Recommends Definit Curriculuia For
Women Rtudents In Preparationi
For Future Motherhood
Recommendations for the selection
of entering students, methods of meet-
ing personal problems, revision of the
curriculum for women students, fresh-
man week for the proper orientation
of incoming students and a plea for
better research facilities were includ-
ed in the annual report submitted to
the Regents by President Clarence
Cook Little.
"It is really quite remarkable that
for so long a period the chief energies
of education have been directed to-
wards amplification and refinement
of methods of scholastic examination
alone. This is all the more surprising
when we realize that the term "ex-
amination" is here applied in its nar-
rower sense to include only those
tests which aim to record the degree
of proficiency possessed by the can-
didate in some one subject or narrow
field of knowledge. A real and last-
ing education cannot be obtained by
an individual whose character and
personality are not worth educating,"
the report states.
Defines EducationI
The President states further that
education involves concentration, im-
agination, seriousness of purpose, in-
dustriousness, courage and a number
of other qualities of character. "For
some reason this phase of a person's
fitness for college has been clearly
neglected. It is very unlikely that a
method can be devised which will give
us entirely reliable information con-
cerning a candidate before that can-
didate is admitted. We can, however,
look forward to the detection of some
who by lack of maturity or other de-
fects of character are clearly unfitted
cr ae tra , and by friendly
a vice to and cooperation with par-
ents either dissuade the candidate
from entering or postpone that event
until he has made a better prepara-
On the question of the revision of
the curriculum of women students in
the University, Dr. Little states,,
"there is no question whatever that
physical, physiological and psycholo g.
ical differences exist between men and
women. If men had developed a civ-
ilization in which their behavior, edu-
cation, and ideals were perfect or
-even clearly superior to those obtain-
ing for women it might follow that.
women were justified in imitating
with great zeal and precision the ac-
tivities of men. The sad fact is that
they have been engaged in imitation
rather than in the development of a
system of higher education peculiarly
fitted to their own needs. No matter
how emancipated women may become
some of them will have to continue
to be the mothers of the next genera-
Mentions Special Curriculum
President Little believes that for
the girls wIlo enter college with no
clear conception of their occupation,
information concerning production,
nature, care and education of children
is of prime importance, either directly
as mothers, or indirectly as intelligent
voting citizens qualified to assume
leadership in shaping public opinion
and legislation in these matters, or in
both ways. In connection with this
belief, he recommends a definite cur-
r .cul am. .
In this curriculum are principles
of natural science, structure and func-
t:on of the human body, elementary
care of the sick and several other
relative subjects.
Regarding the housing conditions
for students, the report makes this
observation, "The existing conditions
are only partly satisfactory. The so-
cial life and chances for forming real
and abidin friendships in the frater-
nities, sororities, and dormitories are
(By Associated Press) 1T NT D S AT SOe( oiated Prss) pC ICAGO FIVE TONIGHT1
WASHINGTON, Feb. 21.-Only I
one o the recalcitrant witnesses 1A E O E E Y DA 'I RTC L o T S
ofrhiesryoinvestigationtavailedgiv y the SIllois and Pennsylvania reached 103,000 in this city today, de- I
prhmary investigation availed spite the beheading of some 30 agita-
himself today of the opportunity I E OBOKATAKB os AETODTRIECACs
CLIBERAL FORCES SEEN The beheading was done by soldiers OF M ICIAN REGAINING
Funds committee to escape IN NEW PROPOSAL with heavy swords who decapitated BIG TEN TITLE
prosecution for contempt. radicals wherever they were found i,-
Samuel Insul, pbi utilitiesr disi buting lit rature or making:
operatr-of Chicago, who testified NOTE IS KEPT SECRET se"eches to incite men to strike or MATHER IS CONFIDENT
to total contributions of $237,- - - SECRT riot.
925 to about all the sections in Proteclion From Internal And Exter- ' sdrx t rst arons 1aie Defeated Indiana, Who(
thtlioi otstadhine- ial Attack Understood As Fur- TesldeIxeuineswrete resHen feae nina
the Illinois contests, and his per- nmen of Marshal Sun Huan Chang who Is Present Leader Of Conference
sonal counsel, Samuel . Schuy- pose of New Proposal is attempting to maintain control over Basketball Standing
ler, will have another chance (yiate this province of Kiangsu after having
next Saturday to avoid proceed- (lost three other provinces and a part Chicago, the conqueror of Indiana,
ings because of a refusal to an- s WASHINGTONwitFeb. 21i gorous of a fourth to the Cantonese (Nation- the present leader of the Big Ten Con-
saver questions j<P oblc ihriircnI lueaist) invaders.
rhomas W. Cunningham, of jackets and Marines any attack by Those whose heads were struck off !erence basketball standing, will meet
Philadelphia, treasurer of the Nicaraguan liberal forces on Managua Iwere said to be members ofsthe Kuo- the Michigan five at 7:30 o'clock to-
Pennsylvania State committee, synchronized today with the receipt mintang, the political party which night in Yost field house in the game!
placed himself beyond the com- in Washigton of a preliminary pro- dominates the Nationalist government which will largely determine the Wol-
mittee's pall and either will be posal of President Diaz for new treaty and sends agents ahead of its armies
relations with the United States. stverine chances of regaining the title.
sentenced by the Senate or prone- trelationsdwithnthenUniteinStates.
Protection of Nicaragua from ex- toscat i o t h e Michigan's hope of regaining first
anundctent -eu'sdam.r
d ternal attack or internal disorder due _myscam__place rests mainly on a victory overE
to outside interference through a Chicago and the outcome of the other
treaty guarantee by the United States TDI two important contests scheduled in
of Nicaraguan sovereignty is under- I LtheBig Ten tonight. If Indiana can
stood to be the general purpose of the defeat the strong Ohio State team at
AT R O A nDiaz proposal. nBloomington, the Hoosiers will retain
In the face of a flat refusal by the VRundisputed hold on first place with
DflMANTIPC DAIIITIM v State department to reveal the nature IIL"0 0 i I6JL. IEseven victories and two defeats oni
PAINTNGS of its advises further than to say that its record, but if the Buckeyes can
Minister Eberhardt received a letter Superintendent Of Unifed Charities gain a victory over the Indiana five,
Princeton Archeologist Has Scientific I yesterday prepared by direction of Group Will Give First Of School the lead will be taken by one of the
Phases Of Movements Of At As Diaz which e was transmitting by Of Religion Series teams now in a mutiple tie for second!
Ills Historical Field nail, details of the plans were u-place. A victory over Chicago will
.AFt the Wolverines in first place with
The department refuses aso to give tASPROHIBITION FF the victor of the Iowa-Wisconsin game,
HAS WRITTEN ART BOOKS anything as to the titude a of theI provided Ohio earns a victory over
-- Washington government towards the I Joel D. Hunter, superintendent of Indiana.
Frank Jewett Mather, Jr., Marquand treaty project or to indicate whether the United Charities of Chicago, will Iowa-Wisconsin Game Featured
Professor of Art and Archaeology at it had been shaped by President Diaz'aks The Iowa-Wisconsin
Princeton university will deliver a as a result of conferenes ith Mn- gv ak uon "hotfTh o Wsoisngm scn
rw Poverty" at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow sidered the feature contest on tonight's
lecture on the subject "The Romantic! ister Eberhardt. Pprogram as it involves two of the four1
Movement in Painting," at 4:15 o' In some quarters the suggestion for afternoon in the Natural Science teams now holding a claim on second
clock Thursday in Natural Science au- a new treaty understanding served to aauditorium. This lecture is the first place. Iowa removed Purdue from
ditorium. The lecture will be illustrat- recall that the treaty under which the of a series of seven which will be first place Saturday by a 33 to 28
ed and the public is invited to at- i United States acquired rights to the given at intervals of two weeks} score, after running up a 19 to 8 lead
tend. - Nicaraguan canal route permits the throughout the semester in connection at the end of the first half. Wiscon-i
Professor Mather, since 1906, has use of Nicaraguan territory in certain with the seminar on the moral issues sin, generally looked upon as a fav-
been closely connected with the ar- respects by the United States for de- of modern life that is given by the orite over Ohio, was forced out of a
tistic field as a critic for New York fense of the Pnama Canal. School of Religion. triple tie for the leadership by receiv-
newspapers and as a member and di-~-- Mr. Hunter, previous to his appoint- ing a 20-16 defea from the Buckeyes.
rector of various art societies dand 'W ie Start ment as the superintendent of the Again, if Indiana is defeated by Ohio,
foundations. His work is reporte toandhe *United Charities of Chicago, which, hs
be ~onsrvatveyet oden an th~ Fial ~ - If hdepart- the winner of the game at Madison
scientific phases of the movementst ofFinal Cam paign On according to members of the d will go into first place.
the arts are his special field. ment of sociology, is the largest sii Michigan, judging on early season
Profsso Mater as ben re' I)iago ai Iorn rro gle family welfare assocation in the
thessoareMatse hasbee e-.;,Ia.O iO OWgomi o o r ri waiyw fr soiainmt performances, is ranked as the favor-
search man, critic, teacher, and has West, was the chief probation offier perore ianked as the favo-
I alowitnmnlnatopr-frheJvnl or fC icao e over Chicago tonight, but the nune-
also written many works on art and Giving students their last oppor- i for the isJu service heourtas ofsCh rous upsets in the Conference last
art criticism. Two of these works are tunity to purchase the 1927 Michigan- asite uin teide o the week place all predictions in a preca-
his "History of Italian Painting" and ensian for $4.00, the 'Ensian business work being done by various charitable rious light. Chicago has been thel
his "Flemish and Dutch Art" staff will start its final campus cam- i o ns in Chicago 'Durig the "dark horse" of the Conference for'
paign tomorrow, Thursday, and Fri- institutionsMr untehag his several years and has returned to its
$ ~~~~yearsta r ute a edti
HOLD TRIALS FOR day with booths on the diagonal at the field hasdbeen usual practice of upsetting the leaders.
I errig ~rhinfrnEngineeringpoiton asrorchte el hs einTissfrontdina teoflat thMME Li-in
MIMES SPOTLIGH T brary, and at State street as well such that members of the sociology Thisseason Indiana, Goliathaof
VAUDEV LLE AC S y in nrstShal trtandnA wellhalls eaten n h cho fR-the Big Ten, fell before Chicago and
VAUDEVILLE in University hal and in Adell hall. ligon consider him to be one of the now looks upon the Maroon five with
This campaign will afford the last foremost social workers in the United great respect. If Indiana considers
Due to the act that it was impos- opportunity to buy the yearbook at esChicago with no little concern,it is
sible to see all of the acts that wished $4.00, and practically the last time to __t_ __obvious that Michigan can not be too
to try out for the Mimes annual Spot- buy even at the $4.50 rate which be- l-r confident of victory.
light vaudeville yesterday, another comes effective after Friday, since ITA Y REJELI kcSUI Chicago is a strong team, having one
I tryout will be held from 4 to 5 o'clock the final number of the books to be M Eof the best records in the Conference.
today in the Mimes theater. A large ordered must be known to the pub- NAVAL M EETING Against Indiana, the Maroons, realiz-
number of good acts were uncovered lishers by March 1. ing that the Hoosiers play a fast open
at the trials yesterday, according to --Japan's Unreadiness To Discuss Arms game, tightened their defense and
E. Mortimer'Shuter, director of the Adopt New Practice nimations Defers Plans used a delayed offense, slowing up the
production. --- game to such a pace that the lightning
For Sing inAg At All A Asociated Press) , attack of the Hoosiers was at a com-
HYkCrG meC idWASHINGTON, Feb. 21-Italys re- plete loss.
Ho ke G m C ll dStudent Gatherings ection of the American fve power ave ast Guards
Off1 B Bad W eather1 naval lim""aio"'cof "rnceproposal The Maroons have two of the best i
vdribbled in over the cables tonight too guards in the Big Ten in Hoerger and
1 (Special to The Daily) Deploring the lack of knowledge of I late for examination by any high dff- McDonough. Both men are exceptional-
MADISON, Wis. Feb. 21-Michigan's school songs on the part of the stu- cial of the administration. It caused ly fast and are dangerous in dribbling
second hockey game with Wisconsin dent body, Robert A. Campbell, Treas- no surprise because of French fore- through for short shots. In the Chi-
was cancelled tonight because of the i urer of the University announced yes- casts from Rome, but study of the cago-Indiana game Hoerger was high
warm weather. The Wolverine squad, terday that at all future athletic con- text at the State department may point scorer. Gist, a sophomore addi-
led by Coach Barss, left tonight for tests, and student gatherings where serve to disclose future possibilities tion to the team, is a tall center and a
Minneapolis where the Gopher sex- the Varsity band is present, the "Yel- of pressing for further tonnage agree- strong man on both the offense and
tette will be met in a two game ser- low and Blue" will be played, the stui ments despite the present unwilling- the defense. Gist held Sibley, the
ies Tuesday and Wednesday nights. dents singing alone on the second ness of the Rome government to go high scoring center of the Indiana
-- - verse, but accompanied by the band f beyond the procedings of the Prepar- team, scoreless. Captain Sackett will
OTTAWA, Ont.-Virtually all civil- in singing the first and third verses- I(atory commission of Disarmament at start the game at left forward.
lans in Canada would be disarmed by Tonight, at the Chicago-Michigan Geneva. Coach Mather is confident that his
a bill now before federal parliament, game, this plan will be followed. The whole question of what course team will draw itself out of its slump.
the Washington government will fol- A defeat tonight will virtually elimi-
BELIEVES AMERICAN GOVERNMENTAL low in pursuing the objective of fur- nate the Wolverines from the title
ther limiting agreements P;"esident rae
CONTROL OVER NICARAGUA POSSIBLE Ccolidge has set for himself- was al- race.
ready deferred by Japan's unreadi- Tbhigaln . Chicago
ness to proceed to such discussions R akt
Accepting w protectorate or some ino further than American manage- before J e 6th. There will be pl Harrigan.......Rf.........Sackett
other form of governmental control ment of roads which are iOW time for threshing out every aspect Oosterbaan.....Lf......Zimmerm
!rincipally owned by Americans. McCoy..........C-..............Gist
(13y Associated Pr( ss,)
BOSTON, I1-A..21-Withifair
weather forecast for today the
northeastern states begin the sad(
reckoning of what the winter's
most terrific blizzard has cost in
dollars and human life.
A score of lives were known to
have been lost onhand and sea,
and it was feared the total would
be far larger before the gale had
run its course. Millions of dol-
lars of damage were known to
have been done by wind, flood,
and waves.
Last night, despite continued
snow in some places, the fury of
Favors Cancellation Of War Debts As
Remedy For Mexican, Chinese
European Troubles
the storm had abated on land, al- IClosing his stay in Ann Arbor today,
Ithough at sea men were still1!
fighting forstheirives and the i Sherwood Eddy will debate this
lives of others. morning against Prof. William H.
The death list, as computed by Hobbs of the geology department and
the Asscciated Press last night, = Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the political
showed that eight men had lost science department and will answer
their lives when a coast guard I sin aten n nser
went off Cape Cod and four men I questions this afternoon concerning
died of exposure ashore in New I"his morning talk.
England. The debate will be at 10:30 o'clock in
Hill auditorium on the question: "Re-
.------- -- - - -solved, that, under existing conditions,
MIIGlAN swimM 1[the United'States maintain the present
Isystem of national defense." Profes-
sor Hobbs will speak first for the af-
A firmative in a talk lasting 25 minutes
and Mr. Eddy will then speak for the
of I
Local Team Takes First Two Places
In Every Event, Scoring 46 Points
To 13 For Visitors
Placing first and second in all
events but the diving contest Mich-
igan's swimming team defeated the
Michigan State college by a 56 to 1a E
score last night in the Union pool.
Capt. Paul Samson of the Wolverine
squad made the feature swim of the I
meet when he established a new na-
tional intercollegiate record in the 220
yard free style event. The record pre-
viously held by Bronson of Yale was j
timed at 2'21.3". This time was reduc-
ed by 4.4" seconds by Captain Sam-I
son, making the new record of 2'17.4"'.
Coach Hann's swimmers took the lead
in the first event when the 200 yard
relay team won over the State entries
and turned in a time of 1'39.1".
The closest race of the meet was
the 200 yard breast stroke. Shorr of
Michigan led the way until the last
lap when he was ovel-taken by a team
mate, R. Halsted who forged ahead
just enough at the finish to win by
a fraction of a second. The time for
the event was 2'51.8".
Ellinger, Michigan State, threatened
the Wolverine swimmers in the 100
yard free 'style when lie held the
lead for the first thre laps of the
tank. Captain Samson and Bement
closed up on the State man in the
third lap and Samson got the lead just
after the turn for the final length of
the pool. Samson then retained the
lead until the finish and Bement came'
in second. 59'1" was the time for this
The fancy diving exhibition was
won by Cook of Michigan State. He
scored a narrow margin over Bailey,
Wolverine diver. Many of the optional
dives of the contestants drew ap-
plause from the spectators.
Freshmen Lead List
Of All "A" Students
same length of time, upholding the
negative. Professor Reed and Mr.
Eddy will then give 15 minute ?e-
buttals. There will be no judges and
no decision will be given. Prof. W. A.
Frayer will act as moderator.
The meeting at 3 o'clock this after-
noon in Natural Science auditorium
is a change in schedule from the
original program of Mr. Eddy's talks.
Has Talked Twice
Mr. Eddy has given two talks, the
first Sunday night in hill auditorium'
at which more than two thousand
were present. Natural Science audi-
torium was filled for his second talk
yesterday afternoon. At this meeting,
Mr. Eddy had planned to give a talk,
on "Dare We Think?" but due to a
bad cold he could only answer ques-
tions and gave more specific replies
on certain points of his previous talk.
The four points from which war
may come, according to Mr. Eddy in
his talk Sunday night, are Russia;
China, Mexico, and Europe, due to the
debt situation. In regard to the last,
Mr. Eddy said the breaking down of
Germany, which is predicted by econ-
omists for 1928, will cause the other
countrids to fail to meet payments
j on the debtcto United States and a
j round table comnference will be forced.,
He himself favored the cancellation
of debts in the Europeantcountries in
I proportion to the amount which they
reduced their armaments.
The three outstanding troubles
which Mr. Eddy saw in Russia were
the atheism, the lack of liberty, and
their affirmed purpose of a destructive
revolution which would affect the
world. He saw many things which
he commended, notably the decision
I of the self-sacrifice of the Communist
party by which they pledge them-
selves not to receive more than $3.75
a day. He favored recognition of the
government only on President Cool-
idge's three conditions: that Russia
j pay all her debts to United States,
that she repay all Americans who
lost money due to the overthrow of
Czarism, and that they repuidate their
plans for a world destructive revolu-
in Nicaragua will be
of a right exercised
Statesrin that country
following 1912 in the
Arthur S. Aiton of th
* xceilent. The conditions in the scat-
t(red hcuses are not at all conducive;
to the development of the most im-
por ant phases of social contacts be-
t ween students."'
In view cf this situation, it is plan-
ned to build housing groups of from
300 to 450 students, each of which will;
be geographically and socially a unit.
It should include dormitories and liv-
(Continued on Page Two)
BELGRADE - Voislav Antonievich,.
Jugoslav minister at Madrid, has beeni
appointed minister to the United
Caes i
nent who also indica
tion might be expect
At the present time
fessor Aiton, the force
the Liberal leader,
weakening in their o
Diaz government, the
being the lack of fu
for the support of th
the Diaz government,
ly be favorable towa
definite agreement
American position in
pact will merely be
ment defining an att
thean alternative to the method of e uei e a hambers......g.........Hoerger
by the United As through informal diplomatic ex- iher . ... .g.....,....Donough
for many years cotrol used in Nicaragua after 1912, changes. Ptrie......L ..
o many yePrsf;Professor Aiton pointed to the means changes.
pi. involved in the Platt amendment to BERLIN -The Hamburg-American
e history depart- !the Army bill of 1903 which providedArt Association Tos ds
ted that this ac- i for American relations with Cuba. BYIyEi.riz !1923, will consider the declaring of a
ted in the near this provision, the United States, in E xhibit PrizeW# orksi 6 per cent dividend at its general meet-
withdrawing its troops from Cuba, ing, March 28.
explained Pro- reserved the rliht to interfere at anyl Under the auspices of the Ann Arbor
es of Dr. Sacasa, I time, and the right to approve all Art association, 60 of the best works
are definitely loans which the Cuban government ! of the recent Detroit Scarab club show BIG TEN STANDINGSj
pposition to the might wish to make. This would be will be exhibited from 2 to 5 o'clock be-
principal cause a milder form of control than that ginning today in the West gallery of W. L. Pet.
nds. In returnI formerly used in Nicaragua. Alumni Memorial hall. These 60 works;I Indiana ..........G 2 .750
e United States, Referring the the Bryan-Chamorro chosen from 300 include those aard- IMICHIGAN......5 2 .714
will undoubted- treaty which grants the United States c ed prizes in Detroit. I.5 2 .714
rd negotiating a i Iowa .. .. .. .. .. .5 2
rd negotiating a the property rights which it is now Leon A. Makielski, former head of Purdue..........5 2 .714
regarding the . protecting with its marines, Professor the free-hand drawing department, Wisconsin.......5 2 .714
Nicaragua. This $ Aiton mentioned a misconception I Jean P. Slusser, present head, M. Cha- Illinois..........6 3 .667
a written state- which is commonly held relative to I pin, F. H. Aldrich, Jr., Mrs. Mary John- Ohio State ...4 5. .445
itude similar to the American property rights secured son, and H. R. Gamble, instructors in Oho tae....4 7.4
ft( '
i '
For First Semester Sees Chinese Awakening
In China, Mr. Eddy saw the awaken-
ing of a country which had been un-
Twelve seniors, six juniors, eleven der the oppression of foreigners for
sophomores, and thirteen freshmen seven years. He gave the history of
comprise the list of forty-two literary the presemt rebellion and advocated
students who received all "A" marks that United States remove her gun-
during the past semester, according to ! boats andtake up her old feeling of
a report made public by the Recorder's friendliness. ie cited the fact that
office yesterday. Thi's is approximate- Russians who were in China had not
ly the same number as received all been injured and that for this reason
'A" marks during the spring semester! he believed China would not take any
of 1925-1926. steps against Americans..
The list follows: Thelma Anton, Mexico, Mr. Eddy said, was making
'277; Katheryn Bennett. '28; Delight its third great rise from its low state
Beirg, '29; Harry Bergstein. '29; Mar- of past years. He reviewed the his-
jorie Bettler, '30; William Bishop, Jr., tory of Mexico and stated that if the
'28; Sue Bonner, '27; Madeline Bow- United States withdrew recognition
ers, '27; Robert Connybeare, '28; Ed- of the country, it would be thrown
ward Curran, '30; Edith Egeland, '30. into revolution and held back 50
Margaret Fead, '30; Robert Finch, years in development. He cited the
'29; Richard Fuller, '28; Hugh Ful- many improvements which the pres-
ton, '30; Eleanor Gaiser, '30; Jean ent administration has brought about
Gilman, '30; Catherine Grindley. '27; with More than one-half the children
Dorothy Griffith, '30; John Hanley, '27; now receiving an education, and the
Helen Jackson, '27; Irving Johnson, government finally separated from the
'30; Vera Johnston, '29; Marion Kiely, church. The oil interests which
'27; Marjorie Kunze, '27; Marshall Americans have in'Mexico, Mr. Eddy
Levy, '27; Anna McCague, '28; Walter said, have been acquired in all sorts
McCowan, '29; Toni Mack, '28; Mary of illegal ways and he believes that
Orr, '30. I(arbitration would show that their
Roger Pack, '29; Charles Palmer, titles to the lands which they held
'29; William Palmer, '29; Lawrence E did not really belong to them. He
Preuss, '27; Leonard Scheele, '30; saw the menace if imperialism in the
John Teichman, '29; George Tilley, '30; richest nation of the world today and
Mary Van Tuyl, '27; Stella Wellman, saw the possibility in the future of
'29; Mary White, '29; and Alexander both Mexico and Nicaragua becoming
Winklir '27 .1parts of the United States although