THE MICHIGAN DAILY Si ND1AY, 'ERIZI-ATRY 20, 1912 - vw GLEE~ ~ ~ CLU WIL IVAHESTAREST ED FRA NCE MAY ARRANCE CONCERT WITH MPA8,C S.TOBEGIN AYMENS WillI Also Take P'art In Contiest To Ile- termine Represeniv e Of This District MAY TAKE CONCERT TOUR Announcement has been made of a joint concert of the Varsity glee club with the Michigan State College glee, club, to be held March 1, in Lansing. This event is the first of a series of concerts to he held this semester.' March 21 all members of the gice club will entrain for Chicago, wrhere they will participate with other clubs from schools in the Middle West, to deter-' mine the representative of this sectiona to the national intercollegiate club contest, which will be held in New! York. During the first part of April, a home concert will be given, and there are tentative plans for a concert tour of the upper peninsula of the state, during spring vacation. Last spring the organization took a southern tripl, and this year, if the trip is ,granted, they will visit such cities as Saginaw, Alpena, Sault Ste. Marie and Duluth,1 anfn some of the larger cities of'c the lower peninsula on the return trip. Student Expulsionsa Arouse Controversy In Minnesota Courts E'rnest V. S terry Editor of the "Christian inquirer," who is a self-acluowledg;ed atheist, has been arrested at Toronto, Canada, charged by the crown wvith "nutter-r antpes blasphemous, indecent and pro- fane libel. FORE'IGNSTUENT ARCHTETSWILL STUD""Y IN AMERICA! 'I'Ieri'onh !ie ;,,x23 V!'."ti: lo t OPINIONS ARE DIVIDED (I'~v Assn ciatt-d 'rrstI l AiltiSI (b. 1.At01bca:re- foll.y avmodil groo!)t inuaof tle d,4)t settleme-nt; question with VWasing-v toni through d71 plomna1 ic (channtels, Prem icr ' oiliccre is ii nderstoodt to bie d isposo'd to beigo paytneltc5 to the Unitdi States undler the schedule j contained in the sctt icm nt. The Premier, it is said, believed the best means of conveying an is-- timat ion of tis intention to thle. American- government was through France's financital rep~resent ative ifi t he United Statges, R obert. Lacour (Gayet, rat her than through the more formal (laun els of the foreig;]loffice:. Thfrej(.., ~)any arrangemenlts 01: this nature t o be made will be handled as purely a treasury matter. This explanation came today afterE the foreign office had expressed sur- pr'ise over a published report. that a debt payment move was wnder wayl and had (denied knowledge of any- negotiations along that line. The report, published by the Echo de Paris, said Premier Poincare would' ask that the Washington administra-1 tion-if he had not already (lone so-! whether it was disposed to accept an1 arranugemnent for provisional payments on France's debt to the United States.j The paper declares that opinions are divided as to Washignton's attI- tulde towards the French offer, but it believes that "despite the disappoint- ment caused by the French govern-- menlt's refusal of t'hi invitation to a naval disarmiament conference," Pres- ident Coolidge and his cabinet will end by accepting th~e arrangement proposed by M. Poincare. COMPANY EXPECT'S NE W CONSUMEIRS I More than 800 new consumers of0 electricity are expected to bie placed on the lists 'of Detroit Edison company customers diurinig 1927, in Ann Arbor and vicinity. The company ('stiniates that extending lines and installing new meters will cause anl expense of about $120,000 for this district alone. 1Overhead street lighting in this terni- tory will add $25,000 to the expense. Improvements to hydraulic planats along the'lluron river, it, is estimated, will cost the company $125,000. jCARSON CITY.-For the first time since the "16 to 1" silver days, Nevada has placed virtually complete con- trol a Republican state administra- tiollt. ISTA FF TRYOUTiS A N NOUNC ED A second Ineet ing for t ho,'o \vhn wish to itryout, forp The rDaily editorial staff wrill be held at 41o'cock Itomorrow vin thle Press bhildi11mg.Any one«wishiOng to t ryout for 0when;'gpitllici Mtis is aisked to report any day neat fweek. Suh1scribe for The Michigan Dally.W Sociology f :~t 1 il>(1~~i 12 o'clock a h rbye K ( '11 11 1 " .1 1 o n P r o f -,- r M o i i I C ( ~ at tlt f'rl~~lx ra i ll'{;'.. i u~ l",,e -iolland \Women' ('ttiln't lil. "~'r-i arUll ; : !o' M-- o:t: e h . .c $7i~J F : Vi AT' S CGOI9M ON L_'I I-. Board by the Week Special Dinners anid Parties -__ P Sz teak and Chicken Diarne: sH by Arrangement a ReaDining oo - 1236 Washtenaw Ave.I axe~ nt etzm a e nn.a...u a~o ea aas K i8tt prweelk. couh l,,' iterg n V. KIMRELLManatger 'M7 R-epairinlg ECONOMY In. the building of a cut-to-fit home ec( 'omy starts at the mill, resulting in a saving in labor, in material andl in speedI of (construction. Ei'conomies continue year after year in an A-A-HOME as maintenance andI upkeep costs are redluced to a minimum. Before building, visit our faotory and ex- amine the material that enter:; into the construction of an A-A-HiOME. ANN ARBOR HOME BUILDERS, INC. _ - 1 4 3,Qpti al Repairing Stte Street Jewelers Read The Daily "Classified,":. Columns ~f~ >- IinngHall >ihiI 'ist 1250 North Main S't. Phone 7408 MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Feb). 9 A rig o a nnucmn Following the expulsion of 36 stu- iiiade recently by a representative of dents of the University of Minnes ota? the American Institute of Arts, a for non-attendance at military drill, Igroup (of studlent architects from action will be7 started this month in '; Czecho-Slot-al:ia -will visit the United the state courts of Minnesota to (dc--Sae al nth pigt d terinine the legality of compulsory i A e,,-nare iithie-sprgtotudyean miliarydril ina sateunivrsiy.ploynixent will be obtained for them in The object of the case will be to test the offic(es of American ar(chi t ects in the validity of the university rufle re-vaiu parts of the country where wuiring that a man enrolled in theaiu the students will he affordedl an oppor- R. 0. T. C. be expelled from school tunity to stuidy rbesraigt without refund of tuition in case he 1 l paerooulinfromatsmall fails ot attend drills regularly. houses to steel-framed sky-sevauaers. No attempt will be made to reinstate! As a result of desire for American the expelled students by court actiton., training, 40 engine ari ag; st udenlts from The students are backed in their of~- C'iecho-Slovakia will be placed in var- forts by such organizations as the sifoas industrial plants throughout the American Civil Liberties union, the u Tnited Stateas in order to acqiza mnt tIhe national committee on militarism in foein ttideu(Is with Aniei'ican indus- education ,and a recently formed state trial =end cngineering nmetliods. committee of the same type. ST. LOUIS. - Trans-Atlantic radio CHINESE CRUISE PLA~NNED telephone service from London to -- _- points in :Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma PlMans are under way to organize a and. Arkansas was inaugurated form-1 floating university in (China to liring ally today. o rver 500 st itdent s to v isit the univer- sity students of this country. The trip Vienna is as gay as ever. An av- is eng att e-ipt('(i by the aitternation- erage of 60 entertainments paid lic- r1 C'ruis (cemiittee as a r, sult of an ense fees every day last year. Amierican trip oSanhi st month. c ti i .j i i' a j i ) 1 1' i' ., , 'i i i f _..r._...,........ . ,,._ esr:r.nxssen .xr nsrnaa eum: u ,e. STARTING TODAY 1, 7- k' II( fYI., ,Tf f I dloes away xwith LJthe book of verses- tile jug of vine-the ' loaf of bread and the singing, but thinks Omar Khayyam had the right idea about Paradise for Two at that ! Y ,A . You will be e Wle fr ct.I P yes nrur Y- -~Yo ONT EJiTIJG-laeanFD IY- Y 4 ThYpotnt pn t needn Ye swl ~faen e.Tewr yoYowl eemn oravneeto thYalysaf r rL Si>ii~ i:i.::::". f l- e* >^ ' - QO\i A0 'r" All~ G fiC x Y S ' ovv P-P V V" a . -. J M-)AJESTICI ADDED P P~u ON Till" STA~GE T HE SLNtsvrioNAiiiD ~vER s BAXTER and FRANK LLLOY'kD HAMILTON 'O}N E i7\1AY iiLORNIN(" N-1 11 AES~OP FABLE CARTOON ff h Rtna a as tl i Y4t ¢wr .-x -l, lV 1] L -CV i I P, i Ill I. -ii-AV I' 11 REOGIAMS m