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June 05, 1927 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-06-05

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THE MwICHIGAN =DAILY__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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CAtFII riEin IILU ' RSTO GainInPoplarty T E LYPC OR13;Football Programs
THR E N _B L L Y RS IEtGTA AS A ,03T k at Work on the program for next fall's JL
Propecs Fr extSeaon reOoo I eam ad i crditd ith ~Laistcsjt1t r1eaedbycij'Inhome football games has already be-
Arsoiil For etersonAre d]em na rly eeryteamwithvictories' tramural D7epartment* show a lmrked r x\gun adthe coves are now being DITR
A~'nyFu eeasAe' over nal vryta nthe Conr- gi nItaualpriiainfrlithographed according to Phillip C bout here
onseByhit uaion erene.gTin eset urscnedin adthe year 1926-27. k Pack, publicity (director of the Athletic sy and J
oehtgreaantWsosnad The total entry list for the year v w association seen by
M ILLR , DA IS T LEA as performed the unusual feat of? came to 12,390, ans inc'rease of 7q21' toheat
ove.te igresoflat:ear+O ti to the.covers, approximately half of one]
Folwn h ihgnOi.SaeP EENT L A D R iubr48 eedfeetsnet the printing wil be completed by next local Pro
i This means'thalt with a zpproimately .*2.I August. All the covers will be eabio- simmons
baseball game yesterday afternoon, the INS THIRD 11IM 6000 male studeuts in :the IUiversity I w raeydn nfurclr.Teb
final Conference game-on the Wolver- I1a V ..~.rTheyhdoSaeMia edinfourcoloNvin The]b
fie 1927 schedule Coach Ray 'Fisher . l-'-Intexc luse ofte raiuateaSchiongheTh OioSat-Mchga ddcaorr4avn l
,,:ntamural epartmeet;isreaching 801progran will contain 96 pages and incltuing
announced thatetters will be awarded per cent op. the- total male enrlineitti....w~...'...4,00cpe ilb rne.TeMnel
to 13 members of this year's"squad, According toies wgures orntet.eheA=.lMntic l
while nine will re eive A M A's. gst Associatin there were abiot 10 ovrdsinwllb naipae iwlihwi
.";s ] of the completed Michigan stadium; Hall.
The letterimen include Capt. William!k men out for the arsty teams this mvTepormfrteNv gm ilMa
Puckelwartz, Russell Davis, on Mil- I °: . . ,.a 1 past yea. Sincea pproxiWmateil+ 1004' ta contain 6i pages and the cover will be tntativel
ler, Bennie Ooterbaan, Louis Kubicek,! I f these a-re- ineigible for IntramuraI o ftig aa dsgn...0 fheeo
Carl Loos, Newell Morse, Louis Wein-; competition- it 'cal be seen that Inteewl lob rne.s
.tramu aheseawilreach ngopracicailyeld, said but
traub, Donald Corriden, Pred Asbeck, tamrlsa erac acial ll.
of . "I I F bor the Minnesota game, the cover Governor
Ray eblng he sudet bdyexcet tosewhodesign will include an action pliture Pssed by
,Earl Rtutz, whierhuii Reh man- nd <."ss.are perhaps rccupied in working their y
whil Artur Eelyrn-a- .: wa:thrugh choo.j-of BonnaEi Ooeraan.ThT"is prgrani ng for 1
:g. wilas eev naa. 'heAcm Abe oth, ariy.ol also Will be anl athletic review and will. ighteig
A. M. A winners are Samuel Gawne, . I ; < A osa~tl h ast cme f
Edward Heilstedt, Ernest McCoy, Joe . tition, Intratiturals= are-icontaincu6upages. attntictio
TrsosiJh imatn'.Robert I because of thei not being so speec t
Truskowski, PckewatzJohnulr Girnglheartinnte ,
Lowe, Earl Lillie, Don Bracke, 'and sugnhufedro:te Itclr uig th atwne .
Hred slountgzutfelde of he ol- twenty games of basketball wre run a
Fvofteltewinrwllr-venue baseball team is the only mneal.;ff each evening in the Waterman R D e
cev'hiheodawr o aeal er of the preset squad who is going gymnasium, and this Spring twent1
wieCpanPcewtzithonyto receive a third letterf in baseball. games of baseball were played an N<'R C
three letter man. Oosterbaan, Ilubicek, ForohrPl:y r getting their afternoon on the South Feraied
Davis; Laos, and Miller are the others °second M's for playing on the team. This year an a-' Curate record" was w I AN'
who have been awarded the baseball kept on a card index of all students
Mi for ;the second season. pitching two shutout games within a engaged in Intramnurals Although itTHSI L DE
Among the letter winners are In- pveriod of three deays, against the lead,- is impossible to keep track of all who Recently a bill 'was signed by Gov-! Garland will present the2 Caifornia! HlS IN LU E
luded five sophoii-oresi Morse,- Reich- inlg teams in the Conference, Illionis Icmeeifral nsc ,ot s-enrC on fClfri p proposal at the next ietiig atf the
man, Asbeck, Corriden and Weintraub. and Iowa. Besides starring-in the box (handball, tennis ete, a general ides propriatixig a million dollars to the (( International committee. Under the?
Loos, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h ubck Oseban-adNbMilriraeasoeof the cinmost danm- 1of the number of participants in the
lung are juniors an wih al o ths htes o th Mihgn ta . vaiu s ors on u ed b te - funds which will finance the stagiig ;p resent arrangements hie has agreed
ArNiI A winners will be available for season'-La - when Tess Edgar, Wol. .artment may be gevane- from, the of'the Olympicgames in California in to organize and handle the games. °i
nex ye r's Varit sq ad.jvein cache, w s nju edthe br a l lowing fig res: 2189 studonts took 19 2. The above photo show:; D over- There is no particular order in
Four'eiVbrsio h leieteamudbeheind ctherpltewas capably thelledc b art in one sport, 8i7 in two. 569 in (nor Young handing a cpy of the bill which the various countries are given 1iIt
cnlddterYrt-caer in-eDvsadtisesnahFs- tiree, 296 in four, 141 in five. 50 in I to William May Gabland American the chance to stage the Olympics, but I
Confrene bsebll n th cotes ha thstox 24 in seven, 23 in eight. 6 in nine, member of the International Olympic with such a financial propositionof
fill t'e ~ dimlinutiveyEdgr backsto.pinteteni elin n,33i twn veandd Behinde. eisn AhssesmAs lmb -= ficialsay hasayerthere tt? isnc 711Norh UlychitnNee
with the Buckeyes. This number in- fill, tin vaianceelftmby Edgar' .Woo2lelevewhtwelvedcomittee.tthtmthanted 711atoes wiivesityabex
ludes Captain Puckelwartz, outfielder gibility. Despite his smallness OCin hren a lr oliewoaddi u htteUie ttswl eal'.
for the last three years.: Davis, catcher( stature,. Davis- is ranked among thef Herbert Tenenbom, '29 was the one drafting the appropriations, to get the games for 1932.

)T, June 4.-Prospect
July 4 between Jack
ohnlny Risk~o of Clelevo
Charles M. Hall, meri
boxing commission, w
Friday night that a gr
moters headed by Floy
are negotiating for the
nt., which would be1
td, would feature a pi
a contest between
awd Phlil McGrawf
,ht title, according
wv andi Mandell have
ly agreed to ,terms for
July 4, Commissione
as the result of the a(
Green in vetoing tl
y the state legislature,
.5.round bouts, it was
'hts would not prove St
n over the ten roundi
~ETS $10.00
to Arcade TheAt&r


: ,

AM u

Reduced prices on every, article in our store
This, week only
Our only store-wide sale of the year


Every suit, including the finest from Hickey-Free-
man substantially reduced. Four-piece suits,, either with
knickers or extra trousers, as iow as $32. Tlhese are
all strictly hand tailored garments from our regular
stock, are the new spring models.:,



new imported patterns at $8, others as low as $6.80.
The new flannels and knickers in white are' included.
Linen knickers just received, in plain and' fancy pat-
terns, $4 up.
BLAZERS, chamois blouses, leather blouses so popu-
Jar for summer sport wear, substantially reduced.
DRESSING- GOWNS, beach robes, featuring a Jap
crepe set, robe-slippers-case, completer-$4.

Some concerns sell "price". rat]
people buy "price" rather than
stand that this sale is strictly onf
are not selling "price."

Th OA ~ ist heresting feature of this sale in our shoe
deprteu's;s that every pair is marked doffn. The
styL i quality of our shoes are well known.. At
spec },,. . prices they are doubly attractive. Johnston &
M.: -AY ruarly sold at $13.50 arep1riced at $6.95

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