FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1927 CHANGES ARE MADE IN BIG TN PROGRAM THEIF MICHIGAN DFAIL Y PAGE SEVEN wal I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __N_ _ _------ -11--. - , "- -..- - _ _- A &N BASEBALL NOTICE All battery men men and other candidates who were not on Ihe baseball schedule last year will THIS C0LUMN CLOSES AT 3 P. YLAD VER'T IIG FOR SALE (Continued from Page Six) 22 games arranged . This is six over the required four-a-year. The Hawkeye schedule calls for five games in 1927 and 1928, and six games in the jtwo following years. Minnesota, which has experienced difficulty in the past in getting con- ference games, because of objection by some coaches to the famous Min- nesota shift, ranks with Chicago and Ohio in having the next larges num- ber of games-21. Three other schools-Michigan, TI- linois and Wisconsin-each will play -20 games, Northwestern, Purdue and Indiana have 19 games each on thelr four-year, programs. Announcement of the new 1927-30 schedule arrangement came at a time when there appeared agitation favor- ing a rotating schedule which would determine !definitely each. year a con- ference champion. Minnesota was one of the strongest endorsers of the ro- tating plan, but is understood now to be ready to accept the four-year plan. Abolition, at least until after 1930, of the year-to-year scheduling which has frequently proved troublesome, was endorsed last November at a meeting in Washington of presidents of the Big Ten schools. Eight of the university presidents, approved the four-year schedule plan and requested their athletic directors to draw up such a schedule. The new schedule, which yet must be approved by faculty representatives of the schools, was arranged at secret meetings of the directors with Maj., John L. Griffith, commissioner of athletics, last week. The schedule follows: OHIO STATE 1927-Northwestern, Chicago and Illinois at home. Iowa and Michigan away. 1928-Michigan, Iowa and Indiana, at home. Northwestern and Illinois away., 1929-Northwestern, , Illinois and Iowa at home. Michigan and Indiana away. 1930-M-ichigan, Indiana and Wis- consin at home. Northwestern and Illinois away. CHICAGO 1927-Indiana, Purdue, Michigan and Wisconsin at home. Ohio and Il- linois away. 1928-Illinois, Purdue and Iowa at home. Minnesota and Wiscbnsin away. 1929-Purdue, Wisconsin and Indi- ana at home. Illinois and Michigan away. 1930-Illinois, Purdue, Minnesota and Iowa at home. Wisconsin away. ILLINOIS 1927-Michigan and Chicago at home. Northwestern, Iowa and Ohio away. 1928-Ohio, Northwestern and In- diana at home. Chicago and Michigan away.. 1929-Chicago and Michigan at home. Ohio, Northwestern and Iowa away. 1930-Ohio, Northwestern and Iowa at home. Chicago and Michigan away. WISCONSIN 1927-Michigan, Purdue and Iowa at home. Minnesota and Chicagoaway. 1928-Minnesota and Chicago at home. Purdue, Michigan and Iowa away . 1929-Northwestern, Iowa and Pur- due at home. Minnesota and Chicago away. 1930-Minnesota and Chicago at home. Ohio, Northwestern and Pur- due away. MINNESOTA 1927-Iowa and Wisconsin at home. Indiana! and Michigan away. 1928-Indiana, Chicago and Purdue at home. Wisconsin, Iowa and North- western away. 1929-Indiana, Wisconsin and Mich- an at home. Iowa and Northwest- rn away. 1930-Iowa, Northwestern and In- diana at home. Michigan, Wisconsin and Chicago away. INDIANA 1927-Minnesota and Purdue at I home . Chicago and Northwestern away. 1928-Northwestern at home. Pur- due, Minnesota, Ohio and Illinois away. 1929-Purdue and Ohio State at home. Northwestern, Minnesota and Chicago away. 1930-Northwestern and Iowa at home. Purdue, Minnesota and Ohio away. IOWA 1927-Ohio and Illinois at home. Minnesota ,Wisconsin and Northwest- ern away. 1928-Minnesota and Wisconsin at home. Ohio, Michigan and Chicago away. 1929-Minnesota and Illinois at home. Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan and Purdue away. 1930-Purdue and Michigan at home. Illinois, Minnesota, Chicago and Indi- ana away, NORTHWESTERN 1927-Illinois, Indiana and Iowa at home. Chicago and Purdue away. 1928--Chicago, Purdue and Minne- ;ota at home. Illinois and Indiana, away. 1929-Illinois, Indiana and Minne- sota at home. Ohio and Wisconsin please report for practice in Yost -" vV4 M field house as soon as their ex-' aminations are completed. Can- r didates should bring their ownI equipment. LOST RAY FISHER, Coach. ---- ---- _____ 3 LOST-Pail of glasses and small purse - ----in glasses case, purchased from Hal-' lers. Lost between Jacobsons and 1930-Indiana and Wisconsin at 543 S. Division Wednesday. Call home. Iowa, Chicago and Michigan Ruth Banfield 5776. 91-92-93 away.d LOST---Shell rimmed glasses in leath- TORONTO.---Four National hockey er case. Name "Wni. Walter Opti-! league teams are involved in a recent cian Cicero." Dial 9317. Bill Mfoul- sale of players. New York Rangers, ton. 91-92-931 Toronto, Boston and Pittsburgh are ;---- the teams ahected. LOST-A jade and gold link bracelet IF- on campus Wednesday. Finder callj Sui'r~bA Yor the Michigain Daily. 6108. 91-92-93' LOST LOST-NWiite Eskimo Answers to name Flop. TIS FOR SALE-Five beautiful German COLUM "Police" puppies, by imported sire. CLOSE eligible to registration. Prices rea-, A3 ,sonable. 429 So. Division. 91-92-93 TYPEWRITERS-All makes, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, repair- ed. Largest and best stock to be ob- tained anywhere. O. D. MORRILL, -- 17 Nickels Arcade. Authorized deal- Sdits puppy. er: Phone 6615, L. C. Smith & Cor- Scar on front ona Typewriters, Inc. tf FOR RENT FOR RENT I.arge, r*' SIagle 1 )):: for lady . ear campus. Iia: 701:. FORt R ENTi ;:s' ,ion ally cci:-r: lPleiny ho W2 or. ,):! \Vain. 91-92-93 FOR RENT - T a ons, m ireplace-, suit e or single. 52o 14 'Ana. P one 7172. ~ - ,-.: foot. Call Mrs. Cratsey. 8694. Re-I ward. 91 LOST--A yellow, shaggy English, sheep (log. Answers to name of "Woolly." Please dial 5117. 90-91 FOR SALE-Fashion Park tux, size 37, excellent condition, very reason- able, phone 8758. 89-90-91 FOR RENT FOR SALE FOR SALE-Man's fur violin, typlewvrite . Dia coat, skiis, al 21035. 91-92-93 FOR RENT-Desirable single room, warm, ligh' and pleasant. hot wa- ter all the time. Pleasant surround-j ings. Men. $4. Phone 22342. 91-92-93 ..... .._ ..... ....,.. ,..,.. .,....,. ., ... ,, .. , ,..., , .,y v - .. "In unity there is strength." Let's get together in the Chamber of Commerce. Our Patrons Are united in saying that the 20% discount wall paper sale we are giving through the month of January is one of the finest values received for their money ever put on in the city. We also have many remnants of papers in room lots from 50c up that will be of interest to anyone in need of good papers at one-third the original price. H M AJOC u CORNW ELL COA L - COKE Scranton, Pocahontas K ntucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas Coke This business has been growing ever since it was established. The secret-- "giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you think so too, let's get together. CORN WELL COAL - COKE OFFICE, CORNWELL BLOCK Phones, Office: 4551-4552 Yard Office: 5152 FOR RENT-One single and one ou-, ble front room. Large. light, andi comfortable. 527 Paclitrd. Nen Monroe. Tel. 8994. 91-92' FOR RENT-Two large front double rooms. $3.50 each. Stearm heat. TwoG blocks from Law Club. 55 S. 1)i- vision. Phone 8072. 91-i2 FOR RENT-Large 7ouble room o- j cupied by one student who desires a room-mate or will rent to two boys. Two blocks from the campus. 719 Arbor St. 91-92-931 FOR RENT-Share in a large double room for graduate or business girl. Reasonable price. 427 Hamilton Place. Phone 5942. 91-92-93 1 FOR RENT -La ge warrm. front room., three windows, single 5.00, double,' with sligle beds $7.50. Private fan:- ily. No bther st udents. (i2-l S.Di - vision. Phone 6451. 91-92-9, FOR hENT-Suite in modern house, room with large sleeping porch, 111 Forest. Phone 3909. 91-92-93 N OTI(E Ti'YPE WRITING i ad Miimri.- ine p romly a nl nactly done by experienced operators aI mnod- era to rales. Tcses aad coil go w(,rk a specialty for yeais. 0. U). Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. The Typwriter and Station:ery S.ore, if l>:eellent lymin. f-eading, no charge. Wlocan give you cl'an. eore:u wO.'k on short no ice. Corrections in spelinpig and lni:anP Al .rk l'e rant eed. tRider's i"0" Sboj'12 :5 S St. It N 0Th?4' E The Best in Photo frames at the low- p51 )rices. All styles, swing, swivel, ec. Leather frames. J. B.. Laun- (lers, 306 S. State. NOTICE Ilfear Frtz -eisler'o new Ortliophonic Victor Records. I xclusive Victor artists. Shaeberlo & Son Musim 1louse, 110 So. Main. tf NOTICE-35c Lunch, flnest Cht :cine and American menus , including soup, desert and drinks )(-% Varsity Inn, 512 Williams Street. 8-39-t33-J1-'J2-53 )A NC4'IN G~ Academie Irancaise d elanse, Madam Calliope Charisse, de i'Opera dl Paris. Toe dance and lmallroom dancig. Cours -lygienique pour Dames. Studio 1054 S. Main street. For information call 7997. 88-9-90-91-92-93 TWO ('IANI) PIANO FOI RENT-Neer rooms, two single Phone 9274. campus, warns and one doub i19 Phone 9313 203 East Washington St. A knocker never wins;, and a winner never knocks. Join the Charhber of Commerce. FOR RENT--Two light: housekeeping rooms. Phone 9571. 91-92-93 FOR RENT--Suite, suitable for two or three. Warm and nicely furnish- ed. Rent reasonable. 213 N. Thayer St. Dial 3229. 91-92-93 FOR RENT-Two furnished double front rooms. 928 Oakland. 91 FOR RENT-Two light housekeeping. rooms. All conveniences. Every- thing furnished. 430 S. Fifth Ave. tDial 9571. 90-91-92 ROOM FOR RENT-With or without garage. Single or double. Walnut furniture. 732 South Division. 90-91-92 FOR RENT-In modern house. Room and sleeping porch, also double front room. Price reasonable. No other To fraternities and sororities we offer a special financing plan. Three school years to pay. Your old piano accepted as the first payment. Now is the time to save money and have your new Grand Piano for .J- Hlp time. Investigate this unusual opportunity today. UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE 601 E. Wiliam St. NOTICE-The Steinway Artist Piano Tuner: Dial 6776. Victor Allmen- dinger exclusive piano tuner for Univ. School of Music. Not with any music house. Econiomical Trc.spprta lio ost o Improvements an Amazing Price Reductions With its smartly paneled and beaded new Fisher bodies-with its distinctive full crown one-piece fen ders, bullet-type lamps and "fish tail" modeling-with its AC Oil Filter, AC air cleaner, coincidental ignition and steering lock, remote control door handles and scores of other mechanical improvements, the Most Beautiful Chevrolet is the finest low-priced car ever presented the American public! And offered as it is at such amazingly reduced prices, it constitutes the greatest sensation of America's greatest industry! Never before has any maker of quality cars provided such beauty, such luxury and such modern design at such low prices! Come in. See the Most Beautiful Chevrolet-the outstanding triumph of the world's largest and most successful builder of gearshift cars! The Coach m i$$595 >,, Former Price $645 students in house. 1117 Forest Ave.8 Phone 3909. 90-91-92 NOTICE-Typing, thesis neatly and FOR RENT-One large double room, quickly typed at popular prices. or will rent single for next semes- Phone 7345. tf ter. 613 Hill, one door off State. NOTICE Phone 7003. 90-91-92 Special Bargains on new and used in- struments. Schaeberle & Son Mu- FOR RENT-Man student in first floor sic House. tf room wants room-mate. Phone 9461. ANN ARBOR CARPET Cleaning 90-91-92 Works. Rugs Shampooed. Phone FOR RENT-One garage on 225 South 6513. daily-t Thayer, and garage at 1330 Wilmot. TO SEE best of 50 lines clothing drop Call 4261 before 10 A. M. 90-91-92 card to 1103 E. Washington. Phone FOR RENT-Single room. Large and 6365 evenings. $22 to $30. tf comfortable. 123 Cross. Phone ! TYPEWITER RIBBONS AND 5462. 90-91-92 CARBONS FOur rapid turnover insures a fresh FOR RENT-Large rooms for men, stock and you secure the best qutal- S arranged in suites of two rooms. ity at a moderate price. 0. D. MOR- - 11 0n1l1 009 1 f ~+h - --_ -- --t The Touring Car _ 1525 Price includes alloon tires and' steel disc wheels. Former price $535 with balloon tires only, s, "... The Roadster 1525 Price includes balloon tires and steelldisc wheels. Former price $535 with balloon tire. only. The Sedan 1695 Former price $735 The Coupe 3 'W 011 ' 0or01' il "j wr r,.L ,_ i __ r w __--- C I . .,,,,,o ._.._i \ : ;; ' 'f $62 Forier Price $645 The Landau Former price $765 The Sport Cabriolet rely new modd with rumble seat Pric rasonabe Cali i221 S tn University. 90-91-92 FOR RENT-516 Cheever Court, large, clean, front suite, behind Mich. Un- ion. Phone 7073. 89-90-911 FOR RENT--Single room, for men. 425 So. Division. Phone 22352. Also a suite and a vacancy in a suite. 89-90-91-92 FOR RENT-Room and suite at rea- sonable rates. Good house, 628. Packard. 89-90-91-92-93 FOR RENT-Nice clean single room in new house, new furniture. Phone 4720. 89-90-91 FOR RENT-A single room for rent. Boys. Phone 6623. 88-89-90-91-92-93 FOR RENT-Rooms at Fletcher Hall for men. $3.60 a week. Fireproof building, shower baths, hot and cold water in each room, steam heat, maid service and excellent dining service at reasonable rates. Phone 9023, 915 Sybil St. 90-91-92-93 WANTED WANTED-Experienced typewriter operator, male or female, full time position. 0. D. Morrell. 17 Nickels Arcade. 91-92 WANTED-Regular or regular assist- ant pharmacist. Part time in drug store. Capow Drug Co. 213 S. Main. tf WANTED-J-Hop ticket. Phone Van 5638. 91 HELP WANTED-Student with car. Two hours evening work, five nights a week.. Good pay.. Call at 529 Walnut after 6 tonight or Saturday. 91 WANTED-Hammond typewriter, with variable spacing. Box 157. 89-90-91 WANTED-We typewrite theses, etc. RILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, Phone 6615. Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona Typewriters, Inc. tP MUSIC STUDENTS MUSIC TEACHERS MUSIC LOVERS The first time ever offered in Ann Arbor. A genuine half price sale of standard sheet music, Books, Colections, Studies, etc., for PIANO VOICE ORGAN CELLO VIOLIN Hundreds of miniature scores at one half price their regular price. UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE 601 E. William St. DANCING Every Saturday night, Dix- bora. , 5 miles out Broadway on new Plymouth paved road. fri-sat-tf- Trojanowski's Barber Shop has sat- isfied Students for 40 years. suh-wed-fri NOTICE-Swift Drug Store for Sheaf- fer, Conklin, Moore and Wahl pens. We do fountain pen repairing. wed-fri-sun NOTICE Victor Red Seal Record sale. Three for the price of one. All the artists. Large selection. University Music House. 91-92 SUITS AND OVERCOATS-Very reas- onable prices, tailored or ready- made. We have a wonderful vari- ety of patterne. Repairing also a specialty. beautiful fabrics for your winter overcoat. WILD THE TAYLOR 109 E. Washington Phone 5069 c Wed-Fri-Sat I-Ton Truck $495 (Chasis Only). "495 "sn395 Balloon Tires Now Standard Equipment On All Models.. All prices f.o.b. Flint, Mich, YT--A . c