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October 02, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-10-02

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Vol. XXXVIII, No. 12.


Married, Local, and Part-time Groups
Now Allowed to Drive After
Recent Conference
Relaxation of the automobile regula-
tions for certain groups of students,
which, while too numerous to be class-
ed as "exceptional and extraordinary"
would suffer unnecessary hardship
and inconvenience if the letter of the
ruling were enforced, was asked by
the office of the dean of students from
the Board of Regents riday night.
The classes affected, according to an
announcement yesterday by Dean
Joseph A. Bursley, will, be first the
married students; seconu the part-
time students; and third students liv-
ing with their parents in Ann Arbor.
Would Work Unnecessary Hardship.
'It has been assumed that the regu-
lation was directed primarily against
the use by students of automobiles and
motorcycles as pleasure vehicles or as
a means of conveyance except where
absolutely necessary," the announce-
ment reads. "In the cases of certain
classes of students a strict interpreta-
tion of the rule would work unneces-
sary hardship and inconvenience.
These groups include so many individ-
uals that they can hardly be classed
as 'exceptional and extraordinary' and
the Regents were asked to allow this
office to put a more liberal construc-
tion on these words than it felt war-
ranted in doing up to this time."
The three groups refered to include
the married students who need their
cars for family use, the part-time
students, and the students who live
with their parents in Ann Arbor. The
recommendation was made by the of-
fice of the dean states that in general
any students in the first two groups
should be allowed the use of their
motor cars, subject only to such minor
restrictions as muay be found nece-
In regard to the third group, those
who live with their parents in Ann
Arbor, the announcement reads that:
"Although the Regents wish to limit
the use of cars by University students
as far as possible, they do not desire
to interfere unnecessarily with the
family life of Ann Arbor residents.
Therefore it was recommended that.
upon the written request of the parcel
ent, permission be given any Ann
Arbor student to drive when neces-
sary for the convenience of the
Cannot Be Used For Pleasure.
"In justice to other students," the
report continues, "this permission can
not include the use of the car for
pleasure driving with other Univer-
sity life unless the case be 'excep-
tioonal and extraordinary.' "
The Regents approved all of the re-
commendations made by Dean Bursley
in principle, and also approved the
reduction in the license fee on student
automobiles from $5.00 to $.00.
Of all the groups affected, the larg-
est number of pejmits have been is-
sued to married students who need
their cars for family purposes, while
those using their cars for business
constitutes a large group in second
place. The number of permits issued
to Ann Arboi students is the third
largest of those classes affected.
The questions submitted to the
Regents are almost entirely matters
of p6licy rn enforcing the rule, and
do not constitute any change in the
principle of the regulation. The
questions submitted by the office of

the dean for consideration were ques-
tions of interpretation only.
PURDUE, Oct. 1,-Reckless driv-
ing by University students in their
"rattle-trap collegiate" cars was one
of the principal subjects brought be-
fore the city council of West Lafayette
at its last meeting when N. B. Moore
of West Lafayette brought to the at-
tention of the council the fact that the
driving of University students is caus-
ing mu.ch uneasiness to local citizens
and many lives are being endangered
by this fast and reckless driving.
Following the discussion, the coun-
cil decided that although there is a
ban on student driven cars, more stu-
dents than ever are now driving cars.
Orders were issued to the police de-
partment to arrest all violators of the
speed and reckless driving law.
FRANKLIN, Ind.---Horace Rainey,
-1 , f 'f 16F nklin Cnle is


Mai des Suggestions iai i
Been Effective, Wilbur Says

I ot.

(By Associated Press)I
WASHINGTON, Oct. 1.--Secretary
Wilbur said today that there had been
no changes in the Navy departments
in line with suggestions of Rear Ad-
miral Magruder in his now celebrated
Saturday Evening Post article assail-
ing naval administration.
Admiral Magruder said in an ad-
dress last night at Philadelphia that
he had just returned from Washington
where he had learned that his sugges-
tions already had been born fruit in
some particulars insofar as they af-
fect administration of naval affairs in
the national capital. Mr. Wilbur re-
ferred inquiries to Admiral Magruder
as to what these changes might be.
Affirmative Will Attempt to Prove
Injustice of Recent Ruling
Passed by Regents1
Adelphi House of Representatives
will debate the question: Resolved
that the present action of the Regents,
in prohibiting autos is unjust, at 7:30
o'clock Tuesdy in the society's
room on the fourth floor of Angell
Experienced varsity members of the
House will discuss the question. Rob-
ert J. Gessner, '29, speaker of Adel-
phi, announced the following repre-
sentatives as debators for the eve-
ning: Ray Alexander, '28L, and Jer-
ome Friedman, '29L, affirmative; Rob-
ert Schwartz, '29L, and Lloyd Bart-
lett, '29L, negative. Five minutes
will be given to constructive argu-
ments and three minutes for rebuttals.
At the close of the debate the discus-
sion will be thrown open to the House
for a general discussion. Visitors as
well as members of the society will be
allowed to vote on the question.
Applications for membership to the
organization can be filed at the close
( of the open session. All male students
of the University are eligible for mem-
bership, as Adelphi is one of the few
activities open for first semester fresh-
( men. At the last meeting of Adelphi,
held Sept. 27, 23 applications for ad-
mission were received.
- _ _ _ _ - -_
Stage Set For Mimes
Play, 'The Bad Man,'
Beginning Oct. 3rd
According to reports from the box
office in the Mimes theater the tick-
ets for "The Bad Man" are selling fast,
and indications point to full houses
for all performances. "The Bad Man"
begins a run of a week tomorrow
night, officially inaugurating the cam-
pus dramatic season.
The production is a melodramatic
comedy in three acts, written by Por-
ter Emerson Browne. The scenes are
I all laid on the Mexican border, and in-
volve the doings of a bandit leader.
The title role is being filled by
j Charles D. I4ivingstone, who is also
directing the production. Others in the
cast are Mary Louise Murray, Fran-
ces M. Johnson, Robert Wetzel, C.
Lyons Cr.ne, and Frances K. Kleut-
gen. The drama is being staged under
the personal superivision of E. Morti-
mer Shuter.
Tickets for "The Bad Man" are on
sale at the box office in Mimes thea-
ter, or may be secured by mail or tele-
phone. They are all reserved and are
priced at 75 cents.

(By Associated Press)
LUVERNE, Ala., Oct. 1.-A "reign
of terror" in Crenshaw county, Ala-
bama, resulting from masked violence
which has "resulted in several deaths"
is under estimation by Attorney-gen-
eral Charles C. McCall.
"More than 150 persons are connect-
I ed with the whippings with the mask
and hood involved in 90 per cent of
the cases," Mr. McCall said. "I want
to assure the public that these guilty
'parties will not get away with it. I
are going to get them. With good
grand juries and good trial judges I
am confident I can get indictments in
90 per cent of the cases."
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Oct. 1.-Illinois bitumin-
ous coal operators today reached an
agreement whereby the mines will re-
sume operation after being idle six

Word was received here yestr-
dayfrom Honolulu by J. 1.Pol-
F. C. Newcomb from an attack O N 1L[ f
of pneumonia.
Appears Here For Week Preceding Tornado-Torn Section Of St. Louis College of I'trat1.r Scinfi4p, fl1
Departure For Performance Said To Resenible Batt e-Ruined Arts Officers Will Be E ected
At Chicago. Towns Of France Wednesday.
"The Same To You" will be the title NEED LARGE RELIEF FUND Definite dates and places for all
of the 1927 Michigan Union Opera, ac- the senior class elections to be lie
cording to announcements made yes- (8y A ssci ated Pess> next week were assigned in an ai



terday by E. Mortimer Shuter general
director of the production, and Paul
Buckley, director of the Michigant
U nion.,,
"The Same To You" will constitute
the twenty-second annual production
of the Mimes of the Michigan Union.
Vincent C. Wall, Jr., '2S, and Thomas,
J. Dougall, '28, are joint authors of,
the book, while most of the music has
been written by William M. Lewis, Jr.,
'29. Wall is music and drama editor of
The Daily, and held one of the leading,
roles in last year's opera, as did Doug-
all. Lewis was leading lady in "Fronti
Page Stuff," and also contributed;
music and lyric to the score.
Iloyer W ill Assist.
Roy Hoyer, leading man with Fred
Stone in 'Criss Cross" will again lend
his assistance in arranging the dances,
the first steps of which are now being
directed by Lewis. The costumes for
"The Same To You" will again be the
creations of Lester, of Chicago. Lead-
ing members of the cast were in the
latter city last week end for fittings
and in order to have pictures taken for
publicity purposes. The pictures were
taken by Paul Stone of the Raymour
studios, who has doie the work for
Mimes' productions for several years.
Lester has but recently returned from,
Paris with several new creations ex-
pressly designed for the 1927 opera.
The plot of "The Same To You" has
been fashioned along more modern
lines than those in past operas, stated
Mr. Shuter. It deals with the theft of
a number of bonds which leads to an
intrigue involving many prominent,
people. The music, likewise is written
in a style that is a radical departure
from that in past performances. The
operetta style made popular by "Thue

ST. LOUIS, Oct. 1-Drenched by nouncement made yest(rday by Ellis

Babcock Features in Returning Ponts
s; And Ihid Running;IDefense
Is Impregnable
Louis Gilbert By Herbert Vedder
Whose sensational playing yester- Displaying a passing attack which
day was the feature of the game. Gil- 'was spectacular and productive but
bert received the opening kickoff of not at all dependable, and with a run-
the second half and ran 9O yards for ning attack which was the lest a
a touchdown. Michigan eleven has shown in several

rain which fell intermittently, hun-
dreds of survivors of Thursday's tor-
nado here, who remained in their ruin-
ed homes were forced today to seek
shelter elsewhere. The Red Cross
estimated 2,600 families, comprising,

B. Merry, '28, chairman of the Student1
council elections committee. The first
balloting of the week will be at 11
o'clock Tuesday morning when the
senior engineering students willj


7,800 persons, were affected in the de- choose their offic crs in room 348 of
vastated area of approximately 210 the 'Vest Engineririg builing. The

city blocks.-
Both in its immediate physical as-
pects and its aftermath, the tornadot
was warlike. Members of the Ameri-
can Legion, among the 5,000 volunteer
workers, recall the battle-ruined
towns- of France and declare they pre-
sent no more desolate appearancel
than the tornado-torn section of St.
Likened To War Conditions
They pointed to the similarity of
sentiment which drew both the
French wartime sufferers and the lo-
cal sufferers from the storm to cling
as long as conditions permitted about
the only places on earth to call home.
Even in today's rain, women and
men lingered, about heaps of ruined
masonry and splintered wood. Here
and there were women sitting discon-
solately viewing shapeless heaps,
recognizable only to them.
They packed what goods they could
retrieve on some of the 75 moving
vans provided through the Red Cross,
and started a sad exodus, following
the vans on foot, carrying some par-
ticularly precious possession. Many
of them were headed out into St.
Louis county to, find new homes or
temporary stopping places.
Relief Fund Needed
A relief fund of half a million dol-
lars is needed immediately it was an-
nounced by Alfred Fairbanks, vice-
chairman of the Citizen's Disaster Re-.
lief committee. Contributions late to-f

elections there will be in charge of
John Gilmartin, '29E, a member of
the Student council from the Colleges
of Engineering and Architecture.
At 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon the
seniors of the college of Architecturej

Oosterbaan, Capt.. LE.......... Kyle
Pomnierening ..... LT.........Abbey
I' meroli LG......I,... . Leary.

years but which is not yet in finished
form, the Wolverines swept easily to
a' 33-0 victory over Ohio Wesleyan
yesterday in the first game in the new
A crowd of more than 40,000 people
witnessed the game to set a new at-
tendance record in spite of the rain
which assumed the proportions of a

T iesda y.
Engineering seniors.........11:


Architecture seniors .........4:001
Dental seniors...............5:00f
Literary seniors ............ 4:00
Education seniors ........... 3:00
Business administration
Pharmacy seniors.....5:00

, I


I Sudet rine"has been forsaken for
S day totaled $165,000. Fairbanks said
that used in modern musical comedies no appeal would be made for con-
of the Gershwin type. Instead of the he etfr, hilt -a]I
t ib t~I~f n AUt'.e> e i tal o

many numbers used in other shows, a
few having lit qualities will be em-
Two Acts lit Opera.
There will be two acts and three
scenes in the new opera, one of which
will be ;laid in a fashionable garden,
and another on the interior of a night
club. Another unusual feature to be
incorporated in the show will be that
of a stage orchestra to be used in the
cabaret scene.
Sets for "The Same To You" will
again be built by Otto Schiller, scenic
artist for the Mimes productions. No
detail or expense will be spared in
making them fitting and elaborate.
General chair1ian of the affairs is
John Starrett, '28E, and the stagej
manager is James Yant, '28. Starrett
was stage manager of "Front Page
Stuff" last year.
Will Open Here December v.
The customar; week's run in Ann
Arbor will begin at the Whitney thea-
ter on Monday, Dec. 5. After that the
production will make its first outside
appearance in Chicago on Friday, Dec.
16 at the Auditorium theater. Three
appearances will be made in Detroit
beginning Dec. 17, with the possibility
of another performance at the close of
the run. The remainder of the itin-
erary follows: Toledo, Lansing, Grand
Rapidls, Flint, Saginaw. Cleveland,
Buffalo, Philadelphia, and Cincinnati.
But one performance will be held in!
each city with the exception of Detroit.I

r I1Utoll sOUs6t
tributions would
whatever source.
telegraphed Maj.
fering help.
Enlisted under
ter' of the Red

yieUL, u UJ U1
be welcome from
Nineteen cities have
Victor J. Miller of-
the St. Louis chap-
Cross, 2,000 relief

workers were today grappling effec-
tively with the relief problem. They
had comprehensive surveys of the
tornado area for guidance from
which they drew the conclusion that
a parge percentage of the 7,800 suffer-
ers would need no help from the Red
Cross. The relief problem was com-
paratively simple.
Three persons were injured, two of
them seriously, when the car in which
they were coming to the Ohio Wesley-
an game yesterday afternoon left the
road north of the city. Miss Lovisa
Stedman, of Brighton, suffered the
most serious injuries of the three and
is in the University hospital with a
fractured skull. Miss Anne Brown
and Marshall Sugden, the other two
occupants of the car, were also taken
to the hospital; Miss Brown was
severely bruised, while Sugden suf-
fered only minor injuries.
CHAMPAGN-The block 'I' at the
football games this year will seat 834

will meet in the new Architectural
building for the eleetion of their offi-
cers, in the second meeting of thef
week. John StarretU, '28E, and William
D. Brumbaugh, '28, will be in charge
of these elections. Both of the men are
members of the council.
IentaI College Meets Tnesda y.
At 5 o'clock Tuesday afternoon the
seniors in the dental college will meet
for the election of their officers. The
meeting will be held in room 221 of
the Dental building, with Starrett and
Brumbaugh in charge of this election
'The election of the senior class in
the law school will be held on Tues-
day afternoon also, at either 4 or 5
o' clock. These elections will probably'
be held in room B of the Law building,
with Courtland C .Smith, '28, and Ellis
Merry, '28, in charge of the group.
The largest election of the week will
take place at 4 o'clock Wednesday aft-
ernoon in the Natural Science audi-~
torium when the seniors of the CollegeI
of Literature, Science and the Arts
will ballot for their officers. This will
be the only election held on Wednes-
day afternoon, with Smith, Merry, andi
Starrett in charge.
Three Elections Thursday.
Three elections will be held Thurs-
day afternoon when the seniors of the
school of pha: macy, the school of edu-
cation, and the school of business ad-
ministration make their choices. The
education students will meet at 3
o'clock in room 207 Tappan hall, the
business administrations seniors at 4
o'clock in 206 Tappan hall, and the
seniors of the college of pharmacy at 5
o'clock in room 203 of the Chemistry
building. All three of these elections
will be in charge of Ernest McCoy, '29,
and Charles Gilbert, '28, both of whom
are members of the council.
The seniors of the school of medi-
cine will hold their elections at a
place and time to be decided upon
Different colored ballots will be
used in all of the elections.
CHAMPAGN-Registration this year
has reached the total of 10,593.

...IJ(w11pour several times before the
Thisted..................Mitchell game time and which continued
Baer...........RG .......Campbell through the greater part of the con-
Grinnell..........RT......... Tilton test. The sun did not come out until
Taylor........... RE........ Murray the latter part of the second quarter.
Hoffman.........QB........Halliday Out of the 'maze of the opening
Babcock ..... .I. I.......Thomas game, however, one figure stands out
Gilbert ........... Ri1.4.........Breese in bold relief-that of Louis Gilbert.
Rich ..... .......F ...... Schaffer It was Gilbert who rose to take the
---- .mantle of all-around man left last
Score By Quarters June by All-American Bennie Fried-
Michigan .........13 7 13 0-33 man. The entire Wolverine attack
Ohio Wesleyan .... 0 0 0 0- 0 was built around Gilbert, the passer,
- the runner, the punter and the goal
Substilutio's kicker.
Michigan-Nicholson for Thisted, 1 !Gilbert In Every Score
Boden for Taylor, larrigan for Pom- I Gilbert figured in every one of the
erening, Waldor for Grinnell, Gembis scores made by the Maize and Blue.
for Rich, Schoenfeld for Nicholson, It was Gilbert who tossed a 15-yard
Poornian for Harrigan, Nickerson for pass to Laverne Taylor for the first
Costerbaan, Nicholson for 13aer, Grin- touchdown in the stadium scarcely
nell for Waldor, larrigan fur Pom- five minutes after the kickoff. It was
erening, Poe for Palmeroli, Fuller for Gilbert who caught a short, partially
Gilbert, Geistert for Babcock, Whittle blocked Wesleyan punt and ran
for Hoffman, Kerr for Nickerson, 24 yards for the secold score. Again
Meese for Poe, Parker for Nicholson, just before the half ended it was Gil-
McBride for Whittle. bert ,Who passed 20 yards to Hoffman
Ohio Wesleyan - McKinney for who ran across the goal line for the
Schaffer, Franz for Thomas, Wertz third touchdown.
for Franz, Farr for Murray, Sigen- Immediately following this, Wes-
thaler for McKinney, Kane for Sigen- lIyan's kickoff was short andWalder
thaler, Coleman for Murray, Smith ran the ball back to midfield. On the
for Campbell, Risk for Abbey, Thomas next play Gilbert passed to Capt. Ben-
for Tilton, Blair for Mitchell, Myers mie Oosterbaan who loped across for
for Breese, Healy for Halliday. the fourth touchdown unmolested.
- ------ It was Gilbert who received the
kickoffto open the second half and
Ga ran 90 yards for touchdown with his
,t. a teammates blocking beautifully. Gil-
President's Birthd bay ert also strove to follow Friedman
----as a kicker of field goals. He- made
(Ily Associated Pres) I good on four of five tries but the last
!BERIN, Oct. 1.-This was a day of one was disallowed because 'of hold-
gifts and congratulations to President Iing by the Wolverines.
I Von Hindenberg, who will formally erhaps the most gratifying part
! 'of the game from the Michigan stand-
celebrate his 80th birthday tomorrow. ! point was the undisputed reserve
The President arose early and found strength showed by the Maize and
his private apartment at the apart- Blue in the line. At tackle, four men
ments of state littered with flowers performed creditably to say the least
and crowded with attendants who and all contributed, working with the
were putting on the finishing touches i ends to make the off tackle running
for the celebration. The President, attack formidable. Grinnell and
who was visibly affected, said, "I'm Pommerening who started the game
sorry to put you to all this trouble." were later relieved by Poorman and
Walder, who did well. Gabel was
Michigan Ends Strong
(By Associated Press) At end, the Wolverines showed un-
DETROIT, Oct. 1.-Neglect in estab- disputed strength with Oosterbaan,
lishing their status with the United the nonpareil, Taylor, the flashy soph-
States immigration officials in con- omore, and Boden sharing major hon-
formity with the new ruling wil prob- ors. Boden was slated to start at
ably force hundreds of Canadian resi- Iright end but Taylor's back was so
dents who now work in Detroit to improved that he was allowed to start.
give up their jobs here, immigration Boden got in later and showed well
directors stated today. defensively.
____Wesleyan threatened the Michigan
gs goal only once, in the first quarter.
Yesterday's Results omas kicked out of bounds on the
Wolverine 10 yard stripe. Halliday
JI ~ . ~J." s -en then ran back Gilbert's partially
Iowa, 32; Monmouth, 6. blocked punt but a moment later Pal-
Princeton, 14; Amherst, 0. ineroli recovered a fumble on his own
. Minnesota, 57; North Dakota, 10. 16 yard line following which Gilbert's
Purdue, 25; Depauw, 0. long punt rolled to the Wesleyan 37
Yale, 14; Bowdoin, 0. yard line.
Indiana, 21; Kentucky, 0. j In the second quarter the Wolver-
Missouri, 13; Kansas Aggies, 6. Ines lost a scoring chance, Boden
i Illinois, 19; Bradley, 0. blocking a punt which Palmeroli re-
Nebraska, 6; Iowa State, 0. covered on the 12 yard line. Babcock
Navy, 27; Davis & Elkins, 0. fought at left end for no gain; Gil-
Northwestern, 47; South Dakota, 2. bert had thesame luck, being stopped
Visconsin, 31; Cornell college, 8. by Kyle. Gambis made it two yards
Michigan State, 27; Ohio U., 0. for the three tries. On a fourth down,
O.S.U., 31; Wittenberg, 0. a pass over the goal line slipped past
Notre Dame, 28; Coe, 7. Oosterbaan's outstretched hands, later
Dartmouth, 46; Hobart, 0. in the same quarter.
Harvard, 21; Vermont, 3. Babcock Shows Well
Penn State, 34; Gettysburg, 13. Sammy Babcock showed to advan-
Oklahoma, 13; Chicago, 7. tage in running back punts and kick-
Brown, 20; Albright, 0 . offs from his safety post. Also he
Pennsylvania, 33; Swarthmore, o. skirted the ends for several gains of
Army, 6; U. of Detroit, 0. 20 to 30 yards each. He also caught
Colgate, 32; St. Lawrence, 0. one of Michigan's five completed
Svraeuse. 18: William and Mary, G. passes. Geistert who did not get into

Rain and More Than 40,000 Spectators Are Features of Firstj
Game As Michigan Deserts Ferry Field For Vast New Stadium
By Kernel.I
It was Michigan's vast new stadium! not been mired; and _.iother team But the new stadium had been haip-j
Butit was wet;a's awfuy wet; sdig from a great University; and there tized with a quantity of water befitt-
But it was wet; awfully wet; dripping was an alleged game, with both teams ing is size, and of one thing all can
wet; wet in the sky and wet on the doing brillint work for the conditioni be certain-the drainage system does
field; and wettest of all in the stands. of the field and the condition of the work.
It was also the first game in the new field being remarkably excellent con- A quarter of a mile away, however,
stadium; and it was a crowd of more sidering the treatment the elements across the tracks, the oinly real
than 40,000 intrepid souls who made had given iK. t tragedy of the day was being enacted
their way through the bogs to the But there awas color in the stands- There Ferry Field, itoric scene of
great new edifice. There was a vel- yellow, green, blue, red, all colors. It many classic encounters, lay stark
vety new field, so heavy with grass was all so new and shiny; so vast and and deserted. The gridiron where
that the puddles, or rather the single impressive; so bright and so wet that Giant Schultz crushed opponent's
large puddle that covered it was hid- no one could keep l;i5 eyes on the bones, where Heston turned the Chi-
den. game. There was a newh press box h cago flanks, where Maulbetsch tort,
There were banners flying from new goal posts, a new crowd, new the Harvard line to shreds. and wtrerb
proud poles atop the new stadium; rules, new referees, everything new; the ghosts of hundreds of great plays
there were cheerleaders and cheers; and it was not a Michigan football haunt each corner of tme field, lay des-
and everything that a football stadium game at all, but merely a great spec- +.erted.

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