IN II T DY,1I'BR1JARY 22, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY . .. ...,. IA y I I~ U L S H B L E I at the convention by n w p p ANNdMUQi MAsflAVE OF ANNUiV AL PRESS uly mcnl bcrT of the, Univer 'ity IM, NrW N CONFERENC vo of the articles, The En STATION.L#A dinlstrat ioj of Justice" by NELI, T TO J S. 4 a. .^ .. . T w,.° :- z And if you want some- thing you've never had before; you'll lie the new timber 'Tans. KUJPPENHEIMER & BELMONT _ ~Suits and T.p1E o s Masten &Chase 211 S. MAIN ST. 'Where You May Bu~gy with Confidence." for I ; AllI Seats Reserved "~ '1 l , 35c - Special - 35c Best Noonday Lunch in the City SANDWICHES - SALADS Symphony 0r-diestra of Twenty _ atiiiees-W :30 Monday and Tuesday Nighits at 8:30) a DESSERTS The Arbor Fountain . F cA Special isp lay oj ew i . : ; i I 0 TODAY A WO'RTHY HOLIDAY TO CELEBRATE Q d 1 1 FOUR DELUXE PERFORaMANCES WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY . R E rl F V M^Mt Cp4p"' , , , - ' I 1 i.V t }% J'xI fah , 'ili' !' ' " t y , ' ' { tF ; F:'; . M; 7 ITb eWh oe-To -n- is- Roarin g!' / r ©FOLKS! :. You Just gotta lah with and at this, master craftsman of a the art. yV'~. ie's Funnier ' h 'l'eT an Evert In the screen world Harold ' Lloyd stands alone and unique. f , He is a beloved American x~ ~ )stitution. The bare announce- 4 .~ .~' ent that his new~est picture r~ u i .. E.t thUe MArc is sufficient to focus" the whole town's interest on I that theatre. l Po_______________ Ficy .0 t: 5 ~~~Call th-e lManager 3:31 < rFo secalMatinee. x r. Parties-They're Popular 15 And the Feminine Lead Is' Balcony Capably Handled by b0e Nabn Floor :$~~::.:~Job ' TI Ralston 5 } 'i _ . i i F 4 tAi This is what --,u can get by bring- ing your lau~ndry to our Press Build- ing, Slation across from the "Maj." -. This saving on your laundry each week will amount to a great deal by the end of the year. °ti '- .y . gip: r1 :i 'cn , fi t . t5 a' i. r- ,, ' 1" .y I: II1 We aye open evenings until 8 o'clock. You capi leave the bundle on your way to th*c theatre. MR. CARL P. HOFFMAN the Florsheim factory repreren- tative, will exhibit an unzisually, large selection of the nevi spring shoes for young men. TUES, THEI LAST DAY HUSTON'S BILLIARD PARLORS The displtay includes the sort of footwear all well dressed college men favor. No one builds a young mans shoe like Florsheim. Be sure to drop in. Ca pjus Bootery S. STATE ST. Dial 21816 PROCD,'-;ED LW E HAROLD LLOYD CORP. A PARAMOUNT RELEASE CO DI A9 . I " IAIL;ii- 11 N A ,sN l,,_ TA RKTEi - NOVELTY "iFi) DLESTICKS" *NE IS ILOCAiS a [ ~kAi Cic X, 5R: I 4,-..-. rd I coiiiaj, - Suniday - comig -. "'rs III - - i a " , d-* -.11