TH--E MICHIGAN DAILY 0a agey rsity Hosital speclali II ke aio Appeal For Mo~re Rapid tiPreenitve 1esre5. iEMICS ARE PERIODIC aking over the radio last night to meoasle's or sc"arlet fever h Maitha only a ery small numbe:r develop) par1Taly}sis The vast ma.'jo)rity ci1.i( he show only mild symphtomns of ncre irit1ation, 'or areppr(' ]]e;1t ly unilaf- fected. As an atack of th ilsea p1'o(iucQS inmmunlity. the se mlild .eji (s ly s * (I~G EE LUB CALLS d lie cto have nothng but the bst xcorstan ox~ti.linluding at FOR MORE BASSES1 voies in the club, old members were least two in A rb.Tor in the Pal ?r hd'Vi Irequired to try out. Several of the 0ol d srn.Pa enwbigmd membrs have been replaced by prom- to gieon n x gtofte li cent patients may be of(11somevalueo. I ND)IA NA UNIVE 115 [TYSept. Sri.- Seond basses are all that are iin tyotseogne onet ifsitabe rrnge After' six wees, tile suxbacute tagei Oficials of the university R.O.T.C. are neided to make11 the *Varsity GhA leeclu This year the club will give more ets can be maadec. begins aznd lizs f41)ltw( years. liuring expictirlg an immneiate rush of e- a complete organization. With anu- as one of the features of "Michigan:;.,, are practically sure of neVer develop- Night," Dr. Carl B~adgley, of the uni - versity hospital and medical School,in th isaeO he ter ad declared that the symptoms of inifaft- tieaotci(ai4O hs ihu tile paralysis were not charac;terist isc characteris~t ii: syni;,t:;:s ha bol~r the Mness paralysis itself aipcarpd, In organism in thethroats ,nod become any child sick during the summer potfenial calriciS of Stile disaafoa? mionthis infantile paralysis s"hoflild be period of a few ees considered, he said. In He cuties:, thectisc y ioi of the vast majorit~y of persons are afect ed~ iesfacdprlsswtot 0 under five; in the country, the per of snatodevelops generally n ilhe centage af'flicted over Five years of secnl or the fourth day. llnid i ins gei oeh~;higherr. over the muscles ofvayn deee "The disease is usually initiated ~ymoefrapcuTlyihe pt leg;s thanuthe rise of temaperature," Dr. Baudgley cotn- haxefeqctyinillusti fe tinued. "Gastro-intestJinal disturb- arms: This par alys;is is a ,1 ways ii!ore ances, such as nausea, vomiting or extensive when it first appes. diarrhea frequently are present. Gen-' "In the early part of the epidemicw ora nnlak, hartche re ;Hssn ythe mortality rate is high, but this ate and irrtability, accompanied by Cporsieyadrail inniI drowsiness anid a hesitancy ti) move or' in the following~ weeks. An averg brcso oi swl ch to aid? in] 11e ret urn ito f uct i(,1ofci the Inns-,K cl('s. No 0operatioln sIhld(belbeper-! f(rined do r'i:itg I is perti(''od. 1 )t7''liies" ~ir,.:t( (It toro op inthe herlyii tJIer two years. liteturri of function of tic uscls af ci'thistime fis notito 70(' o1expecd. Tis ,isthe period 0q'1 e- coa t1,rocin(of ti1 e affected part by Mai~ediloproe iiiutillmany cases 1)10 -ma Y1wbe,,greatly imiplro vedl 1I~ (surg- ('1Y 0!'brce (]'both. {, Spt'u Ir~.. t te Hjir'd. "IIii 11115 dayof, pulici cnite(rest the cr'ipplle, t heio should be no ob- stacle to cbltaiu ing the service of a well 1trained cr1thoped(ic. surge,,,on i ) (i-I rect and ovcrsee (,the care ,1h fifatl ti oitionse which r equires,,titeatment by one espe-I cially trained. "W4orkc is under v way to develop arti- ficial j111innt y aa itiftl par- al}ysiis, such :as,110W exi~s U' odiph-E tlena. Ther ai' many obstLacles to success, but thecse will (doubless be suirmount ed. Prevention of' epidemfics by pi'epai'eduiess inl]every loca liiy each; spring for the H l)pCHe~ilu('01' the earli- est case,' might b~e smiccssfil." Salll S as tile word..1 t gots s ual t[ mu1i,:1 1 O t 1 :(i~lti appe~taring as [!ojllg ! iiv ad llst 1 ii'fl frpoi os YlL co1 lar U- ---_____--- -- -___ i'.. t. . . . . . . ..e l ac:1i a1 ailmacin polls5~ fir o 1)rknuD'iout'"the organizatio n.,lFor Sour house Parties and other Sovial ei vnts. itecadl rou. Tes spnsos ~om Fi tis eaontryut wil b l ol ~Bermle Goldman, radio star- of Stijon WCX (R~ed Iita :1. by i. ) lCti' rC111a l s 1(1 (' I(ed.byl. 01' (the )c l 'be.N 1 ..:ii 5 l)'clck ' ' '' 1 - P tare hin g rnnis a1ddiu g i. z 1)'tee e S 7 a n d 81Ap p l e Cl u b )sum m r G o r gc-NkY t:.e r'l i;1; temslve(!l g({r a.t1 1 ~~'(in ;ll1 o'cloci; from a successful smmrengagement ;-t Lake e pNY Iaty n hir I' I 4res mmii at m mght ill:l'OL'L!l ,1O". _ M ih iga [ lili. '.rle filies f dalwe 'Id ! len a!luig:;'b:aud mm flE' luis Eut Sr e :!r01(,hi Pl11G{Ay1thrswh wshtotr ot il -hi*- ~~for 11w F,±ll season1. I It ; Ie stiet Iic' 5rtli' l llt A ot10( didut cx ansv~ er(ed the QCaII I. 1R . 1 pAX 13iisl!:tss 1g'. w iilt s W i Vl (l', ae IIlltj aIfo (ic itill mm,! ts'_e Dia aliI8S fol aI my"h\ 'ziid IIcio lW illead tJ .; ..i,. ;....... .................................. ........... . .. to be moved are symptoms frequently noted." WVhole Text Quloted. Following is the complete discuts- lion of the disease as given by:Dr. l=adgley: "Every summer, but especially dur- ing the months of August and Septem:n- ber, epidemics of infantile piaralysis occur in some section Or setions of the country. Generally, only a few caises develop in each locality,, but a o t e e y ffh y a ,a m c moeextesive epidemic occurs, producing a far greater number of cases locall$' and appearing in many more centers. Such an epidemic has been active throughout the country this summer., Fortunately there are now indications that the epidemic is on the wane. "Since 1I40, infantile paralysis has been closely studied by the medical profession. A great many facts have been ascertained concerning the na- ture of the disease, itsu epidemic char- a cteristics, and. the av enues through which it is transported. "It has been definitely proved to be caused by an infecting agent, but the organism, or virus as it is called, does not lend itself to study by present day methods. So far the virus has only been found in man or monkey, and does niot respond to laboratory meth- cds of culture. The virus is found in the throat of the affected individual or of healthy individuals who though not affected by it may still carry it to other individuals who' are suspectible. A very careful study of the various epidemics, points' to the. huihan car- rier as tre means of spreadting the Sdisease, and rarely" insects or animals. Recently contaminated milk has seemed .to play a part in the spread. Irlbuglmt Commnon Disease. "Experts now believe that infntile paralysis is a common disease, likened RA LON 'H~ "'THE UNKNOWN". ?mortality rate froin intutmnie paralysis in the larger epideIinhi:s is abot10 per cent. The perecentage;c of paralytic eases which develop ea~ch year is very sm~all, less than 1 lper cenlt of the popu1- lation. Undoubtedly, a much highler percentage of' people .ire illfectd6U by t e o g n s ea h vr ~, uthave a very m ild attack or nlo alhpal'x- eut reaction.. Stages of Treatment. "Thle treatment of the disease is di- vided into three stages. The acute stage, the stage of muscle tenderness, requires isolation, absolute rest with proper support (If the affected parts. Massage, exercises, electrical stimu- lation are harmful during this stage. Drugs are of no value. The use of Rosenois horse serum or Flexuers serum, or the serum from convales- SYhow4s Diiily 2~dl F.O~ 8:00t IUNION ITRlYOUTS ISecond semester freshmen or Isophomores interested in activri- Ities at the Union are asked to see W'illiam V, Jeffries, '31L, at the jstudent offices from 3 to 5 o'clock any day this Week. S II Prices Mf ratinees (Chanc1(kto Smil at1lakai a Salesi1iY (I'a.}( Ehin' fthe road + (fI'(?'n iuamue. Smie s Ihro hya',Iim '11 p hum gir n h ha nu ii mit: ':E .!iki9E:h y ) 'llat' A 4sl i.?E aoti ~i~ua t~~~~ I se- AI~ui tltiComtedy. Auk. "'4-'1 N(-dI NEVI ElewCody, l~Oy A rey, A i' .leu IAO :,4 .,' t -Also-- ° te , ,> / b a I , i i F ' ( Y ' t h r _ i i College men and women recognize elec- Guided by human intelligence tricity as one of the principal a.ids to electricity can do almost any job a 'man can doo. From stirring progress in the factory, on the farm, and to grinding, from lifting to pulling, there is 'aG-Fnmotor in the homne. specially adapted to any task. 210.60DE GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY. SCIJENECTA'DY, Ntw Y ORIC 0 .1 I Thursday, Friday, Saturday $HAftKEY-DJE31PSEY PICTITRES t Take HIER to thae Rae .A I ,- A. STARTS SUNDAY OCT. -2ND SEFE SiJNJ)AY'V iflAJJY-SIRE A Story,., Air ".r-ASA-1_3 , That' ome'n ., ,+ coy ,, ' r ..a , . '? .:> , i i i l f : i I G i i i /j 1/ F / l R h Y < i 1 . nn } , varamoullt gictullu «NOMM. f 3 r j? WITH ISTART I I~F~u' JF I Aw ANOM I MEMMIPPP"