THE MICH C ;AN D3A TT V I- 1 l MtC.lt1V, CANT T"ATV SUNDAY, MAY 22, 1927 BULLETIN INDIGNA TION DISP LA YED B YRUSSIANS AT ENGLISH RAID. ON SOVIET AGENCY Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p, m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Copy must be typewritten. VOLUME VY1 SUNI)AY, MAY 22, 1927 , NUMBER 10i Ann Arbor Art Association: An important group of paintings selected from the Thirty-Ninth Annual American Exhibition held in the Art Institute of Chicago during Novem- ber is being shown in West Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall every after- noon during May. This exhibition presents the works of some of the lead- ing artists of contemporary America. Bruce 3. Donaldson. Research Fellowships in Real Estate: The School of Business Administration offers for the academic year 1927-28, six $500 research fellowships in Real Estate. These awards will be open to graduate students in any department of the University. Students to whom the fellowships are given will be expected to devote a considerable part of their time to research under the direction of Professor E. M. Fisher. Those interested should write at once to this office, giving academic stand- ing and specific qualifications for the work. Edmund E. Day. University Lecture: W. Mansfield Clark, Director of the U. S. Hygienic Laboratory, Wash- ington, D. C., will speak on Oxidation-Reduction Potential Indicators, Thursday, May 26, at 8:00 P. M., in the Chemistry Amphitheatre. This lecture is under the auspices of the American Chemical Society. All in- terested are cordially invited. B. A. Soule, Secretary. Maieinatics, Colleges of Engineering and Architecture: There will be a meeting of the Mathematics staff of the Colleges of Engineering and Architecture on Monday, May 22, at 5 P. M:, in Room 315, West Engineering Building. Peter Field. Subscriptions Of College Students Will STUDENT BANQUET Help To RestoreShakespeare Memorial SPEAKERS CHOSEN Speakers for the Lutheran student When fire destroyed the Shake- interested in the idea that a perman- banquet for Seniors which is to be fpeare Memorial Theatre last year ent monument to Shakespeare would given in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall, he world lost the only permanent be a fitting tribute to the bard. They Sunday evening, have been announced E tribute to the famous Elizabethan realized that if his works were to as follows: Drl C. P. Harry of Phil- poet. People from all over the world live an adequate place would be need- adelphia, Lutheran general secretary felt the loss so keenly that a world- ed where he could be studied and ap-lof religious work among university wide campaign was formed in an at- preciated. students; the Rev. A. E. Bell, of To- tempt to restore it America was ask- The workers felt that Shakespeare ledo; and Harold Neilson, recently