FRIDAY, PEIRUARY 18, 1927 TI-I MICHIGAN DAILY P PIN ILLINQIS FIVE LOOMS,' AS TITLE CONTEND~lOER ADVERTISING A \YANrl~EI LOS~T 1A01'Yt'l N)TIC E Urana T'eam Is Tied With Ioixa For 'third Place In Coniference Standing t7 FO~UR GAMESSATURDAY By its 46-32 victory over Northwes- tern Wednelsday night, Coach Craig Ruby's Illini quintet further compli- I cated the Western Conference basket- ball race and established Illinois on I- even terms with Iowa, the two teams sharing fifth place. t he Illini, with six victories and three losses, hate only three games yet to play and all/ of them with leading teams, two with the' Badgers and the other one with Michigan. With such a schedule, the I~ni must play super basketball to' gain the top rung. However, two of their losses, haves been by one point and several men ineligible the first se- mnester are now with the squad. Iowa, having four of its six remain- ing games with Wisconsin, Purdue, and Michigan, must also travel a rockyi road to any possible championship. Because of their schedules these teams look almost certain to be put out of the fight for Big Ten honors, though both are apt to cause much trouble for the leaders and may suc- ceed in lowering the colors of the Wol- verines, Badgers, and Boilerg~akers. If Wisconsin is to finish at or near the top it must be at the expense of Indiana, as well, as Iowa and Illinois. Because of these schedule complica- tions, Coach Lanibert's Purdue team is placing high hopes on Wisconsin, Purdue, and Iowa eliminating each other and leaving the field clear for them. Indiana, and more particularly Michigan, also have hard games to play which are apt to cripple their chances considerably. Purdue, on the other h and will be faced with Mich- igan and Iowa as theonly hard games remaining. Tomorrow's contests will bring all of the teams in action except Illinois! and Minnesota. A defeat for the Bad- gers by Ohio State would spell their downfall in view of their remaining schedule. Michigan, with a win over Indiana, would be in good position for at leas~t a tie for the championship, especially if Purdue falls before Iowa. Iowa's victory, however, would put Coach Sam Barry's men in a position to threaten the leaders. A win jor Indiana would have the same effect on Hoosier, chances, for Indianai's re- mainimg .ames include two with Ohio and one each with Wisconsin and and one, each with Wisconsin and Northwestern. FOR SALE I WA TED TYPEWRITERS-All makes, sold,! WANTED-Gentleman student «Talit- rented, exchanged, cleaned, repair-1 lug room mate p~lease call at 119 ed. Largest and best stock to be ob-' No. Thayer. Dial1 21815. tained anywhere. 0. D. MORRIL.L, I 97-98-99-100 17 Nickels Arcade. Authorized deal-ji er: Phone 6615, L. C. Smith & Cor-! ENGINEE RINGa student wants rocin1- ona Typewriters. Inc. tf i mate. Has desirable front roomi. W1 (t$3..00 a week. D~ial 9528. 97 _____ -- WANTED-A room-mate. Would pre- WANTED-Club of 20 or more for fer freshman engineer or al'clite(l_ hoard. $6.00 per we,,k, 13 meals. Please call at 711 Monroe;. Phone Rlea Dining Room. 9a-96-97-98 8267. 97-98 A i;- _- \\NY )Toci4 r ,, j1' o 1oix IA)UT-WednesUay ee n ii1L i:11~ V~ri. Taix. Apply Majestic Theater, a silver coinpact o y97 with iitials "I. L."' engraved on ! ;:~ ~ W i]n 1"rat emit y ;it. lFinider pleasecall 70:37 after+ ,, * ~ ~~12: 30. Reward. 97-9 t i ~ v i ~ntce.. ll'.j onles. - - i~a 2i V ~ H)9l~ "999LOST-Pair of horn rimimed glasses. 7i~77~i~ ~ i~ d s ais not in case. Finder please call# g~e~,ird~nr rlunch- 737.97-98-99 P . il h rm olly Little Tea!___-, - > up",22 S. Eo . 95-9G-17' LOST-Chemical Engineering coupon.I AN E iUUK~ ,Dial 4932. 97-98 ;a:d lI.a s fromi 5 dto &': 0forold EL0'ST-Monday, on camp~us, pair of i i i L OST- boothI Iat J-llop). Plaecl56. j NOT'IC I. 100 per cent purne wool, mladle to or- c(etc. $22.50. I.o Ilokunt ). Chick :ing h'Lep. Shier-Ii:st Tailoring Co. Will calIl any timie and d(isplay samu- l).CS.Di It x242. 200 E. Hluron. E CRMtNffL B O J I 116 South Main St. Nil 4Sit ""I t"L' "".sel-imd lsss i bo 122I7.ANNI)Ii. 30t leather case. D~ial 8382. 96-97-98' \V'.\NTI) ;l- l'osioff by a )lored chlef.' LOST-Bunch of keys. J. 1B. WAITE, Fraternity or restaura.. . 1"xler i- phonle 5661 or notify Recorder's ence :111(1 oodt city references.1 office, Law school. 96-97-938 '."AI14 11LOt'K. Dial 7483._ 97 ___ __ XVNE) oaltering and repair' LOST-~Diamtond ring, during Xams. BVik for college mn andl women. Call 7226 after 7:301 p. in. 9ulle or as a to your measure for $37.50? Springs suite. Also room for one, man in styles now really. T. B. LYONS, a suite, Either students or busi- Williams ,at Maynard. --f Mes pe pl . 4 5 . D vi ion , N O T IC E --A P ortable Phon o g ra tln as - - - ___:)7-98-991. low as $15. Three mouths to pa.Z. FOR IZENT-Fi'oit suite. Light, wairm, just the thing for your room. Unti- Plenty of hot water. 529 Walnut versity Music House. tf 95-96-97 -- - -- _- -- - ----!-:NOT ICE-Banjo -lies. I-and painted ROOMS FOR RENT-Front suite for! instruments with U. of MI. colors and I)oyS,, also one single andl one (lou- designs. At our sale price as -low as ble room, near campus, 1333 Wash-' $3.98. You can afford one. We also tenawv Ave. iDal 21980. 95-96-97-981I have some exceptiona.l bargains in _ - used tenor banjos. University Mu- FOR RENT-At 1029 S. University a scHuet desirable single room, one minute ______________-- - walk from campus. Wood League NOTICE---Mouthi organs. Our entire House. Phone 5938. 95-96-97 stock is offered for less than whole- FO RN- O esute2- ouleroms sale cost. A popular pastime very furnished, 2 blocks from camp~us. mushicnoe nw niest Telephone 9240. 720 So. State St. MscHue - - ---95-96-97 NOTICE-Red Seal Victor Record FOR R ENT1--'Tile g a'.age for i rt 1211 sale-three for the price of on1e. Martin 111. Dial 21678. L,2 Music lovers should not overlook 94-95-96-f97-98-99 this wonderful opportunity. Hun- dlreds5 to s~elect from. University FOR RENT-3-roomu furnished apart:- Music I-ouse. tf mneat. Two front rooms or suite. -__________________ Steam heat; also garage. Call 8544. I TYPE WRITING and Mimeograph- 422 E. Washington. 94-95-96-97-98-991 Ing promptly and neatly done - by experienced operators at mod- FOR RENT-Large, light, front suite. I crate rates._ Thesis and college One block from campus, near, work a specialty for 19 years. 0. Thayer. 807 East Washington. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. The _______96-97-98 Typwvriter and , Stationery Store. tf FOR RENT'-1207 'Willard St. Two Hear Fritz Kreigler's new Orthophonic' room furnished light housekeeping Victor Records. Exclusive Victor apartment. Phone 6642. tf' artists. Schaeberle & Son Music" FO ENPGraenji~j h -ouse, 110 So. Main' tf garage near new University Hlos- NOTICE--TIyping, thesis neatly and I S CHICAGO NEW YORK zoi S. LaSalle St. I¢ Wall St. PHILADELPHIA DETROIT CLEVELAND mt South t 5th St. 6oi Griswold St. 925 Euclid Ave. ST. LOUIS BIOSTON MILWAUKEE MINNEAPOLIS 119 t orth4th St. 85 Devonshire St. 425 East Water St. 6o8 Second Ave., S. TRACK MANAGERSRJPS Sophomores who desire to try out forthe assistant track mana- ger should report at Yost field house at 3"o'clock any afternoon. Willis E. Topper, MNgr. i Phone 7:312 Everythiung .lulsicl 1-.- mommmumummomm ________ i i L 11 AT THE DETROIT THEATERS Last :Week Beginninig Monday, Feb. 14 Woodward at I9li ott BOXSTILLE Playhouse Nights 75c-$t.50. Mat., rTues. Thur., Sat. 50c-75c ONE of the clean hits of New York ONE OF THE FAMILY ONE MORE WEEK OF HEARTY LAUGHS GARRICK 1TNIGHT LAST 1WEEK MATS WESA. $00SEATS George S. Wise Crackig Kaufman's Comedy Ihit The BUTTER and EGG .MAN with GREGORY KELLY Br'imnming Over 'with Laughs C (SNOW NIGT~PS of8:1 POP. MAT. WED Still in a Class by Itself STUDENT PRINCE t 811preme DetMuical singinrgDeih .NY lie.l f t. 4 4t heto 1hi Si t. Mat. 75c to $2.20 "- Individualized Smart Furnishings .- ' .. E -wi - ~ y iThemat ,Wild 's M icLab . Coats '' aitlers' Coats Laundry --Cases C overalls ShopCoats Aprons Jiedics, Wild 's have designed a betterw *, tf(F', 4, - _r . , . , r '111111(llil11111Ii11fi11IIIIIIIII:II1111111111111111111IizM lllll IIIIIIH M IlIl l l l IlIlilil llllll~ lll111Ui111f1i VA m al. Phne. 6642. tf FOR RENT-Single room 'in private -home, near buns line. Phone 6623. 96-97-98 FOR RENT-Newly decorated double room, second floor, with or without dlorm.- Light and pleasant. Will rent single. 332 E. Jefferson. Dial 6110 or 3079. 95-96-91j N OTICE Troj iiowski's Barber' Shop has sat-,I isfied Students for 410 years. sun-wed-fri; NOTICE-Swift Drug Store for Sheaf- fer, Conlin, Moore and Wahl pens. I We do fountain pen-repairing. wed-fri-sun DANCING Every Saturday night, Dix- bora. 5 miles out Broadway on new P-lymouth paved road. fri-sat-tf NOTIC:E - Dressmaking, altering,I cleaning and pressing. Ladies and gentlemen's suits, coats and appar- el. 't217 Geddes Ave. . Phone 9352. 96-97-98, quickly typed. at popular prices,' Phone 7345. tf N~OTICE Special Bargains on newv and .used in- struments. SeJpaeberle .& Son Mlu- asic House. tf ANN ARBOR CARPET Cleaninig Works. Rugs Shampooed. Phmone 6513. daily-tf TO SEE best of 50 lines clothing drop . card to 1103 E. Washington. Phone !6365 evenings. $22 to $30. tf jTYPEWRITER RIBBONS AND CARBONS Our rapid turnover Insures a fresh Estock and you secure the best qual- ity at a moderate price. 0. D. M011- RILL, 17 Nickels Arcade. Pbone 6615. Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona Typewriters. Inc. tt EXCELLENT TYPING We can ;give you clean, correct work on short notice. Corrections in spelling and punctuation. All work guaranteed. Rider's Pen Shop, 315 State St. tf h U SHUBERT LAFAYETTE THEATRE - DEIRCIT Last Chance Undecr the booking' contract be- twveeui 'William Fox and the Messrs. Shubert, no0 other en- gagewuents can: be played in lMicligsai this year. And re- member- It's' Going Away IW.,hat Price Decoration 7, Talks. Our 1927 line of wall papers -are being shipped in large quantities. You will appreciate seeing this beautiful assortment of deluxe papers, direct from factories of best designers and finest colorings. Spring will soon be here, when no doubt you will need to re-decorate a number of rooms. Re- member, we can carry in stock only high grade, dependable goods and stand back of every pur- chase you may make. ii 11 11 m 1