SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE TITREE ALUMNI SECRETARIE:S PPlans Nw York To WILL CONVENE HE Ris;Non-StopFl I i t Ad Whi1feyThaeON NIGHT ONLY Feb 19 E___SATURDAY THE BiG;GESTl SENSATION SINCE THEAR lTS T ICE! I t } ~ , ^j: Ia 4 RJ; x , owl Fcmember You're Booked for the Arc, Sund-y T.eItr7ainICmeySce _,:.. Laf. !.:--I a.uf!:L..aff! Object Of G(ht hering Is To Bring All, {lssINto Closer T.ouch With University TO DISCUSS PROBLEMS Alumni secretaries of all classes wvill gather here on March 5 at the Union in response to a letter sent out yesterday from the President's office. The object of the meeting is to bring the class organizations, into closer touch Iwith the Unliversity, its problemsI1 {> :;. and programs, and to discuss ways and mneans of improving the efficiency of , the class organizations through uni- form procedure and cooperation withf"4 'the general alumni ornlcers.f President Little states' in his letter tht"we have felt it would be a very ..useful. thing to bring together inAn"f.~ . . rotaries of all the classes which have '"h,. 4:f ,any sort of class organization. This :: feeling is cordially reciprocated by' Mr. E. J. Ottaway, president of the :Alumni associations, by Mr. W. B. Lieut. Corn. Noel Davis, above. Shaw, its general secretary, and Mr. formerly in comnmand of the air sta- THawley Tapping, its field secretary." tion at Squantuni, Mass., now inj This meeting will bring together the charge of naval reserve activities, representatives from all, the classes has announced his intention of at- Yo which have graduated from the Un- tmtn eW okt'Prsn iY OU Versity and who have an active organi- !stop flight to win a $25,000 prize of- zations. 'It is: planned to begin theI fered by Raymond Orteig of New PIE- session at 10 o'clock on Saturday York. Commander Davis expects to;I 'tC mnorning, March 5, in the Union. raise between $75,000 and $100,000 to 4sue &on d all ~~Subscribe for The 1ciaDil. Issue Siecon;Cal cove th-cstsnMihfgn Dil . nEA A L I I PS E u L ST TIMES1( TQ DA"Y. : aturing8:) Peppy _( A dmll avorite 1 - _lr Al N w Comedy, S'pic and Wisdon "DUCK 01 With BOBBY XLRN( TODAY'S NEWi MICII. LOCAL' ARCADE RETIE je 4 ' 7 Fe Fhe till _ LAUGH, ELISM10 CRY, GASP AT THE STARK Off THIS THRILLING PLAY VERA GORDON and NAT CARR Commencing fall Ord er , -o iv £vi e at-s rnlCSale Thursdlay -lowaer 't gar $2.a f; I3.1caliy $2a'?0, ._I. e>, 1t; Gallery 75c Tlie,,c ai'rices Inulide .'ax. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20 I _. The Worlds -greatest - Comeruiar,'? t1 ' I WAN[T ADS Fu31ll "ally .l y vLo Lc A second meeting for those second I .qemester freshmen and sophomores who wish to try out for The Daily editorial staff will be held at 4 o'clock Monday in the offices in the Press building. Anyone wishing to tryout for other publications is asked to re- port any afternoon next week. Wolves are preying on live stock in ai village only 20 miles from Chicago. AT THE DETROIT THEATERS Last Week Beginninig-Monday, Feb. 14 W oodward at Elliott BONStRILF Playhouse Nights 75c-11I.50. Mat., Tues. Thar., Sat. hoc-75c ONE of the clean hits of New York ONE OF THE FAMILY MORE1 WEEK O© HEARTY LAUGHS GARRICK TONIGHT LAST Wl EK MATS WED. ST 1 S0 .0EAs G~eorge S. 'Vise Cracking Kauif an's Comedy lilt The BUT I"ER and EGG MAN -M ih REGOI Y 1KELLY Br11illin Over -with Laughs C-ASS NOW t 215 POP. MAT.W RD SIllin a Class by Iiself STUDENT PRINCE Suprome 7etjli, I-a Singing TUh Iusc 2 EES Feves. -$110 to x$,.36 2ONLY 'is Ld . 7 TEscto $24.2 FS I COME EARLY! dhow~ at Nig:ht 6:45 Ott " a:. Z "T Y Z ifl t-: F j. o 7 ACTS j In 4'eCellraic~:isay BOYLE WOOLFOLK'S Surprise Unit Revue -Featurimg- Borde &Robinson "The Surprise Comedian" THE BIGET NTERTAIN- MtENIT S a : i UE .3latiinee~s 1:1: 15 i~ Picture, 4:15 "Nights V:Iudcili (S: U E . -ide:0 And He's Sfitting on Top of the World '.. Y err2.i I-W a_ o 43 ' f . Cly 1 Cissie Hayden's ENGLISH MASCOTS -I- "DANCE SRRSS Doyle 8& Shirmer "Surp~rises from the l Vest" Helen and Mae Murray "Tile'Surprise Sisters" Santucci SHUBERT LAFAYETTE THEATRE.-I3ETRQIT Last Chance Arthur Kiuth Theresa Walsh ' 1 { r 4 i I I ~ii~r~lM31atijnee lee Under the k iokhtg contract tweeze Williamn Fox and Messrs. Sihubert, no other gagements can be polayed Michiganm this year. Antd memier- lie- the ell- In re. --ONi 11;,SCRE"N- r t. i n Ift's Going Away Glory Funiiiest and MIost Hluman of All Pictures.4 II I STICKLEY 'BARBECUE INM - /. Y L F . i I m I U..-