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February 20, 1927 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-02-20

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'11 \I)A



~bi','DAY, EErIRUARY 20, 1927 PACE FTV1~


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PDI DPR A anDn i a un Pope [ f I P IP EtePlavooBe ' aMNOIINTESIR F NOaTI~CE s

12, ti andl; a ( t' hiCIes 5, 6
anid 7.

I I I(k I 'AT A W,, ~lL
P1rcL1, ~us C'onfronting Un iversit~'A i
College Offiils Will Ie
(Considered At :'feet
AProblems of housing, scholarship,
freshmen adjustment, and similar dif-
ficulties confronting the dleans of we-
men at colleges and universities will
le considered at the annu.al conven"
tion of the National Associat iion of
Deans of Women, which wili meet Feb
23 to March 0 in Dallas, Txs Repre-
sentatives from Michigan wvill i uc u dc
MI'ss Alice Lloyd, Miss Beatrice W.
Jehuson, and Miss Grace R7cihard:t
from the office of advisers, Miss Elva
Fornerook, director of Martha Cook
dormitory, Miss Ruby Howe, of Betsy
Barbour house, Miss Alta Schule, ofi
Adelia Cheever house, andl Mis Ellen
Stevenson of the housing committee.'
Miss Doris Twitchell, assistant in per-
sonal research, will be present at the
mceting of thedeartment of :u-r T-
intendants ic ollows the deans' i
The program for the deans' meetingl
is divided into two major sections. Thec
university section will consider the
deans in relation to her students,'
frsmn ajsmn, aatrhealth and personnel work; the col-
lege section will take up the housing
lproblemi in its various pihases.
Thursday night theme will be a re-
ception folo wed by a formual dinner11
with Dean Dorothy Stimsont, of Gouch-
er College, president .of the a: focia-
tion, presidling. The speakers will lbo
Mrs. Iva TLowther .Peters, (lean of wo-
men at Syracuse University, whosel
subject is the "Youth Movereut' andl
Mrs. Lois K. Mathews* Rosenhuttry, ofd
Madison, Wisconsin, who will talk on
~"The New Americanism anid the D)ean."
Honorary members of the association
will be guests of honor at thhis din-
Among the other prominent leaders
wvho will be present at the conference
is Miss Sarah M. Sturtevant, Teach-
ers' College, Columbia University, who
Is director of the courses for advisers
of women, and who has chosen as hrer1
topic "A Study of the Office of Dean
T'he half mile run was a close one.
There were eight starters, and La-
mont, the winner, remained in sec-1
and and third place until the final lap,1
when his sudden sprint took him to
the front. The ,time was 2:00 1-5.!
Hunt was not far behind in second.
place and, Pfluke and Beals tied for
In the 65 yard high hurdles, Cooper,

Sdkuitable Jobs VUIIII UI [I LI IUI ehe rs d T esd y IIIIUU11IUL Un lI LU VI All men in At 2 of the 3Jn or CirW ' Clo:ng hours tonight for all league
floP ~ ll nroiuii PA~flAP NPlay must wear tuxedos Those who lcas, srou't is, and (omitories is
WILL, ICUISS u iiiNR vrytw xmerhaelun ondIlt OlI N1I A1VRM !,2cannot borrow them must go to the llolok as uual: t orrow night all
I - URHIfoIaRIUci ltiol n lu Jn- reburn Clothes Shop on Liberty St., ~U55~ n Ob u t1h ossb
_________ to be measured tomorrow.I ~&i~ hl thi na;ne~
or Girls' play, and rehearsals will be1 nt otne el3,a nFia
Mlenibrs Of W'orld Fellowship Groinp held as usual on Monday. On Tuesday; With their $$l,000,000 goal now; Third rondof~ll0 intramural basket -mrca ru o1 1.a nFia
Formerly Under Y..IV. C. A. ('on.-for the first time the entire play will (lose at hand, the nerg auate corn- ball wil be played off tomorrow, when; nghts; all ho,.c s w~ill close at 10:3
tinue M~etingsf bereasd includingth cast andal the intramural basketball tornament0'ru.d.
reheased he 'fltl.111mttee of the Whomens League haswilgaibersmd At4occk hefni (as ilmett4
- ~~~~of the choruses.!wlagibersmd At4ocok hefnnglas ilset t4
ADDN1AL~ HD~ TAl/C Margaret Hawkins.('Iair an of the completed plans for a final campus elen Newberry Residence will play o'clock tomonrow in the parlors of
t'1I~[1IUL~1Idrive publicity committee, reports that the (rive fro freshmen membberships rn Adelia Chever and Delta Zeta will'Ui'::boir gymnasium.
"Cia~il ete oi~f ics music scre is in the hands of the en-;the proposed Women's league build- play Phi Sigma Sigma, at 5 o'clock The tryout meeting for the women's
slo of a cosmopolitan group xwhich gravers and that the programs are be- ing. The (drive will open on Monday, meehi 2:0 'cocktoayinMhe prnte.latsfatoyyesutshae Fb.28andwildontnuathouh hatPhTGmne MDwllilayZneleadas beefnhe poshatpoened~tpn~
willmet tin:3 o'locKappaintheAlphaintrThetasactrwillltshal'Tlay28andoilzcntnuethuntilht 4pp Ao'clock illplytomorrowunil4 andck owill an takeak
library of Martha Cook dormitory,ibeen obtained from t he sale of adver- ,week ending March 5. The schedule H all. pa;' in the Press building.
r ;! This group, which is c+omposed of wo- !tsing from the programn. Reeip~ts so for the campaign is similar to that Women's Edtcational Cub will meet Anouncement was made at Betsy
men of many nationalities is an out- far are $350, and their an is $600. carried out in the fall subscriptins of at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday at the tUi- ;Barbur house T'hrsday of the en
growth of the Wold Fellowship group' n ro opne aebe{ riuprlsmn n ti rpdta esiy High School library. gagement of Madelyn Dankers, '28, to
which has been organized and directed generous in their support, and Detroit $15,000 will be raised, equalling the Junior Girls' P'lay rehearsals are as (Jhn 11. Nunnely, '2L Nunely is a
i n the mast by the University Y. WV C. stores will le interv~iewed this we, amount pledged in the first drive. follows: At 4 o'clock tomorrow inmir at' Delta Alpha Epslon.
A. Now that the Y. W. .A'hsds uch interest as beenrshown ly Mni.sluh enthusiasm has been eviden- coue n 1;a 'lc
~:t: solved this group of women whose in- l.F b~tuino ldtl lc.\h)ed among the freshmen who have choruses 5 and 4a ; at 7 o'lock chorus; The first xx'man in t# United States
G { ' iterest in international topics has been has~ bought half of the back outside sh]own themselves eager to add their 6. On Tuesday rehearsals wil be held! diploatic corps, 'Ais Lucil Atler-
aroused continues to meet informally coeadsynahtb a ome ae otelf imeso h as follows: 9 o'clock choruses 3 and son of Columbus, 0., has been appoint-
alhuhteei o eiieognz-Michigan graduate, and was very; League building, according to Evelyn 6 i 0ocokarhaslo h n
although therek aisehnosdefinitee e-ganizhi-d'
a l'. ion or name. Yi F. Wu, Grad, is act-mu(1itethirdinthsecreenstary of the chirmAmericanner-
muhitrseente Woe' gon 2,caifno h idr ireplay; 1 o'clock choruses 1 and 2 :; delegation at Balbloa. Panama
i > ing as temporary chairman of the ge work.; graduate committee. This is natural 2v'clock hotuses 10 andl 4a; at 3 -
.' gop and Sanita Davis, '27, as scre- I -- - - because of the fact that the present, o' i clock chorus 4b; 4 o'clock choruses Subsriec for the Mihigan~ Daily.
tary. ,SA.VYS STYLISH CLOTES freshman class will probably be the, i-_
MR r(The meeting today will be divided] NEED MODERNs to enjoy the actual use.o
intothe parts, a different mrember - the building as undergraduates. The
~of the group taking charge of each Modern women in smart moder nj value of a permanent connection with=
j ~~section. The present political situation clothes should display themselves a permanent institution is again being =
13r, Emiily T. Burr in China will be the subject of a talk aintabckrudomdene- stressed as one of the major benefits!S nas -So a
IDireccing the 'Vocational Adjustment which will lie given by Wei-Dinl ting, according to Mine. Niole G'ailt, i Sundaesif membodasp
Bi1311 ai of Newv York City Dr. Emily Diang, grad. The second talk will lei a Paris fashion creator who explains Details of the committee's plans in1
Burr successfully hnldtecsso education forwoen i Cia, by that two thirds of the effectiveness elude a personal letter from a membei .
of 1360 woiien last year. Her duty is ISiYag'27Ed, while the third will of modern fashions are lost because (ifth1cmmtte oTacGfesma-w
topaeyugwoumel in jb they can; deal with the topic of "Chinese Wo-tebakron is behind the tms man student, explaining the drive, the -
fall lih' acring to .Br h men of Yesterday andl today,' and will ba"Vctro untradChrtun, value of a membership, and arranging :ggy gI
moust. important thing is to find out be given by Miss Wuvi. "itraIuntueadCalso for a personal meeting between the .SERVED RIGT iT-
whtI ailtttms. eie o Tremeig eehl uigfrocks look as queer together as they freshman and the committee member, -'
io. hee as semesterbyti group for:sud"sesytn nit htmd Miss Ogorn who directed the drive
the astby hisern clothes are only effective in mod-I
To acquire the knowledlge as well the purpose of exchanging informa- ern homes. These ideas of M~me. Nicole in the fall, is again chairman of tie
as th abiity f theapplcant, iutlli-tionand ieas.The irst as a in-committee. Helen Wooton, '28, will actBes Ro sS p
asteaiiyo h ulcnitli-to n da.Tefrtwsa n rout are well known in Paris as she . assistant chairman, and will le aid- T-
ycen<'c are n yen inicolaa~i~on with formal discussion on the position of as a leader in the movement to apply Cytiakn,'9 -ee
rrtin hysca tets."Iteligecewomen, the second was a more detail- !modlern French art to everyday life ed be yn'2hia rwinsBh, '29 e
tests5 arc overdone,' says D.Buir,edt l British women and the third i "Clothes cannot make the woman"'Hlaethn '9,Miersl, '29, LaraSo le, ' - --______ ----------- -.111i11~iIlU111111111111111111111111
"rand( so we itse themi simply as one was a. description of women in Con- asserts Mime. Glroult, "but they can tin '28,iandeanWalaer, 2,'30 a oue
tac-tor in our' decisions. The ability to'stantinople. if n Ja alae 3
work welt with other people counts Anyone interested is invited to at -1 esily backgrounds cannot make the Atog h u e yteudr
mno'e than intelligence." tend the discussion today. The attend- cloths. but ~he y can unmake them if gaduates as their contribution for the
Wtorkrooms with trained workers ance is not limited to foreign women, fthey are not sitable."hedtheasumri ill beonlyi2a,00eitlin
to supervise them are estalblishedl for and the group expects to devote a ( rpdtesmwl esrasdi
girls too nervous to wor well with meeting in the future to a discussion today it is expectedl to arrange futre iwoftefatta $18,000 was colM ra ls o rn
ohrnpeunethstanobu-jof American women. At the meeting Programs. letted in the first drive.
1ne'ss. Dr. Prr states that 800 employ.I'~'
(s have cooperated with the bureau, 1II111ll11111l1111111111;
and it is tough them that she sue-
teee din la'iug S may.______ Xatch for miracles of Spring
farm in wiunning the event in :08.5,
~iiil Jiiits traied hm i : u~, hil repeated in people who exercse
M1acDo)nald placed third.{
The (l0 ash was run off in fourBle ir Har S o p in the out-of-doors and who chos
beats, s that only two men ran inBle ir Har S o p
of at Women-in Colleges and Universi- __________woeoefos
tis. an Thursday afternoon, Mrs.
Frank B. Gilbreth, president of ml-
liroiii Toe ,' vil1,l ead ! a fsaner o af 'tr-

riage, A Career. and the Curriculum."
The Fridav luncheon plans provides
for informal table discussion of such
topics5 as the relation of the dean and
the president, student government, and
Pan-beilenio. Members will be seated
accordling to their preferred topic.
miss Ci'ace Rtichards has been asked
to be0 hostess at the table which will


appearance requires correct hair

Our service secures

this result.

Will Be Open-
Sunday Evenings
-6-8 .
_ Fudge Cake -Coffee

600 bast Liberty St.

Dial 9616

5 Nickels Arcade

a new varsity man, showedl excellent considler the problem of student aid.

i _ __--o

- --',

I - - . A:-- I I -- . -- - - -- ---- - wwftbfti-

Gems of lively brilliancy, fire and ihanil y whose
valile is unsur11,passe'd at our at in tlive pi'icecs.

Fine 14 .-xi . a tone /ill
i-td. Sel ling At


win m i i- =n .mn s a swr n a i n;xr
" '' ' r ° ow

The Most Important
Word in the Realmn
of Fashions
Compose, thne word(* which
one hears on the ton-us (Ot
the, fashion-wise constantly
this season means "to 1)ut
together"--according to it
dictionary. In fashion cir-
cles, Which is niu('h more
to the point, it refers to thle
smart combination of a
demure little jacket ail(l
dress oi- the joining in oiie,
fashion of two or more
shades or colors.
As usual the nior'e sutleI
interpretal ions of the com-
pose mode await your up-

'N hyri.
f Y
__ _ __ K +' 'r P

Thie Frocks
Dance frocks for the gayeties of the
Social Season at hand, in all their
I! ~ bewitching beauty of chiffon, flowered
as well as the more delicate shades
for evening wear.#
' Many bedecked with brilliant rhine-
stone, garlands and other colorful
trimmings. Single, swirling frocks
with prices exceedingly reasonable.
? Main at Liberty.
f ~Aunnarborj



y /'
-. ji~4f " i 1.


.f1 'I.
, (



11 -, -, I i I mi x x -- -



in Her
Dashing, debonair. Yc


Tail e

sung as youth itself, is the tailored suit.


slim jackets that revel in broad shoulders and smooth hips.

With saucy

belts. With skirts that burst into smart, comfortable pleats. Doubt-

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