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June 04, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-06-04

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.XXXVI. No. 179





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Coolidge Will Cancel All Engagements
To Greet Lindbergh, Who Will
Stay At White Rouse
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, June 3-By designa-
tion of President Coolidge, Saturday
June 11 is to be Lindbergh day in'
honor of the hero of the New York
to Paris flight.
Captain Lindbergh will arrive in
Washington from Europe on that day
to be personally welcomed by the
President in behalf of the American
people and decorated with the highest
award of the air service-the Disting-
uished Flying cross.
Coolidge Cancels Engagements
Sd that he may be free to do full1
honor to the "Lone Eagle," the Chief
Executive hastcanceled all engage-;
'mets for Saturday afternoon and has
advanced the annual meeting of the
business organization of the govern-
ment from Saturday night to the night
The reception of Lindbergh occu-
pied much of the attention of the
President and his Cabinet today and'
afterwards it was annouced tht the
Missouri National Guard flier would
be the honor guest at a Cabinet din-
ner to be given Saturday night at
the temporary White/House on Du-
Pont circle.
Announcement also was made that
the President and 'Mrs Coolidge had
invited Mrs. Evangeline L. Lindbergh.
mother of the aviator, to be a guest at
the White House for the three days
that Captain Lindbergh will remain in
Washington before flying to New
York in his plane "The Spirit of St.
A radiogram also was sent to Lind-
bergh at Paris requesting him to
make hi home at the temporary
White House while in the National
After the Cabinet meeting plans for
the entertainment for the transatlan-
tic flier progressed apace, the semi-
official reception committee announc-
ing that on the first night of his ar-
rival, Lindbergh would go from the
Cabinet dinner to a reception by the
Minnesota society at the Willard hotel
and from there to the National Press
club to be entertained by the news-
Will Accompany Coolidge To Church
On Sunday, the second day of the
visit, the pilot and his mother will
accompany the President and Mrs. -
Coolidge to church, and in the after-
noon Lindbergh willlay a wreath on !
the tomb of the Unknown Soldier at
Arlington National Cemetery and. then
visit the disabled and sick soldiers
at Walter Reed hospital.
The program for Sunday night and
Monday remains to be worked out
andi will be taken up with Mr. Cool-
idge after he returns from the review
'of the United States fleet at Hampton
Roads tomorrow.t
Definite decision was made, how-
ever, to have Lindbergh lead a parade
of soldiers, sailors and marines from
the navy yard where he will land over
Pennsylvania avenue to the Washing-I
ton monument grounds where Pres-'
ident Coolidge will greet him and
present him with the Distinguished
Flying cross.
PARIS, June 3-Capt. "Charley"

Lindbergh is going home tomorrow.
Laden with such honors as never;
before have fallen on one of his years,
the young American aviator who hop-
ped off on his epochal New York to:
Paris flight just two weeks ago, will
again start across the Atlantic, this
time aboard his own private warship!
for a week-the U. S. 5'. Memphis-
which will carry him straight to his
:meeting with President Coolidge.
His plane, "The Spirit of St. Louis,"
which served him so well on his mem-
crable flight, will go with him crated[
and carefully stored away aboard the
Announcements from the office of
the Dean of the Summer Session in-
dicate that those students in the Col-
lege of Literature, Science and the
Arts who plan to attend summer
school during the coming summer and
;wish to register before leaving school



"I do not believe that we will get
anywhere until we follow the policy
of the other professions," declared
Dean Whitney of the School of Educa-
tion, in an interview yesterday. "I
am for an out-and-out professional{
school for teachers only, comparable,
to the professional schools of medi-
cine, law, and dentistry.""
Dean Whitney gave his opinion of
the new arrangements made by the
faculty of the School of Education

with the literary college concerning
teachers' life certificates. "The fac-
ulty of our school made it with the
view of the proposed University Col-
lege in mind," he stated. "Just what
the effect this arrangement and of the
proposed college will have, no one
knows. It will probably be four or
five years before the final result will
be known. Just how long the present
relationship will continue no one can
say as it depends upon future develop-
Dean Whitney is in favor of the
plan which has just been agreed upon
by the faculties. But to press his
ideas upon the establishment of a
separate professional school for teach-
ers he reiterated his first statements
to further illustrate his point. By the
new regulations raising the standards
of grades and increasing the hours re-
cuired for graduation, he pointed out,
they are following the plans which
are being tried elsewhere in the Uni-
versity to cut off the tail-end of the
students and allow only the ones who
"Iinners Of Mfoie Contest At Michigan

Professor Will Be General

are seriously interested in their work
to remain in school.
"With these higher standards, bet-
ter men will enter the profession and
this will mean better salaries, which
will in turn call forth men with
brains into the profession," he con-
cluded. "It may seem like an ideal
now, but we cannot go straight to the'
point, and it is better for us to have
that ideal ahead of us in our work to
better the teaching profession." '
Coal Operators Face Huge Losses As
Washouts Along Railroads 1,op
All Trains
(By Associated Press)
LOUISVILLE, Ky., June 3.--A dis-
aster of major proportions in the
mountains of eastern Kentucky by
storm Sunday and Monday was aug-
mented by resulting floods, and a re-
lief committee was called today at a
conference here.
Upwards of half a hundred lives
were lost, and a complete check re-'





L. J. Briggs and P. R. Heyl of the
Bureau of Standards are shown with
the first model of their earth inductor
compass which was used by Lind-
bergh on his New York to Paris flight.
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, June 3-The European
flight of the Bellanca monoplane Co-
lumbia was postponed late today "un-
til tomorrow noon anyway" it was an-
nounced at the office of Charles Le-
vine, sponsor of the flight.
Extra police, called to handle the
crowd in the event of a start, were
relieved from duty at the field short-
ly before 6 o'clock by a representative
'of Charles Levine, managing director
of the Columbia Aircraft corporation.
sDespite the fact that 445 gallons of
gasoline had been put aboard the
plane and mechanics had been busy
throughout the day grooming it, there
was o official announcement of a
flight nor of the intended destination
of the plane. It was said unofficially
earlier in the day that the plane was
to start oi an attempted flight to
Clarence B. Chamberlain, pilot of
the plane, was not at the field.
BERLIN, June 3-Although no word
has been received here late tonight of
the projected European "mystery
flight" of the Bellanca monoplane
Columbia, which might have Berlin
as its destination, the German air-
drome at Tempelhoferfeld has been in-
structed to keep in readiness for the
possible arrival of the plane.
The mammoth German airport is
equipped with a battery of powerful
searchlights, the beams of which are
visible SO miles away, so that there
would be little difficulty in locating
(By Associated Press)
MEXICO CITY, June 3.-Anerican
Ambassador James R. Sheffield, in
response to persistent newspaper in-
quiries, today issued a formal written
statement saying that he had not yet
resigned, but not saying whether he
may or not resign after reaching the
United States on his forthcoming va-
Mr. Sheffield's statement on the re-
port of his resignation was as fol-
"In view of press reports concern-
ing my alleged resignation, I desire to
state that I have not resigne"
The idea still persists in the Ameri-
can colony, however, that Mr. Shef-
field nay resign after he reaches the
United States.
OHIO-More than a hundred play-
ers are expected to start in the an-
nual alumni golf tournament which
begins here June 11.

'0f French Office Of American
University Union
Prof. Charles B. Vibbert of the philo-
sophy department has been appointed
as General Director of the Paris of-
fice of the American University Union
for the year of 1927-23.
The American University Union was
first organized in the spring of 1917
as an advisory body to aid the students
serving in the war. It assisted over
1700 soldiers to obtain educations in
the French Universities while theyI
were quartered in France.

General Yang Yu-Tin, chief-of-staff
of Marshal Chang Tso-Lini, Man-
churian war lord. General Yang has
been fighting on the offensive trying
to save Pekin.


Since 1919, however, it has acted as
an intellectual medium between Ame- I Motion
rica and foreign nations. Its duty is original
to regulate the interchange of fel- cently ci
lowships, to send the foreign students Pictures
to the right universities and to prop- Michigan
erly locate the American students in ing in 2
France. It also determines the ac- ,Iby ac
ceptable credits in 'an exchange of by Jame
colleges, and issues orders for de- I Arcade t
grees of those studying under fellow- During
ships. }nitsune
The Union is the second of its kind ican uni
to be organized and has sub-offices in the ten n
London and Rome. Plans are being, e by th
made to include Germany, Belgium, the oyt
and Venice, while several countries men rep
have offered to finance the Union if mnrs ins
it would functtion in their country. at Michi
Professor Vibbert has already serv- dents fr
ed with the Union, having helped re- among t
construct it on a peace time basis uiversit
during a three year stay several years Hollywvo
ago. At the same time he acted for Denton,
the university. He will have his place will be
filled here by Mr. Otis H. Lee, Rhodes ; Arcadei
fellow, who is expected to substitute Hollyw
for him. . films alo
that the
I close of
(0y Associated Press) will leav
WASHINGTON, June 3.-A fund of show the
$1,750,000 will be made available by ful in tY
American business interests to sup- term co
plement the existing credit facilities ment fin
for rehabilitation of agriculture in the ically.
Mississippi flood region.
This plan, which includes organiza- HAS
tion of a corporation to administer the
fund, was evolved today at a meeting AGA
of leading business men sponsored by A
the United States Chamber of Com- 1
merce. Secretary Hoover, who was
present, estimated the economic loss
occasioned by the flood at $200,000,000 LANSI
to $400,000,000. tion wil
Walter I
Due to the fact that the present sys- of conse
tem of vocations works considerable Audubon
hardship on the classes meeting Mon- last nig
day, Wednesday, and Friday at 11 . I a
o'clock, it has been decided to hold the prey,"
Honors Convocation next year on psesham
Tuesday, May 1. The present system hawks a
which calls for all of the convocationsht is to
to ble held on Monday, Wednesday, or birds a
Friday was called to the attention of there a
the deans at their conference yester- that sho
E day, and the decision for the change the Coor
was made there. ned.

Be Seen At Local Theatre
Starting Tomorrow
picture tests of the ten
winners in the contest re-
onducted by First National
and College Humor from
will be given a local show-
Ann Arbor beginning tomor-
cording to an announcement
s Helsdon, manager of the
the contest photoghaphic
ere sent to 37 leading Amer-
versities and at each of them
men with the best screen per-
s were made-up and register-
e movie camera as entries in
est. In all more than 15,000
orted for the test at the var-
tiutions. The ten men filmed
igan, including the two stu-
om Ann Arbor who were
he final ten chosen from all'
ies in the country to go to
od this summer. Thomas K
'28, and Leland 5'. Wilcox, '27.
shown on the screen at the
theatre beginning tomorrow
wood authorities hurried the
ong and judging at the studio
men from the different uni-
might see themselves on the
prior to their departure for
vacation. Shortly after the
school, Denton and Wilcox
ve for Hollywood in order to
eir real ability and if success-
;he trials will be given long-
ntracts for steady advance-
nancially as well as histrion-
(By Associated Press)
ING, June 3.-Real conserva-
1 not come until people are
c to see things without look-'
r the sights of a gun barrel,
E. Hastings, vice-president of
e Audubon society and staff
apher of the state department
rvation, told members of the
society at its meeting here
making a plea to stop the
minate killing of our birds of
Mr. Hastings continued. It
eful that the killing of the
nd owls is carried on the way
day. Many species of these
re very beneficial. In fact
re but two species of hawks
uld be controlled. These are
pers hawk and the sharp-shin-
isiting the nests of the red-

Prof. William A. Frayer, chairman
vealed several thousand were home- of the committee on Freshman week
less and the property damage to 1next September, and Registrar Ira W.
homes, coal mines, business property, Smith left for Cleveland yesterday
railways was estimated at upwards of morning where they spoke before the
Coal t the Big Sa University of Michigan club of that
valley aoerawere said to face a los city at a banquet last night. The club
of a half meillion dolars invested, recently decided to do something out-
throughialbmiiongetolarg inaestdside of their regular almuni activities
through inabiity to get cargo coal toI to help hi am iaeada e
Great Lakes ports because of washouts tohi their jalma mvater, and as a re- I
Gagthakes prtsbcadseofdashgoutssult decided to aid in the plan for the
along the railroads and damage to ietinofFsh nwchpa
equipment. N o trains wil be able to! .rientation of Freshmen, which plan
on te Mcobers en of he s being realized in the Freshman week
operate on the McRoberts end of theo be held next fall.
Louisville and Nashville railroad for TheIld rextallvi
somerds re eotsckfrmthverad- The club organized its activities
some days,-I with this in view and asked Professor
waters of the Kentucky river said. FayrndRgsarmthtcme
A car loaded with food and supplies toClevelandfo Registrar Smitho. In ad
for the flood sufferers left here today t desin the an tey ad
and a train was being loaded tonight I dressing the meeting they discussed
with additional necessities. the various plans for the week with
Dr. A. T. McCormick, secretary of the principals and members of the
the state board of health, has been des- club.
ignated chairman of the disaster relief i
committee in Kentucky. He announc- American Golf Team
ed at the conference today that a pre- F
liminary survey indicated that disaster!LeadsiIn First M atch
was of imajor proportions, approxi-
mately 125,000 persons being in the1
affected area and 75,000 others in ad- (By Associated Press)
jacent territories. WORCESTER, Mass., June 3-Two
A finance committee headed by U. big points gained after much perse-
S. Sen. F. M. Sackett, today appealed verence and perspiration over the
for a relieffund of $100,000, $50,000 hills of the Worcester Country Club
of which was to be raised in Louis- golf course, today sent the Americans
ville alone. off in front in the international com-
Latest complications indicated that; petition for the Samuel Ryder cup.1
44 of the dead had been identified and The British were defeated three
that 43 remained unidentified. Two matches to one at their own game, the

3laentz, '27, Ehlers, '27E, and Cowell
,28E, Favor Last Fall's Plan
Against Proposal
Three presidents of upperclasses
have dleclared themselves to be op-
posed to the new regulation of the
Athletic association in regards to
having a temporary cheering section
for next fall.tAccording toethis reg-
ulation, no student will be able to
take a place in the section for a whole
eason, making it necessary to fill
the block with new men for each
game. Those who make up the "M"
block will use cardboard squares in
place of the uniform worn this year.
Moreover those men will not be given
extra tickets to the game during
which they sit in the cheering sec-
tion. This action of the Athletic asso-
ciation was taken, it is said, due to
the fact that instances ofdstudents
scalping the extra tickets -had come
to their attention.
Ehlers Opposed To Plan
Ralph Ehlers, president of the 1927
class of the engineering school, is
heartily opposed to the rule forbid-
N ng those in thescheering section to
have extra tickets. Few men will be
willing to sit in the section under
such a rule, he said, ' while a far
greater ,number would be brought to
the games if they couldsecure tick-
ets for their friends. Ehlers is not in
favor of the idea ,of changing the
members of the section for every
game. It is, he stated, another of the
many attempts that have been made
during the year,' to kill the spirit of
the student body of the University.
This year's cheering section worked
well, he believes, so that there is no
reason for bringing forth a new sys-
Henry Maentz, president of the lit-
erary class of 1927, favors a perma-
nent cheering' section if it could be
composed of freshmen who will be
required to practice. It would not be
satisifactry to have upperclassmen
in it, he believes, as it will be more
difficult to get them to practice, and
practice will be necessary for good
cheering. He is also opposed to the
regulation that will not permit those
who form the bloc "M" to have extra
Expresses Dissatisfaction
Wayne G. Cowell, presidentsof, the
junior engineers, also expressed his
dissatisfaction. "I fail to see," he de-
clared, "any reason for the action
taken by the Board in Control of
Athletics in regard to a cheering sec-
tion. Michigan needs a cheering sec-
tion, and the only way in which it
may be made effective is to have it
permanent. Last fall, the cheering
section proved to be a decided suc-
cess. It was colorful as well as being
efficient in cheering. I am heartily in
favor of the establishing of a per-
manent cheering section at Michigan."
Cowell also said that he believes it
will be impossible to have coopera-
tion in the cheering unless the same
men are in the section at each game.
The Student council also registered
violent protest at its meeting held
Wednesday against the provision
keeping the members of the cheering
section from obtaining extra tickets.
The opinion of the members of the
council was unanimous on the point
that few students would be willing to
participate in the cheering section if
by doing so they lost their option of
securing theirhallotment of extra tick-
ets. Opposition was also expressed
against the new plan of using card-
board squares in place of the uni-
forms for the bloc "M" in the new
stadium, and the plan of making the
section temporary instead of perma-
nent for all the home games.
Board Favors Experiment
The members of the Athletic board
feel, it is reported, that the project
of cardboard squares ill be more or
less experimental the first year, and
that if it fails a return can be made
to the use of uniforms. The attitude

of the Athetic association is to the
effect that providing students seats
near the 50 yard line is a valuable
concession in itself and that the ac-
tual operation of the cheering section
is of ser dary importance to this
opportun ...


persons were missing.
Next Wednesday marks the last!
chance for those wishing Rhodes
scholarships to send their applications
in to the local committee under Prof.
Charles B. Vibbert.,
The scholarship is for 1928-29 and
appointments will not be made until
December 10. The university con-
mittee will send its appointments in
on October 1 to the regional commit-
tee which meets in Detroit, and they
will make the state appointments.
Every state is allowed two men at
Oxford for a three year period. Ap-
pointments are made for two consecu-
tive years and then a lapse of a year
is allowed so the first man can com-
plete his three year term.
SHANGHAI, June 3.-The United
States transport Henderson left here
this morning for Tientsin with the
Sixth regiment of marines, 1,500
strong and the Tenth Artillery regi-
ment, with a strength of 400 men,

two- balloursome, and the h ome team
Swas vastly encouraged as it prepared
to enter the more familiar singles to-
4 morrow with a lead which the British
visitors admit will be most difficult to
The contending captains, Walter
Hagen for the Americans and Ted
Ray for the British, led the match
that decided the issue. Johnny Far-
rell and Joe Turnesa swamped Joe
Duncan and Archie Compston, eight
up and six to play over the long 36-
hole route, but Aubrey Boomer, three
times French champion, aided byf
Charles Whitcomb, buried Leo Diegel
and Bill Mellhorn under a score of
7 and 5.
Gene Sarazen and Al Watrous were
back on the course with a lead of four
holes over Arthur Havers and Her-
bert Jolly, and it was seen that the
day's advantage would be decided by
the result of the stern contest be-
tween Hagen and John Golden,
against Joe Ray and Fred Robinson.
Parrot, Northwestern's prize winning
humor publication has been tempor-,
arily suppressed as a result of itsI
take-off of the Syllabus, the annual!
year book.


"In vi


shouldered hawk and the red-tailed
hawk to make a life history of these
interesting birds in motion pictures I
have not found a thing in their nests


Plans for the first university of
Michigan International camp are be-!
ing made by the Student Christian
Association for the week of August
20 to 27, imnrediately following sum-
mer school. The camp is limited to1
men students of the University, pre-
ferably foreigners, though there will
he a few Americans present, and will
be held at the Fresh Air camp at Pat-
terson Lake about 30 miles northwest'

for everything, including transporta- that wuud snow that tney nave killdQ
tion to and from the camp and all other forms of beneficial wildMlife.
tionto nd romthe ampandall "The comnmon house cat," said Mr.
meals. Cabins will be used to sleep Hastings, "is one of the worst ene-
in and the program is to consist of mies of bird life. Unless these ani-
swimming, nature study, boating, mals are properly taken care of they
games, hikes and so forth. destroy great numbers of all kinds
Invitations have been sent to sone of birds and other forms of wild life.
of the students who might be inter- They are one of the most predatory
ested and it is wished that these and animals we have and any one who
all other students who would care to owns one should see to it that they
attend the camp be present at the or- are properly fed and housed. Stray
ganization meeting which is to be held cats should be killed," he concluded.

(By Associated Press)
NEW ORLEANS, June 3.-With
danger of rising waters definitely con-
fined to the extreme lower Atchafa-]
laya river basin, and refugee work
virtually completed in all sections, the I
flood situation in Louisiana tonightl
was about to pass from the emergency
stage into that of rehabilitation. 1
Levees at Berwick and Donner, near
Morgan City and about 100 miles west
of New Orleans, still were holding
the glanwly, rin ,-rnfao 'ith as fv

rise during the past 24 hours but thisj
was attributed to southerly winds
which are impeding the flow into the
Gulf of Mexico. The weather bu-
reau has lowered by one foot its pre-
diction of the crest at Morgan City
which, it now states, may reach 10 to
12 feet June 10 to 15.
1 The lower Atchafalaya flood has set
up variable slopes due to the volume1
of water carried off by the river at
Morgan City and to the influence of

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