THE MICHIGANDAILY. ~SSl( ers I W ioals W ill Play Ainerican team. aAfter the Ryder cup match the Ame- e rican open will be the object of the I yder Cup Series. British players, and their heavy hit- ting is regarded as giving them an ad- Turnesa acid Al Espinosa, have done vantage on the formidable Oakmont course. ESTER, Mass., June 1.- .anding British professional 1 play eight homebred An.e- essionals at the Worcester ub tomorrow and Saturday match for the Ryder cup, a ely new trophy serving the ose as the Walker cup in olf. of . the British team have .g 36 holes daily in practice. n*-embers of the American Vatrous, Gene Sarazan, Joe So. Tonight Worcester will officiallyl welcome the invaders to this country as well as to Massachusetts. There will be a banquet which at the visi- tors' request will end at 9:30. The British team is in an especially optimistic mood. Par of the course is 70. In practice the best any British or American player has done it 73. TheI competition will consist of 36-hole foursomes and singles. NEW YORK -Carsten Andersen, 115-pound amateur boxer, was killedf in a bout. ITIJACA-James Wray signed a three year contract' to coach Cornell. crews. NEW BRUNSWICK-Edwin Rob- erts was elected captain of the Rut- THIs LAS CLOSES AT 3 P.u ADVER If you are a telephone subscriber call Jimmie1 the Ad-Taker Dial 21214, and your want ad I will be charged. The Michigan Daily reserves the right to classify all wants ads under appropriate head- ings and to revise or withhold objectionableI copy. This column closes at 3 P. M. date preced- ing publication. Notice of any error must be given in time for the second insertion. CASH RATES Ten cents per reading line (on the basis of five average words to the line) for one or twoi insertions. LO~ST THIS LOT- LOST-Pair rimless glasses, .,with 0U CO U Moctagon lenses. In case marked L. -CLOSE3 A. Ott Mansfield, Ohio. Call Myron TISN G -AT 3 PA11 Burneson. Phone 21617. Reward., e ~176-177-178'i LOST-Friday, April 22, silvtr van- Nine cents per reading line for three or more ity case on a chain, with two black insertions. enameled figures on front. Reword. Cash clausifieds received at the Daily office 7817 to The Press Building on Maynard Street. ____________________ CONTRACT RATESI Special standardized rates given on Ipplica. FOR RENT tion. - t WANTED-F 1VA-NTED nurnished house by mar- LOST LOST--A green gold Wahl fountain pen, Friday morning on campus. Call ,. E. Wendel, 3193. Reward. Walter Hagen is captain of the gers Lacrosse team. vied -tudent for summer vacation. Would take care o house during owner's absence. Box 191, Michi- gan Daily. 177-78-79 L tdl i I/ /R , . .h }, .. V r r i 3 i 1 " Ir sa 7 _. i 0GUY - CO. FOR RENT-Light, cool rooms for boys. Shower baths and summer rates. 523 Packard. 178-79-80 FOR RENT-Rooms for students, teachers or business met for sum- ,mer at summer rates. 425 S. Divis- ion. Dial 22352. 178-179-180 FOR RENT-Rooms for summer. Price $2.50 each. One large room with sleeping por~h. $3.00 each. 555 South Division St. Phone 8072. 178-179 TO SUB-LET-Attractive furnished apartment, two blocks from cam- pus, for summer. Tel. 21655. 178 FOR RENT-Rooms at 311 Thomp- son. Two blocks from campus Continuous hot water. 178-179-180 FOR RENT-To sub-let, furnished 2- room apartment. Frigidaire, tile bath, modern throughout. Inquire Apt. 6, 644 E. Univ. 177-178-179 FOR RENT-Washtenaw apartment furnished or unfurnished for sum mer Call 6260. 177-178-179 FOR RENT-Two single and on( double room. Summer prices. 80 Catherine. 177-178-17 FOR RENT-Single room in apart m-ent with young married couple 1315 Washtenaw. Phone 9187, af ter 4:30 P. M. 177-17 FOR RENT-Summer rooms, used a suite, single eor double. Dial 7941 1101 Church St. 176-177-17 FOR RENT-Newly decorated five room house. Immediate possession Dial 21815, evenings. 176-177-17 FOR RENT-Near campus. Six room Completely furnished. June 1 t September 15. Phone 21097. wed-th-ft FOR RENT - Desirable apartmen near campus, after June 21. In quire Jefferson apartments, No. 1 or call 9486. 174-5-6-7-8- FOR SALE FOR SALE-New gold-plated E-fly alto Conn saxophone with cas Must sell at once. Glenn Tagu 215 S. Thayer. Phone 7505. 176-177=17 FOR SALE-Auto tent and compar ment holding-box, Also wardrol trunk and hall rack. 178-179-1E FOR SALE-Davenport and chai library table, dining room set. Fi grate set, student furniture. Pho 4372., 1 FOR 'SALE-Dodge Roadster. Exce lent condition. $100.00. all 695 177-178-1 FOR SALE-Here it is. Ford coup 1925. Thoroughly overhauled a reconditioned last month. Starte spare, and accessories. Call WE at 9852 after supper. 177-78-79- FOR SALE-The fine frat. house, 13 Washtenaw Avenue, at $5,000 le than value. ,)lay rent. Inquire Huron Valley Bldg. & Sav. Ass 116 N. Fourth Ave 177-78-79- A SALE THAT IS t t SALE! 2500 Necktiek BEST FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MAKES W I U - 1. ) - - I 9D , S . e. 8 9 i- ;8 . 8 '8. s.: Co ri - 2, 79 at ie. ie, 78 25 be 80 r, re. ne 78 l- 57. 798 e, lid r, eil 80 125 of 4Y., 80 at se. -4 X75-' 178 rge kr- ng. )On -or 40. tf 24; ile, aw. r. on big 178 OM aer. for Call een 8-9- ent ext ily 180 i[a n il*s 'Al sn At VA st t 'R *1V] VA NCB Ti SI NE DI 1Q U NTED-To rent, for summer mall house or first floor apart- nent by couple without children. kddress Box 189, Michigan Daily. 176-177-178 kNTED-Typist wants work this ummer. Theses, doctors' theses, tc., etc. Make arrangements now. t. W. Ross, 1007 Monroe St. Tel. 6293 167-169-171-173-175-177-179 ANTED-Two students, good swim- ners, to serve as life guards at a West Michigan sumnmer resort. Room furnished. Address R. W. Iarriott, Saugatuck, Mich. 174-5-6-7-8-9 ANTED-Decorating, painting, pa- per hanging, 35c single roill and up. Call C._ W. Holmes, ,729 Brooks. 5920. 174-5-6-7-8-9-180 ANTED STUDENTS to know that Sam pays from $5 to $25 for old suits and overcoats. 121 E. ANN DIAL 4306 tf NOTICE OTICE-Driving to New York the 13th or 14th. Have room for two, Address Box 195, Michigan Daily. 178 )TICE-Mell Gillespie, teacher man- dolin, banjos, guitar, chord con- struction. Dial 4757. Wed., Fri., Sun., tt rojanowski's Barber Shop has sat- isfied Students for 40 years. sun-wed-fri JITS AND OVERCOATS-Very reas- onable prices, tailored or ready- made. We have a wonderful vari- ety of patterns. Repairing also a specialty. Beautiful fabrics for yqur winter overcoat. WILD THE TAYLOR- 109 l. Washington Phone 5069 c Wed-Fri-Sat Pews Letters and College Printing. Prices ;and service right. 'Nvis & Ohlinger, Prompt Printers 09-111 E. Wash. St. Dial 8132 WFS-tf Jsed Victor Portable phonograph, as good, as new. $20. Easy terms. University Muuic House. tt .i ric N IVV 85Cf to .45 NOTICE SENIORS!! . JUNIORS!!! An old established Detroit firm needs a few college men. We teach you our business'and see to it that you are firmly entrenched in the most lucrative profession known. Write us all about yourself and we will ar- range for interview. APPLICANTS SELECTED CAN MAKE FROM $15 TO $20 A DAY TO START Write John H. Walsh & Sons, At- tention A. J. Hart, Sales ,Directory 1606 1st National Bank Building, De- troit, Michigan. f.ormerly $2 to $6.50 " Style 6-Semi-portable Victrola, in- cluding six records, for $24.50. Fine for cottage or canoe. Univer- sity Music House, tf HERE IS YOUR CHANCE! I^ ANN ARBOR CARPET Cleaning Works. Rugs Shampooed. Phone 8513. daily-t! The Greatest Tie Sale ever held in Ann Arbor i These ties are the product of Buckingham, 'Ltd., London; Saibrook Witting, Ltd.; London; R. Atkinson & and such leading American manufacturers of exclusive scarves as Blanchard & Price, Keys & Lockwood, and New York. The complete assortment includes the smartest designs and colorings in almost every type of poplins, twills, hand-framed 'nits. Co., Dublin; Paul Olmer et Cie, Paris, Jas. McCurrach & Bro., Fifth Avenue, silk foulards, repps, satins, mogadors, FOR SALE-New gold-plated E-f alto Conn saxophone with cas Must sell at once. Glenn Lagu 215 S. Thayer. Phone 7505. 176-177-' FOR SALE-1922 model Essex touring. Good condition. $ Phone Shantz, 22491. 176-171-' FOR SALE-Most desirable larl rooming house, furnished or unfu nished.. Best location. Easy tem May rent. Dial 7733 (or.~44 evenings). FOR SALE-Chevrolet 1923 touri $40.00. Phone 9023 any afterno or evening and ask for McKee Gow. FOR SALE-1921 Ford Touring. 4 Call 3283. FOR SALE-Ford roadster 192 five tires, starter, demountat good condition. 1611. Washtena Phone 9117. Boyer or Farquhar FOR SALE-Attractive tea room State street. Will sell at at sacrifice. Phone 9850. 176-177- WANTED i_ . TO SEH best of 50 lines clothing drop card to 1103 E. Washington. Phone .6365 evenings. $22 to $30. NOTICE-Thenew Royal Portables are. now on display at 'Rider's Pen Shop,' 315 State St.' A wonderful machine. You will be interested. Call and see them. y 1 , _ _ DONT -MMMOM FORGET THE SUITS I PRtICED NOW $1'9075 AND $75 v75 1" r a 3 i RENTALS WHY NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR ORGANIZED RENTAL DE- PARTMENTWHE SEEKING A HOME FOR THE FUTURE? Some of our offerings include:. 1. Six rooms in Cutting Apts. Heat and water. Furnished. Possession Sept. 1. $110 per month. 2. Ten rooms on Wilmot. Posses- sion at once. $100 per month. 3. Furnished house on Cambridge Road. Possession June 15. Price $105 per month. 4. Suburban-five room house. Semi- modern. Possession at once. Price $25 per month.w, 5. Six room apartment on M& Kinley. Heat and water furnished. Available now. Price $70 per month. 6. 303 N. Eighth St. Six room house, Available Sept. 1. Rent $45 per, month. 7. 835 Tappan Ct. Seven roons souse with or without garage. Posses- sion now. Price $90 per month. -8. -Near Campus. A-1 rooming house' that. accommodates from 35 'to 40. persons. Possession this fall. Rental $2500 per year. Let us take the responsibility of finding your home. Call Mr. F. B. Ensminger with CHARLES L. BROOKS, Real Estate Exchange, Realtors. Dial 22571 Eve 8830 FORMERLY $45 to Ill ALL WINTE OVERCOATS Reduced 50% Authentic Styles for next Fall in prevailing Colors and Fabrics WANTED-Light housekeeping ro for married student during summ Box 191, Michigan Daily. 177-78 WANTED-.Apartment or fiat two for summer or all year. ,( . Akerman, University 204, betw 8 and 12 A. M. 177-E WANTED-Suite or small apartm on southeast side of town, for n school year. Apply Michigan Da Box 193. 178-179- WANTED - 1927 Michiganensi Phone 8167. , Dintley Matther. WANTED--Room in private fan .', 1 r l i l k L.q 4 t , .. . . 8 1 i ' FOUNTAIN PEN REPAIRING Have your pen repaired now at Rider's where it can be properly done, and ready for exams. Let s sve you ti h boxing, shining Y