ESTABLISHED 1890 vio: itgia :ktitll MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVIL No. 172 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARDOR. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1927 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS UOLE TO GIVE LARGE PRIZE TO AERONAUTS MHO COQUER PACIFIC NEW REWARDS OFFERED WILL BRING EAST AND WEST .sp. CLOSER TOGETHER ASK LINDBERGH TO ENTER Flying Fool's Plane May Be Exhibited In Washington In Honor Of His Accomplishment (By Associated Press) SAN FRANCISCO, May 25.-An of- fer today by James E. Dole, president of the Hawaiian Pineapple company, of $25,000 for the first aviator, and $10,000 for the second, to complete a non-stop flight from the Pacific coast to Hawaii, will attract the aero- nautical spotlight from the Atlantic ocean, recently humbled by Capt. Charles Lindbergh, to the Pacific. The donor of the prizes is anxious to have Captain Lindbergh compete in the Pacific air classic. To permit the American air argon- aut sufficient time to enjoy the fruit of his extraordinary feat and prepare for another long jump, the prize offer will become effective August 15 and for twelve months thereafter. If Lindbergh does not care to compete the opening date will be advanced. HOLLYWOOD, May 25.-Sid Grau- man, millionaire Hollywood theater owner, today announced that he had arranged to post $30,000 as a prize for a successful non-stop trans-Pa- cific airplane flight from Los Angeles to Tokio, Japan. Lindbergh Offered Chance Although the money will be posted tomorrow with the Los Angeles cham- ber of commerce, Grauman said that competition for the prize would not be open for six v4reeks in order that Captain Lindbergh, New York to Paris, might have time to enter the 5,000-inile trans-Pacific contest. Grauman said his first plan was to offer the prize for a two-stop flight to Japan, a landing to be made in Hawaii. He decided to make it a single flight to Tokio, he declared after he had been advised by Donald Douglas, of the Douglas Aircraft cor- poration, that the 5,000-mile hop was perfectly feasible The theater man said his prize offer had a two-fold purpose-to further the advance of American aviation, and to foster a cordial understanding be- tween the United States and Japan. WASHINGTON, May 25. - With government agencies vieing for the privilege of bringing Capt. Charles A. Lindbergh back to the United States plans were begun today for a great demonstration for him in the national capital. The city commissioners formally cabled Lindbergh the congratulations of Washington and invited him to come here "in order that the people may do honor to their fellow country- man who has so signally exemplified the courage and spirit of American manhood in the remarkable feat you have performed." Coolidge May Not Be Present President Coolidge's part in the celebration here might depend on the time of Lindbergh's return to Amer- ica. The President has been expect- ed to leave for his summer vacation about the migdle of June but his defi- nite plans IrlA this regard have not been announced. In previous instances, however, when American aviators have return- ed to Washington after notable ex- ploits the President has always been on hand to greet them when they landed at Bolling field. Coincident with the beginning of the popular movement for a public dem- onstration in Lindbergh's honor, Sec- retary Davis, of the war department. who returned to Washington today nounced himself in favor of the award of the Congressional Medal of Honor and the Distinguishel Flying cross, and said that the war department would support legislation necessary for the bestowing of the honor medal. Davis Meets Flight Sponsors Mr. Davis conferred during the day with Harry F. Knight and H. K. Bix- by, St. Louis sponsors of the flight, feel ig that arrangements for the Washington reception should be guided by St. Louis friends of the aviator. The secretary believed, however, that Washington would be a fitting place for exhibition of the plane. The navy having tendered the use of a destroyer for Lindbergh's re- turn from France, the shipping board today invited "the greatest American flier" to travel home with his plane on the "greatest American ship," the FINAL SPRING TRY-OUTS FOR OPERAI WILL END MONTH OF STEADY WORK Spring preparations for the next year's edition of the Union Opera will be concluded this week when the final chorus try-outs will be held. E. Mor- timer Shuter, director, will leave .soon for the East, although the authorsj and committeemen will continue to develop the book, lyrics and music, soj that they will be in readiness for actual rehearsals and casting with the opening of school next Septem- ber. Roy Hoyer, who has assisted in developing dances and training chor- uses for past Mimes productions, has been unable to come to Ann Arbor this spring because of his appearance in Fred Stone's "Criss-Cross," which is still running in Boston. It is thought. by Mr. Sh-uter, however, that Hoyer will make week-end trips here next I fall in order to lend his assistance to the work. Parts of the music for the Opera ANDREWS ,GIVES TALK ON OCALPROBLEMS Declares That Class Cooperation Is Solution Of Trouble; Says Unions Are Imperative have already been submitted to Mr. Shuter. No title for the production, which was written by Thomas J. Dou- gall, '28, and Vincent C. Wall, Jr., '28, has been selected as yet. The synop- sis of the first act has been completed, together with most of the dialogue. The customary two sets that have been a feature of past Operas may be done away with next year, and more scenes incorporated into the piece. This will be done to permit a greater E scope for the action of the plot. The L tentative settings have been drawn up by the technical staff. The number of musical numbers will be cut down and more work put on the ones used, in order to 'emphasize the climaxes to a greater degree. Considerable room has been left in the development of the plot for free interpretation and burlesque, thus affording a type of action that is being used in the more current professional productions of the season. SCIENTIST TO. DELIVER, TALK ON RESPIRATIONI Dr. Novy Is Selected To Give Annual) Henry Russel Lecture Today In Science Auditorium IS LAST TALK OF SERIES|AWARD TO BE PRESENTED "Social cooperation alone can solve social problems. Organization for common protection is imperative," de- clared Dr. John B. Andrews in a lec- ture yesterday in Natural Science au- ditorium given before the seminar con- ducted by the School of Religion on the moral issues of modern life. Dr: Andrews is the secretary of the Amer- ican Association for Labor Legislation and has served on numerous national committees investigating and attempt. ing to better social conditions. 1. "The labor movement is the pro- gress of the great masses of people who have fought their way up through slavery until they have escaped, "Dr. Andrews said. "It is a continuous struggle of a vast. majority of peop to improve living and social condi- tions. We are still in a great indus- trial revolution; nothing is finished; something new develops every week. Organized social welfare has only been developed during the last few years. Well-trained social workers have grown up during the last twenty years." Dr. Andrews told of experiences in investigating conditions in the match industry, in coal mines, and in obtain- ing accident compensation laws for the workers. "The indu.5trial accident problem used to be dealt with indi- vidually, which meant that the workr had to sue his employer in order to get some compensation, he said. In 1909 laws were finally drafted where- by the i-ndustry was to bear the cost of broken bones and lives the same as it has to bear the cost of broken machinery. Now when a worker is in- jured he receives medical care and a cash compensation. This has been a revolution in America. There is a ten- dency in some quarters to minimize social legislation, but as long as wo- men and children are employed in factory work,.as long as miners are being killed through lack of preven- tion against explosions, as long a there are millions of unemployed there is still abundant room for pub- lic reconstruction." Dr. Andrews spech was the last lec- ture of the year given under the School of Religion's curriculum. ORDERS FOR NEW WEEKLY COME IN Many announcements of the open- ing of publication of the Michigan I Weekly will be sent to high school' principals and others this week. Many high schools and libraries have al- ready sent in subscriptions for The Weekly as a source for clubs and other organizations as news of the University campus. The paper is the latest of campus publications to make its appearance. It is a result of the success which sim- ilar papers have met with in other schools. All of the news which ap- pears in it will be taken from copies of The Daily for the week before the paper appears. It will be sent to subscribers every Monday morning.4 TOMAS SPEAKS TO GROUP IN SPANISH Prof. Frederick G. Novy, of the bac- teriology department, will deliver the Henry Russel lecture fit 4:15 this aft- ernoon in Natural Science Auditor- ium. Dr. Novy is an internationally I known bacteriologist, being a member of the National Academy of Sciences I and seyeral other societies not only in America but in Europe as well. I Dr. Novy has been elected to theI Legion of Honor. He received his Bachelor of Science degree here ini 1886, began teaching the next year and+ is now the director of the Hygienic+ laboratory. He has studied under; Koch, the well known German scien-1 tist, and also at the Pasteur institute in Paris. Dr. Novy has written sev- eral books on scientific subjects. The lecture is supported by a fund established in 1920 from a sum of money left to the University by HenryI Russel, '73. In his will, Russel gave. $10,000, the income from which was to be used as an "additional compen-+ sation to members of the teaching staff." It was decided to dlivide this gift into two parts; one half to be used for the Henry Russel lecture and the other for the Henry Russel award. The lecture is given annually by a professor of the University, chosen by the executive board of the Re- search club. The award is giyen to some faculty member below the pro- fessional rank who is selected by a standing committee of the University Senate for "conspicuous service to the University." Last year was the first time the lecture and the award were given. Prof. Moses Gomberg, of the chem- istry department, was the lecturer, while Prof. Carter Goodrich, of the economics department was given the award. Dr. Novy will speak this afternoon on "Cell Respiration," a subject which he and other members of the biology department have been studying re- cently. President Clarence Cook Lit- tle will preside and after the lecture he will announce the winner of the award. LITTLE EXPLAINS CANCER GROWTH Explaining various phases of his re. search during the past fifteen years in the study of cancerous growths in different species of mice, President Clarence Cook Little last night read a paper on "The Biology of Cancer" be- fore the last meeting of the Research club, faculty elective research society. Recent developments in the study of cancerous conditions in mice, he pointed out, show that cancer is a bi- ological and genetic problem of hered- itary nature, appearing in varying de- grees in generation after generation of mice families, and that a definite family tendency for genetic cancer exists. Dr. Little already has done extensive work in this field of scientific re search. PAYNE WHITNEY DIES IN TENNIS GAME AT ESTATE " y Associated Press) MANHASS'ET, N. Y., May 25-Payne Whitney, financier, philanthropist, sportsman, and one of the richest men in th rnntr rlariwilan ninut- COUNCIL CLOSES YEAI AS COURTLAND SMITH ASSUMES LEADERSHIP ELLIS MERRY IS ELECTED AS REPRESENTATIVE TO TAKE 'PLACE OF HOFFMAN OFFICERS ARE SELECTED Cheering Section Cominitee Appointed For Next Fall With Gilbert - As Chairman Installation of new members, elec- tion of officers, and the administering of the oath of office to the 'new pres- ident, Courtland C. Smith, '28, were the features of the meeting of the Student Council held last night at the Union. The meeting was the first since the annual al-campus spring elec- tions, at which the new president and members were elected. Ellis Merry, '28, was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the ineligibilty of Leo Hoffman, '28L, who was a suc- cessful candidate for senior council- man at the elections. Merry was chos- en by vote of the Council, and will take office at the next meeting. The session was opened by Thom- as Cavanaugh, '27L, retiring pres- ident, who called for reports of the committees still outstanding. Cava- naugh eulogized briefly the work of the Council this year, commending them for their cooperation and achievements. At the close of his short I talk he turned the chair over to Smith, the new president, who immediately took charge of the meeting. IThe new Council then took its posts and election of officers of the body for the ensueing year was the first business transacted. The first election held was that for vice president, to which office John Snodgrass, '28E, was chosen. Snodgrass was the defeat- ed candidate for president at the all campus spring elections and has been a member of the Council during the past year. John E. Starrett, '28E, was elected without opposition to the position of treasurer, and John Gilmartin, '29E, newly elected junior councilman, was choasen secrtar. This, is the only of- fice of the Council which is open to junior representatives. Following the election of the off- cers, the 'president announced several of the commite appointments, in order that those which must start work immediately can do so, and Snod- grass was re-appointed to his posi- tion as chairman of the Sunday con- vocations committee. He announced that three of the four speakers for next fall have already been secured. Ernest McCoy, '29, was appointed by Smith to assist Snodgrass in the work. A new committee to start work im- mediately on the cheering section for next fall was then appointed by the president, with Charles Gilbert, '28, as chairman. Gilmartin was appinted to assist Gilbert with the work. Re- ports of the outgoing councilmen indi- cated that plans for the cheering sec- tion were already under way, and that the committee would have to decide i whether capes or pieces of cardboard will be used for the block M, and 'whether the section shall - be filled R separately for each game or whether it should be a permanent block of 1200 seats as last year. Sentiment i among the councilmen seemed to fa- vor the idea of the permanent block for all of the four big games rather than allowing different students to ,participate at each game. The final appointment made by the president was that of Fred Asbeck, '29 to devise plans whereby the Student Council can participate in the propos- ed freshman week next fall. At the close of the meeting Smith outlined in brief the policy for the1 Council next year, and explained some of the practices and customs tothe' new members, expressing the hope that the year will be sucessful in every way. VanTuyl Announces New Summer Staff Announcement of appointments to the upper staff of the business side of Tlie Summer Daily was made yester- (lay by Laurence Van Tuyl, '28E, bus- iness manager. Ray Wachter, '29, was! appointed advertising manager, John Russwinkle, '29, was made accounts! manager, and Ralph Miller, '29, will manage the circulation of the sum- mer newspaper. This completes the appointments for the upper staff of the paper, Phil- I ip Brooks '28, managing editor,, I hn'tri-~ onn'n neA hie annnin- (By Associated P-ress) NEW ORLEANS, May 25.-Fleets of boats were being assembled in the area inundated by the' break in the Atchafalaya river levee at , McCrae, Pointe Coupee parish tonight, to aid those who have refused to leave in the face of warnings of their danger. Hundreds of persons in the parish clung to their homes as the flood wa- ters moved upon them. 150 square miles of land had been inundated since the break early Tuesday. More rapidly than had been expected, the torrents had poured over swamp lands and extended in a gradually expand-, ing lake for more than 20 miles south .of the break. All dry land between the Atchafala- ya and the Mississippi river levees, ten miles to the east, had disappear- ed today. The fear that many of the flood victims might be cut off caused relief agencies to mobilize the fleets. A railroad was commandeered by John M. Parker, flood relief dictator, LECTURES COMPLETEDI BOY PROFESSOR KRUYTl Discusses Thought Trend Of 1odernI Colloid Chemistry In Talk Given Yesterdhay MENTIONS JAQUES LOEB' Dr. H. R. Kruyt, professor of phys- ical chemistry at the University of Utrecht, gave the last of a series of three lectures yesterday at 4:15c o'clock in the Chemistry amphithe-e atre. The topic of the three lectures was "Tlie Trend of Thought in Modernr Colloid Chemistry." In his last lecture he discussed the subject of Colloids" and Hydration". Dr. Kruyt stated that since Lyophy- lic colloids do not precipitate evens when the electric charge is omitted, there must be another factor which accounts for their stability, and thist factor seems to be hydration, as the{ addition of dehydrating agents brings about the normal behavior of suspen- soids. As salts are hydrated also, we. can understand their action whent salting out proteins.I The properties of protein solutionst can be understood from these points of view. The fact that they move in the electric field can be accounted fors ,as well from the standpoint of ionic1 solutions as from that of colloidal systems, but the influence of neutralt electrolytes can only be understoodc when we assume that we are dealing with phenomena at phase boundaries.' Therefore this theory is prevailable.1 Dr. Kruyt went on discussing the} influence of hydrogen ion concentra-} tions and the gelatine diagram ofT Jaques Loeb. In closing the lecture het stated that the character of these hy- dration phenomena, so closely related to lyotropic action, needs careful study He emphasized that colloid science is1 closely related to physics, chemistry. and physical chemistry, but that for the special character of the problems which are studied in this branch of science it has to look for its ownt theory and its own methods.. FORESTERS ERECT T'ABLET TO LATEE PROFESSOR ROTH In the memory of Prof. Filbert Roth, former head of the forestry depart- ment, the Forestry club yesterday for- mally presented a memorial to the University. A granite boulder with a bonze tablet has been placed in Sag- inaw Woods, the forestry experimen- tal farm, near the cabin. The stone ! is surrounded by spruce trees - ar- ranged in the form of an arch. Professor Roth was the founder and a professor-emeritus of the forestry department. He died on December 5, 1925, at the age of 6 . He was the first professor of forestry at the Uni- versity, first coining here in 1903 and retiring in 1923, after twenty years of service. Professor Roth was prom- ianent in silviculture and forest man- agement. WEB AND FLANGE HOLDS INITA TION Thirteen men were initiated into the Web and Flange, honorary senior civil engineering society, yesterday after- noon' in front of the Engineering arch. A banquet was tendered to them at the Union last night at which Prof. R. L. Morrison of the highway engineer- ? inv d ,a1en+ ncuivr1 4'c Tmain WOVEINES CAPTURE BIG TEN TENNIS TITLEE Barton Remais Unbeaten by Stoppingt Phillips While Algyer Loses First Match of Yeart WILDCATS DEFEATED 5-1 i to The Daily) EVANSTON, Ill., May 25-Sweeping< through Northwestern with the loss of but one match, Michigan's Varsityt netmen today completed their Westernc Conference schedule, the only, unde- feated team in the circuit. Michigan succeeds Illinois as the ConferenceE championship team.1 Horace Barton assured himself a. seeding in the Conference tournament which opens tomorrow on the Chicago university courts when he took theI odd set from Phillips in a spectaculara come-back. Th accurate driving of the Northwestern star kept BartonI from .the .net in the second set and the Wolverine lost 6-2 after having won the first by the same score. Bar- ton won the third set 6-3. Algyer lost his first match of thet season when Sherrill's reverse ser- vice set him off his stride. The Purple net man won in straight sets 6-3, 6-4.I Goldsmith had no trouble defeating, Collins in straight sets 6-3, 6-4. Moore's driving game was too severe for Ho*- ard and the Wolverine won 6-2, 7-5. , Schaefer playing his usual method-; ical game outsteadied Martin, North-1 western number five man and also won in straight sets 6-3, 6-1. With the , match assured without playing the! doubles only Michigan's number two team saw action, Algyer and Gold- smith defeating Howard and Sherril in a three set match 6-3, 0-6, 6-1. ; Michigan's entrants for individual, honors in the Conference tournament i include Barton and Algyer in singles, and Barton paired with Moore in doub- les. Barton is the only number one man who has not met defeat. O'Connell of Ilinois, although defeated by Shay of Minesota, is still considered the most likely to reach the finals where, theoretically, he should meet Barton. Illinois should also furnish the keen- est opposition to Michigan's undefeat- ed doubles combination of Barton and Moore. O'Connell and Bard also have a clean slate for the season. NEW MODEL FORD' TO BE PRODUCED (By Associated Press) DETROIT, May 25-The Ford Motor company today announced "early pro- duction" of a new Ford car, but with- held details of the new model until a later date. A complete description, it was said, will be made "within the next few weeks." Assembly of the present T-model will be discontinued, but production of parts will be continued for some time. PURPLE DEFEATED BY CHICAGO, 23-18 (By Associated Press) CHICAGO, May 25-Chicago uni- versity, tail-enders in the Big Ten conference baseball race, bunched hits to win over Northwestern, 23 to 18, in a hectic batting contest this after- i noon. It was Chicago's second Confer- clung to its lower berth. By its defeat, the second within the nithwetern drnnndt on aizrhth 4 4F[t 1 f FLEET IS BEING AS IN RELIEF FROM SEMBLED TO AID NEW LEVEE BREAK to remove 5,000 persons from ober- ville parish, south of Pointe Coupee, but they too refuseui to leave. Mr. Parker was informed that 125 persons in the vicinity of the Mc- Crae break were preparing to live on the levees. The majority of them were children, the report said, and the food supply averaged less than three days for , each family. Hun- dreds, however, continue to move from the threatened Evangeline country and the refugee camps at Lafayette be- came congested. Plans for transfer- ring 6,000 of the victims to Crowley were abandoned because of difficulty in arranging transportation. More than 17,000 already were at Lafa- yette and 1,235 were to be brought there from Carencro, where they were being housed in homes, barns, public buildings and elsewhere. Virtually the whole of the Tensas basin, including 13 parishes, remain- ed under water, as the shifting inland sea rolled southward. COMMONS TO DEBATE BREAKING OF RUSSIAN TRADE RELATIONSHIPS BELIEVE POLICE TO POSSESS SOVIET CODES TO DECIPHER SECRET MESSAGES SOVIET DENIES ESPIONAGE Canadian Government Follows Engish, By Terminating Trade Agreement With Russia (By Associated Press) LONDON, May 25.--Rumors of an exciting character are circulating in London as to the discoveries made in the police raid on Acos, Ltd., the Russian trade organization. It is reported insistently that the names of several members of Parlia- ments are on the lists of persons to whom money has been paid by the Soviet trade delegation, and the de- bate in the House of Commons to- morrow on the question of breaking off all relations with Soviet Russia is awaited with breathless interest by an expectant public. The fervent hope is expressed that the government will release more information about the discovery. The police are believed to have found Soviet codes which make it possible to decode messages exchang- ed between Moscow and the Soviet officials in London over a long per- iod, including the time of the general strike. Everywhere the possible dis- closures are the chief subject of dis- cussion. There is much speculation, too, as to whether France, Italy and other countries having diplomatic rel- ations with Russia will be influenced by Great Britain's action and the man in the street apparently is convinc- ed that England, France and Italy have reached an understanding re- garding their attitude toward Moscow. Papers Oppose Action The Socialist and the Daily Herald (the Labor papers) are charging that the documents on which the govern- ment bases it action are forgeries and Insists that it is a general world plan to renew the economic barrier around Soviet -Russia. Emphatic denials of Premier Bald- win of espionage and other charges as announced yesterday in the House of Commons, were made today by M. Rosengolz, the Soviet charge d'affarles in London in a statement issued through Peff, the official Soviet news agency. M. Rosengolz takes the stand that the British prime minister has be'en misled not only concerning espionage, but with regard to other assertions he made when announcing the government's decision to break off diplomatic relations as well as denounce the trade agreement of six years standing. "We cannot but express our amaze- ment and deep regref," says M. Rosen- golz, "that such an'important decision has been reached by the British gov- ernment on such flimsy pretexts and that such doubtful arguments have been used to justify its actions." Canada Also rakes Action OTTAWA, May 25.-The Canadian government has decided to terminate immediately the trade agreement with Russia. The announcement of this decision was made after a lengthy' meeting of the cabinet this afternoon. Premier McKenzie-King declared that the government action had been determined upon after a full discus- sion of the situation created by the decision of the British government to sever relations with Soviet Russia. Evidence in the hands of the Can- adian government made it clear, the premier said, that satisfaction of the trade agreement between' Canada and Russia had been violated by the Rus- sian government. The prime minister pointed out that the agreement was subject to ter- mination unless certain conditions were fulfilled, but he stated emphati- cally that its termination would not mean discontinuance of trade be- tween Canada and Russia. It meant merely that certain quasi-diplomatic privileges enjoyed by the Russian trade commission would be ended, but every effort would be made to further trade between the two coun- tries in the same manner as Canadian trade relations with other countries are conducted. IMANY SONGS ARE GIVEN BY SENIORS More than 500 persons heard the an- nual Senior Sing, held last night on thet steps of the Library, at which seniors of all schools and colleges of I the' Un'ivprsit tookir r.t in the,r.i .