THE MICHIGAN DAILY ( !'1 57- -TAM W& WFA a ....... ... {1 V-W n ._ n i , NOTED BRIDCE EXPERT TO COME OCTOBER 27 ONFIETRAY TOUR MILTN C. WORK WILL TURN PRO. {'EEIDS OF LESSONS T.I1 BUILD. NG FUN 1) OF LEAGUE RESERVE SEATS BY MAIL Lessons Will be (given in the After- uloeni and >Evening in the Ball Room of the Union Arrangement w have recently been made through the office of the Alumnae council, to bring Milton C. Work, internationally known bridge expert, into Michigan for a five-day tour of various Michigan cities, the proceeds of the tour being turned over to the Women's League building fund. Mr. Work comes to Michigan direct- ly from the Pacific coast where the demand upon his time is so great that' it was only with difficulty that he could arrange to spend five daysin the mid-west. Mr. Work will com- mence his tour ' in 'Kalamazoo on October 25, going from there to Battle Creek on the 26th. He will be in Ann Arbpr, October 27, Lansing, October 28, and Jackson on October 29. Each city plans to make every effort to make this event :the big league event of the year, and tghe program will be in charge of the University alumnae in each place. Mr. Work will% -gv insttuctions in Ann Arbor from 2:30 to 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon, and from 8:00 to 10:00 at night, on °October 27, in the assembly room of the Michigan Union InstrudAions ar, open to both men and women and reserved tickets for tables wilf be sold. Mail orders are now being received at the Alumnae council office and people desiring the choice seats should send their orders in immediately. Public sale of tickets will open at Wahr's Bookstore, Thursday, 9ctober 6. "There will be no question of wait- ing to know where you will be placed to play, but those holding tickets will be ushered to seats according to th tickets," says ,Mrs. W. D. Henderson of the Alumni council, who has charge of the ticket arrangements. Those who have heard Mr. Work previously report that he furnishes exceedingly good entertainment and exceptional instruction in the game of bridge. SAYS INFLUENCE OF CROWD IS BAD IN SPORT WORLD "Women who rode bicycles in 1870 were flappers." Prof. Elizabeth Hal- sey of the University of Iowa us this fact to illustrate the great ad- vance made by modern women in the realm of sports. "Danger comes" declares Miss Hal- hey, when the modern girl is som- times exploited through her very free- do. Bathing bea uties and travelling basetball teamns re often promoted by a misguided Chamber of Com- merce as a profit le advertisement of an ,otherwise igtistinguished com- rmnity.", Miss halsey believes that the in- fluence the crowd has on the girls is d etrimnent lto their progress in ninters cholastic Eatlftics. 'For.'this reason, the competditon should bd limited to imterclass tournaments. ° Sportswomen of the present day be- gin athletics before they are in their teensi and continue them well tip through middle age. It is believed that these activities will build up an abundance of physi'al and mental health which will lend sirength tc the woman throughout life. BEGINS ART ISTIC CAREER AT 75 .To begin a career as an artist at I> years of a gO is the unusual attain- i)eIt of Mrs. Catherine Stewart, well known artist of New Nork City. Sit- ting with her back to the light ant] proppuig herself against the bed post, she recetly spent her 95th birthday in retouching a Venetian scene. Mrs. Stewart is a native of Scot- laud where beautiful landscapes atre common. S'he has painted a little through out her life but no't seriously until the last two decades. 11er method is to ride out in the country gathering ideas. She rarely ever sketches pn these trips but relies entirely on her memory. Freshman Week Successful In Uniting. Entering Women, Says Mrs. BartlettI Great enthusiasm over freshman week was expressed today by Mrs. B. H. Bartlett, of the Dept. of Public 'Health Nursery. As the advisor of 15 freshman girls during the week :Miss Bartlett became thoroughly acquaint- 1d with her group's reactions and is delighted at their frank appreciation' of the program arranged for their ben- efit. Although Mrs..Bartlett has been at the university eight years, freshman week gave her the first opportunity to meet incoming women. In her opin- ion the ideals and confidences of her girls has been extremely inspiring. While her group was typical in that it contained girls of highly var- ied temperament and position, they worked and played together as a unit congenially. A humane social spirit prevaded the group and made compan- ionship with them pleasant. The con- tact with her group and other fresh- man groups of boys were carried through with an admirable exchange of courtesies. That they were very much aware of the dignity of the oc- casions, and the graciousness of the invitations was evidenced in many ways. As the string of heated boys came in sight of the Dean's house th',; manfully donned suit .coats hitherto ia y quite anuecessary. Besides contact with her group Mrs. Bartlett's advisor's badge brought her many inquiries as to convenient banks, good restaurants, and student rooms. She was stopped two or three times a day on campus to answer queries of anxious freshman and their parents. YEA'SPROGRA W Dr. Woodward Of Maine nters WOMEN IN DRMITOR To EI per >nt I or Causes I111WrDCh.Dcerl BE WOR ;N BUILDN A' 1a t her ok in nYILL HAIIVEPRYBtTil of stairs in t he Me di al ng 011 ntirely lew way. Sic h retWmnslegel~~---h ll~rtl' f r od Sh( injects various extracts from Since the greacuions a w'e animal cells in each mouse, then puts New-comers at ilelen Newber campaign for the acbnuisiin of a h1, s each one in his cage in her labrtory Residence are looking forward to n com leed tn elcarryuondhat pQnsuii('sf y a o rni e the and leaves him fronm about six weeks week with frightened eyes. Probatil completed, the coming te.aItl -haveh to six months. Some she exanis week is in charge of Jean MCK. as its big proran i the actnal con- hte, others she leaves alone to do- structionofthenew uilinforthe lvesi(hwermine the reactions of the various this year and she is planning forti women of the Michigan catmpus. t e ir ee are Iu ithuvn Yo mi mi If the cell extracts start to pr'- initiations of 60 new girls, includi: work has commenced with the tearing wt lich e r al i i 1n e a cner, soasort of tumor, Dr. the girls from Palmerlee and Stoug down of houses now occupying the sitewh ah Wodwrd Purafies the substance and ton houses. Sp th neif ica i n g y e 5rIt)i)OkC(lly i fo m whichr te injects it in still another mouse to see These 60 girls are divided into e Specifications and plans are not yet suosely muif it will cause a cancer. She uses sev- groips and each group is to elect completed but bids will be out in a few Creamii-colO(ed a rs, hie white m1e.kbactain who will take charge in days, which promises that actual con- the albinos, and many ( ier varieties mak i mte rin rds of stanc. a l clting who wlnn ta fhrg inh struction will certainly be commenced Dr. Woodward lt: at the rsent time ma ete recorms of hr r. particulard roip. inhe l:'J1( ,1all She(1 hopes ;in tsome (of her cexperi-gop by the middle of November. Mrs. W. in her lahoi atory about - mnets to discover the direct causes Of Every senior in the house has t' D. Henderson expects to leave for kinds, but she hopes to add about .h r. w "it Isers"-new girls-and ChicagoSundayOctober, to confer 0 will have contributed inestimably to juniors have "little sisters" also. T with the architects, Pond and Pond, the world of mledicinle by finding the plan has worked out splendidly. T and hopes to bring back the specifica- The m'e are all carefully caa- a fron which the cure of cancer old girls have made everything tions, in order that an immediate con logued. heir ages and al utererdng cause comfortable and home-like for th ference may be held with the building (ata concerning their ir h, inherited "little sisters" as possible. committee concerning the work. tendenccs, and ieqire 1 traits re, The captains are going to ha The financial statement recently carefully kept. They er: th( hum- Iiding promises to be one of the stunts for their groups to present y U bered i this way: I the eft ear of wost popular sports for women at dinner time. Each night two or til shows that the payments of thepledges each there is a hole i ii n place Madison, Wisconsin. An enrollment stunts will be given. The new gi areoming ine pwye the lnces onto detemin e whether the m'nu; o {f 125 is expected in this cours will come to dinner dressed in fan hand showing, $602,558.76.. ' No. 10, 20 or 20. f lie is No. 1, his which gives opportunity to make costumes. hand" 1sh'wngf$ 2,55.76. ' l.~ - l;." st('<,1s: alnd Class 1Lnmerls, and~ The hopes of the committee and of iar is lo'ft inta('t, 'the r , fve, lalso th asity anl a ntter Formal initiation will take plat the architects are that the new build. a , a'aso th vrit ea ndltt' Friday night and all the new girls lug will be completed and ready forI slits in various IlcliC i1w the 1'hllt [1. hoping to be represented in the b occupancy by one year from January m "'rin birth the micr are mst care Iress is more conservative among book of the Newberrians. and everything possible is being done fully tended, and all pcamu, are English college women than among to justify the hones. taken to have perfect 'eperature i Americans, says Dr.. Talbert, Uni- Volley ball constitutes the inti Medical Examinations Show Exact State Of Health Of New Women, Says Dr. Bell "Medical examinations are given to less it is excessive-more than 20 per freshmen and entering sophomore cent over the normal, let us say. nwomen for the purpose of enabling "There were 905 entering women them to know how they stand physi- given a complete medical examina- cally and to help them correct their tion this fall," says Dr. Bell. "Of defects," says Dr. Margaret Bell, head these, 521 were examined by family of the women's physical education de- physicians and 384 by, university partment. "The most common de.. physicians. There were 400 sopho- fects, such as faulty posture, skin mores reached also. diseases, small goiters, nose and "There were about 1,000 women reg- throat troubles, and heart trouble, istered in physical education classes. can be overcome and corrected if These women are divided into groups treated in time. We are concerned according to their physical capabil- most deeply with high blood pressure, ities. In group I, or unrestricted work, rapid heart ,and recurring abnormal there are about 775 women; in group, temperature. Women under weight II, or slightly restricted work, there are watched closely and advised to are about 60; group III, or heavily follow diet and rest programs. We restricted work, includes about 150; do not worry about overweight un- group IV is corrective work and in- cludes 25 women. A few women are unfit for any work at all. "We are fortunate in having Miss Rawlings in charge of corrective work this year. She is a specialist in this line. The corrective work is mostly with foot defects. Only those who are interested enough to carry out Miss Rawling's suggestions outside of Although womens taste may run to class are encouraged to take this Saturday Evening Posts and Ladies work." Home Journals in the realm of maga- zines, their choice of novels is in a somewhat heavier strain. According to Mr. Burnell of the West Wind Lending Library the book most in demand at the present time is 'A Good Woman" by Louis Brom- field. Emma Downes, cast in the charac- ter of the "Good Woman" is very con- vincing nd exemplifies the extreme- ly religious type whose religion is not tainted with ecstacy nor mysti- cism. Deserted by her husband, she sets about to. educate her two year old son -in her own way. He is, consequently, a missionary in Africa when the story opens. He soon be- gins to think for himself, however, and decides that he is not fitted for the work. Arrived at this decision, he returns home with his wife, Naomi, much to the chagrin of his mother who in spite of her reputation of the "Good Woman" manages to break them up and is indirectly responsible for the death of each. Mr. Bromileld's character building in this, novel is quite remarkable. The. three women especially are forcefully represented and while the character of Phillip the son, does not stand out so distinctly, he is of a good repre- sentative type. Other popular books are "We" by Charles Lindbergh, 'Dusty Answers" by Rosemond Lehmann; "Giants in the Earth," O. E. Rolvaag; and Katherine. Mayo's "Mother India;" "Barberry Bush" by Kathleen Nor- ris and "The Grandmothers" by) Glenway Westcott are also much in demand. Mrs. Esther A. Gaw, dean of women at Ohio Stat,e in advising women stu- dents, will make use of the intelli- gence tests which are given to fresh- men women. Five new instructors have been add- ed to the Women's department of Pay- sical Education at the University of Wisconson. This enlargement was made necessary by the increasing en- rollment in this department which now number 140. Empress Zita of Austria, exiled, personally trains her oldest son for the duties of a king. e~~~ ~~-~~~~~ ~~~~ the laboratory at all )m;s by usig MUST FEEL CITY steam on cold days adfno TO DEFINE JAZZ Itis an Pcr t to know tl t SAJ nearly all of m str: if mice, ex- SAYS MISS SEELY cepting black ones, die of cancer from the ages of 18 to 22 moat us, they "Only a musician who has lived in, are especially well adapted tO the and who has felt a truly cosmopoli- study of cancer. Other eXperimento's tan city, can interpret jazz," states have used mice in attempting tO lean Miss Blanche Seely, jazz queen of the causes of cancer, bit D'. Wood- America. According to Miss Seely, jazz - is the melting pot of all music thrown iII1lQ 11 lIlt°hfIII1 i iSiI1lItli lII 3e against a screen of modern rhythm which for the lack of a better name we i Rates Reduced! call jazz. Spanish minuence can be traced in - m , e)-. ," almost all jazz that is good. A great Manicure, 75c - :1 4) 0,'1&0 many of our best composes of the popular music come from cities with Berthe Beauty Spanish settlements in. the Western and Southern parts of the county. The - West boasts of the noted Whitman, UH y . n r Hickman, and George Olson. From the South comes the "Oriiginal Dixie Land = 1 "y Jazz." ° 1 11 i1[D1s~9 9 9t3il; I .. BLACK-BLACK-BL ACK Is It Correct? PARIS SAYS: "YES" Black Soleil Felts, Satin, Velvet, Metalic .300 Hats Specially Priced for Saturday At $5.00 Michigan Theater Bldg. 537 ,. Liberty ..1~~} I,71 "16Ir 0 MliAItCVki;1,4 Ll ' - I tI!NI6tET E_1D No Water M aving Xecessary g oIinky Thadl Laist 6 to S ~M EXTRA SPECIAL By request we have indruced the Pubhix Beaut I l3hoppe of Detroit (specializing in Permanen WVin)g) to sy with us during the school seasoi 4 V Waves Special for $7.50 FREDERICK VITA-T Very special for 1 one week..... F. 110N Extra Chairg.'es EXTRA -- SPECIAL--- *EXTRA IA soft, loose, lustrous marcel effect with ling- Vi'- lid. A safe and ,gentle process. Will iot injuzre the finest htexture cat15 $150 flair ......... ........... ......... . iNodm xrt Charges TO l31?TTER SERVE YOU ve have equipped our Shoppe with the fam R~ot 011,Fac iai,, Henna treatmnent-a finger or wa-f wave put in wtl this steamer lasts longer a looks better. Docoming; Hair Trims- by an exp ais.Brb. Open Friday Evening Until 8:30 D I M AT T IA BEAUTY SHOPPE P~itaz Sl ,S3W11)oth Stake Phon *"E so Ii- -'| - ||||v : - onths y Lt 1. N IC )u50 t ter ter nd ert "l versity of Cincinnati. mural snort at the UniversIty of Ic C, 1 Z ^ . ,'t ._ r# * , < " r ,.; " t.I' GY r : J AIL - ..._ S I i cSty et1 mmm p a A Flash Of-Color! The Fashionable Lapel Always Hides a Silken. Scarf. Don't For get- You Will Need One Today for the Game. Of BizarLre Patterns or of Delicate Pastel Shades. z > . , . J , Introducing- The Chic hat of the moment. . m 7 0 ® +' , n rnnm j untt « a ,,,, ~ Our Scarfs Are the Essence of Feminine Smartness To tuck About Your Throat. Price: $2.9 It embodies youth and verve, typical of the smart young woman of fashion. Rcopcnbl'g of the namous Parisian School of Dances MjME. CALLIOPE CHARISSI, Directress A pcasure while to i t(taniot i Ait Arb(5ii iipOrnt slI of danig. Mdern ang is rg w I I