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February 20, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-02-20

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t r t a U..







Peking And Cantonese Troops BeginI
Rorganization For Continuancet
Of Struggle For China
(By Associated Press)1
WASHINGTON, Feb. 19-An attack
made on Lieut. John S. Luten of the
American navy by a mob of Chinese
coolies at Chungking Thursday, has
been formally protested to the Canton-
ese government by the American con-l
sul-general and commissioner of for-
eign affairs at Chungking.
A report reaching the navy depart-'
ment today from the commander of
the Yangtze patrol said Luten, mis-
taken for a British officer, had. been
struck a number of times on the head
and knocked down and his clothing
torn before he could be rescued.-
The incident followed an attempt by
the Chinese mob to board a British
ship for passage up the Yangtze river,1
which was prevented by the guard ont
the H. M. S. Cockchaser. Incensed the
coolies attacked Luten, who is attach-
ed to the American gunboat El Cano
as medical officer, while he was walk-
ing along the river on his vay to the
The Shantung armies, allied witht
Marshal Chang Tao Lin, northern warF
lord, were reported to the navy de-
partment to be concentrating in the
Shanghai region today.t
Admiral Williams, commanding the
Asiatic fleet, advised the department -
of reports that 37,000 men were mov-
ing by sea to Pukow, where 30,000 al-
ready have been stationed.
Despite an outbreak of strikes ir
Shanghai, officially reported today, in
celebration of the victory of Cantonese
forces ,at. Hanchow and Ningpo.
Washington-officials are hopeful that!
serious menace to Americans and t
other foreign nationals there will be
Presence of foreign warships and
troops at Shanghai is expected to ex-
ert a quieting influence. Should dis-
orders occur, however, Admiral Wil-
liams has full authority to use ma-I
rines and bluejackets to protect Amer-7
icans and their property,
The Americans probably would co-
operate with British or foreign con-
tingents in reinforcing the police of
the international settleients and the
Shanghai volunteers to preserve order. I
The transport Chaumont with an ad-
ditional regiment of milarines aboard,
is due in Shanghai Thursday.
(By Associated Press)
SHANGHAI, Feb. 19.-The defeated
troops of Marshal Sun Chuan Feng,
ruler of Kiangsu province, and the na-
tionalist army that forced them to re-
treat from the rich city of Hangchow
yesterday, were reorganizing today to
continue the struggle that will deter-
mine the possession of Shanghai, the'
"'Paris of the Orient."
Forty thousand of Sun's soldiers,
thrust from their master's province of
Chekiang, were seeking a place along,
the IHangchow-Shanghai railway to
make a stand against 50,000 Cantonese
preparing to drive against them. Sung-
kiang, 28 miles from Shanghai, was
believed to be the place selected by
Shanghai's defenders because of its
strategic location on the Wangpoo!
Each of the armies were reported

to be receiving reinforcements. Mar-
shal Sun was said to be dlue in Shang-
hai tomorrow to personally direct his
troops. In response to Sun's frequent
appeals for aid, his ally, Chang Tso
Lin. Manchurian dictator andhead of
the Peking government's military gov,
.ernment against the nationalist in-
vaders from the southland, beset him-
self to enlist the aid of Marshal Wu
In a long telegram to his former
ally, Chand pleaded with Wu not toE
oppose the advance of the northern
troops through Honan province on
their way to attack the nationalists in
their strpnghold at Hankow and Kui-
hiang and elsewhere on the Yangtze
river. Unless his troops were allowed
to advance, said Chang, Bolshevism
could not be combated.
HAVANA-President Machado an-
nounced he will sign the decree forl
sugar mill quotas on Feb. 21, complet-'
ing regulations for sugar crop limita-

(By Associated Press) Sen. Gooding, Republican, Idaho,!,
WASHINGTON, Feb. 19-The tradi- one of the callers, who spent a long
tional White House silence enfolded time in conference with the President,
the fate of the McNary-Haugen farm said that he did not 'believe the Chief
relief bill tonight, for after a day's;I Executive has made up his mind on
stay in the hands of the President and the bill. Sen. McNary, Republican,1
his advisers, friends and foes of the Oregon, co-author of the measure,
measure knew no more whether the confessed to have no indication as tol
President would approve or disap- its fate.
prove it than they did when the meas- ' Soon after the engressed document
ure was finally passed by the House was received at the White House, it
Thursday night. i was sent to the agriculture depart-
There were a number of callers at # ment for the perusal of Secretary Jar-'
the White House during the day to dine. It is the usual course for pro-
discuss the bill with the President, posals affecting the various depart-
and the best information they could ments to be submitted to department
give as to the White House was that heads in this way. Secretary Jardine;
Mr. Coolidge appeared interested in! has never advocated the McNary-lau-
their presentation of arguments. gen bill.


t . l t'vN I A ILTflY~'. nCv ",- ""MnA "It



()3d( A'N A ON'il

Prof. H. C. Anderson, head of thy:
mechanical engineering department of3 7 O
the engineering college, has been ap-
pointed financial secretary of the 11
The appointment made by the SereI
ate council, became necessary since
Prof. Evans Holbrook of the Law
school, formerly holder of the secre-
taryship, has left for California for the BIG TEN STANDINGS
remainder of the semester. Professor I
Anderson has served for some time as W. L. Pct.
a member of the Union board of direc- Indiana .........6 2 .750
tors. MICHIGAN.......5 2 .714
' - Iowa . . . . . . 5 2 .714 j
Purdue..........5 2 .714
Wisconsi ....... 5 2 .714
Illinois........6 3 .667
Ohio State .......4 5 .445
BALL R 1EI ARRANGED JChicago .........3 5 .375
I Minnesota.......1 9 .100



Criiics Consider Orchestra As One
O1 Six Best Organizations Of
1ind In Country
The Detroit Symphony orchestra,l
with Ossip Gabrilowitsch conducting,1
will appear here at 8:15 o'clock to-
morrow in Hill auditorium as the last


Registratkin Of Acts And Tryouts
Will Be Reld At Theater
Tomorrow Afternoon
With the last performance of the
two Shaw plays, "The Man of Des-
tiny" and "Annajaska, the Bolshevik
Empress," given last night the next
production which Mimes will under-
take will be the presentation of a
spotlight vtaudeville on Wednesday l
Thursday, and Friday, March 2, 3, and
4. Tryouts for numbers in this vaude-
ville performance will be held be-
tween 4 and 5 o'clock tomorrow in
the Mimes theater and if any students
are planning acts which they have not
yet completely 'prepared they may
merely register with E. Mortimer Shu-
ter at that time.
The acts may be either musical,'
burlesques, one act plays, classical
skits, or orchestral numbers. Any
group, such as a fraternity, is parti-,
cularly invited to give one or more
acts in this revival of what was once
an annual tradition.,
A silver cup will be given to the
act that receives the most votes fromn
the audience on the three nights. The
audience will vote on the stubs of
their reserved seat tickets and Mimes
will present the cup. Those acts which
show sufficient merit may be retained
for the "State Street Follies" which
will be given later in the spring by
Mimes, and an attempt will also be
made to get a line on the available
talent for next year's opera.
The next Mlay that Mimes will give
in the series planned for the second
semester is."R. U. R.," a fantasy which
will be presented for six performances
March 7 to 12. The cast for this play
will be chosen and rehearsals will be-
gin tomorrow also. The plot is laid
far in the future and the characters
are automaton men and women. Mr.
Shuter has the original manuscript
and the play has seldom been given
outside of New York in. this country.
It was translated into English by Paul
Selver and' Nagel Playfair from the
original by Karel Capec.
There will be no production in the
Mimes theater this week.
Official sport schedules are now
available and will be distributed with-
in the coming week. These schedules
give the remaining events on the
sport calendar for the year . They will
be placed in several stores on State
street and can be secured by calling
at those establishments.
By Irwin A. Oliaii
Recognizing a conspicuous dearth of
authentic information concerning lo-
cal real estate conditions, both of a
commercial and residential nature
steps have been taken by members of
tProf. Ernest M. Fisher's real esae

rflfV TO OPr U pRIR

-11 UOU L 11 L .w - Northwestern . .. 0 8 .000f
number on the eighth annual Extra -- Yesterday's Results
Concert series of the UniversityP r Tickts To Annual Fuiiction Iowa 33, Purdue 28
I Reduced From $550to Oho40,Wicosi;1
S L School of Music. This will be the! ette Is Chairman hio 20, Wisconsin 16
second appearance of this organiza-( Chicago 40, Northwestern 21
Program Includes lobbsEddy-Ieed tion he'e this year, the orchestra and ORCHESTRAS CONSIDERED
Debate; Sclheuled For Tuesday Mr. Gabrilowitsch having been here HOC
In 11111 Auditorium Dec. 13 on the 48th annual Choral With April 29 set as the date, ar- KD
Union concert series. rangements are being made for the an-
GiS. CA SPONSORS TALK h The Detroit Symphony orchestra is nual Military Ball which i yi bFNwill be held
* * - -one of the youngest of the larger sym- at the Union. John H. Lovette, '27E,
ntiwho was chairman of the J-Hop coin-"
Giving his first address tonight, phony orchestras of the country. mittee last year and a member of the
Sherwood Eddy arrives in Ann Arbor Critics consider it to be one of the Varsity football and track teams for --
today for a three day visit. He will six best in the country and it won con- the last three years has been chosen I PUckchasers Take Close Contest From
sisternerale chairmaniof thisiaffaireand
speak at eight o'clock tonight in Hill siderable recogniton for its rec general, chairman of this affairand Badger Sextet By Counter Late
tour of the East. The Detroit group ( has already had the budget approved j In Second Period
auditorium on "The Challenge of the was organized in 1914 for the first by Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students. --
Present World Situation." ; time, and in 1918 it was reorganized The price of tickets has been set LARSON IS ONLY
Mr. Eddy will conduct an open fo- an( made one of the largest in the at $4.50. This affair has been held SCO R
rum this afternoon at Lane hall on country. A year after the reorganiza- annually for the last several years by A '
"tion the people of Detroit built or- i the students of the R. 0. T. C. depart- IMWis. Feb. 19.-Michigan
chestra hall, for the use of the group. ment; however the attendance is not cred a 1 to 0 victory over the Uni
bers of church guilds and other cam- Mr. Gabrilowitsch also came as di- limited, as it is a University function. versity of Wisconsin puckchasers here
pus leaders have been invited to at- 3rector for the orchestra in 1918, after Last year's MilitaryBarsinn o last night in the first of a two-game
tend this forum. ie also plans to con- having been a prominent concert w featuse that of holding the dance ories. Larson counted on a pass fror
duct an open forum on Tuesday, Feb pianist in America for more than 20 at the Union instead of Waterman and
22 on "What is Chirstianity?" years. Ile had had very little experi- tBarbourno iynstea fWerm and the only score of the game.
At 4:15 toniorrow Mr. Eddy will ence in directing, having eer bor gymnasiums where it hadpyLarson and Hooper opene up the
sekon "Dare We Think?" In this anaoainoi eeymd beenm held previously, !first period with a series of thrusts
speak l arWeThk? ntsan avocation of it previous to this, but i When the budget was drawn up at the Wisconsin netsbut Goali
talk the world pacifist will use mate- at present he is recognized by critics this year the oficials found that many Mitchell saved with too uh a e
rial from his recent trip to Russia as one of the leading conductors of the I unnecessary expenses could be, cur- acy. Maney and his teammates led the
and the other countries of Europe. country. - aiydyas ietmmatyeredbtt
He made an extensive study of condi- Sinc the reorganization of the or- tailed and in this way were able to Michigan defensive play, their puck
H iathee and extsie m y of thld- nce tIme reorkgaiza n of8 ther bring the admission price down to checking spoiling a series of Badger
tions there and met niany of the lead- ;ciestsa that took place in 1.918, the I th lowest level in the history of the trsslt ntefae
ers of the Soviet government as well group has played regularly twice a a he piev f in vittons thrusts late in the frame.
as leaders of the other countries. le ear in Ann Arbor. On several oc- affair. The price of invitations last Michigan's tally came after Hooper
s year was $5.50. and Larson had alternated in carry-
was the first outsider to challenge casion aMr. Gabrilowitsch has ap- Negotiations have been opened by ing the puck through the forward wall
Soviet advocates~ to. a debate on the i peared as piano soloist with the or-thexcivcomtewthserlfteBags.H prtokaon
subject or religion and the existenice gnnzationm. Mr. Gabrilowitsch himself the executive committee with several of the Badgers. Hooper took a long
of a God. wass born in Petrograd, Russia, in 1878. nationally famous orchestras, most shot, followed through, and passed to
At 10:30 o'clock Tuesday mornin. sturied at the Conservatory of prominent among which are Guy I!Larson who scored over the prostrate
in Hill0audito u esdy wi de aete Lombardo's Royal Canadians, and Badger goal tender. Steve Jones,
in illaudtorum r. ddywil de ?Muosic there, where he was a pupil o ' ooe rhs aeorffhmsH edadPo. Tlt In uisenad n19 lthrH dro icia ati oee isl
bate Prof. Thoa I. Ree and Prof. 'lustihr and r huisei vandn 1894 Fletcher H-enderson's colored orches- Michigan captain covered himself
William H. Hobbs on "Resolved, hat won th alt no prize at thei tra. Both of these orchestras are well I with glory in this and the last frame
U witcml h.spaknown in Ann Arbor, the former from I1with his saves.
under existing conditions, the aConservatory. He then went to Vien- the Music Box restaurant in Cleveland, Jansky and Lidecher carried the
States should maintain the present ma studying under Leschetizky and Ohio, having played at the last two brunt of the Wisconsin attack in the
system of natioinal (defense."IPr ofes-N"vri.In10)h maie Cla
srti ob sn of te still aken tes al . laugte of ark arin an J-Hops, while Fletcher Henderson's final frame but Michigan's defense
s sremend cnert ntil 1918 when he orchestra played for this year's J-Hop. was too strong. At one time the Bad-
Eddy wiepoldthesnegtive.nPro toureint to oe rt. tlconuctwhen heIjBesides Lovette, there are on the gems were playing with but four men,
Eddy will uphold the negative. Pro-~Ivent to Detroit. to conduct the or-xeuiec mteAthr.Wo, but Michigan cnetdisl iha
fessor Hobbs wil open the debate with ; ' aet this conty j executive comumittee, Arthur R. Wood, btMcia contented itself with a'
chestra. came to county in ; Robert F. Price, '27; Harry C. defensive game in the final session.
a 25 minute talk, followed by Mr. Eddy 1900. '2Lgert F. Pric , '2; C Lineup an t inal
for the same length of tinme. Profes- 2This will be the last musical event rWalger, 27E; G. S. Channer ',29E; Lin ad sunmmary:
sor Reed will reply to Mr. Eddy in a oft esnBnll uioruiutlfradford L. Carver, '29, and George IIITA WISCONSIN
15 minute rebuttal after which 1l. the ansual May Festival, with tIe ex- II. McBride, '27E. Captain L. Monroe Maney ..........RW..........LJaisy
I Eddy closes the debate with another cept ion of the concert of Guiomar Bricker is official representative of Larson........LW........Lidecher
15mnuterettalc aliapinistthe R. 0. T. C. department and also Hooper .... ..... C .......... Rasher
15 minutes rebuttal n . Novaes, Brazilian pianist, who closes iember of the executive committee. Comb.........RD.Mur hy
spTnsrie Mr. Ehdstrip hsse. e C a concert here March 2. The minor conmittees have been ap- Galer.........LD..Moelk
is a world figure in Christian leader- _______erther__ar ___2 pointed and will hold their first meet- Jones (C.)....... G........... Mitchell
ship, having been a missioiar'y firom TO_ ings the beginning of this week. Scoring: Second Period-Larson,
1896to191.In this wok he spent aWELCH TO SPEAK +!on pass from Hooper, 10.
189 t 12. INS INL' PenaIlties-Copeland, Larson, Comb;
great deal of his time among the stu- 1Iy Wd s eati s- ldarsonrCoyb4
dnsoJaaCimaadIni.DrONCONDvITION S I W\orld's Record Set IPn
dents of Japan, Chia and India. Dur- IWiscosin - Lidecher, Murphy, 4;
ing this period he has written man!- I!For 220 Yard Relay] Stop-Jones 26, Mitchell 19.
lenks.AongatheainteChs''4Prof. Paul S. Welch, of the zoo- Referee-O'Dowd Minneauolis.
"Makers of Freedonm," "The Supreme logical department, will give an ad- (By Associated Press)
"eciston Fritehed" "acithe ssare d r o"BiologicalR esearch Condi- POMONA, Calif. Feb. 19.-A new o a Tr
onDseiin the lobby of Lane Hall. irons inEurope," at 8 o'clock Wednes- world's record was set here today Iowa Triumphs over
MN ILA-e t . Genby Woo rde rd day in Natural Science auditorium, during the course of the Los Angeles 8
.under- the auspices of Sigma Xi, 1oi1- Athletic club-Pomona college track
a suspension of the proposed arned orary biological society. meet, when a four man relay team,
campaign against the 2,000 rebellious While on sabbatical leave last year, + including Charles Paddock, champion (By Associated Press)
1 Alangkat tribesmen in Zamboangas Professor Welch visited more than 1 sprinter, reeled off 220 yards in IOWA CITY, Feb. 19.-Purdue top-
I pendingattempts to settle the trouble 150 research institutions in nine 21 3-5 seconds. This time eclipsed by ; pled from its three way tie for first
i peacefully. European countries. This tour in- two seconds a mark that was set in place in the Big Ten conference here
y---------cluded the principal universities and 1911 in Australia. when Iowa scored a 33 to 28 victory
S TAKES SURVEY 'colleges, social research institutes, The other members of the record tonight after the Boilermakers made
S TUbiological stations, and museums. The shattering quartet were Hugh Pinney, a valiant attempt to overcome a 19 to
DITIO S OF FA CUL TY lecture will deal primarily with the!former Pomona college sprinter, Eddy 8 lead at tIe end of the half.
research conditions as they affectdthe Pollock, Pasadena high school lad, Purdue started the game with three
*1 ~ tCi and Kith L T. UclTniversity of South- new' mmen in the lineup, but they were


Hoosiers Outplay Michigan Squad In
All Departments; Brek Through
For Short Shots
Indiana, conceded only an outside
chance to win the Conference basket-
ball championship after losing to
Michigan and Chicago, rode over the
Wolverine five in a brilliant 37-34 vic-
tory last night at Yost field house,
and now rests at the top of the Big
Ten with six victories and two de-
Last night was a bad one for all
of the league leaders. Wisconsin,
holding a share of first place with
Michigan and Purdue, bowed before
Ohio, 20-16, while Purdue fell before
the strong Iowa team, losing by a
score of 33 to 28. The upsets leave
Indiana in the lead, with four teams,
Michigan, Purdue, Wisconsin, and
Iowa tied for second place with five
victories and two losses each.
Indiana showed superior form in
practically every department of the
game, displaying teamwork which
would spell defeat for any first rate
team. The Hoosiers gave a great ex-
hibition of ball handling, outwitting
the Wolverines during the major part
of the game with their clever tricks.
Added to their uncanny floor work,
the Indana men displayed an adept-
ness at basket shooting which is not
often equalled, repeatedly sinking
long shots when they had difficulty
in breaking through the Michigan de-
Michigan failed to regain its early
season form which carried it to the
top of the Conference standing, At
times the Wolverines showed flashes
of a striking offense, but the weakness
of the defense far overshadowed the
team's scoring power. Indiana gained
many baskets by. dribbling trough
the defense and scoring on short
shots, unguarded.
The Wolverines broke into the lead
at the outset, scoring on free throws
by Petrie and Harrigan, but lost it a
few moments later, never to regain it
during the remainder of the game.
Indiana jumped far into the lead,
scoring on baskets by Beckner, Cor-
rell, and Wells. With the Hoosiers
holding a 11-4 lead, the Wolverines
opened a long shot attack. Harrigan
counted twice on long tosses, and
Oosterbaan dropped in a short one
from beneath the basket to cut the
Indiana lead to one point, the score
being 11 to 10.
Indiana pulled itself out of danger
when Sibley, tall Hoosier center,
scored three baskets in rapid succes-
sion. Chambers threw a long shot
from the center of the floor and .Oos-
terbaan scored on a follow up shot,
cutting the Indiana lead to three
points. Sibley made a free throw and
Wells scored a basket on a out of
bounds play. Harrigan made the last
score of the first half when he broke
through the Indiana defense by giving
a brilliant exhibition of dribbling,
and making the score 20 to 16 as the
half ended.
Indiana contiuued its fast scoring
attack at the start of the second per-
iod, Beckner scoring twice in the first
two minutes. Chambers was the first
Wolverine to find the hoop, sinking
another of his long shots.
Scoring in the closing minutes was
extremely slow due to the fierce fight-
ing and the close guarding, With the
score 31 to 29 and with eight minutes
to play, the battle rose to great
heights. Sibley scored on a long
shot, but Petrie retaliated with a
beautiful toss from outside the foul
line. Krueger sank a long throw
"afrom the side, but Petrie again offset
(that score with a long shot. McCoy

s :'1



course toward an analysis of Ann Ar-1
bor property. Due to the facilities af-
forded by the Bureau of Business Re-(
search and the presence of a segregat-
ed group constituted by members of,
the faculty, it was considered feasible
to begin the study of local conditions.
by collecting data on the housing sit-.
uation among faculty members. .
Information was solicited through
a questionnaire sent to 705 men, clas-
sified into four groups, administrative
officers and professors, associate pro-;
fessors, assistant professors, and in-
structors. Approximately 400 made
returns, however it was necessary to
void several for lack of complete an-

biomogi scences. i ~, -- -
conjunction with this question, and fi- "Many influences have combined ern California dash man. The race soon forced to put their entire first
nally a request for considerations 'not to delay the restoration of biological was an exhibition. string in the game.
enunmerated in thme questionnmaire. research in Europe to its former --
It was revealed that 85 per cent of status, both in neutral and in bellig- HANLEY UNIVERSITY GETS
administrative officers and professors Brant countries," said Professorm AN E CHOSEN ET
owned homes, that 70 Pier cenit of e W "an il attenpt to cu PURPLE MENTOR $1,OOO EXHIBITION
associate professors owned homes, the diversity of conditions which dre- -
that 65 per cent of the assistant pro- vails at the present time." 1 (By Associated Press) j An exhibit of 84 products, valued at
fessors owned homes, and that only 17 CHICAGO, Feb. 19--Northwestern I $1,000 has been presented to the Uni-
per cent of the instructors were orm e Beuniversity's new football coach is versity for the benefit of the chem-1
an Richard E. "Dick" Hanley, a captain ical engineering department by Jesse
anticipated correlation between rank ofR20 to-1 of Marines, who took the Haskell In- H. Ricks, president of tie Union;
in thme faculty, length Of ireside'e in 18Cdians on a 24,000 mile trip last year Carbide and Carbon company, of
Ann Arbor, value of the homes in the and won 12 games with one tie. He is New York city.
respective groups, and the percentage 1 (By Associated Press) the first Pacific coast coach to enter ; The display is of the metallurgical
of each group owning homes. COLUMBUS, 0., Feb. 19-Ohio State the Western Conference, or Big Ten. products produced by the company,!
Approximately $7,000,000 worthm of niversity's basketball squad tonight 4 Kenneth L. "Pug" Wilson, North- ranging from the elements used in the
ers of tie faculty. Tabulation of the' broke a three-way tie for the leader-' western athletic director, announced manufacture, to a set of the different
r hTh ship of the Big Ten when they downed the selection of Hanley today, after I types of dry batteries and torches.'
366 returns indicated that a prepon- lime fast University of Wisconsin quin- ;several months of consideration of 1 The display is on exhibition in the
derance of the first two groups made tet, 20 to 16. {football coaches all over the country. lobby of the East Engineering build-
returns with the result that the figure Bill-Hunt, Ohio captain and leading The new coach, who succeeds Glen ; ing.
$3,990,000 representing the value of I scorer of the westei uconference, led Thistlewaite, now the Wisconsin
the homes owned by all four groups ()his team to victory, scoring eight coach, will begin his work with spring Hoi W V1 Ohnerve


added another point on
making one successful
two attempts. Correll
free throw, scoring a
toss. Krueger scored t
of the game, getting
when Harrigan fouled]

a free throw,
throw out of
was given a
point on the
he final point
a free throw

The summary:
Indiana (37)
Krueger, rf.......3 2
Beckner, lg ........6 0
Sibley, c .........4 1
eCorrell, rg........1 1
Wells, lg.........2 1
'Starr, lg ......... 0 0
Derr, rf .......... 0 0



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