THE"MICHTICAN DAILY 0 TUESD AYP OC'Tr BR 4, 1927. ..... . ....... . , ... Published every oring' except Monday during the University year by the Board in Cooul of Student Publications. ember of , esern . Conference Editorial Aug rtion '? The Associattr Press is exclusively en- ttiled to the us" for republication of all news dispatcies credited to, it ornot otherwise creditxl in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at tie postofice at Ann Arbor, Michimga, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- mater General. Suscription 13y carrier, $4,oo; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nardl Street. Pronde: Edltorial, 4': Business 22T4. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR JO H. CHAMBERLIN Editor...................Ellis . Merry Staff Editor...........Philp C. Brooks CIty 'di tr.......Courtland . Smith Editor Michigan V kly..Charles E. Behymer WVorens ditor ..........Marian ,. Welles Sports Editor............Herbert L. Veder Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr. Telegraph Editor....... .. ... . .Ross W. Ross SAssistant City ditor ... . Richard C. Kurvink Night Editors Robert E. Finc G, Thomas McKean J. Stewart Hooker Kennth G. Patrick Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr. Milton Kirshbaum r'Reporters Margaret Arthur - (hares R. Kaufman Alexander N. onald J. Kline ochnowski Sally Knox Emmons A. Bonfield Jack L. Lait, Jr. Stratton Buck Richard H. Milroy Jean Camnpbll Charles S. Monroe Jessie ('huarc Catherine Price Sydny M. Cown . Mary E. Ptolemy William I. Dat is harold L. Passman William C. Davis 'Morris W. Quinn Mast n de ]a Verge Pierce Rosenberg Orville L. Dowzer David Scheyer Clarence N. Edeson" Robrt"G. Silbar Marraret Gross ll howard F. Simon Edith V. EgelarV George I. Simons Marjorie Follmer Alfred L. Singer James 1. Freeman Sylvia Stone Robert J. (essner' George Tilley Milton I. Golstein Edward L. Warner, Jr. Elaine . Gruber Leo J. Yoedicke Joseph B. IowelJ Joseph Zwerdling BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER WILLIAM C. PUSCH Assistant Manager.... George H. Annable, Jr. Advertising..............Richard A. Meyer Advertising ...............Arthur M.iHinkley Advertising...............Edward L. Hulse Advertising...........-. John y. Ruswinkel Accounts..........Raymond Wachter Circulation ..1........George B. Ahn, Jr. Publication.................LHarvey Talcott "asitants Fred Babcock Ray Iloelich George Bradley"~: Marsden R. Hubbard James 0. Br'wn Hal A. Jaehn rames B. Cope Jamnes Jordan (harles K. ( rrell Marion Kerr Bessie U. Egeland Thales N. Lenington len Fishman \V. A. Maaffy Kaherine rochne George A. Perrett Douglass Fuller Alex K. Scherer [erbert Goldberg William L. Schloss L. IL. Goodman Ierbert E. Varnum Carl W. Hammer TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1927. Night Editor-NELSON J. SMITH, Jr. 6RATERNITY REPRESENTATIVES At 4:30 o'clock this afternoon at the Union, the representatives of at least several fraternities will convene in the first session this year of the Inter- fraternity council to elect the o1icers of that body. . The potential importance of this as- sembly is enormous. It has the au- thority over the pledging and initia- tions by its members. Showing the proper vitality, it could exercise a beneficial influence in the matter of University regulations on fraternities. Briefly, the possibilities of this year's council depend, first, upon the ability and intelligence of the individ-1 ual delegates; second, upon the con- tinuation of the same representatives by each fraternity;and third, upon an intelligent choice of officers. In the past, the failure of the pouncil to do! anything worthwhile has been largelyi due to the policy of making attend- ance at council meetings a sophomore or junior duty with the "task":passedl around the members of these two classes. At any particular meeting, then, many of the representatives would be ignorant of the discussions or the business transacted at the pre-1 vious meetings. Moreover, with very, few exceptions, even in the case of thez officers, the delegates were scarcely1 known to each other. Such defects, which have brought the council into disrepute, could bet very easily remedied by the fraternityf themselves, or particularly, by thet fraternity president. It would only require the appointment of one junior( and one senior, the more able the bet- ter, as permanent delegates to the council. Thus possessed of a com-c peltent and unchanging membership,t the body itself might easily outdoI itself with worthwhile discussions and transactions. SAFEVUAIDING CRIMINALS 1 With the shooting of a farmer by a try agent in Maryland, a great wave of reaction has swept the country, andf those who lie in wait in the shadows,I seeking to waylay justice at everye turn, have leaped into the open withc a denunciation of federal enforcement methods, threatening even to intro-t duce legislation into Congress to pro-a hibit the shooting of bootleggers untiln they have had at least three shots in n the open at the prohibition agents. | of inexcusable brutality which it' might otherwise present. In the firt place the farmer killed had previously been cited to appear in court, according to testimony taken in a hearing before Federal Judge Soper. The farmer had fired on the agents when they entered the yard to search for a still, and when they re- turned the fire he slumped down either fatally wounded, or, as the state will contend in the trial, only slightly injured. While in this condi- tion it is alleged that another bullet from the dry agent's revolver killed Mhili. What Maryland and the rest of the Union need more than a mass of sob- bing opponents to the iron hand of the federal forces are a group of prohi- bition agents who are still better marksmen than the present aggrega- tion. There are still too many agents of the government killed every year, and not enough of the law violators; and after all it is the violence of the bootleggers that has brought in their head the retaliation of the officers. On the face of the evidence it would seem that neither Maryland nor any other state has any cause for alarm in the growing list of fatal shootings attributed to the dry agents. If the law is to be enforced, and enforced against men who do not hsitate at violence themselves, the policy that must be followed is to shoot first and shoot to kill. Even one possible mis- take in several thousand instances should not necessarily alter this policy T HE ADVISORY SYSTEM A modification of what was tried here during Freshmen week is ap- parently going to be effected at the Unviersity of Minnesota with the in- auguration of a senior advisory sys- tem where each freshman will have an advisor, either a senior or a junior, to aid him in becoming oriented to the school. The difference between the two plans seems to lie in the fact that at Minnesota the system is to be tried after the opening of school, in- stead of before that opening, and that the faculty there is to take only a minor part. The idea, as it parallels our own Freshmen week, is a good one. It is strange, as a matter of fact, that the educational institutions of the coun- try are only now awakening to the possibiliti es of such contacts with their entering students. The success of the Minnesota plan, however, as with any such plan, depends on th' willingness of the upperclassmen to cooperate; and the difficulties in se- curing this cooperation are larger than they would seem from a super- ficial standpoint. If there was any single defect that could be levied against our Freshmen week this year it was this very lack of cooperation on the part of the upper- classmen here, according to Profes- sor Frayer, who had charge of the program. In our system, however, the defect did not glare so noticeably since from the first the major respon- sibility was placed on the shoulders of the faculty men involved. The dif- ficulties of securing cooperation from a class of students who have never gone through the same experience in the role of subjects were only too manifest, however. It is to be hoped that the system at Minnesoa will be a success, and it is almost inevitable that to some degree it will be. But the whole thing hinges on the cooperation of the upperclass- men, and judging from our own ex- perience the prospects of the Minne- sotans do not seem particularly bright. THE FALL OF TROTZKIY Of all the names that rocketed across the firmanent of international politics following the World War, none were more colorful, more terrible, more ruthless, or more inseparably, linked than those of Lenine and Trotzky. The two terms became synonymous for the bloody days of the Red revolution and bolshevism; for terror and martial law; and Lenine and Trotzky, amid all the ephemeral governments that rose and fell dur- ing those hectic days managed to stay at the crest of the wave. They took oppressed and downtrod- den Russia and molded it into a na- tion. They swept away with one fell swoop the tentacles of destructive no- bility and class distinctions. Theyf worked and labored through long and dismal months for the nation they built on the ruins of a decadent past, and when the final reckoning is made, and the tales of bloody horror have faded into the background, it is quite possible that Lenine and Trotzky will emerge as two builders of a great commonwealth. Next month Russia will celebrate' the tenth anniversary of that stirring and snowy November day when the! mobs of Moscow rose in the blizzard and shattered the tottering remnants of what was known as Russian no-l which they stood in Russia. But there has closed with them also a period in Russian history, and there has dawn- ed with , their eclipse a new and brighter day for the communist regime. Both Lenine and Trotzky were iron men. Trotzky's martial speeches were famed throughout the land. They quailed not before the sight of murder nor the prospect of destruction. They were men of the hour, and they held Russia firm through her darkest hours with a reign of tihe Red terror that spared none. The fall of Trotzky means the end of this. It means that the brutial martial spirit is no longer necessary in Russia, and it means that the in- auguration of an era of peaceful prosperity is about to occur. It means that the day of the soldier; the exe- cution; the intimidation; the coercion is past; fo were it not the heads of the Communist party would not be so foolish as to release the only man in their party whose very name strikes terror into the heart of Russia. The Moscow government is secure. I It no longer needs its policy of blood and iron; and with the passing of the policy passes the iron-handed Trotz- ky. He has served his party well. CAMPUS OPINION Annoymous1. ommni catons will be osrgarded. The unamies of connuni- cants will, however, be regarded as cmnidential upon request. NO N'EW FACTS NEEDED If my adversary in thought, the gentleman who so graciously set forth his peace-loving opinion in THE t)DAILY of Sept. 30, demands that the l wrath of the god of reason be sum- moned, I too will venture to call upon hlim from his ethereal heights, but with something much different in mind that a vociferous support of the automobile ban. Only av.erage college students, it has been said, will complain like pun- ished children and with little breadth of vision against all regulatory meas- ures. For the benefit of those whose intelligence is limited to only a sin- gle degree of thought, it might be well for me to establish myself at this point as spokesman for the opposition, if only to expound the policies of those who consider the ban unjust. Students who have risen, in objection to the measure are not, first of all, objecting to ALL regulations. Neither do they feel that they have been given a fair opportunity for the authorities to determine whether or not they will defeat the liberal aims by utter neglect. Finally, they do not see th ban as a constructive effort to remove a time-waster and morale breaker, but rather as pn insult to those who do have intelligence, and do believe that' intelligent peoile can care fpr them- selves. Thus it would seem that a much misinformed and unthinking person has attempted to formulate his ow opinion in favor of the ban. I woul' not object if one should speak i favor of the ban, if he would merel confine himself to a proof of its good points. But I must necessarily rise in complaint against the m'an who at- tempts to falsely distort the argu- ments of thinking people by a mere garrulousness which ends in nothing. This most honorably misinformed personage, (I hesitate to incurr too much of his distaste by calling him "narrow') has stated that owning of a car is incompatible with the intent of serious students.. This, of course, is an absurdity that hardly needs refutation, for the implication of the person who set up this belief is per- fectly obvious--perhaps he had better think again. But let me grant, for the moment, that the purpose of a large majority of students is to have a car for pleas- ure purposes. This is not, at least so President Little has intimated, in- compatible with the aims of the Uni- versity. The Regents wish the stu- dents to enjoy every possible privilege for the best results. And it is on this that we base our belief that the auto- mobile ban could be lifted, granting, of course, the limitation of a strong administrative official group, which The Daily editorial opinion has so apt ly suggested. I speak now, not as the radical who stands in condemnation of President Little. I would not choose to score him for his action, for he has no doubt acted in the way which he considers most fitting. But, in considering this viewpoint, I feel that instead of wait- ing a proof, a series of new facts, there might be a new action taken, to give the students a trial,-under the old plan, but with competent officials. Lifting the ban will overcome much of the scorn which has been directed to this University. Michigan students will prove that their institution has something more than mere unintel- ligent, whining children. - I -- _____ - I ----- : ( r THEATER BOOKS MUSIC TONIGHT: The Mimes present "The Bad Man," by Emerson Porter Browne, in their theater at 8:30 "THE BAD MAN" A review, by Vincent Wall. The lusty and ardent fraternity of Ann Arbor first-nighters removed their purple critical robes from the moth balls, and last night sat in judg- ment of "The Bad Man"-presented, as it were, by the Mimes Players as the season's first venture. And if last night's reception is an accurate cri- teria, "The Bad Man" is set for a noisy and triumphant week. It really is an excellent show. "The Bad Man" is a play of slightly different type than has been attempt- ed here in some time. On the surface it is a bristling melodrama of the Mexican border. It crackles and snarls through three acts of gun-play, murder, lawless banditry, profanity and romance, with the occasional humor of relief properly interpolated. But even granting that this is the mold from which the show was cast, there was something present last night that the audience found infinite- ly more to its liking. Pancho Lopez-the bad man him- self-injected into the play a subtle satire of the chicanery and theatrical tricks of the western thriller that turned the presentation into some- thing more vital. Charles -Livingstone supplied this sly burlesque of the movie mellers, and incidentally did his best work so far in the campus thea- ter. But despite the fact that it is a one man show, the supporting cast di more than form a colorful background for his vivid gestures. Robert Wetzel played Henry Smith for every laug'm that there was-and he didn't miss. Frances Johson-the new leading lady -had a bad part (Lucia's lines are al- most impossible); but she caught into it sufficient drama and enough busi- ness tricks o make it stand out as a distinct picture. Her voic is wonder- ful-low and well pitched-and she knows the stage and knows it well. Thomas Dougall by means of a Will Rogers lurch and a humorous drawl made Red Giddings something more than he was in the original play. Mary Louise Murray brought to the role of Angela Hardy petulant and saucy lines and an appealing blonds beauty: Lyman Crane played Gilbert Smith with a restrained and repressed im- plication of deeper feeling that made the dramatic scenes highly effective. Samuel Bonnell and Francis Kleutgen contributed the usual accurate and studied bits that one has come to ex- pect of them. In short it was this quasi-perfection of the cast that made "The Bad Man" something more than a successful show. The Mimes Players poured in- to this melodrama some splendid tal- ent; and while it may not be a search- ing test of their artistic capacity it gives patrons reason for expecting something even finer later in the sea- son. * * * THE ORGAN RECITAL Palmer ChWristian Uniersity or- ganist, will present the following pro- gram tomorrow afternoon, at 4:15 o'clock: Concerta for Organ, No. V, in F .Handel Larghetto Allegro Alla Siciliana Presto Andante Cantabile (Symphony V) ....................Tschaikowsky Landscape in Mist........Karg-Elert Prelude on the Welsh Hymn-tune "Byrn Calfaria".......Williams Prelude.................... Schmitt Capriccio..................Faulkes Vorspiel, the Introduction to Act III,and the Bridal Chorus- from "Lohengrin"........Wagner This is the second of Mr. Chris- tian's Twilight Organ recitals, and one of the last due to th.e fact that with the last of this month, the Frieze Memorial organ will be dismantled in preparation of the installment of a new instrument. This will not be ready for use until the first, of next semester. During this time Mr. Chris- tian will be principally engaged in a concert tour, and the recitals will of necessity be discontinued, although there will be one-perhaps two- more. Definite announcement will be made by the first of next week. * * The Seattle Harmony Kings, a Vic- tor Recording orchestra from the Chicago Rendezvous, will present a G RANGER' S Dancing Tonight and Wednesday Night EIGHT TO TEN The two hours of recreation which the new Tuesday night dance, and the regular Wednesday night dance afford are unbeatable for fun and companionship. These dances are long enough to provide a most entertaining evening, yet they are not so long as to interfere with studies. 11usI- a all dances by Bill Watkins' o0vrines Dancing every Tucsdarj, Wcdnesday, Friday and Saturday Granger's Academy #I !. - j STUDENTS ATTENTION An hour a day will help pay your way. Take orders for Sliickers and Raincoats. Your pay daily. Selling outfit PRE'N. Capital or experience unneess- ary. FISK WARNER 443 So. Dearborn St., Dept. C S, Chicag'o Real Opportunity - SPARE TIME WORK Earn $3.00 per hour in your spare time selling the finest line of .personal Xmas Greetug cards. Very moderate prices and we inscribie individuial names and monograms or the fraternity Greek letters or crests without any additional charge. 40 per cent commission, paid daily. $12.00asample catalog FREE. You can earn -$G00 to $800 before Xmas if you have real gumption. Apply HARVARD PRESS, INC. 36 S. Sate St., Chicago You Can Be Assured that your shirts and the rest of your clothes receive no less attention here than your mother gave them at home. We sew on buttons and mend the rips before it is too late. DIAL 3916 MOE LAUNDRY 204 North Main Street WA I '21 Week Beginning, 1Ionday, Oct. 3 Bonstelle Playhouse "THE POOR NUT" By J. C. and Elliott Nugent NIGHTS: BAL. 7,c, $1.0); Orch., $1.01, and Sat., 5 7c,')c. Subscribe to THE WEEKLY BLUE ROSE Toilet Specialties -I S Our store offers you these high grade toilet articles in a wide selection of Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Face Powders, Compacts, Vanities, etc. EBERBACH & SON CO. Established 1843 200-202 E. Liberty St. "_." d e A. d ei M,~*. .?/ ".". elsA" A/ .PU' ?.! +.'+ 'r aP s !".e .^"!i _a 4 ; "a0'.rPĀ«/a . , . ', . ".. ".rte..Oaf. . l .aO~ . .s ".r/ar//. f" ..",I'w . + j " " 0^./Flrla -4 I r4 - .~. s T- / .law~yi7-. - If- n,/- "- .- ~ ".K -i ,. -.. jj.. 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