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February 19, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-02-19

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I aLa dL





NicasaguiFeb. 8.-Talk flflj lfl (ByAssotcatd PrCssK EAINC
S O T MaauNcrgaFe.1-Tl(BAsoitdPesofAmer ican intervention in Nicaragua ! SHANGHAI, Feb. 18.-The Can ~ I~i
IT A U Atoend the struggle going on between L LPING ON LEJU tnese horde d.2iively defeated th 1ToSAITL IS U IO
the conservative and liberals is heard
COMMITTEE IS APPOINTED TO everywhere in Managua. -- army of Marshal Sun Chuan Feng to--
BGIE PRELilNARIES FOR N1 THERNLcay, poured into the city of Hangehow, "AFFIC ACCIDENTS OF 1926
BEGIN FIRST CONCRETE In some quarters the opinion is ex-;_y_ adpesdttitwlbeheettin ORATORICAL LENAGU~hhE [d hurled Sunrs disrdered troops in ILLED MTORE PEIOPLE(
STEPS FOR PROJECT pressed that it wIll lbe the best thing WIl EN Ll)T FVN n uldSnsdsree rosi ILDMR EPE
SE FO PO Cfor the country, but there are differ-LL HE HELD FIRS headlong flight. towards Shanghai. THAN WOILD WAR
es in the method of procedure The beaten troops before fleeing
SITE IS UNDETERMINED which would be acceptable. Interested OFFER PRIZES F $100 Iooted the rich city of 800,000 inhabi- SEEK ONE STATE CODE
--senators, who ar supporters of the____ tants, plundering a majority of the 1:1;___
Will Contain Natatorium, Basketball conservative president, Adolfo Diaz, foreign missions. They burned aJ
Volley-ball, Hand Ball, and have obtained a copy of the United Ond large part of the city and departed. J
Tennis Courts States-Haiti treaty and have discussed Added to IPrograi This Semester, The missionaries were unharmed, and In ear Future
it in the Nicaraguan Congress. Must Deal With Bible most of them left the city.
With the appointment of a committee The United States-Haiti treaty was Sun's demoralized troops are ex-~
yesterday afternoon by the Board in ratified by both houses of the Haltan Announcement of dates, subjects, peeted to make a stand at Sungkiang, "Street and Highway Saftey" was
Control of Athletics, the first steps Congress in November, 1915. The trea- and prizes for all four of the oratorical 28 miles south of Shanghai to prevent topic of three addresses given at the
have been taken toward the realiza- ty provides for a number of American contests which will be held during thea the invaderis capturingh the richest isn c
tiofi of a minor sports building for in- advisers to the Haitan government, second semester was made yesterdayZcity of the Far East as a prize of war, cloned on urighway convention which
tramural and non-intercollegiate ath- appointed by the president of Haiti on British troops were paraded in iclosed its four dayt here
s the recommendation of the president by Prof. Richard D. Hollister of the Shanghai when the news was received yesterday.
letics. The Board named Fielding H. ofhtheghai.whMre peopenwere illedrocinjure
Yost, director of intercollegiate ath- of the United States. public speaking department. All of that the Cantonese were pursuingi "More people were killed or injured
letics; Elton E. Wiman, ssistat pro Charles E. Eberhardt today left the regular contests, including the two Sun's broken army towards the city. year than were ever killed or injured t
fessor of physical education; Profes- nagua for Corinto where he will intercldegiate ones, and one new i hareith 21 foreivgn warships in the rive yt,
sor'Ralph W. Aigler of the lawr school, meet Rear Admiral Julian Latimer to- . before the city, and some 7,000 white in the greatest war ever, fought,
Elmer D. Mitchell, director of intra- morrow for a conference. Before leav- event, the Thomas E. Black testimonial fighting men on duty, foreign res- emphatically declared Judge Charles
mr srtchell, ndirect of ira-, ing for Corinto, Mr. Eberhardt and contest on the New Testament, have de in the international settlement L. Bartlett, '97L, of the recorder's
mralesorts; a ewiM ra, President Diaz held a discussion. again been arranged for this year. e court of Detroit, in the principal ad-
poesrostutrlegneigas___________The first contest to be held will befl oeasrneta h atn dress of the session. "We are now at
members of the committee. these would not overrun their conces- s.
The announcement of this commit- the preliminaries for the Northern Ora- sion as did coolie mobs at Hankow war!" he said, "The hosts of drunken
Theuncnofuacfied housfrcomen,] UL L E DS CASEhedhee sth Uierit rao ica!to o sessdid onofethobse ctie. uonuad refociga igt o Ih
tee, coming immediately after the pro- torical league event which will be and Kiukiang when the southerners and reckless drivers have advanced
noucig f fel hus fr omnheld here as the University oratoricalj took possession of those cities. I upon us and are forcing a fight to the
is the result of a definite and urgent contest on March 1, 2, and 3. The final finish."
need for adequate facilities for handl- [tAIJT T IAIwill be held March 25, and for the One of the chief handicaps which
first honor, will be awarded a prize of officials are forced to cope with, is
Wn h o-artermahgymnasium thas ir
ingte rsityateics ofmthsiumIhasL $100 and the Chicago alumni medal, that the administrative ,work is not
University. g Jtmangynasiuas for while a prize of $50 will be given to administered, according to Judge
for a long time been inadequate for ih iller-Datughery are Being Charged the second place winner in this con-r Bartlett. "The law profession has not
intrarma acvtes, bu will ihw With Defrauding Government test. The winner will also represent; ELIL t progressed with other professions,",
gan as the prime purpose of the new Of Money And Contracts the university in Northern Oratorical Bhedeclared. "Lawyers have become'
Of Mne And Cotracts Iltegucnersi t e invernsOtyIoial1!I LI
minor sports building is to be a gene- gspecialists. The first aim of the pres
ral recreational center for organized MILLER MADE NO DEFENSE on April 29. This contest here will President Coolidge Has Begun Cabinet ent day lawyer, is to get his man ac-1
n m s rsybe in charge of Prof. Louis M. Eich ; 6nfereces To Determine Fate ! quitted, whether he is guilty or not, in
itrdamuray, den cad Ch Yrot yes-d s)of the public speaking department, Of McNairy-1aigeni Bill spite of the fact that his client, if free,
teray ion nouncn ntheen projct N Y AssoFaed Press) -whose office is room 4002 Angell hall. ___. would be a menace to society." Judge
The location has not been definitely 1 New York, Feb. 18. -All the evi- Mihgnsrpentiv ha al !BtetugdtatawrshodI
decided upon although it is quite prob- dence is in for the Daugherty-Miller ychigan's representatieN herasa-B MAJORITY WAS SMALL nartetrt geth antaweans sdheou
able that the building will be erected trial. The defense of Harry M. Daugh- th
on the site of the present North stands, erty, former attorney-general, rested torical league, according to Professor(y Associated Press) e s Governors For ars
Hollister, and it is one of the only ( ~~itdPes es~vrosFrCr
in Ferry Feld. The other possible this afternoon. Aside from testimony Horistes th Uners tha o Washington, Feb. 18 - President "Governors on cars to regulate
location being considered is the tern- Ishowing practice in tha departmentofcompare its work with that done at Coolidge already has begun confer- speed will come," declared the Judge.
tory owned by the University adjacent' justice and a legal debate between!t hI ences with members of his cabinet "It may be impracticable at present,
to the Coliseum. If the Ferry Field Senator Guy D. Goss of West Virginia, New Testament Issue Second over the McNary-Haugen farm relief and also difficult to work out, but I1
site is chosen the building will be and United States Attorney Emery R. . bill, which has been passed b
about 120 feet wide and between 400 Bucknor as to the validity of claims' The second contest to be held, in wbcs, has been pas yCon- Na sure they will come.
and500fee log. t wllbe esinedpased y augert an ThmasW.point of time, is the new Thomas E.i gress, but no intimation was given to- "Newspapers have done admirable
'and 500 feet long. It will be designed !passed by Daugherty and Thomas W .BlackNt wetamenst cne t whics. day at t he Whlite House whether he! work on the safety question" he said
so as to harmonize with Yost Field Miller, former alien property custo- Black New Testament contest which ntends to approve or veto the mea- "Without their het accidents and fa .
house. It is probable that the gene- :gdian, Daugherty's defense was virtual- Thomas E. Black, 14L, has provided. talities would be doubled."
ral architecture of the exterior will ! ly one of character. For first place i this contest, a gold In advance of the receipt by the ex- Gustav Schink, traffic commissioner
be on the same plan as the Field Miller offered no defense, medal and a $100 prize will be pre- ecutive of an engrossed copy of the in the Detroit police department, talk-
house. Daugherty and Miller, as govern- sented, and $50 will be given for sec- bill, it was said, in his behalf, that he ed on the subject, "From the Stand
Will Be Two-Story Building meat officials, are charged with de- ond place. The subject can be any1intends to consider it just as he would point of the Police Official." "Death
It is certain that the building will frauding the United States of their phase of the New Testament, although pny other piece of legislation. charts are still one of the most baf-
be of two stories and will contain honest and impartial services, in that religious prejudice and theological The proposal which would levy an fling questions facing the police de-
adequate provisions for basketball, in- they are alleged to have conspired controversy should be avoided. The equalization fee on six basic commo-Ipartmet," he said. Too many minor
door tennis, volley-ball, indoor base- with the late John T. King, then Re- preliminaries for this contest will be' dities, with a view to controlling crop(regulations lack of pedestrian laws
ball, track, swimming, wrestIing, publican national committeeman from held March 22 and 2d, and the fins!surpluses was passed by the Senate failure of parents to join with the po-'
fencing, hand ball, boxing, and squash. Connecticut, and Jesse W. Smith, will be held April 22. Earl E. Fleisch- last week, and was approved in iden- lice in teaching safety rules, and lack
One wing of the building will be a Daugherty's handyman to pass claims mann, of thie public speaking depart- tical form last night by the House. i of support of business interests were
large room with open space allowing for the impounded effects of the ! ment, will have charge of this contest In neither the Senate or House was given by Commissioner Schink as the'
sufficient room for four basketball American Metal Company amounting 1 and all those interested should see a majority given the bill sufficient to chief handicaps facing the traffic de-
courts, three of four indoor tennis to approximately $7,000,000. The total him as soon as possible in his office, give its supporters reason to believe it partment. He alsp suggested that
courts, an equal amount of volley-ball of the claims is the largest ever pass- 4206 Angell hall. could be passed over a presidential newspapers give as much publicity to
courts, two indoor baseball diamonds, ed by an alien property custodian, andj A local contest to choose the repre- veto, a step that requires a two-thirds court convictions as they do to auto-
and eight one-wall hand ball courts. was effected in three days, the govern- sentative for the national collegiate vote in both houses. mobile deaths the levelopment of a
Around this floor space will be the I ment contends. oratorical contest on the constitution I The President has ten days after the uniform state code, more safety edu-
running track, and will be probabiy The government produced evidence will be held April 4. This is the secIbill's arrival at the White House to cation, new development of parking
erected to e proportion n laps tending to show that Richard Merton, ond year that this contest has been decide what he will do. Congressional systems, and comprehensive surveys
to the mile German metal magnate, paid King a held; Philip Krasne, '29L, Michigan's speculation has been divided, some of traffic conditions by competent saf-
The other half of the building will "fee" of $441,000 to produce allowance representative, reached the finals in predictions being that he would sign ety engineers.
be of two stories with offices and lock- of his claims for the American Metal !Los Angeles before being eliminated. the proposal and make it a law, while Relates Dramatic Incident
ers on the first floor. There will be assets, which had been seized during The contest is conducted on the dis- others are that a veto is inevitable. Commissioner Schink related a dra-
between 1,500 and 2,500 lockers int the war as enemy owned, to the So- trict system, and the University's rep- In arriving at a decision, the Pres- matic incident which happened early
ldi th separate divisions for ciete Suisse Tour Calears de Metaux. resentative will first compete in a 'ident is expected to be guided to an in his life in the police department,
buildin witysearad iion- sti The "fee" was paid $50,000 by check ! state, then a zone, and finally the final extent at least by the advice of Sec- in which a small child was killed by
the faculty and non-competitive and $291,000 in liberty bonds. contest if he is successful. The prizes retary Jardine and Secretaries Hoover a team of horses driven by a drunken
teams. There will be team rooms for Evidence also was introduced to in the final contest are from $1,500 toI and Melon as well. Also it is likely man. "Ever since then, I have had ab-
the swimming and wrestling squads. intefna ots.aefo $,0 oI
The informal plans call for a first show that $49,000 of the Merton-to- $350, each contestant winning a prize, 1 that the views of certain Congression- solutely no sympathy with anyone
class natatorium with provisions for j King bonds, identified by their serial and the final will again be held in Los al leaders will be sought. who is arrested for intoxication and
This will be the only sport number, found their way into Miller's Angeles, California. do all in my power to make them
spectators. s otakekeag theakig ac ou t.co-jnseq e cs
in which provisions have been made brokerage and banking accounts. In- Final Contest in Los Angeles CEduo take the consequences
to proide frspectators In any con- ferential testimony ad evidence was' Prof. Louis M. Eich will have charge 11nese UCaiiona "In my opinion," he said. "the open
given to show that $$224,000 of these of this contest here also, and the sub- s te H Ped saloon is far superior to the present
siderable number. It is planned t bonds were traced to Daugherty and ms situation of ilegal sale of liquor, at
seat about 2,000 people around the; Smith. ject must be either the constitution lsitasnfarlleaserffiqcoditn
poli aoni0es. _mith._itself or Washington, Jefferson, Ham-,Thrh Revolution least as far as the tra conditions
pool inalonies st Marshall, Franklin, Madison,U are concerned."
Will Provide Squash Courts ilton, areconernd.
Over the pool will be rooms for j Over Two H undred Webster, or Lincoln and the constitu- An outline of the progress of the
fenngtboxigad estlingBe-tion. Speeches for this contest will be In a special interview, Nakarai system of posting signs along the
twen1ng, 1x 2 four-wall hand ball Couples EnjOy Law ten minutes in length and the national Toyoa, a Japanese grad. student, highways, was given by E. W. James,
n~ the sac--- final in Los Angele will take place stated yesterday that there has been chief of the division of design of the

courtsawillb nse eruct earsg -CFa D June 1 a revolution in the Chinese educa- United States Bureau of public roads.
ond floor. To answer the rising pope- ub Formal1DanceJ 23. tional system. "The principles of construction and
larity of squash among the facu ty as I"Whereas, before 1905, when the system of posting, was all developed
well as students, six courts willIn More than two hundred couples M aloneyVW ins rorm old system was abolished, a degree beforehand," said Mr. James. "Stand-
erected providing for that sport. isn dof ced to the strains of Jack Me-! was earned by reciting verbatum the ardization of color, shapesymbol
the eastern colleges, squash is one of Gay's Country Club orchestra at the Delaney By Decision nine great classical Chinese works on legend, and location of the various
the most popular non-intercollegiate annual Lawyer's club formal last - -life and conduct. Today, their system safety signs which are posted along
activities. h e o night in the lounge room of the build- (By Assiated Press is like yours, except that English is the highways has done much to train
The decision to ave a ing. Novel decorations of fountains NEW YORK, Feb. 18.-Jimmy Ma- compulsory in every school. drivers to unconsciously obey the
sts plng of atheic exnsifCor and palms, supplemented by a re- loney of Boston battled through ten "It is interesting to note that when warnings for their own as well as for
t n t t anduced colored lighting system added fIrcely fought rounds to a judge's de- the Chinese cannot understand each the safety of others." He appealed to
e is o l h brightness to the occasion. cision over Jack Delaney before a other (each section has its own I the delegates to leave no step untaken
been "Athletics for all. Both men The orchestra, a Goldkette combi- record throng of 20,000 at Madison spoken language) they conduct their to encourage the safety of the high-
and women have been providedtifotiis nation, was enthusiastically received qurGadntnh. meetings in English."wyshihhybud.
affording opportunities for activities ;meetingsesan te oinad English."rdn ongh, ways which they build.
insortsn other thiis Varity. With by the dancers, and the solo and spe- The margin of the rugged Boston The characters of' written Chinese ! At the morning session which was
in sports other than Varsity sts cialty numbers of "Red" Engels was contender in Tex Rickard's heavy- are based on pictures. Each charac- held at 9:30 o'clock in room 348 of the
building and the new wmins field Refreshments were servedinthe weight elimination tournament was ter represents a word. To read in- West Engineering building, "County
ouseMchingan will ndobtesdly rankresahmdnig wre rvtedin- clean and decisive. His bruising drives telligently one must be acquainted Parks and Roadside Development",
house, Michigan will undoubtedly rank main dining room. The private din- t(ha n oycopeeyboeu with about 15,000 symbols. Because was given by Jay Downer, chief en-
frtiunversity athletic plants. to head and body completely broke up!wtabu1500smo.Beue
first in uni 'ing room served as a lounge and a few D n's attack and the French Can- of this difficulty the Chinese have gineer of the Westchester county park
No definite name has been o it is couples took advantage of the bridge adian, nailing Maloney now and then recently been developing a system of commission at Bronxville, N. Y.
understood to be the minor sports tables provided there. with his heralded iight smash to the ;phonetics.
field house for organized intramural head, could do little more than jar the Mila Will B
sports. f Record Is Shattered Boston giant. ; Honorary Society Mimes ays e
Iniiatsdne e[Given At Later Date
sp_________r___The victory came as a stunning sur- -ntae Ninen tMenteDate
-prise to a capacity crowd which had ____
BRUSSELS.-Evacuation of Ger- (By Associated Press) made Delaney a 13 to 5 favorite. Ith
-man occupied territory by Belgian Portland, Me., Feb. 18-E. M. "Mon- Maloney's fourth stragt win ~- . Tonight's performance of "Anna
+ays the Etoile|+a' w s neDlrtnneyath t115 ianinr niarked y I nht'n perfnorantn ieon g"nh- ia t n '>> oa

--- - - - -- - - - - --t

"The French people, and the Euro-
pean people as a whole, evideiice con-
siderably less prejudice than Amer-
icans," declared Prof. 1-. C. Trotter,
of the University French department,
in a talk delivered last night to the
Negro-Caucasian club. Professor
Trotter's speech, the subject of which
was "Foreign Problems," dealt chief-
ly~ with existing conditions iin France
and her colonies, concerning the racial
problem, and chiefly, of course, the
Negro problem.
Professor Trotter pointed out that,
although the French people regard
Negroes as generally inferior to them-
selves, they do not hesitate to recog-
nize ability, regardless of the race or
color of the person in whom it may
be found. The religious beliefs and
the customs of all Negroes, including
savages, are respected by the French.
In short, the French people regard
Negroes "first of all as men, rather
than members of a race."
In attempting to explain this phe-
nomenon, Prof. Trotter brought out
three main points: the more liberal
doctrines of the Catholic religion as
contrasted to the Protestant; the sense
of logic and justice seemingly peculiar'
to the French; and the fact that the
French are not burdened with a Negro
problem of their own.




All Of 850 Reserved Seats In Field
House Have Been Sold Out; Large
Indiana Delegation Is Coining
Toppled from undisputed leader-
ship in the Western Conference bask-
etball race Tuesday by Purdue, Michi-
gan will face Indiana at 7:30 o'clock
tonight in Yost field house in its sec-
ond crucial game in less than a week.
The Wolverines are determined to
score their second victory of the sea-
son over the Hoosiers and remain in
the top position.. Defeat for either
team means a serious lessening of
titular chances while a win will put
either five in a commanding position.
Although Wisconsin plays Ohio
State, and Purdue will have a severe
test in Iowa tonight, the Indiana-Mich-
igan game holds the center of inter-
est. All of the 850 reserved seats in
Yost field house were sold out more

ISflI[PTP [O Rflflhl'P than a week ago, and hundreds of
other applications have been return-
ed. This is the first time since the
field house was built that the entire
11110 0reserved seat section has been sold
prior to game time. Many of the
seats have gone to Indiana partisans,
Speaks Tomorrow Night On Present and more than 30 seats have been
World Situations And On Monday sold to students at Bloomington, ac-
Afternoon on "Dare We Think" cording to Mr. Tillotson.
Contest Closely Watched
B When the Hoosiers and Wolverines
WILL DEBATE WITH HOBBS met less than a month ago, both were
undefeated and the winner was con-
Final announcement has been made ceded to be top heavy favorite for the
by George H. Likert, '27, president of championship. Since then, Indiana
the Student Christian association, of has dropped a close contest to Chi-
the subjects of Sherwood Eddy's ad- cago as' well as bowing to Michigan,
dresses to be given here. The title o and Mather's five has been reduced to
his speech to be given at eight o'clock a triple tie with Wisconsin and Pur-
tomorrow night in Hill auditorium due. The return contest, therefore, is
will be: "The Challenge of the Pres- being even more closely watched than
ent World Situation." the first. Indiana has lost Winston,
At the second meeting, at 4 o'clock star back guard, by graduation, and
Monday afternoon, Feb. 21, in Natural ( Michigan's reserve strength has been
Science auditorium, Mr. Eddy has considerable cut down by the loss of
chosen for his subject "Dare We Molenda.
Think?" His public appearances will Both Michigan and Indiana are on
be concluded by his debate against edge and should be in top shape for
Prof. William H. Hobbs and Prof. a hard battle. It is expected that the
Thomas I. Reed at 10:30 o'clock, intensive work during the week has
Tuesday morning. The question for taken the kinks out of Coach Mather's
the debate is: "Resolved, that, under men and that the effects of the layoff
existing conditions, the United States during examinations will be entirely)
should maintain the present system of worn off.
national defense."' Indiana Will Be Strong
Two invitation meetings are to be I Coach Everett' Dean will start his
held, the first at 3 o'clock tomorrow strongest combination tonight against
afternoon when lie will conduct an the Wolverines. Captain Krueger and
open forum on the topic, "What Re- Beckner will be the ' forwards, al-
ligion Means to Me." The second is though Beckner has been playing at
also to be an open forum with "What guard part of the time and may be
is Christianity?" for the topic. The shifted to this position. Sibley, at
time and the place for this meeting, center, will give Michigan plenty of
has not yet been announced. Itrouble in getting the tip-off, while
Mr. Eddy will use material from his I Correll has done excellent work all
recent trip with other American writ- season at guard. Since Winston's
ers and speakers who traveled around graduation, he has been working at
Europe last summer studying condi- ,the back guard a large part of the
tions there. He met Premier Baldwin time dividing with Wells, the new
in England, President Hindenburg in member of the combination. How ef-
Germany, Stalin in Russia as well as ! fectively Wells has fitted into the
many other leaders in all countries of ! Hoosier team was indicated in their
Europe. overwhelming defeat of Minnesota
In Russia Mr. Eddy was the first Indiana, however, suffered a lapse and
foreigner to challenge the Soviet lead- i fell before Wabash, 35-33, but is ex-
ers to a debate upon the subject of re- pected to be in top form tonight. The
ligion and the existence of a God. He Indiana defensive has also been
has been a leader in the Chriri.ian changed and the Hoosiers now use
faith for many years having been a the man-to-man play more than the
missionary to India, China, and Japan. five man defensive they employed at
Many of his most recent books may the beginning of the season.
be found on sale at the Student Chris- Although Coach Mather refused to
tian association in Lane hall. He has comment on the game, he said that if
written a large number during his the Wolverines "show the same form
years of service since graduation from they did during the first half of the
college. Purdue game, I know of no team able
,to ,beat them." No changes will be

Police Testify About
1Rioting, Clubbing In
Harvard Mob Fight
(By Associated Press)
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Feb. 18.-
Policemen who battled with several
hundred Harvard students in Harvard
square early last Saturday morningE
gave their versions of the riot in a
district court here today. Their tes-
timony occupied the entire day of the
trial of the 39 students whom they
arrested. At the end of the day the
case was continued until Feb. 25.
The witnesses unfolded a tale of
shouting, pushing, egg and ice throw-
ing and vigorous use of police clubs.
President A. Lawrence Lowell of
Harvard spent the forenoon in the
court rodm, where the only seat he
could find available was among the

made in the Michigan lineup, accord-
ing to Coach Mather, for any altering
of the combination of Captain Cham-
bers, Oosterbaan, McCoy, Petrie and
Harrigan would be folly. The prob-
able lineups follow:
Michigan Pos. Iniana
Chambers (Capt).F..Kreuger (Capt.)
Oosterbaan.......F....... Beckner
McCoy...........C............ Sibley
Petrie...........G.......... Correll
Harrigan ........ G........... Wells
Stability Of Franc
DependsOn Credits
(By Associated Press)
Paris, Feb. 18.-Present quotations
of the French franc cannot be accept-
ed as any criterion as to the figure at
which the franc will be established,
Premier Poincare told the chamber
today, declining to gratify incessant

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