P'Ar IVW TH-W'MTCT4TCAN DAIL'Y'*~*S~- *~aS ~ 1 1 1L+ lYllt l llil[ 3t L+[-is+-+ a I 1 7 a 1 4j 1 1 : 1 1 e ,] { , c I i E 4 i 1 7 j j 1 i , 3 tf SManyCollege Women Choose Golf As I OLLMajor Sport In Athletic Curriculumi With 77 women signed up for play- health-giving sports offered. It has an! -ing on the university course, golf is immediate benefit on the student and; approaching the ranks of a major creates a sthnulus to carry over from! Miss Lloyd Addresses Opening Ses- sport at Michigan as at other colleges college a wholesome recreation forl slon; Emphasizes Keeping Of throughout the country. Under the di- the remainder of lfe." Miss Gross has Home Ideals In Uoliege rection of Miss Ethel McCormick of arranged for academic credit for golf the nhysical education department in- as a part of the physical educationI HOLD DISCUSSION TODAY terest in this activity is being en- curriculum.' ______couraged. Although handicapped by Wellesley is also turning the atten- Repesetatvesfro ~i Juiorthe lack of bus service out to the Representatives from six Junior ur a nmer yers have tion of students to the value of golf. colleges met at 2 o'clock yesterday at Miss Jean Pointdesten, present cham- Betsy Barbour house for the initial veloped sufficient skill to provide ma- pion of Wellesley, claims that golf is+ meeting of the second annual Mich- teri for ompetitive tournaentsare without doubt the most popular sport igan Junior College conference. Over Proeinal wo men s are in college, about two hundred stu- 40 delegates were in attendance, rep- ig wtfs .co ble comentsnths dents having joined the classes. Wel- resenting Flint, Pontiac, Port Huron, progress of collegestudents in this lesley has its own course and con- Highland Park, Grand Rapids, and sport. Lucille MacAllister in a recent ducts a championship each year. One Bay ity Mis Alce Loyd advserarticle printed by "Golf Illustrated" of the features of Float night, the Bay City. Miss Alice Lloyd, adviser writes "The interest in golf taken by tbi eation of the clg e to women, Betty Nutt, '28, president last big celebration of the college in of te Wmens Lague an Aureycollege women has developed a new of the Women's League, and Audrey phase. Several years ago it was learn- June, is the presentation of the chain- Wright, '28, graduate of Grand Rapids ed with some surprise that Wells Col- pionship trophy. Miss Pointdesten Junior College addressed the meet- lege had built its own courselater writes: "We are hoping that some day ing. I that Vassar was working toward that some of the other women's colleges Miss Lloyd spoke on the subject same end, and that several of the will rate goff to its proper standard of "Preparation, other than scholastic women's colleges had listed golf as a among sports and will sponsor tour- for university lifer" She pointed out required sport. Now word comes from naments so that some informal inter- that there are three points necessary two sources-the University of Wash- collegiate matches may be planned forl to college preparation: first, living ington and the University of Michigan early summer. Until then, college girls up to the highest ideals of the school -that classes in golf instruction have will be distinguished for playing vol- attended previous to university en- been installed as a regular part of ley ball, or archery, or siiar sports trance, second, carrying the ideals the curriculum. utterly useless after college." taught by parents over into college "The University of Michigan is par- life- "bring your homes to college," ticularly fortunate in having obtained and thirdly, "come to -college and not the services of Mrs. S'tewart Hanley, slothe mecampus," leemeaning ta oe fo comeus, colleg thwomenreal the well-known Detroit district player, shoud cme o cllee fr te, ealwho h'as become greatly interested in worth they can obtain, and not for the the golf department and has volun- college life. She then went on to ex- teerel to personally conduct the plain the tplan of student self-govern- classes.;Mrs. Hanley alrady has aWe a th e m ent as it exists at Michigan, and an- nucleus of a good golf team and soon Ise e u si n r u h p b l e o e o s a t t e n c m eii n swered .questions brqught up by th opes to start them in competition. \e t e delegates in regard to the system. I Four indoor courts were built in the Miss Nutt addressed the delegates college gymnasium for practice dur- When the heat has fina on the subject of fctivities open to ing the winter." F entering women, and.yias Wright told At Washington University women you feel that any more of the work of the Junior Girls' play students play the nine-hole course ad- and- theWoeyoAtheti and the WooenfAthletic Associa- joining the campus twice a week in ClLosgopwftetyec nyohdn tio. roups of twenty each under the in- refresh yourself at our Under the leadership of the Flint instruction of William Jefferson, pro- representatives, headed by Ruth fessional coach for the university just the right syrups and Pierce, a discussion~ meeting will be golf club. When the need for a course field at Helen. Newvberry Residence arose, residents of the neighborhood the most satisfaction ant for the purpose of examining mutual joined with the faculty in turning an problems. The delegates then will visit unsightly, weed-grown strip of land y 11 o'clock classes, after which they into the pres'ent nine-hole course. Stu- .s will have luncheon at the Green. Tree dent players are urged that golf be When you are searching Inn. recognized as amajor sport along The final meeting will be held this with crew and football. i and look over our stoc afternoon, at which Martha Cook Dor- "I count golf one of the sports best choice candies. You w mitory will act as hostesses. Tea will suited to women through all the years be' served, and a chairman will be of life," states Miss Mary E. Gross, di- with their contents. elected for next year's conference. rector of physical education for women at the University of Washing- TRIPS IN GCEOLOGY ton. "It keeps them out of doors RE NT P Pfor hours together and yet it requires ARE NOT POPULAR no great strain. When properly play- ed it brings complete relaxation from Judging from the sighs of relief the tension of the home, class room, which escaped from the freshmen or office. Golf is one of the most women who climbed down from the - last truck which drdve up in front of ---'--'"''"'--'-'--'"--W won" I TURN OVER $2,000 May 28 Is Date For N 0 T I C E S TO LEAGUE FUNDI Pegasus Horse lhow helgt Woman's League was the receiver -- geant at 7:15 o'clock tonight at Helen of another gift towards its building Four trained horses from Detroit Newberry residence. fund last week when the juniors girls have been secured by Guy L. Mullison W. A. A. board will meet at 7 o'clock play committee donated $2000 from'l'bnrsdav at I lieKappa ifelta louse. , for the horse show which- is to be y. t-erI 1 +-utnev,,ariycu Aheefhi 14 t ilel ig 0. to lhen I their f111 which they earnedst ti year from the play, "Eight Til Eight''. t at 4 o'clockl. aturday a teHo n This is not the entire sum which the at lkaler Field. ltivh and low bar- play earned nor is it the only amount e n rpecin juming s w which the play committee intend to, be featuired. give the League. Tixho e show .3being sponsored by Pe- It is planned to give the remainder gasus, women'., riding club in an ef- of the amount which the committee! fort to arouse an interest in riding. now has to the League either the last of this year or the beginning of next)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ year. There will be : meting of the poi r system (Ommiit tIe aodaiy at 4 o'clock. Members of 1(4ivrsiy (irls' Gle club will m1(i at 7 O'(I k tonight on th-eLibrary fo iiO or. Ing There will be 1.0 ado u s:ion and every- one is urged to come. AMERICAN RUG CLEANING WORKS There are only a few in the Uaited States like this nigh grade works, and none other near you. Oriental Rugs washed by Experts. Original colors a e restored. Pure Soaps - Rugs Repaired Reference.: Ann Arbor Savinigs Bank or your neighbor. 1)ial 8115 103-4 0green St. tom, ... h: . : '.!'i .?4''x ...... _... .... .. r....._......__.. ....... 1 xa o rrr enxvspr -sat bvar u :. a ro ,. t 0 A A r k Patronize Daily Advertisers INSIS UPO Gilbert's Page & Shaw L T AIEo % uiu~m w d %'fm vmD21 JUILLERET'S 302 Soulhi State St. ORIGINALITY Salted Nuts Fresh Daily Fresh Mint Drinks i I - EOP WMMW9WjMk=W**TAMr XIUWJLAW' rrm e c irm Specials lly "got you down" and studying and any more endurance, come in and .1 f/ s * c -. One dollar the box VITH COTY FACE POW- DERS you are assured of supreme quality, of the dei- cate fineness that gives al- ways a soft, clear smoothness to the skin. Nine true shades. r k ' , ,_ ' , \ - .?' ", r , .,, t t r , C. X " 1 h f" lX , ' , +- ^ " . +' . . " r -- i .i l t , f .. . £ f , wo funtain. We have found flavors that will give you d which will really cool I for a suitable gift, come k of Gilberts' and Norris' ill never be disappointed i L'ORIGAN JASMIN L'OR PARIS EMERAUDE DE CORSE LA ROSE L'AMBREANTlQUE CH-YPRE STYX JA CQUEMElNOT rMUG UET I1 4 PEN'S DRES. the Natural Science building Satur- day, geology field trips are not en- tirely popular with the fairer sex. Al- th'ough too tired to be exuberant, they were unanimous in their expressions of joy that the Saturday morning ex- cursions were over.I The chief complaint about the hikes i seemed to be the. thoughtless hurried- ness that possessed all the instruc-1 tors who rushed along regardless of torn hose and puddles and brambles which necessarily impede feminine l progress. Likewise the cold truck! rides met with disfavor, one woman complaining that the ink in her pen froze during the trip. DECORATION DAY Calls for a becoming and nodish coiffure. You call for a finger wave or a marcel at BERTINE BEAUTY SHOPPE Phone 3839 S. Univ. Ave. 3s 1 ii 11 F I lmiMLI- ql- . I 1 r I "A Store in 723 N. Univ. Phone 9797 Every Shopping 217 N. Main Phone 8511 Center." 219 S. Main Phone 6811 ii 1' iP '" I in Ce prizesr Delicious and Refreshin E 0 ~a THE HONOR ROLL of Full Fashioned Silk Stockings G ET it all. Don't miss any of it, the dizzy lights and party-colored frocks; stepping to the frenzied blare of saxo- phones; senses tingling with being alive and in the midst of it all. And next day-instructors who are likable but exacting. i ',. ,1 E ) to) tj 0p "Ruby Ring" Specials, ......$1.65 .... * . 0$1.85 "Ruby Ring" "Ruby Ring" "Ruby Ring" Service . Super Service.. $2.00 Chiffons ....$2.00 Have you seen the announcement of the $30,000 Coca-Cola prize con. test-out this month in the follow- ing magazines? The Saturday Evening Post.. May 7 Literary Digest........May 14 Collier's Weekly. May 21 Liberty.....May 14 1 ~f-----Mav5 0) "Ruby Ring" Knee Clocks.. $2.50 Exclusively at To get the most out of college you must be full of vitality, must have every nerve and muscle working full time. Right food is the key to it. The Shredded Wheat habit will help you to make mind and body alert and throw off the poisons that bring sluggish- ness. You'll like it, too. It's appetizing eaten half a hundred ways; smothered in fruit and cream or toasted with butter and hot milk are just two of them. THE SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY Niagara Falls, N. Y. i _ SWIMMERS Every One of Then -Give their enthusiastic approval to the Mack col- lection of beach at lire. Comfortable, serviceable, and exceedingly smart. 0Q. ' 42 Olt T T_ I 0 I* 0 a