THE MICHIGAN DAILY moommommom"m Published every morning except Monday mg the University year by the Board in Itrol of Student Publications. r of Western Conference Editorial tion. I The Associatel Press is exclusively en- ttilod to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise crited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Enterel at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, lichigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Suscription by carrier, $4,oo; by mail, $ Olics: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4Q25,; Business .2214. EI)ITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGINGEDITOR JO, H. CHAMBERLIN Editor.....................Ellis B. Merry Stff ittor......... .Philip C. Brooks City 1?ditor.............. Courtland C. Smith Editor Michigan Wekly..Charles E. Behymer Women's rlditor..........Marian L. Welles Sp-rts Editor.............erbert E. Vedder Theater, Broks and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.d Telegraph Editor.............Ross W. Ross Assistant City Editor.....Richard .C. Kurvink Night Editors. Robert E. .inch G. Thomas McKean J. Stewart 'looker Kenneth G. Patrick Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr. Milton Kirshbaum Reporters. Margaret Arthur Charles R. Kaufman Alexander N. Donald J. Kline liochnowski Sally Knox Emmons A. Bonfield Jack L. Lait, Jr. Stratton Buck Richard H. Milroy Jean Campbell Charles S. Monroe Jessie Church Catherine Price Sydney Ml. Cowann Alary E. Ptolemy W'illiamHB. , 1is urold L. Passman William C. Davis Morris W. Quinn Masun de 1a Vergne Pierce Rosenberg ,lrvilIe I. l)owzcr David Scheyer larence N. Edelson Robert G. Silbar Margaret Gross Iloward F. Simon Edith V. Egel-and George E. Simons Marjoric Follmcr Alfred L. Singer James B. Freeman Sylvia Stone Robert J. Gessner George Tilley Milton L. Gol.stein Edward I. Warner, Jr. Elaine 1?. Gruber Leo J. Yoedicke Joseph E. Howell Joseph Zwerdling BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER WILLIAM C. PUSCH Assistant Manager....George ,H. Annable, Jr. Advertising.... ......Richard A. Meyer Adirrtising.......Arthur M. flinkley Advertising...............Edward L. I-ulse Advrtising............John W. Ruswinckel Accounts...... ..Raymond Wachter Circulation...........eorge B. Ahn, Jr Publication.......sta.. ..Harvey Talcoti Assistants -ed Babcock eorge Bradley mes 0. Brown mes ];. Cooped arles K. ( orr-ll ssic ll. Egelan.d n Fishman aiecri ire Frochne ouglass Fuller_ erbert Goldberg H. Goodman id W. Hammr Ray Hofelich Marsden R. Hubbard Hal A. Jaehn James Jordan Marion Kerr . Thales N. Lenington W. A. Mahaffy George M. Perrett Alex K. Scherer William L. Schloss Herbert E. Varnum SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1927. Night Editor-K. G. PATRICK Welcome, Ohio Wesleyan! It N with pleg sure that Michigan acts as host to the Institution with. ivhich its director of athletics was formerly connected. With like feeling, it welcomes Nie mutual renewal of atiletica relations on the gridiron after a lapse of 22 years which, it is hoped, will long be continued. "MICHIGAN SPIRIT" With all Big Ten grid teams swing- ing into action Saturday, the curtain will be lifted on another play, the un- folding of which is always of vital Interest to thousands of Michigan students and alumni. This year will see a great change in view of the fact that Coach Fielding H. Yost is no longer active coach, and additional interest will be evoked in view of the fact that Coache "Tad" Wieman is at the helm for the first time. At the present time, other school's prospects for capturing the Big Ten championship are considered in coY tain cases to be brighter; Michigan for the first time in several years, is looked upon as a semi-dark horse Once more it is perhaps, expedient to emphasize the fact that whether or not Michigan is at the top, even at the bottom, the "Michigan spirit," evi- dence of the loyal support of the thousands out there hoping for an- other :Michigan victory, should pre- tail. .MJore than many before, this year will be one when such an attitude should be evidenced. The man who invariably sought to call it forth dur- in:; the many years he was in a posi- tion to do so, will more than ever be in a posltion to appreciate it. Feeling the inspirational support of the spec- tators, the team is inevitably going to fight harder than otherwise-it is quite possible that this added effort wil turnthe balance from defeat to victory. THE J1t.IJIS011NT RATE Wirit promises to be one of the most interesting congressional inves- tigations in years will be enacted in Washington with the convening of the' new Congress if an investigation of thl Federal Reserve rediscount rate is undertaken, as it promises to be. What is ordinarily one of the dullest of subjects now bids fair to enter in- tcrn I innaI nnties wih noitnmeous amount of interest they will allow on notes rediscounted with their banks. flft .This action, of course, affects the whole interest rate of the nation, and 7/ will tend to lower it below what can °\ TH E be paid in foreign countries. BISHOPS The policy will thereby send Ainer-A C- ican capital to other nations, par- E Flushed with a one-point victory ticularly England, and this consti- in their opening contest, the battling tutes a position especially advantage- Bishops, champions of the "0-1-10" ous to that nation, since it provides N the money wherewith to develop her circuit, will do their best to start the c industries. The action on the part Wolverines off on 6 year of disaster. of the Federal Reserve board, how- .* ever, in reducing rates, was stren- A hard-fought contest is predicted e uously opposed by some of its member by the men from Ohio, and a large bans on this ground, including the congregation is expected to be onn Chicago branch, and this opposition, hand to support the Bishops. which alleges that the United States . * * * is a victim of a British plot, has vih Coach Yost out of the line-up, caused the present proposal for a 3i(heiga supporters are not so Con- congressional investigation. fident, but are willing to place smalli There may.-be some measure of wagers uponl a local victory.t justice in the complaint of the Chi- * * * cago bank, but on the other hand uORE DA-RN FUN there is always a faction willing to se Congratulations are hereby extend- in any (legitimate action the ulterior Contuatnsmar herebyextend eto the doughty women of Martha motives of Britain. Perhaps the meas- Cook, who have succeeded in secur-s ure will aid the industries of the con- ing the adoption of the honor system d tinent, but that in itself does not con-fothenrcmtofoueues stitute a condemnation of the arrange- ment, and the sooner America as- sumes the broader outlook, which A little bird tells us that dates at sumesa thekbroaderngoutlook.,itwhich will promote world-wide prosperity Martha Cook arc going to be a little through its credit resources, the soon- nore popular in the future. With the I .r the world as a whole will recover bogey of penalties for lateness shoved ' complete economic stability. into the discard, the girls are going toE find it more and more difficult to re- THE MA% GRUDER AFFAIR fuse that "just another minute" re-a With the expression of his regrets quest. * to Secretary of the Navy Wilbur, Rear ODE TO TlE EN(JNEERS Admiral T. T. Magruder has appar- OE ently closed what might have devel- Southeast across the long, broad oped into the same kind of an odious walk The engine building stands.- affair as that of Colonel Mitchell a year and a half ago. To be sure, the The Engineers are mighty men, expression of regret does not alter With black and grimy hands. the allegations which the admiral has . Their unshaved cisadcv- made against the Navy department, chins and cave- but the prospect of court-martial pro- man clothes Are marks to note them by: ceedings has faded far into the dis- Their jackets-orange, blue and tance with the latest developments, T re - There is a phase to the situation red- which Americans should not ignore, Afflict the passer's eye. however, and that is the phase enact- e . ed when Admiral Magruder published Each day at noon they gather a charge that $300,000,000 were spent round for $200,000,000 worth of navy each To rest upon their benches year. Thus far there has been no at- While eager eyes dart p and tempt to deny these charges on the part of the Navy department, and it To rate the passing wenches. is quite likely that if they could have 0!.aetirbldnshg been disapproved by Secretary Wlbur 0 Make their buildingshuge and his associates would not have hesitated to disprove them. To last through all the years. Suffer te o olaeot The fact that there is waste and them not to leave our inefficiency in a public department midst. y of the government is an issue of far greater concern to the American pub-S lic, particularly the American tax- ShOEMAKER STICK TO YOUR payers, than the question of whether LAST! or not the admiral was correctly Scheduled to appear before the quoted in -the 'New York Times.Economics club in a lecture "not of Charges by officers, of course, against interet to the general public but en- any department of government always lightening to anyone skilled in econ- have an unsavory aspect, but when omlics," Professor Knight, of the Uni- a man who holds the rank of admiral versity of Chicago, succeeded in charges inefficiency in the Navy de- electrifying his audience with a post- partment, the allegation is of suffi- season attempt to throw a verbal clent moment to command at least monkey wrench into the wheels of the attention of the general public, justice that sent Sacco and Vanzetti especially when it is not successfully to the electric chair., denied. * * Through the discussion the Ameri- After hearing the virtues of spe- can public must not be misled from cialization in industry extolled by a the major issue by the question as to member of our economics department, whether Admiral Magruder said "hell" we believe that economists, like doe- when the New York Times interview- I tors, are often adverse to taking their ed him. The basis of the whole issue own medicine. is whether or not the charges made in the Saturday Evening Post are Living as he does in the peaceful true; and If they are, the conditions atmosphere of the Windy City, Pro- t responsible for them should certain- fessor Knight perhaps has reason to ly be eliminated as soon as the public believe that government is not just opinion of America can eliminate 'exactly what it should be. them. The idea of paying three dollars for two dollars worth of any com- DR. LOVELL ADDS HIS BIT , modity can not appeal to the Ameri- Not being satisfied with Professor can public. Knight's fiery speech, we went down to hear Dr. Tom Lovell, S.O.S., dis- STRIKERS course on the futility of science. Strikes occurring in the high - * * . schools of the country have been in- "S ," c r Science." declared the noted lec- creasingly frequent of late. The first tuier, "is all a fake. I proved it by one that really involves a big question going into a shoe-store and asking seems to be that now taking place at them to give me a pair of shoes made Gary, Ind., where there are 1,400 stu- by science; not by human hands but denysscfenme;sonthiyh schoolawhs are dents of Emerson high school who are by science alone. They couldn't say a not attending school. The strike is too thing., large for the authorities to take * * * e drastic methods in dealing with the Afe t tt . .After tthinkmig the whole matter students concerned in it. Their num- o over, we decided~c that if Dr. Lovell C ber is too large and the feeling of the went to Chicago .e might have a - whole student body is with them ini chance to e acet justify his claims to dis- feeling, if not in action.I tinction as a college professor. The cause of the whole thing is the * , appearance of 24 colored students in ('%itA $SARS A\EW the halls of the school when the fall i term opened. The striking students WtthIat -Cote hel a meeting in the high school Coed has ceased 1 her ravings on that delicate subject auditorium at which they voted to I of male beauty and intelligence versus remain out indefinitely and since that have node out a planaasortofemale intelligence and beauty. hvmad uapanas a sort ofI* ultimatum to the officials of the * *"* sepool. It stipulated that all the - The weather is a much safer sub- striking students were to be allowed ;ect to talk about. It doesn't have to return to school if they so decided *m*h of a comeback. and that the school authorities should try to remove the eolored students as, WITH THE July edition of "Annals# soon as possible. iof Internal Medicine" just coming t Race hatred flares up from time to from the press, Dr. Warthin ought to time throughout America and is one 'lbe a little more lenient towards those I of the big nroblems which the govern- students who don't get their own work ThEATER BOOKS MUSIC DECADENCE, By Maxim Gorky; Vew Lork, Robert M. McBride and ompany; 1927; $2.50. "Decadence" is like the beery kiss f a bawdy woman; it is a hearty Smack and reeks of more things than meet the eye. For Gorky loves life with glorious abandon and the life of which he writes is by no means con- ention bound. The story opens with the emancipa- ion of the serfs in Russia in 1861, and carries with hardly a sense of time through the decadence of the peasant until the break up of political Russia into anarchy. Time is not the es- sential thing. What Gorky deals with is the disintegration of peasant per- sonality under the strain of a useless freedom, and in the end the soul is dead and the people chatter with a nameless fear. The scope of the book is epic, run- ning through the birth and death of three generations with always the main theme of decay as a background. But the almost violent repression which is so characteristic of Gorky, and with which he strangles even the most dramatic moments, leaves in the end a sense of immense power and struggle. His style is simplicity itself, but the vitality with which he writes makes his drama echo long after the exact page is passed. "Decadence" is splendid,-but hard- ly a book for the tea-table. By R. L. Askren. ** * GRACE GEORGE IN "THE ROAD TO ROME" 4 The most outstanding dramatic en- tertainment in Detroit next week seems to be the appearance of Grace George in "The Road to Rome" which will enter the Garrick Monday night. This show is Robert Emmet Sherwood's conception of the manner in which a lady saved Rome--and how. At present it is furnishing Jane Cowl with an able vehicle in New York, where it still continues into the new season. Mr. Sherwood's adaptation is done in the John Erksine manner-that of presenting history properly psychol- ogized in a modern overtone, and with an amusing use of topical idioms in the diglogue. "The Road to Rome" commences its drama with Hanibal at the end of his ten years' march on the city. The young Greek wife of Rome's dictator 'flees to a place of safety. But once out of her plump husband's fatuous view, her curiosity -and maybe something else, guides her to the conqueror's tent. By the next morning the lady has persuaded Hanibal to turn back from Rome, and a woman's yearning to influence a man's destinies toward an idealistic Godhood is fulfilled. At any rate I Jane Cowl makes it a first rate show -and Miss George should do the same. "MANHATTAN MARY" A review, by Thomas J. Dougall (Editor's Note: The appearance of George White's musical comedy "Man- hattan Mary" at 'the Apollo theater was New York's most anticipated opening in that field this season,with the possible exception of "Good News" and Mr. Cohan's "The Merry Malones." The following review is of a tryout performance in Pitts- burgh:) When George White produced the first Scandals, Burns Mantle remark- ed that as a revue producer he was a darn good hoofer; and with the open- ing of "Manhattan Mary," one is bound to say that when it comes to musical comedies, the "Scandals" are one of the best revues going. This] latest attempt of the indominatable George has everything that his revues have had-good comedy, good sing- ing, good dancing and a marvelous list of "names"; but it is also afflict- ed with a tremendous liability--an al- most unbelievably banal book. No one pays a great deal of attention to it, though, and as the presence of Ed Wynn makes it impossible to take anything seriously, this deficiency may not affect the show's chances of success. Wynn is adroitly and completely comic. He is not as good as he was in his own shows, but one can blame that on his material; and this will probably get better. His support in- eludes George himself; Ona Munson, very nice; Paul Frawley, a tenor; Harland Dixon, perhaps you've heard that he can dance; Lou Holtz, better than usual; and the McCarthy sisters, beautiful and built. The music is fair, "Broadway" be- ing about the best number. There is rj i I