i AnimiM , A* f AWY I TTTT'' IUMI" 1TTTr' A XT- o A TY' 'V 'a 4 AA OTOP R -187 t HT1W UHdVI1 AN wIL? . Y . . _:_ _.._ _.._ *. _. _.......- - 10, !I * AFTER TWO WEEKS Of I SOROITIESPE After two weeks of concentrated rushing sororities on the Michigan campus announce the following pledges. Alpha Cii Omega. Mary Boyles, '31, Dorothy Dens- more, '31, Miriam Kellam, '31, Alice Charles, '31, Isobel Charles, '31, June :Hakes, '31, Jean Holland, '31, Lillian Fenstermaker, '31, Eloise Harnau, '31, Dorothy Thomas, '31, Dorothy Rouf, '31, Ruth Tice, '31, Eloise Chafey, '31. Edith Higby, '31, Alma Tenny, '31,. Ruth Moore, '31, Rachel Ramsey, '30, Catherine Hickey, '30, Elizabeth Greg ory, '30, Anne Hardy, '30. Alpha. Epsilon Phi. Doris Ruth Natham, '31, Blanche Duetsch, '31, Dorothy Touff, '30, Ruth Mundelker, '31, Sally Mederlander '30, Blanche Teffer, '31. Alpha Gama Delta. oHarriet Patrick, '29, Genevieve' Campbell, '29, Helen Campbell, '29, AMuriel Casey, '29, Ruth Rehf, '30,1 Helen Workman, '30, Kathryn Burch,' '30, Eleanor Dyke, '31, Elizabeth Pass-' more, '28, Isabel Shankland, '31, Flor- ence Frandsen, '31, Frances Fisher, '29. Alpha Omicron Pi.' Lucille Barry, '30, Bronewyn Burns, '29, Kathleen Clifford, '31, Lela Crump, '31, Nancy Currier, '31, Marie Edd- ington, '30, Dorothy 'hall, '31, Betty' Heminger, '30, Grace Manbeck, '31, Albertina Maslin, '31, Marian Reisch, '30, Margaret Smith, '29, Allene Stew- art, '28, Mary Roach, '30, Ernestine Wagner, '31, Geraldine Wilkinson, '30,' Ruth Van Tuyl, '31. Alpha Phi Teresa Homs, '29, Jane Howard, '31, ,Ruth Iowlett, '29, Lucille McCellan, '31, Harriet Moses, '30, Florence Peck, '29, Jean Phelps, 30, Hannah Wallen. '30, Catherine Wcodroffe, '30, Janet Ewing, '30, Prelina Fletcher, '30. Alpha Xi Delta Mary Lou Boyd, '31, Elie Connell, '31, Jean Herbert, '31, Helen Matthews, '31, Catherine McMurry, '31, June - Fosler, '31, Barbara Tinler, '31, Emily Grimes, '31, Luella Law(on, '31, Anna Belle Beuzenberg, '31, Laura Codling, 1 Marian Wurster,, '31, Mildred "ilardy, '28. Chi Omega. Father Giesler, '29, Louise Kirpinski, '31, Margaret Meuman, '31, Catherine (,Todd, '31, Catherine Wilcox, '31, Lucy Austin, '29, Kate Collyer, '31, Olive Matthew, '31, Olive Matthews, '31, Gladys Raiter, '30, Virgina Schumak- er, '31, Lucile Strauss, '31, Edith Thomas, '29, Iorothy White. '31, Nel- lie Norton, '31, Evelyn Schrader, '31, Mary Whiter, '31. Collegiate Sorosis. Catherine Beatty, '31, Clara Dour- land, '30; Barbara Fraze, '30, Cath- indeFitzpatrick, 30Rebeca Bour- land, 131, Maurice Jacobs, '31, Eliza- beth Kimble, '31, Alice Carey Kimble, '31, Frances Novy, '31, Betty South- erland, '31, Martha Jones, '31, Eliza- beth Dennen, '31. Delta Delta Delta. Margaret Barr, '31, Hilda Braun, '31, Elizabeth Campbell, '30, Pauline Fast, 30, Dorothy Flynn, '30, Virginia losic. '31, Marian Kemp, '31, Helen Krueger. '31, Edith Laurendine, '29, Winifred Lutes, '30, Catherine McCall, '31, Helen Morrill, '31, Alice Stevenson, '30, Dorothy Von Zwaliuwenberg, '31. Dlta Gainma. Helen Dancer, '31, Marian Durand, '31, Clara Schavey, '31, Kate Keith Field, '31, Jane Brooks, '30, Miriam Horton, '30, Dorothy McGuthrie, '31, Virginia Wallace, '29, Catherine Lewis, '29, Florence Tennant, '29, Hilda Harp- ster, '28, Janet Dryer, Graduate. Delta Zeta. Dawn Bensehoten, - '29, Luayne Budge, '29, Sarah Goff, '30, Catharyn Holly, '31, Marjorie Rehfus, '31, Thel- ma Roys, '30, Marian Love, '31, Marg aret Kramer, '31. Gamna Pi Beta: Marian Ilintson, '31, Virginia Voll- ette, '30, Adelaide Symons, '31, Mary Elizabeth Watson, '29, Ruth Mallory, '29, Ardis Wisner, '29, Catherine Scott, '31, Dora van den Berg '31. Kappa Alpha Theta. Catharine Bebardslee, '29, Jean Brueis, '30, Margaret Carfral, '31, Marjorie Lawton, '31, Sally Patterson, '31, Margaret Paulson, '31, Margaret Pollock, '30, Hazel Strand, '31, Marian Talmadge, '30, Susan White, '30, Len- ora Worley, '31. Kappa Delta. Lois Cossar, '31, Laura Beall Chip- man, '30, Dorothy Griffith, '30, Jane Robinson, '31, Helen Clark, '30, Fran- ces Miller, '31, Alice Saunderlin, '31, Elizabeth.Saunderlin, '31, Blanche Peters, '28. Kappa happa (anmna. lathleen Badger,; '31, Mabel Ba- duch, '31, Mary Buflington, '31, Jean- nette Dale, '331, Margaret Eaman, 31, MICHIGAN PINS FOUNTAIN PENS WILL GIVE TEAS ON THURSDAYS' IIOLLO'INGI ope to Foster More Friendly Attitude Between Advisors to Women Jane Haymond, '31, Marjorie Moore, AndIStudents '29, Frances Summers, '31, Barbara l Hoping to establish a more friendly Swift, '31, Lucille Wickham, '30. and familiar attitude between Univer- i Ai0 alliln )Iu sity women and the advisors to wom- Rowena McColley, '28, Margaret en, an informal college tea will be Butler, '28, Laura Schaffer, '3l, Ruth held from 4:15 to 5:30 o'clock each Taylor, '31, Elizabeth Field, '31. Thursday afternoon in the parlors of Thea Phli Alpha. Barbour gymnasium. Maurine Brennen, '30, Julia Mae The three advisers to women, Miss Conlin, '31, Marion Serency, '31, IreneI Alice Lloyd, Miss Grace Richards, and Finnegan, '30, Virginia Henlon, '31, Miss Beatrice Johnson, will be pres- Margarite Maurice, '30, Katherine ont on these occasions, and will be Renihan, '30, Alice Steketee, '31, Flor- assisted as hostesses by members of ence Stiles, '31, Anna Robb, '31. the league houses. Each league house Zeta Tan Alphl.1 will be called upon, respectively, to Rebca nit '29. Eleanor Brekke. 'I VITO 7f.0 fern NEW JEWELRY IS VIVIDLY COLORED; ICHANGE PLANS CHAINS AND NECKLACES GAIN FAVOR OF TOURNAMENT, Color nid biza-re effects seem to be the prime requisites for the Michigan woman's ornamentation this year, ac- cording to the window displays. The' movement from conservative and in- i1onspicious jewelry that started late' last spring seems to have culminatedl in an exceedlingly colorful and extra- ordinarily beautiful, if somewhat gaudy, array of bracelets, rings and most of all, necklaces. Stones of all kinds and shapes are set in a background of green or yellow gold. The jewel must either match the gown perfectly or form a vivid contrast. The blending which formed such an important item last year is passe. Rings become larger and larger and the settings take on all the richness and color of the orient. Synthetic rubies, set in a ring of pearls, large emeralds set with diamonds and sapphires as well as large black stones are all popular. Button earrings seem to lead in pop- ularity for evening wear, but long and colorful ones are very good for either daytime or evening. Those of the button type show a tendency to be- come larger and heavier., a. Snake jewelry is very good. This is generally fashioned in green or yel- low gold but occasionally one sees an Xt UU; 3 IU , , I1 b1A ) sn , '28, Alice Evans, '31, Marie Fingerle, '31, Evelyn Forshee, '31, Dorothy Kirby, '29, Ina Martin, '28, Cornelia Thompson, '31. PIIi Sigma Sg1a. Anna Handler, '29, Frances Bein, '31, Fayga Buffky, '29, Rosalie Goldstick, serve at a tea. The first of these teas for the com- ing year will take place this T'hu,' day at the appointed hour. Members of the Adams house will assist. .Mem- hers of the faculty can partake of a cup of tea at any time from 4:15 to 5:30, remaining as long as their leis- imitation in silver and black that is I very realistic. This type of jewelry Hockey is the major fall sport in is used for both necklaces and brace- women's athletics, and has always lets. aroused a great deal of competition Period jewelry also seems to be tak- ing its place. Heavy gold chains hold between classes. Last year, two a mysterious looking pendant, the hockey fields made it possible to have more massive the stone the better. first and second teams for all four Sometimes the stones are engraved, classes. However, this year, with the Brilliants and crystals are as good as any one of the colored stones but building of the new field house, it there are so many kinds of colored means that only one field will be stones that they are in the majority, available for play. Pins, on the other hand, seem to be The plans for this season, accord- becoming daintier and more refined. It ing to Janet Jones '30, hockey manag- is true that there is generally a splash er, are to have one large squad for of color somewhere on the pin, but.each class. This, it is hoped will pro- the background is a filigreed silver. mote better hockey. Everyone will Some few of these pins lack color have to work harder to get on the entirely, the sets being diamonds or, teams, and the very best in every in some cases they are without any set player will be displayed. of any kind. Last year's tournament ended with Sthe seniors in first place, then juniors, WI'OMENv DEBA TER~ sophomores and freshmen.' The games TO ARGUE DIRECT were witnessed by many enthusiastic spectators, bnd keen rivalry ensued. PRIMARY VALUE At the end of each hockey season there is always a banquet for all "Resolved, that the direct primary teams and squads 'with speeches, s mof nominating candidates for(lancing and the awarding of numerals system by Dr. Margaret Bell. Class practices public office in the United States are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays should be abolished," is the question juniors and seniors at 4 o'clock, and to be considered by the Women's De- freshmen and sophomores at 5 o'clock bating league this year. Tryouts for the team will be held from 4 to 6 o'clock, Oct. 11, in room 4203, Angell hall, when each candi- date will be required to speak five minutes on either the negative or the affirmative side.., Michigan, Indiana and Ohio are the BETS members of the league, and this year's debate which is the only one of its kind for women will be held on Dec. 2. Michigan's affirmative willmeet Ohio's negative at home, and the Qua negative will contend with Indiana's affirmative at Bloomington. All students interested in trying out for the team, are asked to register BETSY in room 3211 on or before Oct. -11, the BE SY R office being open from 9 to 11 o'clock on Tuesdays and Thursdays. NOTICES Interclass hockey practices will be held Tuesday afternoon, rain or shine. Juniors and seniors will meet at 4 o'clock, and sophomores and fresh- men at 5 o'clock. There will be a meeting of the W. A. A. executive board tonight, Tues- day, at 7:15 o'clock at the Kappa Del- ta house, 1620 Cambridge road. All members must be present. Paddle up the river for a steak roast on Thursday, Oct. 6. The party will start from Barbour gymnasium at 5:30. Sign up on the bulletin board at the gymnasium. This is the first activity of the W. A. A. Outdoor club. Anyone interested in outdoor sports is welcome. Orchesis will hold a meeting at 7:45 Wednesday evening in Sarah Cas- well Angell hall at Barbour gym- nasium. The first regular meeting of the University Girls' Glee club will be c held at 4:30 this afternoon at the School of Music. Both old and new members are requested to be present. In a national contest three wonmen won the first three prizes out of 'six awarded to students in French for , translation of the speech delivered by Foreign Minister Briand of France be- fore the League of Nations. i '31, Anna Jacobs, '31. Goldberg, '31, SylviA Klein, Adrienne ure permits. Miss Johnson is in '31, Edna charge of plans and arrangements. Newman, '31, Bernice ILefkowitz, '31,, Thelma Laidman, '30, Lenore Fingers, FRESHMAN GROUPS' '31, Bernice Solomon, '29. Pi Beta Phi. WILL COMPETE IN Dorothy Beck, '30, Frances Bielby, ATHLETIC GAMES' '30, Cathryn Bird, '31, Mary Chase, '31, Helen Domine, '31, Margret At a meeting of the captains of the Gentz, '29, Betty Haynes, '31, Margaret A Moran, '31, Ruth Latham, '29, Hen- 22 Freshman groups and their upper rietta McGough, '29, Maybelle Bulick, class advisors held yesterday after- '31, Isabelle Rayen, '31, Eleanor Zim- noon in the parlors of Barbour gymna- mor, '29, Greta Wallington, '30, Lucille sium, plans were introduced for intra- Wertel, '31, Helep Jones, '31. group volley ball. Since Freshman Sigma Kappa. women are ineligible as members of Viola Allen, '29, Wynona Barrows,, intramural teams this season, their '31, Adeline Nowak, '30, Miriam units of competition will be tie group Thompson, '30, Lenore Twiggs, '31,!system under which they were first Lois Webb, '29, Gwendoline Zoller, '31.1organized. As Miss Rawlings ex- plained to the representatives, this is DOLLS ARE PASSE according to President Little's plat SA Y TOY MAKERS Starting Monday, October 10, teams STAwill practice for one week. This will give those who do not know the gamei The Associated Toy Manufacturers an opportunity to learn it. Every in London have announced dolls are Freshman woman will be urged by fhe going out of fashion. It is; said that captain of her group to take part. little girls no longer cherish them, al- Eliminating games will be played though grown-ups make a fuss over later, and two tournaments will be them. German exports of doll babies'formed, one of the winners, and the have been greatly reduced. This is other ofthe teams which lose. hardly credible. Little girls have The captains drew for team num- loved dolls since ancient times. Bar- bers, and the teams will be known by barous and civilized races have had these numbers hereafte'r. Lists of dolls for children. Why is it that they freshmen women with their addresscs are abandoning them now? Is is for are to be given to Frances Miller '29, toy automobiles and aeroplanes, or freshman intramural manager, before for electrical trains and radio sets Friday. BOOK SALE EARNS FUND FOR AWARDS Funds for a scholarship. to be awarded tQ the freshman woman who maintains t h e highest average throughout the year, are earned in a novel way by the W. S. G. A. of the University of Minnesota. Second-hand books of all kinds are bought at a store maintained by the association and are sold at- two-thirds of the original price. Then out of this sum the W. S. G. A. takes a 10 per cent commission which is put in a scholarship fun. As much as $1,000 a year has been earned by the associa- tion in this way. Boxed or Bulk Y ROSS CANDY for lity, Variety, Freshness (Our own pack) OSS SHOP . I 'I Taff o Parties are, given by Northwestern co-eds for faiilies in the settlement district of Chicago, which usually oc- cur about Xmas time. Women students at the University of South Dakota are three and one-half per cent smarter than men according to the report made by the registrar. - WHEN YOU-- Are, away in school-a way - from so many of your cos- est friends-you owe them a good, recent photograph. They will appreciate it as you would theirs. We are showing new and exclusive styles this fall and your inspection will not - obligate you. Sc carry a complete line of frames Dey Studio, 334 So. State St. Phone 5031 (Upstairs) - =.11111{ 111111111111111111111111 I11111111111 ii I111111 iIltIlIIIIIIII11lIIl11111111111111111111111iI1,- Tailored_ Dreses Priced at $9.95 $14.95 and $24.95 A silk crepe, satin, georgette and vel- vet. Beautifully tailored. Colors black, / navy, chestnut-sizes 14 to 42 Invite you to attend the opening of their NEW SHOE DEPARTMENT B- LACK - - (- - - BR OWN fel y ' Fall's Leading Costume Colors Featured in Smart Footwear Rich raven black and soft chestnut and caramel browns-these are the colors one sees most often in smart fall frocks and coats. To complete the perfect ensemble you may choose your new slippers in the same fashionable shades. Novel oxford effects and beautifully designed strap styles vie for popularity and suede stands high among the favored materials. G Our new shoe department is established to enjoy and deserve the enduring patron- r nn { Y i i