SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVEr a poM aieijp/ p 0 lM gpS inr ......, ..a . ... v. ... , _ .,..mox ,. 1 IPP 'fA VA W M E M" jl S> ' ; Y& ,s '"''++° . ' jr;;,, iM a FS i mom 1 i' iY / i r p{ EllJtllillaullj"t #k*) CLUB GIVES RiUMMAGE,1 SALE TO RAISE FUNDS~ Grave Giver, '2, is Chairman t Enterpirse WhiclhWi llBe held In Y. IV. C. A. Garage ARRANGE DETROIT TRIP For the purpose of raising fuls toI defray expenses incurred by exchangej concert trips the Girls' G ee Club 111ill conduct a rummage sale today begin- ning at 9 o'clock at the Y. W. C. A. garage which is located on Williais street behind the Y. W. C. A. building. Handkerchiefs, hose, china dolls, anI other articles donated by a Plymoulh department store will be on sale and1 various members of the organization will act as clerks during the day. TheI committee in charge consists of Grace Glover, '28, chairman, Alta Woodworth, '28, Marion Bachard, '28 and MarionI Coy, '27Ed. The club is planning to send 1e women to sing at St. Mark's Cathedral in Detroit on March 4 under the direc- tion of Miss Norra Crane Hunt. The, program to be given on that (late will include a reading by Minerva Miller, '27, and a violin number by Mary Alice Case, '28. STUDENTS AT COLORADO TO USE JOINt BUILDINGi Get-to-gether lounges will be the feature of the new student Union building which is being planned for the University of Colorado. These lounges are expected to provide meet- ing, places for the student men and women, and many means of recreatio 1 that may be taken advantage of be-- tween classes. The main floor wil pro- vide a reception room for alumni, and will be used for meetings. _. F. °rcFederation Sends Frenchwoman On Tour Of America 0OANIZATIONS OFFER' Announcements of scholarships of- ' fered by the American Association of Univeristy Women, Alpha Omicron Pi sorority, and Bryn Mawr for the year 1927-28 have been posted on the bul-' letin board of Barbour gymnasium.1 These scholarships are primarily for graduate women, and entail study at universities other than Michigan. The awards vary in amount from1 $350.00 to $1500.00. The subjects pre-. sent a diverse field including modern language, history, astronomy, belles lettres, physics, chemistry, biology, Greek, Latin, romance languages, psy- chology, philosophy, education, eco- nomics and community service. Eight scholarships are available to foreign wornen. A new announcement is that of the Music Fund Scholarship of $350.04 to $500.00 for the advanced study of music. Applications should be made imme- diately. Women interested are invited to confer with Miss Grace Richards. K\alnsas Students Fix Date For Suoo-estivec Vocational Speeches University of Kansas womn v set aside the present week to lp1 each other secure voc-atiomtn aul(anc'. "Choose your career' is their motto,' and to advise them they have olbtained eminent speakers. Miss Fern Blners- field, former vice president in Kansas of Professional Women's clubs will address the students this evening. Per- ADVISES V. W. WORK TO KEEP ABREAST OF TIME IL you are beginning to feel old, te in o Y. W. C. A. work. It keeps you htining in terms of girls instead of old ladies. :Moreover, it will keep you abreast of the times and tax your niemal resources," advises Mrs. John I anna, of Dallas, Texas, who has re- c altly was elected the national pres- ident of the American Y. W. C. A. Airs. Ilanna was elected by a vote from 'anvntion delegates who repre- sente1 60,000 girls and women. She is a fast, friend of all young women, Pi Delta Phi Meets N O T I C E S sonal experiences, and those of success- who consider her, too, as one of them ful business women will characterize to whom they may talk over their, her talk. The personal phase should be p oblems in a frank and square way. of special interest as .hiss Bauersf:eld "Most people, I find, think in terms was employed by a railroad as the} of boys and their needs, rather than only woman car distributor during the about girls," said Mrs. Hanna. "T'he war. It was her work to see that each smaller the community, the harder it loading station on the division receiy- is to arouse them to thinking about ed the right proportion of equipment the girls in their own midst. Theyl In addition, Miss Iauersfield has spent know the individual girl, but they do many years doing welfare work, and not think of them as a group. Oh yes, is at present on the board of state ccn- they shake their heads over the so- sors of the movies. Suggestions as to called flapper. But the quiet stay at the future should be brought to lhes" home girl they dismiss as all right. women students by such a versatile They feel she should be satisfied with authority. what she has. That is the whole j -ine. i A. Alphandery As an official lecturer of the Fed- eration de L'Alliance Francaise des Etats-Unis et de Canada, Madame E. A. Alphandery, will come to Am- erica soon to tour the principal cit- iles and lecture at many of the prin- ciple women's colleges in the east. She is the first woman to be appoint- ed to this position and is the daught- er of Senator Cremieux, the oldest member of the French parliament. The Federation was established in 1902 and has its headquarters in New 'York City. i To AIppoint Offcers Junior -t rls'playrehearsals for ---stoday are afollows: 8:30 o clock, s "chorus 4) in Sarah Caswell Angell Pi Delta Phi, national honorary lit-halland (horuss 9 and t in parlor erary society held their first meeing 9 :3o o'clock choruses 1 an1 7 in par- of the semester last Tuesday evening or, chot uses 2 in Sarah Caswell An- and elected the following officers: 1\gell hall, at 11 o'clock, chorus 3 in President, Mary Elizabeth Kibbey, '27, Saah n aswellAngel ha:l, and chor- vice president, Kathryn Francis, '28, uses 5 and 6 in parlor; at 1:0, c-ho uses 12 in Sarah faswll Angell hal. secretary, Fredericka Marston, '27, and There will be a mteting o the board treasurer, Mary Wells, '28. Pi Delta of directors of the Women's League at Phi recently became a national organ 9 o'clock today. ization. It was formerly known on Another opportunity will be given the campus as Black Quill. to women who wish to tryout for the women's staff of The Daily, at 4 o'- trouble." Mrs. Hanna explains that clock today at the Press Building. people forget that it is this kind of This will be the last opporunity dur- girl whom the community owes its ing the semester. greatest attention in helping her to Kappa Delta announces the pledging develop herself. of FVelyn White, 20. Working with the small town and-- farm girl is one of the biggest fields Gold jewelry is the most popular ahead of the Y. W. C. A. according to type of hat ornament now, according the president. to London milliners. --that much discussed --coat Everyone is talking about their wonderful imported fabrics, their smartly lovely summer furs-hi youthful, stunning man - tailored lines. Even your most reserved &4 ~ acquaintance will ask where you bought it-if it's a Rothmoor. $55 - $95 GOODYBA 'S 124 South Main 'Ii ________________________!________ ,! j t i { i//i , W / f/ f ill-. : E D 1 N HIS FAITH unconquerabLe, his passion for work irresistible, his accompL.hment not sur- passed in the annals ~7~o c~r ~ive~A on~, Thomas aAll the*YSpirit of Youth is Embodied in These I wagger N ew Sweatels Alva Edison has acuieved far more than man- kind can ever appreciate. February eleventh is the eightieth anOverI o mils -irtdi. Wherever electricity is used-inhomes,in busi- ness,in industry-thereare hearts that are con- sciously grateful, that h rnb y pay him homage. For warm sporting days---for cool days to wear under one's coat. For ever so many occasions- real utility, the new woolen sweaters are smartest. There are gay ones and rich neutral tones. And some show smartly contrasting shade for color. A sweater or two are essential to springtime chic. -scond Floor~ 1Qj I w N.w- ENE1RALr' d e a .___ ______ _______ ____,a -l n-a a l r -- wmmmmmw i y ; M R , -- f r g Extra N i i moettEay Night Februarry Eps Dancing 9-12 Tickets in Advance at Slater's Book Shop or at the door--$1.00 per couple. Tuesday is a holiday (Washington's Birthday) - University girls allowed 11