THlURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PIS 2 PAGE SE~VEN HYPOTHETICAL YALE.MICHIGAN MEET IN TANK SHOULD FAVOR WOLVERINES THIS AII . i r /lLI l©A9 IP -1 r Vt, AitslS FOR SALE' FOR SALE-1924 Ford Roadster, ceamniiIn igoodlcondition. Berger "UW ULU 207Vashtenaw. 7 Competitive 0, rf oluianceS R e f ut e fancy diving, a most uncertain andl CLOSES RCoes - - _______- --me_____1'tl n Es 3icniteteet T3 O AEHr t s odcue 1i oss n vn.A ..A DXE R'r I SING AT 3 P' FRSL-eei ' odcue Eli Supporters If an adivantage were to be granted, } Ir 192. Thoroughly overhauled and Ion the conl sideration o the season's ( reconditioned last month. Starter," ! By lanchard W. (lelnnd i recrds, there is no douat lbut that! spare, and accessories. Cal Weil' In a hypothetical swinmming meet: Michigan has that edge. No collegiate! I you are a telephone subscriber call Jimmie LS at 9852 ater supper. 177-7-79-80 4§ outlined in the May 13 issue of !opponent has scored more than 25 the Ad-Taker Dial 21214,' and your want ad __________________ will be charged.Oh-ie'sfptanjen in Ann FOR SALE-The fine fait. house, 125' the New YorkItimes between the points in a single meet, and only one; The MItchigan Daily reserve the right to LOTRdrsfuti MihgnadYl em. h w u-other has seed as many as 221 classify all wants ads under approljria te head-; Arbor Savings ank, June 1. Name:Wahea AvnatSUOls standing collegiate teams of the counl-; points against the Wolverines. In al l 9sg and to revise or withhold objctionable ; n pe, Chao ao Yan. Findli nvle. ay rent. Inquire o try, Yale was declared vitor by a ;these cases Michigan has doubled herI This column coe at a . Rf. dae peced- please (call 7U3;. Reward. 177 Huron Valley Bldg. & Sa. Aix, 38 to 33 score. Many Michigan sup- ;opponents' scores and( went on to es-i tg pl in tiome Notice of any error must re; 116 N. Fourth Ave 177-7+-.3 :I gIgivenintm for the secon insertion. LJOST'--leffel 2.nd( Esser drawing porters are quite indignant at what Kabush a high score record for the CASH DATES I instruments in West EnigineeringI FOR, SALE-1923 Ford touring. Ex- they regard a' seeming injustice, theBig Teniteclgaechmonip T cents per reading line (on the basis Of( Bilding. Call Ralph ~igie, 21517. cellet condition. Colnd tires. De- general opinion being that the Yale, meet, taking it with a total of 49 five average words to the line) for one or two Rew r insertionswr. 175176-177 muntable~ rimes. Starter. License team would stand none too goodI points. ine cents per reading line for three or mre I - - plates. A real bargain. 7 cash.;l chance of defeating the powerful Wo-1 Revising the summary to read a- ; ineitons. LOST-A green gold Wahl fountain PhnrncsLn,,59 7 cording to the correct performiances, Cash classifieds received at the aly office pen, Friday morning on campus. ___________________ verinies. !Michigan should win in the following 1 in The FPrss Building on Maynard Street. Call J E. Wendel, 3193. Rwr.Almkso yertr o aeo "While there is no other means manner: CONTRACT RLATES Illmks ftpertrsfrsaeo than actual contest to decide a cer- Sn~iis Special standardized rates given on appica- LI:OST-Ftriday, April 2,; silver van- rent. Excellent machines at rea-, taity heratngofheloelymach-I_ ity case on a chain, with two black sonble piefrrn.Pop taity he atng f te cosly atc-!200 yard relay-Michigan 1:37 3-10; enmldfgrso-rn.Rwr. rpiigfrrn.Pop ed teams, fit is possible to mnake a eaee iue nfot ead Yale 1:37 2-5. L reaiin by experienced workmen. farysfesiaeithscsby 50 yard swim-S'amson, Michigan,____________________ 7817 courteous service. Aulta Brand reviewing the year's best competitive :23 9-10; House, Yale; Darnhll Mich- LOST-Pair rimless glasses ,with Ribbons and Carbons. Rider's Pen perormncetadiiguingtheefrm. octagon lenses. In case marked L. , Shop, 315 State Street.r the likely outcome of a dual meet un- a, id :4 n A. Ott Mansfield, Ohio. Call Myroni FOR RENT-To sub-let, furishled 2- sun-tes-thurs-tf der tandrd cndiionswith the 200 yard break stroke-Rickman, unsn Poe267,Rwr. ro aatet riiartl de tnadcniin ihteIYale, 2:43 4-5; Shorr, Michigan, Breo.Poe26b.Rwr. omartheodernthroughou. ,Itqeir championship fixtures listed, and the 2:48; R. Halsted, Michigan, 2:49 1-5. 176177171_bthmoernthrugou__Iquie__FOSAE-NwoldplaedE-fat contenders confined to three events1 4 adsi-asn VihgnAt ,64E nv 7-7-7 alto Conn saxophone with case. apiece as prescribed- by the rules," 5:09/4-5; L n ne, Yale, 5:14 3-5; Muslselrat nceaGlenrLa ue-5;FOR RENT-W ashtenaw apartment, 2M uST hasell.aton.5 Glennrm stist td.bss Lague, o Wa n r 50d bc srk -H u e :1 OI Tf rns e r u u n e o Uo thslasYlwo 38t!10yard backstoeHu, Yale,-U I( UlT I1 JIJ mer all 60. 177-17-179 7 176-177-17 a3. But to M\att Mann, Varsity .coach,' 1:43 1-5; Spindle, Michigan, 1:46 2-5; j~~*r AEI FOR SALE- 1922 mdel Esse-4i it seems that whoever originated the I-Hubbell, Michigan, 1: 48. AILlii. U111FR RN-Tlwo single and oneI article was a bit misinformed as to j 0 ad wmDrnMcigaI IIL U I double room. Summerprcs80 touring. Good condition. $7. "the best competitive performances 1 53 4-5; Seager, Michigan, 55 4-5 Catherine 177-178-179 Phn}hnz 241 7-7-7 of the year.". Substituting the correct I House, Yale, 56 25.-v? FOR RENT-Single room in apart-1 FOR SALE-Victor Vitrola. Console times and correcting a few other er- Fancy diving-Walsh, Yale; Vaden. (by Associatd ,}Tes) Ci ment with young married couple.' type, in good condition. At a sac- Fors, the opinion continues, the score! yale; Michigan, third. NEW YORKIni his attempt to d- 1315 Washtenaw. Phone 9187, a- rifice. Recods included. Phonef would be reversed" lo read, 36 to 24 final Score, MVichigan : 34, ale 24 fendi the open golf championship this I ter 4:30 I'. M. 177-178 9850. 175-176-177 ( In favor of Michigan. [:,-This is merely hypothrelical, how-1 year at Oakmont, Pa., June 14, 15 and! ___ Err lin Listing 220 eeadi samitdyufruae16, Bobby Jones, will aim at an FOR RENT-Light, airy suite and FOR SALE - Most desirable large1 The intercollegiate association lists!!! that the two teams didt not meet ati achievement posted only three times sigeSumrat.52Wln. rooming house, furnished or u~fur- I certain events for dual meet compe- I the national' chainpionship s held at in the history of this thirty-four-year- I- _ 176-177 nialed. Best location. Easy terms.I tition, and were the two teams to thesUnivrsity ofIowa. Thicontes May rent. Dial 77 33 (or 4454 the(Unielassicf ofwthehelinkes.:FOR RUNT-Sunmer rooms, used as eenng) meet, these prescribed events- would would have been most interesting and Twice the feat was acconmplished by;f suite, single or. double. Dial 7941. even_____________________ have to be used, thereby eliminating would have decided in flesh and blood Willie Anderson of the Apawamis.1 1101 Church St. 176-177-178 10RuSL-hvoe ~3tui either the~ 220 or the 440 yard free wehrMcia rYl a h lb ye, N. Y., who held the 'coveted, ~$ 0 0 Poe92 n style swim which the Times includ- better team. crown thog the camplaigns of 1903, FOR RENT-Steam heated offie $or0, evening and ask for McKee or I ed. v,1,________t]__ 1904 and 1905. These successive tri- mro in Commercial Bank block, G Moreover, Sanf rd'of Yale wasilost TRACK MANAGERS umh olwdavcoy 1901,giv- Constanine, Mich. Fine opportu -________________ to thtta!t ieedo h is ing Anderson a remarkable record of nity for lawyer or dentist. Address t)ta ema h edo h is FOR SALE-1921 Ford Touring. 40. Aemetersandwoud norbeckimanayeseray oratea tfour titles in five C. C. Dougherty, Three RiverCll323 fn.Pmoiin T,, 4,,,-P Pvnt that ha year were named ysedya met- J The'only other professionaoil Mich. 176-177 WAN'TEDI W.ANT, D---F urnishie l ouse by mar- ric:i;student for summer vacation. VePIaW ('are of house during o cf r 'sa se :c#>. Box 191, AMichi- g n DIaily. 177-7S-79 WANTEI)-Student s who lIke good hot 1IARBECUES. to know we de- liver between 9:30 and 11:30 P. M. BIARBECUE 'INN, Dial 4481. c-Tu e4-Thurs.-Sat. WVANTED-To rent, for summerj small house or first floor apart-: tnent by couple without children. Address BoP 189, Michigan Daily. 176-177-178 WA NT ED-Pianist for summer re- sort dance orchestra work. Call Neff or McClenathan. Phone 21517. 176-177-178-1791 WANTED-Typist wants work this' summer. Theses, doctors' theses, etc., etc. Make arrangements now. R. W. Ross, 1007 Monroe St. Tel. 6293 167-169-171-173-175-177-179 WANTED-Two students, good swim- mers, to serve as life guards at a West Michigan suni mer resort.r Room furnished. Address R. W. Marriott, Saugatuck, Mich. 174-5-6-7-8-9, WANTED-Decorating, painting, pa- per b~anging, 35c single roll and up. Call C. W. Holmes, 729 Brooks. 5920. 174-5-6-7-8-9-180! NOTICE Used Victor Portable phronograph, as good as niew. $20. Easy termns. Uni;-ersity 1Mu,3ic I-Lose. tf I)TICF SENIORlS!!! JUNrIOIRS.!! $61,01 .'9 A Y EARI!!! An old established Detroit firm needs a few college men. We teach you our business and see to it fthat you are firmly entrenched in the o-t lucrative profession known:., Write us all about yourself and we will ar- range. for interview. APL''ICANT'S SELECTED CAN MAKE FROM $15 TO $20 A DAY TO START Write John H] . Walsh& Sons, At- tention A. J. Hiart, Sales Director, 1606 Ist National Bank Building, De- troit, Michigan. Style 6--Semi-portable Victrola, in- cluding six records, for $24.50. Fine for cottage or canoe. Univer- sity Music House. tf ANN ARBOR CARP ILT Cleaning Works. Riugs Shai~pooed. Phone $613. daily-tt TO Stt~ best oft 50 lines clothing drop card to 11038Fl. Washington'. Phone 6365 evenings. $22 to $30, tt NOT. AYE Ski ma WANTED-A canoe 17 or 18 feet Ca long. Must be in good condition. Dial 4731. 175-176-177 NOT WANTED. STUDENT; to know that C C Sam p~ays from $5 to $25 for old be saits and overcoats.;- 121 E. ANN DIAL 4306 ICE-The new Royal Portables "e now on. display at Rider's Pen oap, 315 State St. A wonderful ackine. You will be interested. 11 and see them. .ICE -- The new -Victor. Ortho- Ionic Portable machines are here. mie in and hear them. Schae- re & Son Music House. 6tf pRNTAL.S ioi ompeI~io. inLie ~eli LUU 11 Swere allowed to compete the theoriti-I kai score would stand 35 to 25, still in favor of Michigan. Dilspute Relay Team Th~e Times grants the Yale relayl " team a victory, claiming that theyi Shad turned in the best time but Mich- -~igan records show otherwise. Against '