', 20, 1921 THE MICHIGAN DAILY t PAGE DINE , 20, 1927 '1 x PAGE NINE MON-RESIDENT SUMMER SESSION INSTRUCTORS NNOUNCED BY KRAUS PROFESSORS FROM EUROPE AND GREAT BRITAIN INCLUDED IN FACULTY FIRE HITS MANILA oshutz. violinist,.James Wolfe, bar-I BUSINESS MEN TO l tone. and Elsie Baker, contralto, will, ,^ make their first Ann Arbor appearance CONSIDER AIRPORT at the Festival, while Arthur Hackett has been heard here several times. : icmbers of the board of directors The latter has but recently returned c- the Y iilanti and Ann Arbor to America after an absence of many Chambers of Commerce will meet at a years abroad. luncheon tomorrow noon in the local Chamber of Commerce to discuss plans Subscribe for The Michigan Daily. relative to the establishment of a well equipped airport to be used by the two cities. Plan ,uncdr consideration call for the enlargement of the present air Feld. located about five miles east of Ann Arbor, en .1-17 ,construction of hangars for four or five planes, and the establishment of refueling facili- ties. Architect School Enrolls New Men Twenty one new students have been admitted to the architectural college; 16 on advanced standing, and five ^ freshmen, according to a report from the secretary to Prof. Lorch, www ............. THIRTY-SEVEN LISTED argest Number Of Outside Teachers Engaged For Biological Station And School of Education I Included on the staff of the 1927 ummer session will be 37 non-resi- ent members, it is announced by Ed- and H. Kraus dean of the Summer ession. 3kI Hugo Randolph Kruyt, Ph.D., who.,.,, :"*<..: s a professor of chemistry at the Uni- ersity of Utrecht, Holland, will of- Photo just received in the United rendering 2,000 homeless Most of er a seminary in colloid chemistry States showing fire that destroped 400 the houses were of wood with straw nd also work in research problems in houses in the slum districts of Manila, roofs. he same field. - Edward Arthur Mine, Ph.D., a pro- eor of applied mathematics at'the UNIVERSITY SCH OOL OF MUSIC niversity of Manchester, England, A N U C S F S I A R I T as been appointed to thephysics de- ANNOUNCES FESTIVAL ARTISTS artment to give courses in vector nethods in dynamics and physics of he stars. Announcements have been made by The services of the Chicago Sym- The faculty of the biological station officials of the University. School of phony orchestra will be mainly in as- nclude William W. Cort, Ph.D., com- Music regarding the artists who are sisting the Choral Union in its sev- ng from the school of hygiene and eral performances, providing niscel- Jublic health at Johns Hopkins Uni- to appear at the 34th annual May laneous accompaniments, and render- rersity; Charles W. Creaser, Ph.D., Festival on May 18, 19, 20, and 21 in ing orchestral selections. This will assistant professor of zoology at the 'Hill Auditorium; these include the mark the 23d annual consecutive per- Jollege of the City of Detroit; Frank names of several well-known opera formance of the organization for the caleb Gates, Ph.D., Kansas State stars, concert singers, and instru- May Festival. agricultural college; Herbert Baker mental soloists, in addition to the In particular, three programs will be ungerford, Ph.D., professor of en- usual group organizations. The prin-,contributed by the Choral Union. On omology at the University of Kansas; cipal artists who are to appear are Thursday night it will present the 3eorge E. Nichols, Yale University; Rosa Ponselle, Schumann-Heink, Beethoven program; on Friday night, nd Grace Walker Nichols, New Sophie Braslau, Lawrence Tibbett, the Choral Symphony, by Gustav Iaven, Conn., dean of women at the Armand Tokatyan, Ernest Hutcheson, Holst-which will be the American Cation. and Lea Luboshutz. Others slightly premiere of that work; and on Sat- Curt John Ducasse, Ph.D., professor less known in the musical world who urday night "Carmen". f philosophy at Brown University, have been obtained for the event are Ernestine Schumann-Heink, now in las been secured to give work in the Betsy Lane Shepherd, Elsie Baker, Ar- the 50th year of her public singing, ntroduction to logic, and principles thur Hackett, William Simmons, Lois will appear as the star of the opening nd main concepts of science. Prof. Johnston, and James Wolfe. concert on Wednesday night. Accord- 3eorge Sidney Brett, of the University. The group organizations which will ing to statements by School of Music f Toronto, will offer two courses: one assist the individuals in concerts are: 1officials, arrangements for this ap- n the history of ancient lhilosophy,I The University Choral Union under pearance have been pending for two nd the second in studies in the his- the direction of Earl V. Moore, mu- years and it is at considerable per- ory of modern philosophy. sical director of the festival; the chil- sonal inconvenience that the singer Listed in the School of Education dren's festival chorus of 500 voices, has contracted to be present. Her re Harry J. Baker, Ph.D., clinical under Joseph E. Maddy, supervisor of [numbers will be supported by the sychologist and head of the psy- music in the Ann Arbor public Chicago Symphony orchestra. hological clinic, Detroit public schools; and the Chicago Symphony Rosa Ponselle is an American girl chools; Thomas Levingston Bayne, orchestra under the direction of Fred- of Italian extraction who but a few r., Ph.D., Cornell university; Arthur erick Stock. years ago was appearing in vaude- I Ierbert Basye, Ph.D., professor of his- As on the occasion of the other fes- ville. She was suddenly elevated to ory at Dartmouth college; George E. tivals there will be six concerts con- the stage of the Metropolitan Opera larrothers, Ph.D., dean, Rollins col- sisting of four evening programs, and house and is now a star in that com- ege, Winter Park, Florida; Carter matinees on Friday and Saturday. pany. She appeared in Ann Arbor the ood, Ph.D., Miama university; Mau- Thursday and Saturday evenings will yer following her operatic debutt. rice R. Keyworth superintendent of be given over to the choral concerts. She will be heard Friday night. chools, Hamtramck; Philip Craven In commemoration of the centenary of Lawrence Tibbett is a Californian iovejoy, principal high school, Mount Beethoven there will be given tn and reputed to be one of the greatest 3lemens; Marvin S. Pittman, Ph.D., Thursday evening his "Mass in D" baritones of the Metropolitan comi- professor of rural education, Michigan while on Saturday night will be of pany. He came into prominence three tate Normal college; Paul Tory Ran- fered Bizet's "Carmen". The Wed- seasons ago when singing the rote of in, assistant director of research, nesday and Friday evening concerts "Ford" in Verdi's "Falstaff", and was Board of Education, Detroit; Clay D. will be more of a miscellaneous nature heard in Ann Arbor the following May. linker, director of commercial edu-, consisting of artist presentations. On Sophie Braslau, a favorite of some 3aton, city schools, Des Moines, Iowa; Friday afternoon Lea Luboshutz, Rus- years standing in opera circles, will [ewis Wilbur Smith, Ph.D., superin- sian violinist, will appear with the sing the title role in "Carmen" on endent and principal of Joliet high children's chorus, and on Saturday Saturday night. She has appeared in chool and Junior college, Joliet, Ill.; afternoon the 'American pianist, Ern- a recital here, and since that time filo H. Stuart, principal, Arsenal I est Hutcheson, will be the main at- there have been repeated requests for echnical high school, Indianapolis, traction. ,her re-appearance. Hnd. Armand Tokatyan, a tenor of the Helen A. Bagley, instructor in ref- Prof. Charles W. Waters, University Metropolitan opera, is an Armenian, rence work, Drexel institute, Phil- of Montana, has been secured to give although born in Bulgaria. He was delphia, Pa., Helen Martin, chief in- work in the botany department. educated in Egypt and Italy and is a trctor ese work wuniversity, childrend,at From the University of London,.fluent linguist. For a time he was a ester Res awyersihy, Cector England, the anatomy department of tailor in Paris, and earned money nd Ethel R. Sawyer, Ph.D., director the Medical school will bring Una singing in cafes in the Latin quarter. training cPortland, theOLibrary will be I- Fielding( M.D., who will conduct a, During the war he was able to con- ember,}of Phefaculyo hedepart- class in histology, embryology, and tinue his musical activities and sang membersnt of hecyof the depart anatomy of the nervous system. f to soldiers in the hospitals. Later he In the department of health the Two non-resident members have became a favorite in light opera and nonresident faculty list: Mable CJ been appointed to the English de- was drafted to Milan, where his pro- Bra assistant superintendent of partment: Vernon L. Parrington, pro- I fessional career was established; two chools, Newton, Mass., William J..v fessor of American literature at the years later he made his debut, and Deacon, director of the bureau of University of Washington, and Allen was persuaded to come to America. vtal statistics of the Michigan State i. Gilbert, Ph.D., Duke university. Of especial interest in this locality asrd of Health, Edith Fster,R.N.,! John C. Parish from the University will be the appearance of Lois Johns- dor of the health service training of California, will be a member of the ton, of Detroit, who received her mu- director o twee, Wsec a lie; history department faculty, and Rob- sical education under Theodore Har- schoolMlwaukee, Wrintendent of mi1e ert Merrill, Ph.D., of the University rison at the University School of Mu- visiting nurses association, Detroit. of Chicago, will give several French sic. Since that time she has appeared iteegcourses. about the country as an o'atorio sing- sociate professor of physiography, at The single non-resident faculty er and as a member of the San Carlo Harvard university will conduct member of the Law school will be opera company. She will sing the role classes in earth features and their' James Lewis Parks, University of Mis- of "Micaela" at the Saturday night meaningiand the principles of ge- I souri, who will give a course in cor- concert. Ieaning, porations. 1 Ernest Hutcheson, pianist, Lea Lub-I ologY.- ' : , f. r ..,.- . ., ; : . , {. : _ _ :. :z - j , . The Packard Six may be had in a wide range of tasteful color combinations. One of these harmonious effects-each the .onception of an artist-is sure to please your personal preference. "" . i *111E PACKARD SIX '5. ~iD~ %* The Packard Motor Car Co. Detroit Branch announce the appointment of E. J. Wahl Co., Fourth Ave. and Williams St., Ann Arbor, Michigan as Packard dealer in Ann Arbor and vicinity. -4 PACKARD A SK T HE M AN WHO O W NS ON E { , ..r . o.r . ,.a ii E . .. - i 1927 MICHIGANENSIAN :0 00 1927 .. The supreme achievement in the history of Annual building. The Cover a masterpiece in hand-tooling. The color work including Borders, View Section and Section Heads has been the result of highly skilled effort. The Printing and Engraving is being done by the best known and highest class concerns in their respective fields. From. cover to cover the theme shows the with the old on every page. The 1927 criterion of Year Books. progress of Michigan and contrasts the new I