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February 18, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-02-18

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FRIDT)A Y, F7fllT' P 1P,1c7.

every Mrlpnigxcp Md

!luring thc,

leu'. rsy Ilar by .(Copt r Mon
of ~.;~,ej n oni-reicc 'Ir'.

Entcred at the plostoffii* at Ann Arbor,
t caa, s~c .i o~'natter. Special rate
(it )'1~C raitc ,.1 Third Assistanlt Post-
Sa ter t rnera1_
Siol c' iptiuri by carrier, $3.75' by sail,
O~fices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
Hard Stied
NeditEditor... .,.P iin iorn
!Muic and ram. a ... c. rA.O
News EditorEditors
Charles 1iehyrner Ellis Xlerry
Carlton Champe Stanford IN,
jo Chamberlin Coprtlanrd CSm'i
James Herald Cz.,sarm A. W44 ii
Assistant City Editors
Carl Burger H'enry Thurnats
Joseph Brunswkk
Marion Anderson :Miles Kimball
Alex Bochnowski 14i ilti,n kirshnaum
Jean Cmrpbell Ricl-ard Kurvink.
Chester E. Clark G. TIhomas M ceacto
C larence Eideisoni Kenneth Patrick
Earl W., De La Vergnel Morris Quinn
WXilliaml Emery Jaynes Sheelian
Alfred Let Foster, Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Robert E. FiucL Sylvia Stone/
h~oliert (>e snrx W'4illiam l) 'huruijuu
LE;,ine .rriier M4ilford Vanik
4,ierria -i . (lencer Hferbert lF_\Veldkcr
JHarVev J. *~derson Marian Welbas
Stewar I ( key Thadileus Wa'ielewski
M omr-v; I ve 'Shier w'od Winsl, w

with the disarmament requirements'
of the Versailles treaty as General
Foch announced, she has disarmed
: ificently to render France safe from
iougi s sionr.
9In WOe lfuture, though Germany will
;ii.1 behouadr e:frictone of 0the
All"', f. il s. iFor lus efet upon
in i viitional goodwill alone, te tran-
:ition stands as one of the most im-
portaitt steps in the reconstruction of
The ltOMFaddcfl brancht banking bi1,
t *'5 ::il i ge d l y the oPresidnt,
0B Il ( li o u ail n ,e 01 a :t « ;37 Ol ' S. 1 .. i 't d' ri{I ,ct V0
tlk 0ir ' o '10f ., I a 1 i .:.' l71w ' =)''.'
TPho'.' cFadden bill contains a num-
b 'o of provisions liberalizing . the
rules affecting the operations of na-
tional banks and though opposed on
the ground that branch banking in-
terests would shortly drive inde-
pendent banks out of existence such
a view is not generally held. Branch
banking on a large and small scale
iN here to stay. The McFadden mleas-
ure regulates operations so that na-
tional and state banks have more
nearly equal, freedom of operation.
In these days of rapid changes in
banking methods and transactions it
is inevitable that certain irregulari-
ties and inequalities should arise un
der existing laws. These are what
the McFadden bill aims to mitigate.
As for the indeterminate extension of
the Federal Reserve bank charters,
the McFadden bill only provides for
the avoidance of any unsettled con-
ditions previous to the expiration of
the present charters in 1934.
About four years ago the United
States Public Health Service began
providing medical advice via radio to
vessels at sea. Ships without physi-
cians found the service an invaluable
one in treating illnesses of seamen
without returning to port or stopping
at out of the way points for medical
Since that time, this service of U4~
Public Health department has been
increasingly used, one station alone
handling 57 such cases during 1926.
Telegrams show that many lives have
been saved. The departmlent is car-
rying out in a capable fashion a very
necessary special service for the
country's citizens.
It is beginning to seem that speech-
es demanding law enforcement may
come and go, but that crime roes on
"Alienist Gives New Test for In-
sanity ." Evidently, the position of th
prosecutor will be entirely hopeless.
Final examinations are now only
four months away.

"1)'01lIIT"IMu sic and Drma
Rlswill cover completely the rt+ 4)NtiI I: The ies re- OIl w
''eeRing Circus next Tuesday cofehsb ''r llI, Aiit
mflt ytiorning, in lill audit orium, when l lle1 ii, theHIBl'Ps5" Hilt
Hobbs and Reed will keelp the stur- 46Tiw man of I)PSI l1ly" i te lnne
'dents from straying into the danger- titeatem at S :t"(I o'eovk.
ois paths of Eddy's oratory. x
* * *
[ ttr~r 11 e. t'i: : N i i t r'F"

For Your Convenience--Two Stores Completely Stocked
At Both Ends of the Diago nal
~t th se sterii t ithr

These ~~~t-wo professors are ir4 III
'i a!", £amt Eddy ill peace, but MIS1i- I
IIrgIoilst ill ret ainsthe !l'ad s inlhe i t
(1 1. 4 (OU~ItI'yfllil.t
' P'rofessor Hobbs," asked
" in ' ;ta Seiryse"y to debate this other su)-
ri otf dd\ ' , 'Dare We Think(?'j
or are the students to be per- 1
' -Ladled against their will that
they do dare to?"
* *I
Some of the more obvious points
might just as well be cleared up be-
fore this show begins. For instance,'
they might just as well agree to leave
Washington right out of the argu-
ment. After all, it's only his birth-
(lay we are celebrating.f
If they don't arbitrate George outj
as evidence, Hobbs can say that Wash-
ington believed in war, citing the
Revolutionary affair. Put then Eddy
would come right back and say that
Washington' was generous to his
enemies and that he made a better
president than he did a general.
Hobbs and Reed can bring in an 1
oil painting of Washington standing{
in the boat crossing the Delaware.I
And . Eddy might show the audience

Qtite the inert c'Xc iiiug andtion<I-
tional character oftwIs~o seasons ago
was , eieCornell's ml eu'preta-
t ion of Iris March, Mr. ichael Arlin's
*peripa tetic he ro i e who coulilut ro-
st'ai~n her' iii l'iC Th'is i play which
first --aw s' lit in ti,,(,r!thato
inl D'etro~it :is r ,, " ing tot':.11:;, ivti4ei
on1 Sundi(fyuight w0 ithca;s practically
u.itat't, save that pamela Sim-Pson has
!,ong ag;o rep~lace'd the now glorified
, un Hlarding ;as Yen ic~cand Alan
I 1011)isi sinl tiherole of ti er.
On Saturday night "The Gre n i .t"
will be given, but not by Hiss G'ort ill



and a fresh bottle of our

' Your semester's results will be better.
315 state :St.
rot 1~4 HOUR SERVICE j




;7Jh leII4l4n 291,11
Advertising........... ..William C. Pusch
Advertising.... ,.........Thomas Sunderland
Advertising............ George H-. Annabrle, Jr.
Advertising ...........Laurence J. Van Tuyl
Circulation ............... T. Kenneth Haven
Public-ation............... John Rl. Bobrink
Accounts,..,............. Francis A. Norquist
George' Ahn Jr. Ray Wachter
Melvin H. Bact J. B. Wood
D. M. Brown Esther Booze
Florence Cooper IH ilda Binzer
Daniel Finley M;-rion A. Daniel
A. M. H~inkley Beatrice Greenberg
&. L. Hdulse Selmna M. Janson
R. A. Meyer Marion Kerr
Harvey Rosenblum Marion L. Reading
William h . Spencer Harriet C. Smith
Hlarve Talcott Nance Solomron
Harold lUtley Florence Wi'dmaier

h' .
-" ° -nau.a
', Ii EcT . j4 ;i

Emma Miff and 1. o nd Lor'd
Crecn Hatt"


a view of the first president as he}
made his farewell address, urging and the IDetroit colnpaiiT', for ooce
peace. night at. the 'Whi'tney. The Asim Ai Ia
* *{Cast i l intclude Kn]in a !"al"i., IC,
rt, F DE BATE *role of irl!3, II o'ia rd Lot,(] as Nap lii'."',
THAT 'WASNT Courtney 'avers as Ce,''uhl Macohtll.
It is a shame that. the debate sub- Gserald inc lii oi'i'zras5>'ueaat°d
jetsgetdb rfso ob rhrM al vi rcould not have been used. So we will Maurice Harp~enden
just give an idea of what it would At present Miss (o1-'neil is mkn
have been like. The subject was: very lead ing lady-lie threats of I
"Resolved: that under the existing withdravving from the c.'Est of t r
conditions, the United States main- company to sta<rt: 1'('c,,u-ls fco- a
tain a system of national defense." spring appea ran(,e----probablyi IIc
* * *~~ j Cardboard Lover'' orf''iln'wt
The e ente 9)s It Would Ha've Been odds on the latter at the p'esent ,r- I
Hobbs--Present conditions are as ing. Bint sleit,'s chaniging her11 1,-.
follows: (1) Mexico has 30,000,000 with such cghitit is Trot a .oil
Mexicans armed to the teeth; (2) Ja- unlikely that she ay 1follo)w ., c:2
pan has several trillion soldiers, arm-j Eagels mellhod of tioiteiajilttiiiigtall
ed to the teeth: (3) Russia has a sorts of slays, "lnd thei n i h'Alie

4 f _ _ _ _ __ERR
' p '~ 1, HETYS M F


Th'e first week-end of
the new semester

is always a big week-end at Granger's Academsy,
and there will be no exception this. year. Thle
semester is still young enough so that your studies
are not pushing you very hard-and you can have
a 'chance to use some of your extra pep at the
dances either Friday or Saturday nights.
D6Dancing Wedneday, Friday, Saturday. 1



In carrying out the state depart-
ment's desire that the Diaz govern-
rimbe th e established one in Nica-
'ea. aother company of marines
v ~ a a dl dvision of airplanes have been
d~~~h'~'lto Admiral Latimer's com-
Inallinhe Nicaraguan waters.
a Though neither the navy nor the
(tat deprtmient have offered any
'trt'H.'i. ' 5nfow, 'ievidently marks
ihr' ~g~n .;,'n a more drastic. Amer-
(,,anolc in Nicaragua. Thus far,
in ai;in the Diaz forces by estab-.
Ttngneutral zones In cities cap-
oue r aboat to l" captured by the
1 ibcarthe marin'as have confined
ther atk'tesratho-rimuch to the
~o "tal regions.
It is now believed that an effort
will be made to control the interior
of the country. The plan s ordered
I he Njcaraguan serviceO will assist
ithle 1u"uti'ahzation tactics by wol cii-
inle 'rin oh : I'm i@5as Well as ccl a1)
I ; r lii ' c t):-(.lie eat and w-:-icoasts.
tils te .'iiolae'vrd that the ma-
riai'~'',s l comnie f(,,blows with
BeI b'ro1- ls irtus extending their
tv tr"~ In fact, their Mexico City
representative has already declared
that the creation of any more neutral
zones will be regarded as cause for
wa.What credence may be attached
to this statement is rather a matter
of speculation. It seems rather
doubtful if the observant Dr. Sacasa,
the Liberal leader, would attempt such
an indiscretion.
In any event, the United States
should use all reasonable means to
carry out its policy. 'Whatever may
be thouight of the wisdom of the
course, it mutst be admitted that it
would be destructive to America's
prestige to be unsuccessful or to back
down when the state department has
based the right of its intervention
upon the protection of American
property rights in Nicaragua.
At the close of any war, it is natuiral
thtthe victorious party should bind
the dlefeated with many restrictions
°o cerning its future activities as well
as to levy substantial indemnities. In
the negotiations following the 'World
war, this attitude was particularly
characterized by France who wishedI
to safeguard herself against future
aggression from German.
Aspacetime condition develop,.

Anonymous commurnications will be
disr'egarided. The names of commiuni-
c 1rts iil, however', be regarded as
icrr 'ientirl upon retiuest.I
To The Editor:
inl The Daily of Tuesday, Feb. 15,
under the Daily Official Bulletin, ap-
io'at'd a notice by the Administrative
, ,oird, W R. Hlumphrey, chairman, in-
oming all and sundry that three stu-
dents had been suspended, expelled
and put on probation, respectively, for
dishonesty in connection with their
I do not propse that dishonesty of
this kind be made light of or con-
doned, but I do vehemently denounce
this form of punishment as stupid,
cruel and inhuman-characteristic of
the same self-righteous mind which 1
is today clamoring for capital punish-
mont-characteristic of the pedantic)
mind which takes a sadistic joy i
"making an example" of someone-2a
characteristic of the humorless bigot-
ed mind which caused the letter "A"
to be placed in scarlet on the bosom
of Hester Prynne's dress for all time
and for all to see.
As a deterrent, it undoubtedly has
the effect of most laws enacted super-
facially, without basic insight of the
problem, and with little or no con-
sideration given to corrective or pre-
ventive measures, which is to say that
it is no deterrent at all. I bring to
witness the generous amount of crib-
bing occurring in the course of the
average examination, which reduces I
I the offense of thte unhappy few whose
names are from time to tinme made
public, to the crime, of "getting
caught,"-the Cardinal Sin, it would

couple billion trillion Russians arm-
ed to the teeth; and (4) what has the
United States got? 'Why merely a
handful of R. 0. T. C. cadets armed-'
with teeth. Therefore, since storms
are 'threaeening-I found it out in
Greenland last summer-we must !
have SOME system of national de-
fense, even if it is only Mr. Eddy's
plan of having a defense built up by
making friends with our neighbors.
Eddy-(But, we ask you, what could
Eddy or anyone do with a subject like
I~ii,, may not believe in Prepared-'
ness, but he took the right step by
getting that subject changed.
NOME, Alaska, Feb. 17. - The
H:obbs-Eddy and Reed circus began to.
prepare for its Spring invasion of the
northern states when the star per-
formers started to assemble here to-I
day. "The Greatest Blow On Earth"z
is scheduled to make Ann Arbor
'uesday, and will have tihe unique
honor of being the first three ring
circus to appear in the Hill auditori-
um1 there.
Reports say that all the~ mahi at-
tractions of otlier seasons will be ready
for the big opening, and it is ex-
pected that the clowvns -will be espe-
cially good this year.
* *
Professor Hobbs, trainer of polar
bears and weather, said today that he
is in top form, and expects to put on
the best performance of his career
And "Rough and Ready" Reed,
champion sword swallower, promises
to bring dlown the house in the big !
* * *
As yet Eddy the Edifier has not ar-.1
rived at the winter quarters, but is in
training at another city, kept secret
so far, and will go to Ann Arbor a
couple of days before the opening per-
formance in order to get acclinmated.
Mr. Eddy, advance publicity agent

season 1in her original 'Veicle.
* *=k *

Mimes spoiled a perfect eri) u by'
foisting "Anajansha" upon their an--
{hoeie, but viewed in1 another light, they
tur"ned disgust to (dei'ht by 1, 1 1cnop
Ilendage oIf ."The Man of Dces nv."
Surely ther e has neve.r been in thtis
vicinity such a c'omparison o f the
works of one writer with regad to
high and low spots. Pickl ed topics
the satire on the ciomlplexities of I'ol-
shevist ic governmnent absclvr~d iut o
three very g'ood poenfona nce:, 1b01
the effect of the whole w 'w" ter ri ble..
There was The Nose, atal ( 'riisk 's
Selnnlett make-iup, H iid heti---bait i
the Duchesls had shouted "'the revoli--
tion" once mor'e there would havea
been a volley of shots froni the an-
dienmce. Curtaill.
Fro.) the rise of the first Voi- ''e'o
the lfall of the final eturtain thVi~c :1<
otteringy was perfect. The rio" !fir
was 1immi tably Shaw, 010the dir"-
sertation on '1)glishmn r7e'.3t red I b
Napoleon cappedi the pe' n'
ccssfully. There was none ofthte
strained eftort of inilerpretiat iou wich
was so evidencit in ''A1nuajtani1 b' ut
a smoothness of diction a nd < amc--
terization s'which has liverth. a Tar-
passed in any of the current iirndue-
tions. The scot ire (did not push i !
listeners back aga in;t their seats, but1
appeared suddenly and a tfu'iiy, both
stimulating and satisfy=Ing
It iwould be hard to nic'k oarI'one 0of
the four pla ers as sta udiii go..[ fromt
the rest, and that eondhtion is about
all that can be desired, in adIditioni toi
a kindly choice of play. Earl1 Flelsuch-
lean, as ,napoleon, was conimanding,
clever, and thoroughly prefess oii u
Hlis performance -will stand out for
a long time iii the minds~i of those who
saw hime. Robert Wetzel, thein
keeper, cringed and crowded his par
into one of equal importance, al-.
'hough a nothici' mlighit have oniiGrde it
far less. ennet King as the I


s 0 f Iol inl aniatmosphere of glrcw
uiii ii 'in.(Gerald Mark's Orrches-
s~y ira -. tk No rover charge with supper
or i-trial ordler except Saturday night 7-5c

We Hav an
Wp.iei't -tall
Of 5'itiO ' to in stall
you)' 110W Cc('tl ea o
tt'r's orii' i'( r i~your 0old
oli S R S
Idi.\ot 1FouthAve.

Say It With--
.Spring Flowers---_
Daffodils - Tulips - Hyacinths
Sweet Peas - Violets - Snapdragon
Finest Roses and Carnations '
Nickels Arcade Phone 7014



ord. r i ii .d ii/ " ts ' 4''+ 'c/' i ' 'a0/idf"iso 'a4Ti .xia0iafl"~au if~iC+e. ': ' as9rPwG"ov o'"afi: u4°-v4'au a:OT e ' :.f'y i

tea- ..

, vt''i"

3 a wroMa wwa re


A . Good Place to Buy Hardware
Tfools, Sporting Goo~sIsI Cutlery,


Paints and, oils
A1l5so Kitchen Ware, Glass, China and Dinner Ware-In fact,
whnyou need anything for the Kitchen, you are most certain
to find it at this store.,

tenant flippant, scored a gain v ithi a. #
amusing imn'teonation of nensensi'. 13
proportions. 'He has hroncreating,
q~uite at gallery of pWcturi'es for hi-,-:,l
of late, and they aire all different.


__ IJ - d- _.. ..


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