- toli('hdoxi'1i5
lack, functioning l)ehind1a vteranm TO .FG. PTT". '
linre. Among the 13 letter mC1n on Glaisgowi, Iowa ... 0 2 20
IDr. WilIce's squad are such at hilt5stasn Muet,3 0 1 1
as Marek, Ehy, Grim, and( Robert Bell,



backs; and Capt ain meyer,
Iliidil, I acksen, liaskowsld,
andl Robin Bell, linemen.

X_111 Cry,
lt)Xow I

Eby, Ohio State ..
Gilbert, Michigan . .2
ILewis, Nor'wes'n v 2
HuImnbert, Illinois . .2
;becstiing, Minnesota 2
K~noerr, :linnesota 2

0 1L 19
0 0 18
0_ 3 15
0 2 14
0 0 12
0 0 12
0 0 '12

VTIENNNA--Ar'ne Borg set za new
world's recordt of :10:28 7-1.0 for the
half mile swim here recently'.

a .. t

S m i t h , W i s c o n i n . . 0j 1

Famous liritish Shoes
One of ti~e features of
our shoe department,
as fine as the J$ritislhk
market affords.



Credit for the longest run of the
Conference gridiron season up to (late
goes to Tiny LePwis, Nortlnvcster'n
fullback. In Saturday's g ame with
South Dakzota, Lewis caught one of the
kickoffs behind his own goal and ran
101 yards for a touchdown.
"Earlier in the period the Purple
1) ck caught the opening kickoff and
ranf through the entire opposition for
the initial score of the contest.
MINNEAPOLIS'-Nydahh, Minnesota
halfback, is leading the 'Big Ten in
scoring with 21 points.

NEW'~ YORK-Capt. Johnuny Roephc'
of Penn State is high scorer among
the eastern football tean with 31
Practice will1begin Wednes-
d (ay, October 5, at four o'clock.
IAll men iNterest cd, whether ex-j
p Ierienced or iiot, are requested
to report to gymnasium office. I
Dr. (WORCE A. MlA. I
f -

- -----------PRESENTING - -- - ____

For your 'House Parties and otlher Social events.
Bernie Goldmahi, radio star of tation WCX (Red
Apple Club) and his "Lee Golden's Michiganders." Back
fromn -a successful summer ens:agement at Lake G'eo ge, N. Y.
The fintest dance and eutleriniutning band oni the campus.
We are now hookingi for the Fall season.,
Call IL 'tA K linsiness Mg~r.


&Wf or ten cG2-&)Snce 1&4&



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