________________ U
'Qualification Is Raised To 124Hour
Credit Which Concerns 4Students
Wishing To Apply Next June
All students in the College of Litera
ture, Science, and the Arts who ex
pect to qualify for a life certificate i
teaching at the end of the next school
year in June, 1928, are affected by a
recent arrangement between the fac-
ulty of the College of Literature
Science, and the Arts and the faculty
of the School of Education.
The action provides that students
in "the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts may receive life certifi-
cates at the end of their senior year
with the provision that they have ful-
filled both of the following require-
(1) The student must, at the be-
ginning of his junior year, announce
his intention of requesting admission
to candidacy for the certificate. He
n-:ust present, at.'ths time not less than
60 hours of credit and must have at
least 25 per cent more honor points
than hours of credit. (This does not
wmean, however, that students in the
College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts who are beginning their senior
years in September, 1927, are not eli-
gible to apply for life certificates to
be received upon graduation in June,
1928, providing that they can meet the
requirementh of the School of Educa-
tion in regard to hours completed and
perceitage of honor points over
Must Have 124 Hours
(2) The appliant must, at the end
of his senior year, have completed 124
hours of work, 107 of which must be
in academic subject and 15 in educa-
tion. The remaining two hours are
allowed for the course in practice
teaching, which it Is,. expected every
student will take. The candidate from
the literary college must at the end
of his senior year, have 25 per cent
more honor points than hours of cre-
The office of the Dean of the College
of Literature, Sicence, and the Arts
calls attention to the fact that the
requirement for seniors from this col-
lege expecting to qualify for the cer-
tificate has been raised to 124 hours
of credit instead of the 120 previously
required. For some students, whose
marks are not such that they would be
allowed to take extra hours, this will
mean that they must attend the ses-
sion of summer school this summer to
make up the deficit of four hours. All
students intending to apply for the
certificate from the literary college in
June, 1928, who have at the present
time less than 90 hours of credit are
advised to determine their exact status
by consulting with the recorder in
order that they may make immediate
arrangements to comply with the re-
Emphasized Restriction
The office also wishes to call at-
tention to the fact that this ruling
affects only those students who intend
to apply for the life certificate in
June, 1928. Other students enrolled
in the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts are not affected by the
For a time it appeared that the
privilege of receiving certificates while
enrolled In the literary college and
fulfilling the requirements of the
School of Education would be with-
drawn. But the recent arrangements
perpetuate the arrangement with the
conditions as stated above.k
During the coming year the specific
requirements for a certificate for a
literary student are to be revised so
that the two hours of practice teach-
ing, which are now additional to the
15 hours credit in education, will be
included in that requirement. But this
will in no way affect the requirements
for students expecting to receive the
certificate in June, 1928.
S. j
All-time attendance records for year. Returning graduates will reg-
alumni reunions are expected to be ister there and receive tickets to the
broken at commencement time this commencement baseball games with
year, according to a report from the the University of Cincinnati.
office of the Alumni association. The Friday, June 17, has been set aside
record year thus far was in 1912, when for Reunion day. The classes will
the seventy-fifth anniversary of the plan separate meetings for the morn-
founding of the University was cele - ing. Alumni of the University will
brated. hold their annual meeting at that
Forty-five classes will hold reun- time. The first baseball game will be
ions. These include 15 literary, 4 en- the attraction for the afternoon.
gineering 11 medical, 12 law, and 31 Alumni day will be celebrated Sat-
dental classes. Angell Hall will be urday, June 18. Dr. Clarence Cook
alumni headquarters, as it was last Little, president of the University;
will address a meeting of graduates
at 10:30 o'clock in the morning in
Hill auditorium, outlining the pro-
gress of the University during the past
year and telling of plans for the fu..
Dr. Little's address will be followed
by the annual Alumni luncheon in
Waterman gymnasium,
Frayer Discusses Plans For Freshman The baccalaureate address will be
Week Activities Before Meeting delivered by President Little at 11
Of Interfraternity Council o'clock Sunday morning, June 19.!
Commencement exercises will begin at
"Resolvedl that the fraternities will
entertain freshmen at times which
will not interfere with the plans made
for freshman week" was the motion
passed at the Interfraternity council
meeting yesterday.
Prof. William A. Frayer, of the his-
tory department, explained carefully
to the fraternity delegates, the elab-
orate plans made for the entertain-
ment and registration during Fresh-
man week, which is to be the week
before the opening of the fall semes-
ter, September 12 to 19. The whole
1 University will be at the disposal of
the freshmen during this week and,
in addition to the usual procedure of
enrollment, a series of features, such
as mixers, free movies, song-fets and
field-days, have been determined upon.
This program will occupy the hours
of the entering freshmen for almost
every day, and the fraternities were
requested to arrange their rushing at
such times that it would not conflict
with any of these plans.
At the conclusion of Professor
Frayer's speech the motion was made
and carried unanimously that the fra-
ternities should aid the faculty in
Freshman week. Rushing and pledg-
[ing will be allowed, but the fraterni-
ties which are entertaining freshmen
must see that the newly entering stu-
dents are not delayed for any of the
appointments they may have, either
with faculty advisors, for registration
or for any of the meetings at Hill
Freshman week is a plan first in-
I stituted at Maine by President Little,
and now being employed at over a
hundred schools and colleges. Enter-
ing students must report for this week
with non-admittance as the penalty
for failure to arrive on time. Fra-
ternities were requested to tell all
their prospects to arrive in time for
1 the program.
Dean Bursley and John Boland,
president of the council, both express-
ed their approval of the motion de-
cided upon by the council. The meet-
ing was attended by about seventy
fraternity delegates.
The sororities, through the Pan-
Hellenic council, have decided to post-
pone rushing until after September 19
due to the fact that most of the girls
will be occupied fully during Fresh-
man week and sorority rushing is
much more strenuous than fraternity
Earl A. Kelly, '28Ed., was re-elected
to the presidency of the 1928 Edu-
cation class at a meeting held yester-
day.. The vote for vice-president re-
sulted in a tie between Miss Rhoda
Tuthill '28Ed., and Miss Katherine
fKelly. '28Ed. The tie will remain un-
broken until the first class meeting
held next year when a final decision
will be made. Miss Pauline Zoller,
'28Ed, was elected secretary of the
class, while Miss Isabelle Stone,
'28Ed, was chosen to fill the office of
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, June 2-Walter B. Gra-
ham, famous Michigan athlete from
1900 to 1904, and head of the Graham
Electrical Supply company of Chicago,
who underwent an operation for tu-
mor of the brain Tuesday, was re-
ported considerably improved today.
{ Graham recovered consciousness to-
day, recognized his wife and talked to
her. Graham probably will recover,
his physicians said, if no unforseen
, oclock Monday morning on Ferry
Field. Nicholas Longworth, speaker
of the House of Representatives of the
l Sixty-Ninth Congress, will deliver the
commencement address.
ChIigo Sanitary Area Finishes The
Presentation of Its Case
Before Court Master
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, June 2- The Chi-
cago sanitary district today conclud-
ed the presentation of its case before
Charles E. Hughes, special master for
the Supreme Court, in the suit to re-
1 strain it from withdrawing water from
Lake Michigan. The states of Louis-
iana, Missouri, Arkansas Mississippi
Kentucky and Tennessee, appearing as
intervening defendants, also pleaded
for continuance of the present diver-
sion to maintain and promote Great
Lakes to Gulf navigation.
James M. Beck, former United
States Solicit\r-general, upheld the
constitutionality of Secretary Weeks'
executive order of March 3, 1925, per-
mitting the water diversion and alleg-
ed that the whole question was one
for congressional and not judicial ac-
Cornelius Lynde, of Chicago, And
Daniel N. Kirby, of St. Louis, speak-
ing for the intervening defendants,
pictured the great necessity for effi-
cient Great Lakes to Gulf navigation
not only for the states concerned, but
for the whole United States. For this,
they said, the diversion at Chicago
was imnerative as it gives the Missis-
sippi the necessary depth.
Mississippi navigation, they said,
would counteract present transporta-
tion discrimination to which the val-
ley states are subjected. It would neu-
tralize the effect of heavy rail rates
now depressing the valley grain and
cotton prices. Finally, they asserted,
it would largely compensate for lack,
due to the Panama canal of Pacific
markets for valley products and draw
manufacturers to the valley of the
Dismissal of the suit on the alleged
ground that it was brought in the in-
terest of hydro-electric power con-
cerns and that the controversy was
fundamentally open to congressional
and not judicial settlement, was ask-
ed in a brief submitted by H. S. John-
son of Chicago.
By Asociated Press)
TOKIO, June 2.-Admiral Okada,
minister of the navy, stated today that
Japan's acceptance of President Cool-
idge's invitation to participate in the
tri-partite conference on the limita-
tion of naval armaments was inspired
by a genuine love of peace and a sin-
cere wish to co-operate constructively
with the other powers.
"If anybody thinks we simply jump-
ed at this opportunity to limit arma-
ments for financial reasons," he de-.-
clared, "he has never learned to ap-
preciate our true feelings. Our naval:
institution, actually far from being
of aggressive proportions was never
intended to extend beyond the meas-
ure justified by defense."
Okado emphasized particularly that
his country was ready to reduce its
navy "to the minimum of defense re-
I(irements" and with this end in view I
Representatives Of Stricken District
Meet In Chicago To Organize j
For Control Plans
(By Associated Press)
NEW ORLEANS, June 2. - The
Atchafalaya river flood exerted pres-
I sure on the last line of man-made
barriers tonight as it gathered the
diminished force of its crest in the
south portion of central Louisiana be-
fore passing on into the Gulf of
With the flood's sway over the
Louisiana lowlands likely to be pro-
longed although not rendered more
severe, by the new crest riding down
the Mississippi river, efforts were
made to hold protection levees to pre-
vent, the inundation of towns near
Morgan City, about 12 miles west of
New Orleans.
Berwick, safe and dry behing a
seven-foot levee on the banks of the
j swirling Atchafalaya labored to bol-
ster the dike, fearing that a break
might inundate the town to a depth of
five feet. While it was believed that
the efforts would be successful, the
inhabitants of the town numbering
2000, were preparing to lift them-
selves to plank sidewalks on scaffold-
ing just as their neighbors across the
river in Morgan City have done.
Many Leave
While all but ten of the 1,000 resi-
dents of Gibson, about 25 miles east
of Morgan City, evacuated the town
in fear that the swollen Bayou Black
would pife in additional water, the
population of Bonner, a sawmill town
nearby, worked on a six-foot levee
which has been holding the water out.
A peculiar situation exists in the
flood level on the line with Morgan
City across the Atchafalaya "river
basin and the level is almost two feet
higher west of Morgan City than It is
on the main stream in the little port
city. Weather bureau officials attrib-
ute the massing of waters to the east-
ward to westerly winds and to the
rapid flow of water through the river
outlet at Morgan City which has con-
tinually depressed the flood level there
in comparison to stages east and west.
CHICAGO, June 2.-Somewhat few-
er in number than the thousand ex-
pected, but nevertheless representa-
tive of the diversified interests in-
volved, approximately 900 men and
women from 27 Mississippi valley
states today formed the first flood con-
trol conference to aid in coping with
one of the nation's greatest problems
-the recurring floods in the Missis-
sippi river and its tributaries.
Conference To Report
After three days of study, the con-
ference next Saturday will adopt rec-
on:mendations it hopes will aid Con-
gress in taking the steps necessary to
avoid a similar catastrophe in the
President Coolidge and his admin-
istration recognize the seriousness of
the situation and regard the present
disaster in the lower Mississipi valley
as the ground for some of the most
serious work for the next Congress,
Dwight Davis, secretary of war, and
the President's special representative,
Secretary Davis will address the
conference tomorrow morning, giving
first-hand impressions of the flood.
Maj.-Gen. Edgar Jadwin, chief of the
army engineers, will dwell upon the
details of the engineering work neces-
sary in meeting the challenge cf the
Father of Waters.1
A half dozen speakers at the initial
session this afternoon voiced the de-
mand that the flood be controlled and
that partisan politics and petty sec-
tional ambitions not find their way to
the convention floor.
Thompson Chairmanz
Wiliam Hale Thompson, mayor, who
cooperated with Mayors Arthur
O'Keefe, of New Orleans, and Victor J.!
Miller, of St. Louis, in issuing the con-I
ference call, was selected as perma-
nent chairman, and the New Orleans
and St. Louis -mayors and Mayor Row-
lett Paine, of Memphis, Tenn., were
named permanent vice-chairmen.
James T. Watson, United States,
senator for Inidana, was chosen to
head 22 prominent men from through-
out the valley on the resolutions com--'
The recent announcement in Parlia
nent by Iussolini of a new and more
powerful military policy is no cause
for the great alarm is has aroused
in some parts, according to Mr. Beo-
nard Manyon, instructor in the history
department, who, by virtue of the re-
cent award of the fellowship by the,
Social Science Research council, will
leave, soon for Italy to undetake an
extensive study of the Fascist move-
ment. Mr. Manyon has obtained a
leave of absence for the next two se-
mesters, 1927-28, in order to accept
the fellowship which will take him to
Italy for the next year.
Mr. Manyon will concentrate his
studies on the economic phase of
Fascisn-, which, according to him, is
receiving the most attention of stu-
dents of politics and economics to-
day. The recipient of the Fellowship
award believes that the Fascism move-
ment offers one of the most interest-
ing problems for study in the world
After a year spent in Italy studying
the subject at first hand, Mr. Manyon
believes that he will be able to vin-
dicate the dictatorship of Mussolini
on the economic score at least. He
considers it largely a flourish on Mus-
Forces Are Being Transported Into
Tientsin Area In North China
For American Protection
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, June 2 --Further
steps in the concentration of Amer-
ican marine forces in the Tientsin
area of. North China to be in a better
position to protect American and other
foreign lives and property in the event
of an emergency were reported offi-
ciaily today to the navy department.
Advices, cabled by Admiral Wil-
liams, commanding the Asiatic fleet,
mentioned only about 3000 of the
marines in the Asiatic area and did
not state the disposition of the re-
The first dispatch from Admiral
Williams said the transport Chaumont
was taking the more than 1500 marines'
from the Philippines to Shanghai to
be nearer the trouble zone in North
China and that the transfer was de-
f cided upon at this time to avoid the
typhoon season in the islands.
Official advices yesterday were to
the effect that 1700 marines from
Olangapo, P. I., had left three or four
days ago for Tientsin and made no
mention of stopping at Shanghai. It
assailed the belief in these quarters
that this detachment ultimately will
go to T'ientsin.
The second dispatch received today
said that about 1500 marines were
being sent from Shanghai to Taku
Bar, near Tientsin, en the transport
Henderson. Yesterday's announcement
was to the effect that about 3500 ma-
rines were being taken from Shang-
hai for northern duty with Brigadier-
General Butler, commanding the en-
tire marine force in China.
LONDON, June 2-Reutter's Peking
correspondent says that the legation
defense will be commanded by Colonel
Little, U. S. A. It is reported unoffi-
cially, but reliably, he adds, that Ja-
pan soon will send a brigade to Tient-
sin and also a brigade each to Peking,
Chinwangtao and Shanhaikwan. Two
more French companies are expected
at Peking at an early date from Tient-
sin, increasing the French force from
400 to 500 men.
The first battalion of reinforce-
F ments from France is due at Tientsin
on June 14, the second about July 1.
Two additional battalions are also ex-
pected from France soon.
Petitions for tickets to football I
gan;,es to be played next fall in the
new stadium will all be included in a
single application instead of a series
of cards as has been the former policy,
according to Harry Tillotson, busi-
ness manager.
Students wil be obliged to fill out
a complete application during registra-
tion for all games, including the num-
ber of extra seats requested, and other1
data essential to make the applications
effective. In the past, students were
permitted to send in ticket requests
separately for each game, with a cer-
tain final date set before each indivi- I
solini's part, but a wise move, since
the history of Italy seems to show that
the Italian people can effectively be
governed by such gestures. "It is not
to be looked at as a serious threat to
world peace. It typically, illustrates
Mussolini's extraordinaryagrasp of
the psychology of the Italian people.
Mr. Manyon believes that Mussolini
will in time come to be regarded as a
statesman of the highest order, and
one of the most powerful intellects
of all time rather than the ogre some
people think him to be.
Kraus Enumerates Advantages Offered
By Various Colleges And
Scientific Camps
"The summer session," according
to Dean Edward H. Kraus, of the
summer session, "offers a unique op-
portunity for students to make up
extra credits and take courses which
they would not otherwise be able to
take, enables the student who so de-
sires to complete his four year course
in three years, and presents courses
which are not presented during the
winter terms. In addition to these ad-
vantages there are the advantages of
the cultural entertainments which
have been arranged and the advant-
ages of contact with a superior type of
Registration is now going on in
the Biological station which is main-
tained each year by the University
at Douglas lake. A recent appropria-
tion by the state has enabled this
camp to increase its housing facilities.
Registration is also being made in
the camp for geology and geography
maintained each year at Mills Spring,
Kentucky. Prof. George R. LaRue is in
charge of the registration for the sta-
tion and those wishing to register in
or receive information about the
geology and geography camp may
consult with Prof. Preston E. James,
Prof. Irving D. Scott' or Prof. George
M. Ehlers.
The time of registration for the
summer session in the various schools
and college is as follows:
For the College of Literature
Science, and the Arts, in the record-
er's office, University hall, June 23
and 24, 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m.;
June 25 and 27, 9 to 12 a. m. and
2 to 5 p. m. Thereafter 10 to 12 a. m.
For the Colleges of Engineering and
Architecture, in West Engineering
building, June 23, 24, 25 and 27, 8 to
12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. m.I
For the Medical School-in the Med-
ical building, June 23, 24 25 and 27,
9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m.
For the College of Pharmacy-In
the Chemistry and Pharmacy Building,
June 23, 24, 25 and 27. 9 to 12 a. m.
and 2 to 5 p. m.
For the School of Education, in-
cluding hygiene and public health,
physical education, public health nurs-
ing, and athletic coaching and admin-
istration-in Tappan hall, June 23, 24,
25 and 27, 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4
p. m.
For the Law School-in the Law
building June 17, 18, and 20, 9 to 12
a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m.j
For the School of Business Admin-
istration-in Tappan hall, June 23, 24,
25, and 27, 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4
p. m.
For the Graduate School-in Angell
hall, June 23, 24, 25, and 27, 9 to 12
a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, June 2-Great Brit-
ain, Japan and Italy have notified the
state department that they are will-,
ing to resume a 'conference interrupt-
ed in 1922. to decide the final appor-
tionment amongthemselves, the Unit-
ed States and France of pre-war Ger-
man cables in accordance with the
provisions of the Treaty of Versail-
The notifications were in reply to an
invitation to resume the conference is-
sued by the United States to Great
Britain, Japan, France, and Italy.
France has not indicated her will-
ingness to discuss the matter at the
present time. It is understood that the
reason for this is that at the 1922
meeting Henry P. Fletcher, represent-
ing the American government, pre-
smntida. nin n wbpa. t, s e.hlsi
Registrar's Office To Send Envelope
With Requisite Cards To Each
Plans are under way, and have to
some extent developed, which will ex-
pedite registration for upperclassmen
in September 1927. The registrar's of-
fice has been working on new systems
which will remove the discomfiture
formerly suffered in connection with
the annual procedure. The system will
be put into effect following the plan
of freshman week and has been plan-
ned, coincident with that event, so
that the long lines and much waiting
will be eliminated.
The major part of the plan consists
of an envelope which will be sent to
each student who was in residence
this year. This envelope will contain a
letter of direction, a request for co-
operation, and the long registration
blank with a dozen cards which must
be filled out,. This blank will be
stamped with the amount of the fee
1 which the student must pay and if the
proper cooperation is given by the
student body it will eliminate the first
long line for registration.
The registrar's office requests that
all students who have changed their
addresses or who change them during
the summer notify the office of
!the fact so that all students who are
returning for the school year next
year may receive these cards.
Hours Credit Given
Also enclosed in this envelope will
be a statement of the number of hours
which the student has earned by the
end of the summer, the number of
honor points which he has earned,
and the grou. requirements which he
must work off in each group to be
eligible for graduation.
According to Ira M. Smith, regis-
trar, the success of the plan. dapeuds
upon the cooperation of the students
in filling out the registration blanks
completely and returning it in an in-
tact condition. The cards will be mail-
1 ed out after Labor day- so that stu-
dents will be home to get them and
so that they may also have ample time
to fill them out and plan their pro-
grams according to the information
contined on the transcript of record.
The letter which will be enclosed
will contain facts about registration
and the procedure and will give com-
plete direction to the students. The
plan at present is to use the appoint-
ment system so that the students may
meet the faculty advisors and the
classification committee at a stated
time without the necessity for stand-
ing in line for many hours waiting
Dates Changed
Attention is called by the office to
the fact that the dates for registra-
tion and the commencement of school
in the fall were moved ahead by ac-
tions of the Board of Regents in order
to equalize the semesters. The an-
nouncement printed in the front of
the catalogue of the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts was made
bef6re the action of the Regents and
is therefore to be disregarded.
The dates of registration and class-
ification for upperclassmen as set by
Ithe Board of Regents provide that reg-
istration shall begin on September 14
and continue through that week.
School begins on Monday, September
19. Students and members of the fac-
ulty are requested by the office to ob-
serve that school begins on Monday
rather than on Tuesday as has been
the custom in previous years.
The plans for the registration and
orientation of freshmen will be in
no way affected by this change. The
plans for freshman week as arranged
by the committee headed by Prof. Wil-
liam A. Frayer of the history depart-
ment, provide that the freshmen shall
arrive on Monday, September 12 and
spend the entire week in the hands of
the committee receiving instruction
and aid.
The old museum, a landmark on the
campus for generations, has not yet
been doomed to destruction, according
to University officials.
Moving day for the museum staff
and exhibits to the new building will
be sometime in January, but no de-
riainn ba s hpa ntinh- at. 4. n what
An epidemic of petty theivery has,
been reported by I. W. Truettner, uni-
versity maintenance inspector. A box
containing "llood Sufferers Fund" co-
lections in the University high-school,
some tools and aeroplane models in
the Aeronautics department and a
telephone coin box are among the ar-
complications occur.