PAGE SEVN fPT4TT'RRD.A V VA V 9.9 149.7 TH-F.' MICIGCAN DAIL Y a ii t; W iV1AY Gbr l:)df - A. a xw_, ivix i. 11V<'Z.i! as.raau a * Chica o. ...... 300 30 3 305-.1 fit. Louis ...... 211 000 301- Chicago ...000 010 000- 'St. Louis .....000 000 000- :Detroit .........011 100 300- Cleveland.......020 024 l0x- '1 -Notionail eag(,ue I R. . I. St. Louis ........012 050 00--8 108 Chiag........000 210 101-- 10 1 IN G IQ N", I FlETT IA K L ('ooplr of Michigsanl, MCGinnis of W1i'~(onisin, and Irvin of Ohio look the best ini the highs. The . amie fied in the losswivth McGinnis out will fight for the pointis. I D)ITRtOIT, Mlay 2----IAl at rPu . THIS COLUJMN{ CLOSES AT 3 P.M. CADVERTISING THIS COLUMNA I&CLo"ES AT 3 P ft. I XCii5.... .(01 0(}2 01-4<)1 9 .,"?t l l ~&uof' " ioa N wIiihe cl- Clhih ago.........022 000 04x-8 138G' igil efr heNiolU xnIn - mtent thi i> a ul,_ a 1]ri reiiI- port from 1 nI d i tes (I ul V " It. H. EC. l'ittsbulrglh.......000 200) 000-2 F; 0 .~a o eled. .\u oshd~I( L4 12 0 Cinnti.......000%,000 000 -0 G 1 vionsly leen ic .ar'Eu ineligi!I(Ic be- 811 1 - cause of isy failure to()horn iniiaiiiscor IHomoi Runs ,ini the Nationial Open last yearmat -1 3 0; American L-a-ue: Blankenship,: Columbus. -0 54 Chic-ago; Millar and Williams, St.! The C rand Rapids starI 1is idble to Louis. complete inl the seeR iolal trials;fol. i le! --6 11 1 National Lea-ue: flottomley and; national tourney whi li will be helt! oni -9 10 ? Dell, /R. Louis; Webb, Chicago. June G at Loc hiore, Detrioit. with ~~itlih hfl ticeC iftr two Burg and McGinnis are the only yc-,rx vcatilon. T':- looaks aau of! safe bets in the high jump, and North- just about 41:!0O is Illinjzis has Alt;- western has a. good man in Rettig, : iwCC 0 (1W. .1Cfor Qh~dand t ir(I but Michigan is not even entered with' places , wand y.. t ~ichz o'the LNeld Waldo at home. Ixill vi 'lie ethe'r pl cs 1is( xtl leI- - 1y doubit fhl. MNIroe's pr~ic ice yest, r- Selrav-esand looks great in the day makes it seem t hat Coach Farrell discuus along with Lovette forI is going to entecr h umn in the ha f. I Michigan. Rasmnus, Ohio; Tau, er.- -- - I ~ratic Iowanu with 153 feet to lhis In Pie -ud les. ('11114I a1 dAlli- ced~ iit; and Lew isNorthuwest i ft I I If you are a telephone subscriber call Jimmie ! NOTICE the Ad-Taker, Dial 21214, and your want ad will be charged. NOTICE-Some time The Michigan Daily reserves the right to 10adFb 1alr classify all wants ads under appropriate head 1 n eb a' ings and to revise or withhold objectionable gold, closed-case wal copy. nois works was rel I This column closes at 3 P. M. date preced- tor nlb itk ing publication. Notice of any error must be cbt and l ythe wrong e given in time for the second insertion. persoin whohas souch CASH RATES Ilesnwohssc Teni cents per reading line 6on the basis of call and receivte theil five average words to the line) for one or twot Arnold & Co., J1 insertions. 220 Mainw Nine cents per reading line for three or more.4 insertions. iCash classifieds received at the Daily offieIIaOATN -attn f The Press Building on Maynard Street.,IC R TN ~iii CONTRACT RATES ing 35c single roll Special standardized rates given on applica- scientious. Call C. don. I nhne 590. ti729 Rflvi i S~oo li'I( I l lv, if')Yc I'of I1flok1 als50o otshnid~ling. between Dec. kge Size, ladies Itch, with Illi- 'pairedt inl Our ethe customer ,V- tch. Will t-he a. watch please r own? Jewelers 5t. 172-1T3-174 gpaper-hang- andc up. Con- WV. Holmes, )k:S. to-th-sat LOST f 4.f111/F1C OULV, !, .J ).:51110 I i LOFT-Gareen slicker on campus, Mon- day. Call J. C. O'Donnell, 8035. 172-173-174 LOST-AlIphm Ga in ma Delta sorority1 'piin. IFinder please gall 8817. 172-173~ 'LOST-A black and white purse1 Inear Huiron street. Call 5733. 170-171-1.72 LOST-A greenl gold Wal fountain pen, Friday morning on campus. Call J. E. Wendel, 3193. Reward. ILOST-Friday, April 22," silver van- ity case on a chain, with two black jenameled figures on front. Reward. 78171 FOULTND FOUND-Pocket-book. Ask in Grad. reading room 1. I ilrary. 170-171 FOR RENT FOR RENT-1523 South University. A front suite in private family. Dial 22288. 170-171-172 FOR RJWNT-Washtenaw Apts. Fur- nished apartment from June, fore summer. Dial 22219. 17 1-172 FOR RENT-Near campus. Six rooms. Completely furnished. June 1 to September 15. Phone 21097. wed-th-fri FOR RENT-Five room apartment, with fireplace and modern improve- nments. For information call 5217. 170-171 FOR RENT-All or part of eight-, room house for summer. South-I east and, near caftmpus. Phone 2-1553. N * 170-171 FIOR RENT-Two room furnished apartment at 324 E. Jefferson. After 6 P. NI.E. dial 3549. 170-171-172-173-174-175 FOR ISALE All makes of typewriters for sale or rent. Excellent mchines at rea- sonable prices, for rent. Prompt repair'. g by experienced workmen. Courtous service. Aulta Brand Ribbons and Carbons., Rider's Pen Shop, 315 State Street. sun-tues-thurs-tf Students? Save Money! 25%f off on used typewriters. Phone Lanais 3489. tui-di-sat FOR convenience, speed and satisfac- tion, visit Trojnowsl R Barber Shop. tues-thur-sat HEAlLTH Begins when, you phone 8428. C. M. Gibson, Chiropractor, 3.5 sWuevth Arcade. tries-thurs-sat-tf NOTCE--Stoddard Hair Shop. Try one of our permanent waves, which give a depth and softness to the hair. 707 N. Ulniversiity. tues-thurs-sat NOTICE-Hats. cleaned and blocked. JAll kinds of shoes cleaned, dyed and repaired. Satisfactio n guaranteed. ANN ARBOR SITUP, 625 F. Liberty. e-Tn es.-Thurs.-Sat. PAPERHANGING -35c single roll and uip. Painting also. C. W. Holmes, 418 N. State. Dial 3784 after 4 . tu-th-sit Used Victor Portable phonograph, as good as new. $20. Easy terms. University Music House. tf NOTICE SENIORS!!?1 JUJNIORIS 1!2 $6,00 A YEAR?!? An old established Detroit, firm needs a few college men. We teach you our business and see to it that you are firmly entrenched in the most lucrative profession known. Write us all about yourself and we will ar- range for interview: APPLICANTS SELECTED CAN 'MAKE FROM $15 TO $20 A DAY TO START Write John H. Walsh & Sons, At- tention A. J. Hart, Sales Director, 1606 1st National Bank Building, De- troit, Michigan. I FO1I, SALE-1927 Dodge Sport road- ster, five -bearing crankshaft motor. Rumble seat. Looks like new. 1921 Dodge tourig, A-i condition. Will sell cheap. Don't pay railroad fare. Drive this home. R. H. ALBER 514 W. Washington Phone 3115 tf FOR SALE -Most desirable large rooming house, furnished or unfur- nished. Best location. Easy terms. May rent. Dial 7733 (or 4454 evenings). FOR SALE-1921 Ford Trouring. $40. Call 3283. tf FOR SALE-Chevrolet 1923 touring. $40.00. Phone 9023 any afternoon or evening and ask for McKee or Gow. FOR SALE-Ford roadster 1924; five tires, starter, demountable, good condition. 1617 Washtenaw. Phone 9117. Boyer or Farquhar. PATED WANTED-Position as cook in frater- nity next fall. Phone to '7809. 172 WANTED-Maid for general house- work, part or whole time. Tele- phone 2-1502. 172-173-174 WANTED-Students who like good lo ABES ver 'between 9:30t and 11:30 P. M. tBARBECUE INN, Dial 4481. c-Tues.-Thurm.-Sat. WANTED-College women with ex- perience to operate and manage high class summer inn and tea room on finest resort lake in north- ern Michigan, June 27 to Sept. 1. Address Box 184, %Michigan Daily. 161,163,164,166,169,1'70,172,1.75 WANTED -Student solicitors. Re- munerative work in Ann Arbor. Some sales experience desirable. Telephone University 97=M. NOTICE-For typing, of all kin"~ quickly and neatly done at popular~ prices phone 7345. 162-'63-64-65-66-67-68-69-70-31-72-73 Style 6-Semi-portable Victrola, in- cluding six records, for $24.50. Frine for cottage or canoe. Univer- sity Music House. if NOTICE-Do not leave Michigan until kyou have preserved your dlomia by' the famous. drum~-head mou~nt process. Let's talk it over. J.1B. Saunders, exceptional framning. 306 South State St. tu-th-sun ANN ARBOR CARPET Cleanlig Works. Rugs Shampooed. Phone 6513. daily-tI TO SED best of 50; lines clothing drop card to 1103 E., Washington. Phone 6365 evenings. $22 to $30, NOTICE-The new Royal Portables are now on display at Rider's Pen Shop, 315 State St. A wonderful machine. You will be interested. Call and see them. NOTICE -The new Victor Ortho- phonic Portable rmchines are here. Come in and hear them. Schae- berle & 'Son Music House. 'tf RENTALS WHY NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OFR RGNZD ETA DE PARTMENT WHEN SEEKING A IHOME FOR THE FUTURE? Some of our offerings include: 1. Six rooms in Cutting Apts. Heat'd w t r Fu ns e . P s sio Sept. 1. $110 per month. 2. Ten rooms on Wilmot. Posses- sion at once. $100 per m~onth. 3. Furnished house on Cambridge Road. Possession June 15, price $105 per month. 4. Suburban five room house. Semi- modern. Possession at -once. Price $25 per month. 5. Six room apartment on Mc- Kinley. Heat and water furnished. Available now. Price $70 per month. 6. 303 N. Eighth St. Six room house. Available Sept.. 1. Rent $45 -per month. 7. 835 Tappan Ct. Seven roo n louse with or without garage. Posses- sion now. Price $90 per month. 8. Near Campus. A-1 rooming house that accommodates from 35 to 40. persons. Possession. this fall. Rental $2500 per year.- Let us take the responsibility_ of finding your home. Call Mr. F. B. Ensmtinger with CHIARLES L. BROOKS, Real Estate Exchange, Realtors. Dial 22571 Eve 38'30 WANTED STUDENTS to know that Sam pays from $5 to $25 for old nil