THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, FEBRUARY _'?, 1927 THE MICHIaN D~rAIL TESAY FRAR 2, 92 ANNUL PRSIDETIALYOT APPROVES DRAINAGE SYSTEM M ANN A OF EW I LI 1DOLLAR.S T ADIUM ;;:a',z r li cRPORT ~~ ~ o-la sisl-,to the iR. A. ercer constructdo cli- In c cl -l"[l-tcs ,Cnro etroit, while tihe third to 0 , ',fe: , on- Ici&'ai k h e 1or;en dlium by Oct. 1. "Everything is ycorn- and runs six feet under the playing ing along in fine shape," he said "and field with tributary drains, making a nothing can stop us, nor put the work network of pipes throughout the grid- behind to any serious degree." iron. A main drain runs off the f 0,11 The drain is four feet in diameter and under the stands. Thlis main :oec- tion is 30 feet under the elevation o. the playing field. One can get a definft ? view of the concrete shape of thzc bowi from the amoun o; ork tha-t has already been complofeei. Pillars stand iarowid the outer c dge of the stadium and give L - -I- -I -a _t____ _I ,.. L. - _..- -S__ te s? eleton shape oif the seating .!ecsk. Thes e conc-rete supiports out- 1me the s ize of the howl, which will Iat 7"1,50i' with pro,.isions for ade- qrat_, cxp-nsion ,is th~ dcm.and arses. ( Continued from Page One) pleie-d drain ha:, removed all the ing accommodations for two or three wa,'r rom the ow.III adiijt:on, 1n(j faculty members. Such a unit would wo(er ;will ever oean 01th :? )icyi21 socially be a small college under the fie>;, a:; Coacli Yu, L assct,,; ti at the personal guidance, in so far as friend- dir. ~ngsysIJ .n c', i1 e 1nex S a:aue. ly contact was concerned of the res- is s effective a8 ;thin one z . l i :i1:°ti io,' Xculty contacts. The powerful force of and the coneflc~ae ;Czting 3,rat; irnspiring faculty personalities would =Th I ..I two conris tS ave hoe-fl let enlter the daily life of the student on _ the basis of mutual friendship. The unique and intangible strength of oldsI associations with one's college room, s m c~o one's roommates, and the group to Sul c i 1,-t-h one belonged would come intoK being in ever increasing amount. TOL President Little believes that the' units once built, would be self-sup-a porting and should give the student board and lodging at decreased cost' a over the present plan. It is hoped that the State will build the women's tinIts,, Phontes 4 55 and the alumni, by steady support, pave the way for the mnen's units. "I' - , know of no nobler gift that they could ;_----______ make than year by year to acid unitsj for the building, of lasting friendships of future MVichiigan men and women I for each other and for a greater loy-1 alty to th e 'Alma Mater which all of Ph t them love," tbo President states. Developing - Quick, S'atisf, Tuesday-Wednesday "TH UNKOW Eberbach SO'LDIER" 200-202 Eas t E M i. a ;z has b .enfinzished for some timde and the iemaining work on the foun- (latiolI andl excavation is 85 per cent c ora~pleIed. The Mocrcier company is ..a!.r- betwen 1500 V'Jand 100 ubi z-ds of tiirt from the bowl every day. 'P_ :z z ,oi : of cxceavatiug will be final- Iv completed before the concrete work I ., ill start. H Iowever no part of the} _ tacliuni c nnstruction is behind sche- iaulf a~adCl (".a"11 Yost call see no rea- son why Mchigan -,r ill not haveca tai Have You Had a Sleigh Ride? Subscribe ~or The Miclulgaut I)ally. CALL 7418 Mullison's Saddle Stables 326 East Ann St. Saddle Horses, Cutters and Bobas N., .S ? 5 ^ ? THUM Uo oAJ2 Ivay L.4oke IN )Y 0CR7h4 JELL 1---4552-5S152 '1 inishing Now F00. i 3".' y~~i Y BRCZN pI)N Take a rich young bachelor, a freak will, a pretty "hired wife," mix well, add complications, and the result is laughs, laughs, LAUGHS ! MINNEKAHDA MINNESOTA WINIFREDIAN DEVONIAN MAJESTIC BELGENLAND LAPLAND CEDRIC CELTIC DORIC REGINA MEGANTIC The Only rxclusivdly Tourist Third Cabin Lhners in the X-orfl. No other passengers carried. World's largest ship. Largest and finest ships to Ant- werp (Belgium). Largest "Tourist Third" carriers to" Liverpcol (convenient port for" Shakespeare country, and English Lake District). Largest "Tourist Third" carriers over the short, scenic St. Law-. rence River rouite. - Printing ractory Service &Son Coo st Liberty St. ALSO IThe Legomania Boys 7L4.C L BAXTER and FRANK -Withi LORA MARIE AND HER GIRLS or others of our steamers which wvill provide many Tourist Third Cabin sailings to Europe this year. Accommodations, of coterise, are reserved only for college people, business and professionaul meu anO I women and similar congenial travelers. Early reservation is rzcormmetided. RED STAR LI~LNE, REATABNCZ Rt I 'IANDINE £N?33N~AT1O~fAL' N'ECANItgM' 1 'K14 r C0HPAJO Wmn. Laneswert, '3I gr., 214 laJestle Bldg., Detro1t Telel/hone Cadillac 7685.766; or sang authorized steamsit1) agef t. p MONOW 0 I Some * k .. .' . 1, '. f ..* I Ann Arbor Women , :.-Ir r ti' are s tiLL habit- bound i \~eye GcA Q - ov- 0,A 1 ee 1 Sal to- 7 t F NAVE you become so accustomed' to~ the daily fight* 1J.against dirt that you take it for granted? For years Mrs. R ... .ton had endured it. Like many other habit-bound women, she ,thought she had to. She took it for granted that the burning of fuel meant choking gas fumes in her home- that it meant black, stubborn dirt and grime filtering into her rugs and draperies, and spreading its ugly -film over her walls, woodwork and furniture. She even took for granted the frequent (and large) bills for dry-cleaning; the seasonal renovating; the too-frequent expenses for painting, papering, and refurnishing. Then, one day, Mr. R..... ton, acting upon suggestion from a Semet-Solvay poster, put 'in a supply of the original Semet-Solvay Coke. Mrs. R .. .. ton found that she could end the whole nuisance once and for all-just by burning a clean fuel - Semet-Solvay Coke. Do in your home as Mrs. R .... ton now does in hers. Burn Semet-Solvay Coke, and you will put an end to one of the most troublesome nuisances that housewives have to contend with.I Shake off' the old "take-it-for-granted" idea. When you burn Semet-Solvay Coke you'll have no smoke, no soot, no gas fumes, no ash sifting. Semet-Solvay Coke holds its heat - is easy to' manage - requires very little attention .. . and is clean, clean, CLEAN! It will save you a world of work every day. It will save money for you year in and year out. Act today ! Order a supply today from an authorized Semet-Solvay dealer. Very likely your own fuel dealer has Semet-Solvay Coke. If not, write to our office for a list of authorized Semet- Solvay dealers - or see their advertisements in this paper. i 'r I "There's the poster, Catherine, that started mhe using Semet-Solvay Coke --on your account." "Yes, and you've no idea what ,a world of house cleaning it saves." Note: Semet-Solvay Coke. gives HEAT WITHOUT DIRT. CO0KE~ SrM TI iSoLvAl The Clean Fuel --nma dp-o nIv liw SFMFPTSflT AV C~n P A V w