THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1S: 192 THE ICHGAN AIL FRIAYFEBRARYRs;I I .. .. r r p I _ .......,.,. ~ ..r'"' j 0 9 ! s dtRi4 BMW= ;y x ,. i s BAN v t L' c ' m ~OLNDASUSPENDED FORFALR TO CLEA[ Suie reRrre To Wolverine I 1a)e DEIC IEIES; LESCHINSKY AD EDCAR LOSTK COMM'-' I7TTEE MAY W Nill Reqt*1ire Coupon REINTAT HO !Books For Mat Meet I (By Associated Press) New York, Feb. 17.-The st at us of St udents will be0 required to present J('hurley IHoff, Norwegian ho:,(r of the ;tercupon books to secure admis- wXorld pol, vault record ouidteors, is Ision to the Ohio State wrestling meet a gain under consideration of foreign i here Saturday and at all other wrest- relat ions and eligibility committees of hulig meets thereafter, accordling to an- tho amateur athletic union. j nouncemnent made by the Athletic as- Testimnony of witnesses was taken scciation yesterday. Formerly the yesterday before the comnmittees which; wrestling meets have been free to the are considering Hoff's plea for rein- public but with the increased interest statement. Hoff contended that ex- in the sport it has been found ad- hibition of his pole vaulting skill in visable to make this change. The stage performances did not violate the charge for the general public will nowI amateur code in spirit, and was only be 50 cents. for the purpjose of paying expenses The Ohio State meet is one of theI inicur red durinig a trans-continental most important matches of the sea- trip to sanctioned( A. A. IT. meets., son as the Wolverines are undefeated - - in their first two Conference meets Benny Leonard has accepted a con- and Ohio has lost only to the strong tract to fight Pete Latzo. Indiana team. MIY ATHLETE JHOCKEY GAMES WITH WISCONSIN .i A \/ &l d- 10/ iv l1 L lAJ j. Warm weather at Wisconsin has putI the ice in such bad condition that the, games scheduled for this week-end I with the Wolverines has been post-C poned. Coach Barss was notified of this fact yesterdlay a few hours before the Michigan hockey team was to en- train for Madison. The games scheduled with Minne- sota. will lbe played as Minnesota has an artificial ice system in connection' with its rink. The Michigan squo ., of 12 players, Coach Barss, and Frau- cis Wilmiot, minor sports nianager, will leave Sunday for Minneapolis. The first game with the Gophers (will be played Tuesday and the see- end game will he played Wednesday. aFollowing the Minnesota{ engaiige- ment Coach Barss will take his men to Madison for two games Friday and 'Saturday if the ice will permit skat-s ring. Starfooballl'lyero te r ttw elgbefrVriy£competition and one yar. o"ed cflna toMhia in the fall of 1924, after completing his high school training at Northeas-1 4 tern high of D~etroit. 1 r..rr, .r. . .r. , ., .vvv. .rr. ..rrr, r,. . . . . .r. . .rr: s. rr, .rrrre.,rrrr. rrr. .rrr ' I 'V ii 22When smart, ye is COMPui&L 'i." with, quality "a as uiL as zn~a Stetson.. " there, ca,he no quefiomfas to the, hat yore. s fhoulL wear'" eght, to Fo rtPolar Write for Interesting B~ooklet,.r !'The STETSON HAT in LITERATURE" John B. Stetson Com~pany, PhKI nk/epi : 1- No more needs be said of Rusco Brake Lining. Ask the man who has them on his car. Our Laundry Service ranks us with the best. Call us for appointments. Jim1's Brake Service and Auto, Laundry 417 F 'AST IUTRON ST. DIAL 9262 r c4fryrd orgounYVrn, v, *1. x . I I i i :l ' l v 14 -d . 9 en KY, Most of us often times crave an evening meal that i-s both delicious and different! we believe that our club suppers and T- Bone Steak dinners answer that description. / ' ; r #. {only the best foods are served- at Dan's 1) Dien. 6 Suits an~d Topcoats are being received daily inl new Spring fabrics, imported and tailored by Langrock, New Haven. I-} l - .-- 4- I 0~ 1$ '4 4 SANDWICH ES SALADS WAFFLES PASTRY CAKES I