ESTABLISHED 1890 LY itr Abp :43 at I ij MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS e VOL. XXXVII. No. 173 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1927 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIV CENTS U TRAKMEN TO ENTER PRELIMINARIES TODAY1 FAORITSf OR TITLE L Y 0 N, DEFENDING CHAMPION, MAY BREAK OWN MARK IN SHOT PUT HAVE WON EIGHT TIMES Wolverines Conceded About 10 Points Over Closest Rivals, Iowa And Illini Teams Favored to win their third consec- utive Big Ten track and field cham- pionship and the fourth within a per- iod of five years, Coach Stephen J.- Farrell's band of 23 Wolverines will compete today in the preliminaries at Camp Randall field in Madison, Wis- consin, apparently only slightly wor- ried over the threat expected from Illinois and hardly considering Iowa and Wisconsin as possibilities. Since the meet inaugural in 1901 Michigan has succeeded in winning the title 10 times, this despite the fact that (uring the 1906-1917 inter- val they were withdpawn from Con- ference competition. Coach Harry Gill's Illini stand, second with eight victories throughout the whole period. In the number of first places wonl again the Wolverines are ranked first with 78, but Chicago and Illinois trail in close order with 75 and 67. A grand total of 778 points rates the In- dians well in the van of Michigan with. 605, however. The proverbial "dope bucket" allows, Capt. Phil Northrop and his mates a margin of at least 10 points over their closest rivals by dusk tomorrow, and Hester, Ketz, Schravesand, Northrop,j Lovette, and Hornberger should aver- age one first place each on the basis of past performances. Illinois presents a great group of middle distance runners and sufficient strength in the weights and jumps to meritdconsideration, while Iowa is ex- pected to garner enough points in the hurdles, relay, shorter sprints and in the field to outscoreWisconsin and McGinnis, indoor champions, by a small margin. ' Just what the favorites will total depends considerably upon how big a gash some of the outsiders and their aces will cut into the scoring column. And before tomorrow Indi- ana, Purdue, Chicago, Ohio, North- western, and Minnesota will be just as much "outsiders" as Grinnell, Ames, Oberlin, Michigan State, and the host of others who were prohibit- ed from competing in the Conference meet when the classic was made a closed affair last year. . Perhaps the only record that is a.t all sure to go by the boards is the mark of 47 feet 1-2 inch set by Lyon, Illinois, last year when he displaced the old mark by Ralph Rose, Michi- gan, of 47 feet 1-4 inch way back in 1904. Lyon has repeatedly pushed the brass ball beyond that distance this1 season and in the Michigan dual meet three weeks ago shoved one out 48 feet 10 7-8 inches. Northrop's great leap last week against Ohio, 24 feet 3-4 inch in the' broad jump, although fully a foot short of Hubbard's Conference mark, makes him the favorite to win that title for Michigan for the eighth time since Carl Johnson accomplished the feat in 1918. Hster should win the dash event again, an event which Michigan'has2not failed to win since Wittman's 1923 triumph., AASSISTANTS A N D TRYOUTS CHOSEN FOR CHEER SQUAD Paul Endriss, '28, Varsity cheer- leader, last night announced the cheerleading squad for next year. It! will be composed of two groups, jun- ior assistants and sophomore tryouts, of which the latter group will meet next fall before the football season' starts. Members will be chosen from the sophomores by last year's leaders who are: William Warrick, '27, Jack Hedrick, '28, Robert Leland, '28, Far- num Buckingham, '28, and Paul En- driss, '28. The junior assistants are: Emmett Brown, '29, Harry Lee, '29, Ralph Topp, '29, and Robert Adams, '29. The sophomore tryouts are: Gost, '30, Todd, '30, Suthers, '30, Correll, '30, and Tuby, '30.1 AN EDITORIAL PLITTLESLindbergh Given Huge One of the matters of tremen- possibilities for trouble.,Left uSn- By Entire Populace dous interest to the student body considered, as well, is that largeATI which is expected to be discussed body of undergraduates wh (By Associated Press)Londo not dependent upon them. drive PARIS, May 26-Glorified by all plane,1 dytheir cars safely, usefully, and Paris today, Capt. Charles Lindbergh nounce Regents at its meeting tonight or with a sense of their own duties UIQUII iIH was hailed by the entire populace of The a month hence is that of restrict- and obligations to others. the capital, the mighty and the lowly, guest ing student operation of motor The only solution remaining is as the greatest hero that has arisen Hough vehicles. The problem is obvious- a partial restriction, similar to TELLS PHI KAPPA PHI HUMAN since Athe war. Never has a private visit, t ly a difficult one, one in which the regulations now in force TREND HAS ALTERED citizen of alien land received such a ceived many factors are involved and though provided with an improved SCHOLARSHIP demonstration of affection and ad- Monda one which has several angles of and centralized means of enforce- miration as the young American av- various approach-none easy nor simple. ment. The present regulations MAN IS MORE ANALYTICAL iator was accorded as he rode through enterta In view of this situation The providing that no freshman or the streets of Paris this afternoon to All L Daily respectfully submits its sophomore, nor upperclassman receive the city's homage. don Ai views of the automobile situation lacking a good scholastic stand Scolarsip AtiityPlaced More On The great masses of people, cheer- bergh with the end that it may aid in ing shall drive a car, and that spe- ing wildly and waving flags, hats and sure a reaching some practical if not cial permission may be granted Better Chance To Improve handkerchiefs by, the tens of thou- Ing co ideal solution of this baffling ifeeed advisable, are fairly sands and tossing flowers in his path, sure b problem, adequate. Better enforcement is "The recent trend in human activity acclaimed the youth from the Middle distingt There are three alternatives: needed. It is suggested that a di- that has altered scholarship greatly West as they have no other individual liners Threaren thr arerna.I neeed.It is sggestnsbed tha a diduring the past few years is the grow- since Woodrow Wilson came to Eu- Lindbe: no regulation of motor car opera- rector or responsible official be tion at all, a comlete d ab appointed to work with or under ng tendency of man to treat all rope with the promise of a better whiler luebnIrsmehlwyma- h uevsono enBr lintings from an analytical stand- world. -eth lutean,or some halfwaymeath-sn Dan rsy point." President Clarence Cook Little Four days already have passed since to on ure similar to the regulations now who would be finally responsible said in an address given at the first the Young American brought his in force. The first alternative for tin enforcemento the car r -of initiation baquet of tte local chapter monoplane down on the soil of France, r s e e si m p r a ce t sc al . W h i t e m a - tnfo rn ym e so n b le ft at o f o f P h i K a p p a P h i, n a tio n a l h o n o ra ry b u t to d a y w a s th e firs t o c c a sio n th e o no aoustdtne senforcementwo l that o the scholastic society which was held at people or France were given to see privilege of operating a moto cr iscrDean Bursoy a officatlad the Michigan Union last night. "Man the young hero pass in formal par- there are those who do and there- DenBrly. An adequate cler- loves to pull out of the indefinite and ade. by jeopardize the rights of others. ical service would be provided ain the definite everything that E lplace i tedeinteertinta Some reasonable restriction seems and student support through a he can lay his mental fingers on," LONDON, May 26-Capt. Charles necessary. On the other hand a coirinittre he eu se to President Little said. "The new ten- Lindbergh is expected to arrive in complete ban would be inadvis- l dency that is working into the philo- Meetin able. Under it students who are cording to the discretion of those sophical machinery of every one today Bet residents of Ann Arbor and who responsible. This is obviously not is pulling farther and farther away \1114 HH III drive for their parents and those an ideal solution of the automo- from this." from nearby towns who drive to bile problem. Two great truths which are of quite the campus daily would be de- ! Regulations more drastic than recent acceptance are responsible for LITTI prived of a means of transporta- these would work hardships on this alteration, he said. The fact ofE tion. Students in the graduate many students, regulations less evolution, though understood in many Meet and professional schools number strict would result in a severe various conceptions, has introduced a held h almost a quarter of the total Uni- handicap being placed on the edu- new line of thought into philosophi- Announcement Made Preceding Lee- spices versity enrollment. Many are old- cational plans and the personnel cal thinking. Secondly the recent dis- ture By Prof. Frederic G. Novy usine er, more mature, often married, of' the University. A year more of coveries in relation to the intricate Of Bacteriology Department and engaged at least partially in partial restrictions may well be workings of heredity have made it un- civil life. These would be depriv- tried in view of the complex na- questionably a science by itself and the sta ed of their cars, often indispen- ture of the problem. While such a have caused new interpretations to beAN cuss p sable, under a complete ban. Or plan has its disadvantageous fea- formed as to the importance of the The se if exceptions were made, these tures it offers itself as a solution individual. This brings the necessity Prof. Albert Hyma, of the history de- The and other cases such as those in i of the problem confronting the that scholarship must be used more partment was given the Henry Russel which cars are used for part time University. As such it is submitted in terms of men and application, than award according to the announcement result work would constitute a consider- to those who determine the pol- formerly. mae by President Clarence Cook faculty ably large percentage of the total icies and administration of the President Little continued by stat- Little preceding the Henry Russel minist University enrollment. This would University. . ing that the power that this change lecture given by Prof. Frederick G. quainte result in a situation with many -THE MICHIGAN DAILY has had over scholastic activity was Novy, of the bacteriology department manage to place it more in terms of human- in Natural Science auditorium yester- at the . ity, on a more human basis. This day. Professor Hyma, who was born that it H IA EIIMIIA Tfl 'Spanish Phonetics has had varying success in its influ- in Groningen, Holland, received his togeth ence on the present day life," he said. A. M. here in 1916 and his Ph. D. in ly face Is Subject Treated It has a poor effect on the attitude 1922. From 1919 to 1921 he studied gems d 'A1Iof the citizen towards his responsi- in Europe. In 1924 he became an in- theory Fiu iTENN S INGLS' By Spanish Teacher, bilities. Schools of business admin- structor in history in the University, Thet I Itration bringing with them a stand- while in 1926 he was made assistant Dean E R en s a n ard code of ethics have been brought professor. Busine Cornell Of Minnesota Defeats Barton espanola" (essential characteristics o about by this change of thought. His- Professor Hyma is a Fellow of the toastm While Shay Eliminates Algyer Spanish phonetics) was the subject tory is shifting from mere chronicle Royal Historical Society of England ings. In Straight Sets u ponhih Poessos) aatro Tasu to a live interpretation of the facts. and the Historisch Genootschapte of world o th Cerodesstuios N rriomas ,IPopular literature that would have Holland. He is the author of "The cludig MOOte CeBro e EtudEsMHiWINS!s been impossible a few years ago flour- Christian Renaissance" and a number BuickI MOORE=BARTON TEAM WINS in Madrid, addressed a large audience ishes with various benefits." of articles bearing on various points ley of yesterday afternoon. Dr. Navarro ahswt aiu eeis"go aiu onsadM yoes spokerdiefly nof. D aracer s 'In concluding, President Little of Dutch and English history. and M (Special to The Daily) Iom s and certain onsoats e-i stated that this era offers a challenge Professor Novy, who delivered the C r e e Michigan's aspirations for Individual of vowels and certa consonants pe~ to scholars and to scholastic, societies Henry Russel lecture, spoke on "Cell were a honors in the western Conference cular to the Spanish language. in the way of carrying out their ideals. Respiration." Professor Novy and ings y tennis tournament floundered here El Centro de Estudios Historicos He pointed out that there was a grim members of the biology department Claren td wh n b t W l ei e e ta m Iw e e D . N v ro Tom as is a pro- i H o n e u h t t e e w s a g i today, when both Wolverine entrants where Dr. Novarro omas ivit side as well as an optimistic one to have recently done much research gatheri were eliminated in the course of fessor is the center of all activities the relationships that will inevitably on this subject. One of the points ulty m !singles play. Barton seeded number: of a of intellectuals ho ai'e be formed by people that there are brought up during the course of the In t two in the singles, met defeat at theh endeavoring to keep Spain abreast hatreds to be made as well as friend- address was that respiration is one Berrid hands of Cornell of Minnesota in the with othe progessive nationsships. of the essential phenomena of life and suranc secound round after defeating Boyles rope. In this field le has accomplish- that all cells, plant or animal, must Blacke of Iowa, in straight sets in the morn- ed remarkable things. He is editor of ANO THER RECORD respire. The chief work of respira- Admin ing round, 6-3, 6-4. Barton seemed un- !the Revista de Filologia Espanola and tion was named as the production of1topics able to cope with Cornell's net game author of "Manual de Pronunciacion FOR W EISSMULLER the energy necessary to carry on thei The c due to the heavy wind which slowed Espanola, an epoch-making book in work of a body. a dinn his chop strokes. The scores were: the field of Snanish philology and lit- I To aid Weissmuller in a swimming A short account of the history of low S. 6-4s 2-6,-5.Shaokfs.iTh sotaswep rature. He has also written several exhibition, th'e Varsity and freshman study along the line of cell t'espira- New I SAy ns other books on the language anlit- swimming teams journeyed to Battle tion was given and then a number of speake singles entry, in straight sets, 6-11 6-3. erature of Spain, and is considered the Creek Wednesday afternoon. The slides were shown to illustrate points greatest living authority on Spanish i Michigan swimmers nut on an exhi- discussed. The amount of oxygen H u sstay dvepountAlgerbaserlin o n-;phonetics. bition before Weissmuller made his consumed and carbon-dioxide given sistently and kept Algyer from his Although this is Dr. Navarro Tomas' attempt at three more new world rec- out were diagrammed. The fact that As favorite position at net. Paired with first visit to the United States he is ords. The records he tried to break too much oxygen is as injurious as Moore,anr thretu edati idefeate well known by hundreds of American were the 250 and 300 yard free style too little was demonstrated. Profes- 0v hgames and thercobinaiNorthwestern teachers of Spanish who have come and the 300 meters free style. He fell sor Novy pointed out that carbon- di- Phillips and Sherrill of Nortschoo under his instruction while studying short in the first two but in the 300 oxide was not entirely a waste prod- to2 o eo lstam oplacdhecolin Spain. meters, he knocked 3 and 4-5 seconds uct but that it was used as a food 6-2 6-2.doThes limgpflactheofte omrmakvoeinch-utbtthti asue s od NEW tors in the semi-finals where they off the former mark, lowering the substance by the cells. meet Hermesm d CLA FAYETTE-Fifty-seven students standard in this event from 3 minutes Slides were also shown of the forms dredsr m m have taken over a non-sectarian 37 seconds to 3 minutes 33 and 1-5 of apparatus used in the research Pointe church. seconds. 'work. tonight Clarke Gives Lecture- ---Crae On Indicators Under Worrell Says Lawrence Gives A Valuable Gift To Arabian rents bankmi Auspicesof Chemists Literature Of Travel In His Book 'Revolt In The Desert' forpr A pFail Demonstration )f French Capitol Sunday afternoon in his own landing at Croyden, it was an- d today. American aviator will be the of Ambassador Allanson B. ton during his four or five day o England and will be be re- by King George probably on y. The British Aero club and American organizations will in him. ondon is expected to the Croy- irdrome to see Captain Lind- arrive. A large public enclo- ccommodating thousands is be- nstructed, the present enclo- eing reserved for officials and wished visitors. An escort of air I is preparing to accompany rg from Brussels to Croyden numbers of private planes to m near the course and to fly' ion with them. ~UTIVESC CONVINE ; Held To Form Better Contacts wee Faculty And Business Executives Of Michgan LE ADDRESSES GROUP ing in an invitation conference ere yesterday under the au- of the School of Business of ss Administration, personal of- and executives of companies in te of Michigan convened to dis- robems of common interest. ssions were held at the Union. conference was called as the of the desire of members of the of the School of Business Ad- 'ation to become personally ac- ed with leaders in the field of ement in this state. The men head of the conference felt would be desirable to come r with men who are constant- to face with the actual prob- iscussed here as far as actual was concerned. day's sessions were opened by ldmund E. Day of the School of ss Administration who acted as aster for the morning meet- Men prominent in the business in the state of Michigan, in- Mr. Forrest W. Boswell of the Motor company, Mr. H. J. Kel- the American Seating company, r. W. A. Doody of the Battle k Manufacturer's association mong the speakers at the meet- 'esterday morning. President ce Cook Little addressed a noon! ing of the executives and fac- en. he afternoon, Mr. William A ge of the Metropolitan Life In- e company and Professor O. W. tt of the School of Business istration led discussions on of interest to the assembly. onference was concluded with er last night at which Mr. Har- Person of the Taylor Society, York City was the principal r. ndreds Marooned Torrents Sweep er Pointe Coupee (By Associated Press)1 V ORLEANS, May 26. - Hun- of persons in the upper pit of Coupee parish were marooned t by backwaters from the Mc- crevasse on the east bank of ssissippi river as sweeping tor- streamed over a railroad em- ent on which they had relied otection. ure to heed flood warnings had ENGLAND BREAKS OFF RUSSIAN .DIPLOMATICo AND TRADE RELATIONS MEASURE APPROVED BY HOUSE OF COMMONS FOLLOWING EXCITING DISCUSSION LABORITES ARE DEFEATED Austin Chamberlain Asserts Ministers Would Have Resigned If Measure Had Been Defeated (By Associated Press) LONDON, May 26.--The govern- ment's decision to break off diplomatic and trade relations with Russia was approved by the House of Commons tonight after an exciting debate, when the House by a vote of 357 to 111 adopted a motion to this effect moved by Gervais Rentoul, Conservative. His motion was in the, following terms: "This House, while appreciating the long forebearance of his Majesty's government and their many efforts to maintain friendly diplomatic relations with the Soviet republic in the face of acute provocations, applauds their decision to withdraw diplomatic priv- ileges which have been so gravely abused, while at the same time put- ting no obstacle in the way of legitimate trading relations with Rus- sia. This outcome was already made certain early in the debate, when Sir Austen Chamberlain, foreign secre- tary, announced the government's de- cision to treat the labor motion, call- ing the ministerial policy in question and demanding an inquiry by a select committee into all the circumstances before such a grave decision was tak- en; as a vote of censure. Further, the foreign secretary intimated that unless the ministers obtained a vote of confidence in their policy toward 'Russia, it would be their duty to re- 'sign and appeal to the country for a verdict. J. R. Clynes, putting the Labor case before the House, contended that Rus- sia should not be condemned unheard and that the policy the government was pursuing would deprive Great Britain of valuable trade, but would not abate Russian propaganda. On the contrary he said, it would be a first-class advertisement for Commun- 'ism. The Labor resolution was defeated after a long discussion by a vote of 367 to 118. Much play was made by the speak- ers on the both sides on t e alleged 10,000,000 pounds credit which was cancelled owing to the Arcos raid. Sir Austen Chamberlain brushed this aside, declaring that a year ago M. Rakozfky, former Soviet charge at London, came to him with talk of evn many more millions of orders. "The govepnment," the foreign minister declared, "has striven to the utmost to maintain good relations with Russia, until they became a hollow sham, and have forced its forebear- ance to a point where its further pursuit would be mere weakness." Asserting that the government was content to rest its case upon the do- uments already disclosed, the secre- tary said that nevertheless the gov- ernment had a mass of further infor- mation in its possession. As an exam- ple of this he went on: "The House may have heard that the other day there was a demonstration in front of the British embassy at I Washington. That should be connect- ed with instructions received from Russia that there should be demon- strations of anti-British feeling in front of the British embassies and legations. He gave many similar incidents of alleged Soviet action to foment anti- foreign trouble in China, adding that lie could lay the documents involved before Parliament. Recalling that many grave warnings had been given the Soviet government not only by the present Brtish government but by the preceding Labor government that continuance of anti-British pro- paganda must sooner or later render abrogation of the British trade agree- Imeat, the foreign secretary said: "In the face of all these warnings the Soviet government and their agents went on with the activities of which we had complained." SPEAKERS HOLD ANNUAL BANQUET W. Mansfield Clark, director of the! hygenic laboratory, United States Public Health service, lectured on "Oxidation-Reduction Potential In- dicators" last night in the Chemistry amphitheatre. The lecture was given , ho nira of the American! By P (Editor's has visited recent book, ert" several archaeologic consented tc under t e auspices o w int uu tv,,LL L Chemical society. pressions of Dr. Clark stated that the most beau- point of on tiful method of determining the free which he d energy changes in certain phases of ticle.) 'rof. W. H. Worrell training and work. So, he succumbs Note: Professor WorrellI rather easily to the spell of the Des-1 the site of Lawrence's ert: For instance, his description of "The Revolt in the Des- the eloquence of Storrs, "a delight times as a member of to listen to in the mere matter ' of al expeditions. He has Arabic speech," before which the o give The Daily his im- I Sherif of Mecca succumbed, (at the the story from the stand- other end of a bad Arabian telephone, e familiar with the site, line) is unconvincing to anyone who' oes in the following ar- knew Storrs, the handsome weak 1governor of Jerusalem in 1919-20.1 Lawrence's own command of Arabic tracts romantic adventur- as implied in his account, must havel akes romantic the scien- been comparable only to that of Bur- vho visit it. 1 ton (as implied in Burton's account). r. E. Lawrence's "Revolt, The great Julius Euting of Strass- rt" is a welcome addition 1 burg used to tell, and encourage the rature of Arabian travel i telling of, tales in which he figured re. It is enjoying the ben- as the perfect Arab. But Euting, great opular interest which has as hle was in everything, spoke Arabic :1. ..-; - -_ h f -- , .1 n t 11 t n. l vcio c 1ih n Ikept the residents in the district un- three of these? til the backwaters became threatening. Another explanation is that Law- Hundreds of persons were brought rence, passionately partizan to the out today on the last train operated Arabs, sick unto death of the indirec- by the Texas and Pacific railroad but tion of diplomacy and what he thought it left other hundreds, unable to was the mediocrity of the military leave except by boat. With deep wa-1 mind, had to say what he did not ( ter poured over the railroad embank- date say? Is this why this abridged ment a half mile north of Morganza version was prepared by others? It is as the train left. a great pity that we cannot have the The McCrae crevasse is approxi- objectionable materials for the light I mately 130 miles northwest of New they would throw upon events in Pal- Orleans anal on the opposite side of estine and Syria from 1919 onward. the Mississippi river. When the cashing-in came it was dis- The rapid spread of the flood covered th'at Britain had made irre- brought consternation to many who concilable engagements with the had remained in the threatened area, French, the Arabs and the Zionists. confident that their homes would not The British in Palestine, ruling in a be flooded as the steady stream of complete political vacuum, were refugees poured from Pointe Coupee strongly Arab in their sympathies, ;parish into concentration camps at 1 1 the oxidation-reduction potential was I A.I.E.E. HOLDS ELECTIONS by means of the electric cell. He is Arabia at attempting to find a series of indica- ers, and ma _tors which will change color accord- tIfi e Elections of the student branch of tr hc ilcag oo cod I tific men w~ tme American Institute of Electrical ing to the oxidizing or reducing power Colonel T EgnerIheld yesterday afternoon in of a solution just as he found a series j in the Dese the Wet Engineering building result- of indicators which change color ac-}Ito the lite ed as follows: President, Lawrence I cording to the degree of acidity of a and adventu Van Tivl: Vice-President, Lw.r solution. The latter series of indica-Iefit of a p Ivsolution. The-ltter seriesWofJ. .I , t sI , Adelphi House of Representatives