_________________________ THE MICHIGCAN DAILYFRAY E UAY1,I2
19, 19227
Publication in the Bulletin is constr'uctive notice to all membeilrs of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the IPres-i&-.t until
3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. mn. Saturdays). Copy must be typewritten.
VOLUMiE V11 FRIIDAY, FEB 1IW'A HY 1s, 1;;.'"rlI J ~
Delartment,,, College of Literature, Sciicol, ad ir~ e Arts:
Because of the great demand for cla,_ :rooms it is requested that .any
rooms which have been reserved for classes, but which are not bigused,
be reported to my office at once. W. It. Ilursrlu'vY $ .
College of Literature, Sciee, and1( the Arts, Chasnges of 1N'e tions. 81113-
Students desiring to change sectionis in any course should consult the
department concerned. If permission for such changes is securedl from the
instructors and the dlepart orent involved, neither tine Recorder noer the
Classification Committee needa be consulted.
F~lorence Mohr, ltecorder.
Changes of Elections, College of Literature, Selence, anid the Arts:
Unavoidable changes of elections may be imade on Thursday and 'iriday,
February 17 and 18, in the Recorder's o.ce, R'oom 4, University Ilall. A
change of election slip must be obtained first from the Recorder's office,
and returned to that office only after the signature of the instructor whiose
,course is dropped and the signature of the instructor whose course is elected
are secured. Change slips not signed by instructors will not be accepted.
Membership in the class does not cease until the change of election slip
has -been filed in the Recorder's office and official notice sent to the instr'uc-
tors. Verbal arrangements with the instructors are not official changes.
After February 18, changes may be made only by Ipermission of the Ad-
ininistraive Lard and upon the p~aymnt of' a fee of one dlollar.
Floreni c 3olr, Recorder.
Anni Arbor Art Association:
The Exhibition of Lithographs by Joseph Pennell, Lithograph and
Woodblocks by Birger Sandzen, Colored Woodblocks by IErnest W. Watson
and Alan F. Thomas, and Caricatures by James House, Jr., wil be open
through the week, closing on Sunday afternoon, February ,20. Hours:
Daily, 1: 30.5: 00;' Sunday, 2:00-5:00.
Bruce' W. 1oads on, President.
Chiano'es of Electionis-Schiool of Educationi: "
Unavoidable -changes of elections may be made on Thursday and Fri-
day, February 17 and 18, in the office of the Recorder of the School of
Education, Room 105, Tappan Hall, 9-12 A. M. and 2-5 P'.Al.
Membership in a class does not cease nor dloes membership in a class
begin until all changes have been officially registered in the Office of the
Recorder of the School of Education. Arrangements made only with the
!nstructors are not official changes.
Changes in instructors should be reported at this time also,
After February 18, changes in elections may be made in Room 105,
Tappan Hall, only upon payment of a fee of one dollar and only during
the regular office hours.
Gretchien i Xrtg, Recorder.
Education A 202:
The class will not meet on Friday. but will meet on Monday, Feb. 21.
GY. L. Jaicksoni.
Professor L. A. Strauss wil meet all his classes on Friday, FebruaryC
Rhetoric II:
Mr. Proctor's Three o'clock section will meet hereafter in Room 1213
A. H. Instead of in Room 3213 A. I=. S. K. Proctor.
Psycholog'y 140:
Those electing this course should meet Friday at 4, in room P480, N. S.
This week only. C. It. (xifftW.
History, 8-Honor Section :
Section 19 of History 6, open to students who received A in History r,
will me for the first time on Thursday-, Februar 24, VRoomn 10019 Augecl
Hall, 1t0t A. 7l. and thereafter Tuesdys nd hurdays at ten.
Phiys !cs1268, aioefvi :
A nieeting to arranige hours for the above ,corurse will be hld Fridaiy,
February 13th, at 11 A. .1. in 1Room 25I ,'_ a 11,111 Ics fli ID u,.
St Ucleflt 5w~i ng lta t ak es t his (couriii , il ( a ed etIor conisult
me beforehandl. MI. Nittiill.
~Ia leuvm ~ 21 (, eiruITheory acrdl Aiiplic,,Iion of ehchfUdy
JIB."ili' b fr amueetof hours, Frit i , IX ;. VS, at 4l'.., nI com
319 Wes-t lEng-ineering Bldg. .x. A. Sholtat.
Student, .ieistAed for t he First Tame, (iuen and w1ouen)
Yoii are enttitled to a copy, free of cost, of the 1.926-1! 2 i Handbook. It
contains 1715 lages conmpactly bound, vest pocket size. It, i4 OSliC 'iilly -
ful dluriaig the first;wek of reeJiine. (.all fef a con tthwrud'!
Christ ian Association buildig, Lane 1=.{ill. Yizudlrook Ed ibrs.
Junior JEngineprs::
There will be a class meceting Friday, Fciiruary IS, 10:00)( A. M., Rloom
411, WVest Engineering Building... . rier.
Chinese Si udeis' Club:
Any member of the Chinese Students' Clib who has changed his or her
address this sermester please report to me at once.
S. Ri. Yen, Presidlent.
Meet at 5:00 P?. M. today in Watcrraan Gym, Room 21. All those inter-
ested in taking advanced fencing in foils, sworos, or satires ; also all Y=ho
are interested in begIu~n ug fencrig. N. 11. Be1Ii Ihtai.
'Prof.'. IC. C forlla in=7of the romlanlce
!n doa' p. r1 n . recently discov-'
eeI a:r.n7oig the Shel iourn llca pers ini
the .1 illiunm I.. ( einets;ibr2ary an
impoI.1rt tfolt iOof nu7n7.seripts en-}
titled ' : Ifairs in ee,17!;6-67." '
('onmimuicatng h Is find to the cus-
o iriof tihe state archive.; of the
ctyof (Geneva, it,(Vlo,ped that this
! pe r shed an22ilor :::[ light upon a
hithlerto u xploitedl asp~ect of Swiss
h story. iAt the request of the Swiss;
hist orianis, Professor Rovillain has'
edit (~( the mnanuscri pts which are
soon to be published in the "Revue
d'ilistoire Suisse."
In commenting upon Professor Ro-
villain's (discovery, the Swiss histor-
ian M. Paul Martin, of Geneva, wrote'
the William L. Clements library Comn-
plimienting the university of Mich-
igan for the coniblutioni.
mechanical engineering. Those who
are interested please see me at 727'
E. University Ave. between 4-6 P. M.
[today. Yee, IPresideit.
Special Dinners and Parties
Steak and Chicken Dinners
by Arrangement
Rea iningRoom
i t Y'
1236 Washtenaw Ave.
T he College
Fellows All Meet
at the
Wolverione Cafe
Negro-Ca ucasin Clu hb:
All members and visitors are re-
quested to convene in the Board room
of Lane Hall at 8 P. M. Friday, Feb)
18th. Topic for discussion will be I
"Foreign Problems."
Win. Pn i',1res.
T1o All Womn.i
There will be a George Washington
Party given by the Women's League1
in honor of the new wcmen on campus
this afternoon at 4 o'clock in Sarah
Caswell Angell Hall. Come and meet
the new girls on' campus.
E~sthier T 'tile, Chairm1an1.
Senior Literary Students:
Orders for the senior class pro-
grams for Commencement will be
taken at the Union, Monday and Tues-
dlay from one until five. Cash pay-
ments must accompany each order.
P. l1. lPfaffnmanii, Jr.,
C"1311. IprogramIn0(.11.
l nginceriniig Mechanlics :?a :
A one hour course will be given to
supplement E. M. t> in which mo10.eI
time will be spent on, Relative, 11o -
tioi, Critical Speed,I Momen~ta n, and
the Gyroscope. Hours to be arranged
in Room 425 WV. Eng. -on Friday at
415, Feb. 18.
PR T.Liddicoat. l
Cheerful, efficient service brings the
food from our modern, sanitary kitchen
to you.
And they lived happily ever
Special Chicken
Dinners on
329 South Main St.
Across from the Wuerth Theatre
/ ,
.. '. ,:
r i" 1
: j \
-, -'
~Of ~Value
You'll Like the New Michigan Model
It's going big.
You'll ike the COATS-they fit snug at the neck. The fronts
are tailored never to sag or break. The lapels always have
the graceful roll.x
Polonila Literairy Circle :
Polonia Literary Circle will
at 7:30 tonight at Lante Hll.
There are two openings for Ch i1nese
graduate stuvdonts in chemistry and
M ^""*". ^^ . . ....,.,...,o.....,. .. ., ...,... ;
ONCE UPON A TIME there was a man whose
life's ambition was to take unto himself a
pipe. Time and again his heart was set on
some particular pipe-but poor fellow, his
dreams never came true..
Until one day a friend, experienced in
such affairs, gave him a few pointers. He
tooks his friend's advice; he got some
Granger Rough Cut... It worked ! In a few
weeks' time he was solidly wedded to a
wonderful pipe~. . sitting pretty, fLxed forlife!
Indeed, but for Granger many a man
would never know the joy and comfort of
a pipe! Granger is so mild, so mellow, so
cool! Ripe old Burley tobacco, mellowed
Weilman's way. And cut in rough flakes
that burn slow and smoke cool ...
Granger's mission in life is to see that
no man ever experiences a pipe disappoint-
ment.. . Just stick to Granger and your
old pipe'll be a perfect pal-right through
the years. Forever !
may '
the neck.
The TROUSERS are made'
with half top pockets--
very snug at the hips-Ex-
tra long-20 to 22 inch
bottoms-cuffs, 1 Y/ in. Ab-
solutely ,guaranteed fea-
tures. It is just because of
The VTESTS are longer and
made not to stick
out at
these features that
store is the busiest spot in
Ann Arbor.
You will appreciate the exceptional values in the
c r {
You will like our
Wre are Authorized Dealers
for Crona, e ingt 11and~oa
y Large machines, any make, for rent
(good machines).
Spring Suits, $35, $40, $45.
With Two Trousers
Choose your Topcoat now while our selection is complete.
Unusually Fine Values
Others from $25
Exclusive but not expensive.
Our new Spring haberdashevy will satisfy
the most fastidious. compare.
Rl"I'der's Pen Shop
.;I, .
2' Made
for pipes only!
3 1 5 State Street
Z213 East Liberty St.
Opp., Varsity Laundry
I(~Granger Rough Cut is made by the Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company
- I
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