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May 26, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-26

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THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1927

Published every morning except Mondayt
luring the Universi year by the Board in
Contrel of Student Publications.
Members of Westera Confereace Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or ftot otherwise1
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.t
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,1
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate1
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-j
master General.
Subscription by. carrier, $3.75; by mail,1
4-Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
stard Street.1
Phons: .4itorial, 4925; Business2 1214.
Telephone 4925
editor...............W. Calvin Patterson
City Eio.. ......... Irwin A. Oliam
NewsrEditors........... Frederick Shillito
E Philip C. Brooks
Women's 'Editor............Marion Kubik7
Sports Editor...........Wilton A. Simpson
Telegraph Editor...........Morris Zwer ling
Music and Drama......Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Xlght Editors
Charles Behymet Ellis Merry
Carlton Champe Stanford N. Phelps
o Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith
mes Herald Cassam A. Wilson
Asstant: City Editors
Carl BurgerCHenry Thurnav
Joseph Brunswick
Marion Anderson Milton Kirshbaum
Margaret Arthur Paul Kern
)ean Campbell Sally Knox
Jessie Chure: Richard Kurvink.
Chester E. Clark G. Thomas McKean
Edward C. Cummings KennethtPatrick
.Margaret Clarke Mary Ptolemy
Blanchard W. Cleland Morris Quinn
Clarence Edelson James Sheehan
William Emery Sylvia Stone
Robert E. Finch Mary Louise Taylor
j Martin Frissel Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Robert Gessnek William Thurnau
Margaret Gross Marian Welles
Elaine Gruber Thaddeus Wasielewski
Coleman j Glencer Sherwood Winslow
Harvey JGunderson Herbert E. Vedder
Stewart ooker Milford Vanik
Morton B. Icove
Telephone 21214 -
Contracts.................William C. Pusch
Copywriting ........Thomas E. Sunderland
Local Advertising ....George H. Annable, Jr.
Foreign Advertising ......Laurence Van Tuyl
Circulation ..............T. Kenneth Haven
Publication..............John H. Bobrink
Accounts...............Francis A. Norquist

George B. Ahn
W. H. Allman
F. Y. Babcock
Freda Bolotin
Esther A. Booze.
G. S. Bradley
J. 0. Brown
uliette open
Florence Cooper
C. K. Correll
B V. Egelang
B. Fishman
Alice L Pouch
L. H. Goodman
Beatrice Greenberg
C. W. Hammer
A. M. Hinkley
'M. R. Hubbard
E. L. Hulse
H. A. Jaehn._,,

Selma Jensen
fames Jordan
arion Kerr
T. N. Lennington
Elizabeth Macauley
W. A. Mahaffy
R. A,.Meyer
R. L. Miller
G. W. Perrett
R. W. Preston
M, L. Reading
3. E. Robertson
John Russinkle,
A. K.. Scherer
W. L. Schloss
Nance Solomon
Harvey Talcott
Fred Toepel
G. T. Tremble
Harold Utley
Herbert Varnutn
Ray Wachter

but expert planning and recommenda-
tion to improve the economic and in-
dustrial situation as much as possi-
ble, but a shadow blotted out the
diplomatic sunshine for a time when
suggestions for a rearrangement of
the debt situation were made-ob-
viously for the express benefit of the
United States. The cloud drifted away
on the breeze of public disapproval.2
Kind words and thoughts flowed whenI
the Soviet delegates made what wasz
for them a sane and noiseless dem-
onstration of their desire to come
half way, or even the whole, in order
that Russia might have credit and
railroads. Then at the last minute,1
the surface was ruffled by the force-
ful activity of British agents in a
raid upon Soviet offices in London,
and the result was a regression to the
customary Soviet policy of boosting
communism, and the request that it
work hand in hand with the rest of
the world. The outcome was an idi-
Vtic and impossible compromise. 1
Now the Colombian representative
has made the statement to those as-
sembled that his country does not
care for the methods used by the
United State in assisting the develop-
ment of the Colombian resources, and
he has added that the rest of Europe
would be welcome to try its hand.
Perhaps the delegate and his country
have forgotten the European aggres-
sions which at one time called forth
the Monroe doctrine. Even so he con-
tributed little to the ultimate success
of the conference by dragging inany
continental dispute that might have
been bothering him. It seemed like
poor policy on the part of the partic-
ipants at Geneva to jeopardize the
prospects of that and other affairs of
its kind by using an industrial and
economic caucus as a ground for di-
plomatic rock-casting. It would have
been better to allow the experts to
pursue their courses . untrammeled
and reserve the floor for justifiable de-
Next month a naval conference of
the great powers will be held at Ge-
neva. Japan, England, and the Unit-
ed States will confer there, ostensi-
bly with some design of lowering the
armaments of the world and thereby
saving some of the tremendous cost of
war preparation.
One would expect that the nations
represented at a meet of this kind
would display nothing but the most
broad-minded of attitudes, and at the
Washington conference, a similar
meet held-four years ago, one of the
really monumental achievements of
all times was made. Sometimes, how-
ever, certain actions and expressions
would seem to belie this attitude of
cooperation, and the present intima-
tions of Japan are the most note-
worthy examples of this type of ac-
In the face of the fact that the
universal tendencytof the worldtis
toward disarmament and limitation,
Japan is going to propose, she says, to
raise her ratio above the 5-5-3 basis
agreed upon at Washington. Disarm-
ament is all right for other nations,
in the opinion of the astute oriental
emissaries, but Japan must sustain
the pinnacle of preparedness.
Among the other modest proposals
that are to be made by the Japanese
are the de-militarization of the Philip-
pines, the neutralization of the Pan-
ama Canal zone, and the maintenance
of the status quo in Hawaii. The
men from Tokio are not the least bit
bashful about suggesting concessions

by other nations, and it would be in-
teresting to note the reaction that;
they would make to a proposal to de-
militarize Korea or neutralize Port
This is not the limit of the temer-
ity of the Japanese, even, for they
also have a suggestion for England.
They ask that the plans for the Sing-
apore naval base be abandoned imme-
The next step will probably be a
proposal to transfer the United States
department of state and the British
foreign office to Tokio, where the dip-
lomats who seek to guide the destinies
of all mankind could have a closer
check and more definite control over
their actions. The attitude of Japan
is extremely narrow, to say the least,
for a nation entering what is presum-
ably a progressive meet with the
world's great powers; and a sign of
cooperative good intention on the part
of the Japanese would be the most en-
couraging thing that could befall the
conference at Geneva.
Colonel Caroi A. Thompson, who
knows and understands the Philippine,
situation better than anyone else just
now, logically summed up the argu-1
ments against independence in those!
islands while speaking last week in

TO~sE, LL'
Old and new members of the Stu-
dent Council met together last night,
and the new members were formally
initiated into their new duties. School
may close any time, now.
It seems a shame that the new
members are forced to listen to the
parting words and advice of the de-
parting. They ought to be given a
chance to make the badly-needed
fresh start.
* * ,
There was a time, it is said, when
the Student Council was an important
organization in student affairs. Per-
haps, according to Dean Cooley,
they're just getting old.
* * *
A revival may be expected when
the members are affected by con-
* * *
The congratulations of Rolls are
extended to the new members. Our
only hope is that they will do better
than the last bunch.
At least we'll do all we can, in our
own way of course, to help them.
* * *
Photograph of an active member of
the Student Council. (Nott: Taken
several years ago.)
They didn't have a Lantern Night
after all. The rain was a little too
heavy, and they were afraid it would
put out the lanterns so they called
the event off for a few days. Better
luck next time!
Tradition has been receiving some
mighty tough breaks this year.
* * *
When we read the story of the
football ticket allotments we thought
perhaps they had changed their mind
about building a new stadium.
* * *
To make sure there wasn't a mis-
take we called up Harry Tillotson to
find how many extra tickets would be
allowed for the Ohio State game.
When he said, "Just one," we could
hear him smile right over the tele-
So far as the students are concern-
ed, they might just as well be holding
the games at Ferry field next year.
And maybe President Little's home
and home plan wasn't so bad after all.
* * *
But it's too early to start grieving
now. By the time Harry gets through
turning down applications we may be
lucky to even get our student tickets.
* * *
ANYWAY, we had a good laugh
at one particular alumnus who used
to usurp our seats last fall. He
came to Ann -Arbor last Friday to
see CapNight.
* * *
Mayor Ed Staebler of Ann Arbor
left for Ostend, Belgium, last night

as a delegate to a Rotary club con-
We hope the mayor manages to
visit Paris and get some impressions
of student life there. If the stories
we hear are true, he wouldn't be so
harsh on the boys and girls back
home when he returns.
A few more outbursts from these
music and drama experts and we'll
consider resigning this job. We have
to expect a certain amount of slush
on one side, but when it starts roll-
ing in from all directions it's almost
unbearable. Something ought to be
done about it!
* *f
WE SUSPECT that the music and
drama editor has been publishing
some of those objectionable reviews
just to prove that somebody does
read his column.
One of the Detroit reporters almost
made another break yesterday. He.
thought Lantern Night was going to
be held last night and had his story
all written up-in advance of course-
as all good Detroit reporters do. And
it was a good story, too.
i * 5 "

Mu A

With the waning of the 1egitimate
drama in New York, the thumping of
revues and musical comedies throbs
louder and louder through the barren
spring evenings. Some of them have
been current since the beginning of
the year-notably "Oh, Kay!", "Queen
High" (held over from last season)
and the "Scandals," although the lat-
ter show will leave in approximately
three weeks. "Rio Rita," the last
Ziegfeld production, will probably
last through the summer, and "A
Night in Spain," the new Shubert
show, seems settled for a run; Gene
Buck, having refused to submit "Yours
Truly" (the show he opened in Detroit
early in the year) to the price slash-
ing of Mr. LeBlang, has taken it into
the provinces.
Other than this a dozen new titles
appear: "Merry-Go-Round" (which
will be produced by Richard Herndon,
who also did "Americana"); "Pad-
locks of 1927" (the Texas Guinan
revue); "East Side, West Side" (in
which Eddie Dowling hopes to repeat
the success of "Honeymoon Lane");
"Talk About Girls!" and a dozen
others. At the same time Mr. Zieg-
feld's "Follies" will open in Atlantic
City in August, and Mr. White's "Man-
hattan Maru" will try the mettle of
pre-season theatre-goers a little lat-
er. Perhaps the farthest cry from
slapsticks and mammy songs is a new
burst of Gilbert and Sullivan revivals.
"Ruddigore" with Craig Campbell,
Violet Carlson and William Danforth
will open at the Cosmopolitan tomor-
row night, and "Patience" with James
Watts and Vivian Hart was presented
at the Theatre Masque earlier in the
* , , ,*
Locilly such activity as there is
seems directed along the same line.
The opera choruses are daily splitting
and hoofing in and about Mimes the-
atre in tentative and limb-torturing
routies. The direction this year is by
students; Roy Hoyer, who usually
sets the routines in the spring will
not arrive in Ann Arbor until the
fall, since The Stones are still play-
ing to good business in Boston and
won't close for sone time.
The general nature of the produc-
tion is usually prophecied rather
early, and predictions might be made
even now. It will be musical comedy
of the intimate type-a type which has
been approximated in the past and it
is hoped will be realized next year.
The comedians will be featured, and
even the supposedly serious roles will
be burlesqued in ruthless fashion.
The laughs will be plugged within an
inch of their lives, and a general at-
tempt to humanize the staid action of
former operas will be made.
* * .
A Review, By Gerd Aage Gillhoff
The uncertain weather and last
week's orgy of music did not prevent
a fairly large audience from attend-
ing Miss Olson's graduation recital at
the School of Music yesterday eve-
ning. Verdi's famous aria, "Pace,
Pace, mio Dio," from "La Forza del
Destino" opened her ambitious pro-
gram, and this was followed by
French, Scandinavian, and English
Miss Olson was especially fine in
songs requiring dramatic rendering.
At no time did her interpretation
leave anything to be desired. Un-
fortunately her voice often sounded
strident in the small auditorium; but
only when she sang loudly were her
tones clear. Her voice has a tend-
ency to vibrate, which is apt to spoil

the desired effect. This vibrato re-
sults in a lack of pitch which was
frequently disagreeable, to say the
least. For this reason Miss Olson is
much more enjoyable in such num-
bers as the two Scandinavian folk
songs, which she sang with a pro-
nounced sense of humor, than in the
delicate and tender "Le Miroir" and
"God Morgen." Whenever the so-
prano overcame the disadvantages of
her voice, as in "Tears of God," her
singing was altogether delightful.
Miss Kaiser and Miss Case played
a Bach concerto for two violins with
energy. There was a lack of mellow-
ness of tone, however; the playing
was mechanical at times, and a less
difficult work might have been chosen.
There was a noticeable absence of!
feeling which made the effect monot-
Miss Donna Esselstyn was the ex-I
cellent accompanist of the soprano,
and Miss Ruth Moore played the
piano score of the Bach concerto


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® Pettm!ak ars

THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1927
Night Editor-G. THOMAS McKEAN
It is rather a queer anomaly that
a city which contains a great univer-
sity should have an obsolete govern-
ment; especially when that University
boasts one of the finest departments
of political science in the country,
and has trained scores of men for im-
portant posts in city organizations. It
is only natural, also, that Professor
Reed should take occasion to com-
ment on this form of government,
when the occasion arises, and that
his proposals should be both practical
and sound.
If an admiral should use a ferry
boat as a flagship it would be ridicu-
lous, but no more ridiculous than for
Ann Arbor to continue with its pres-
ent mayorality system. If the city were
only used as an experimental labora-
tory for ideas of the political science
department it could scarcely do worse
than the fiascos that have recently
been enacted under the guise of ciiy
government. The city of Ann Arbor
should be the first to try a new idea,
and the quickest to give up an out-
worn one. It is failure to do this
that has caused the present situation,
one in which it is necessary for pro-
feVsors of political science to stump
the city in the interests of reform.
The omens of benefit, which seemed
to pervade the earlier sessions of the
Geneva economic conference h a d
their wings clipped to some extent
in the latter part by the activity of
the wrangling element. Progress alongf
well-defined lines no sooner gets un-
der way than it is retarded by inter-
national attacks of an insidious sort.
Perhaps the most outstanding ex-
ample of this "conference warfare"
was the eleventh hour attempt of the
Russian delegation to obtain full rec-
ognition for the communistic doc-
trine, while the most recent example
was that of the protest of Colombia
against the so-called exploitation
methods of the American capitalists, 1

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