PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1927 THE ICHIAN AILYWEDNSDA, MA 25,192 G OV ERNOR GREENj SAL-4R Y BILL A4S E "Gover-nor Green realizes the neces- sity of paying adequate salaries to the judges, ats shown in his official state- ,ment by his remark that the hill for salary' increase for circuit judges was a steps in the right direction'. How- ever, Governor Green also has the fa~ts A the, state's financial,, condi-. tion anl findls it inadtisab)le to sanc- tion further expenditures of the jub-1 lic money," said Prof. Herbert F. Goodrich, of the law department, in an interview yesterday in reference to thel vetoing of the bill for circuit judge salary increase. TO BE, ORGANIZED i HERE UNDER DANA Samuel T. Dana, director of the Northwestern forest experimental sta- tion at Amherst, Mass., will be ini Ann Arbor Friday to; begin work for the organization of the new forestry school. Mr. Dana is to be the dean of the school if the appropriation bill passed b~y the: State Legislature is signedl by Governor Green. Thae Northwestern forest station, of which Mr. Dana is the director, is 1 one of ten stations m~aintained -by the forestry service in different partsa of the United States. Research is carried on at all times at the station to determine the kinds of timber which will grow best in the North- wester'n section, the best sites for re- forestration, and the best use for cut- over lands. Research is also carried on in an effort to eliminate forest JUSTIFIES VETO OF :CONOMIC MEASURE, The situatiohz is clearly' brought out in the official statement Imade by Gov- ernor Green at the time he vetoed theie bill, ie says: "The state. at this -time1 pays eacih of these judges, $5,008 a 1 year. The counties conutribute various sums de~pendfing upon the amount ofI 1work in tire(differenlt counties, the sums ranging t~from $1,000 f~os$8,50. If the state should pay $7,500 instead of $5,000, beyond otiestion many coun- ties. would withdraw the money they are now paying the judges. Trhis bill would merely result mn some circuits transferring $2,500 a year expense from the county to the state." Governor Green went on to give the rT asons for thre present system_ of di- vidling the judIge's salaries between the state and county, he, also stated his approval of the increase, but said that the debts of the state' could not allow the increased expenditure. Concluding the statement the gov- ernor said: "The most painstaking vigilance should b~e exercised in pay- ing our honest debts before we are generous to deserving public ser- vants." disease and parasites. Mr. Dania has been connected with the United States forestry service 1 since 1.907, at which time he received? an M.F. degree from Yale. H e re- ceived an A.B. degree from Dowdoinf. college in( 1904. For a time he-w--- forest commissioner for Maine. If the appropriations bill is passed a separate school of forestry will be~ established. Governor Green has been favorable to the bill, in spite of ru- mors to the contrary, according to reports. To Succeed Andrews' YTOE 1 SPONISO _ _ - M orerThlan 'lli irt y iiigan aStunti .E xpeeted TIo Attend 3Meetin g At Lake (A'encva GROUP LEADERS CHIOSEN More than thirty Universityc Michigan students are expectedt attendl the 1927 Student conferenc which will be held between June1 and 204 at Lake Geneva, Wisconsil The program is divided into thre groups which are planned to give th students insight and help in makin their campus life more Christian. TI first group will be devoted to a cc operative search for the mcaningc Chirstian principles and how to mak them effectively operative in one' personality and social group life. TI final group will attemrpt to give ligl and guidance on how to find and fol low through on life-projects, and hol to help fellow students in wise voca tional choices. IThese groups will' be directed an lead in discussion b~y fourteen menc national reputation. Such men Reinhold Neibuhr of Detroit; Shei E its of" to Cc wood Eddy whio spoke in Ann Arbor this spring; Prof. William Clayton B~ower of the University of Chicago; Prof. Htoward McClusney of the Uni- versity of Michigan; Kirby Page, edi-~ tor of "The World Tomorrow;" and Rev. John T. Stone of the Fourth Presbyterian Church of Chicago, will' be included in the program. Thesel men have all been interested and ac- tive in interdlenominational and Y. M. C. A. questions, According, to local Y. Al. C. A. authorities they a~re the foremost group of leaders yet gath- ered for one of the Lake Geneva Con- ferences GR;ADUATION GIFTSne474 For the graduate we hiave Michigan rings, bracelets, cigarette cases, compacts, and pins. We have also a complete assortmeiut of pennants a~nd banners. Phone 71E11Sot lilri Ilou-174 11 ie tiiour Lowinan, New prohibition enforcement chief. _. .. h, 1. . N 0o- of ke3 lit1 off ARRV ARROW COLLAR on it. This shirt has the long point collar. It is made of a gent~- ine imported English Broadcloth--the best 1 in collars and in shirts S that you can buy. Ask rour Dealer PRINTERS Maynard St. BINDERS ENVELOPE ENCLOSURES ECONOMICAL ADVERTISING We want to tell, the MERCH ANTS and MAN U1ACT- r RCRS of, Ann Arbor of ONE~ GOOD WAY to Rl-.ACH a* great many people for BUT LIT'tIX MONEY. ENVELOPE STUltrRs sent with your BILLS, and MoNTIIIx' STATE 4MENTS, that tell. of some UN- USUAL. SERvIcE: or of BARGAINS in MER$CHANDISE, often start a customer TOWARD MoR9 purchases. WE WILL BBE GLAD To,,EEa.. you Plan a series of these 11ELPIFUI.MAILING. PIECES. TheAnn A' Ibor Press 1 ENGRAVERS Phone 3456 _b i 25c lOc O RPHEU mj Theater ~V 2 zc DoE FRATERNITtES AND SORORITIES Now is the time to be think- ing about your Year Books, Comie in and let us give The. Ann Arbor PressI I Official Printers to the University of Michigan F. BUYT 'NDORP. Manager -LAST TIMES TODAY- The World's IJost Electrifying Plot of Excitementiit -Laughs SbudHrs-ystery-A mazenent-. - PLEA4_-E NOE- A large mnibmer of persons were disappointed ini not seeing some of, our great pictures the last few weeks because of failure to read the play dattes carefully-We -call your special att;eitioii to the faict that tod*y-,-s the last day that we play this picture-See it today. PRESS BI LDING PHONE 3456 I 4 t$ you an estimate. Read The Daily "Classified" olumnss r6Znrsor 6etter impresions" Phone 8805 711 N. Univ. (Over Geo. Moe) _ 10, U U U .4 4lj t I 4 I 'I I I 4 ft ASH:: U B for your Second- Hand Books U r I tI e *f I a , . 1 .. at .. 14, I - Siater so 'LIl ° ti} '