k W"" THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY. MAY 22, 1927 i i i " Published every morning except Monday luring the University year by the Board in Contre f Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial dAsociation. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise Credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- Wiaster General.. Subscription by carrier, $3.75; by snail, $4.OO. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- hard Street..,I Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21ar4. EDITIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR SMITH' H. CADY'. JR. Aditor..................W. Calvin Patterson City Editor..............Irwin A. Oiat News Editors..........JFrederick Shillito (Philip C. Brooks Women's Editor............Marion Kubik S ports Editor.......Wilton A. Simpson Telegraph Editor........Morris Zwerdling Musso and Drama.......Vincent C. Wall. Jr. Night Editors Charles Behymet" Ellis Merry Carlton Champe Stanford . Phelps J o Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith Janes Herald Cassani A. Wilsoni Assistant City Editors Carl Burger Henry Thurnawt Joseph Brunswick Reporters Maiion Anderson Milton Kirshbaum Margar Arthur Pail Kern Jearn Camtbell Sally Knox Jessie Church Richard Kurviak. I nester L. Clartr G. Thomas McKean Edward C. Cummings Kenneth Patrick Margaret .Clarke Mary Ptolemy ".al uuard Vv. leland Morris Quinn Clarence Edelson James Sheehan William nFer ylvia Stone Robert E. Finch Mary Louise Taylor j Martin Frissel Nelson J Smith. Jr. Robert Gessnet ~ William Thurnau Margaret Gross Marian Welles Elaine Gruber Thaddeus Wasielewski Coleman J. Glencer Sherwood Winslow Harvey J.Gunderson Herbert E. Vedder Hwart o ker s Milford Vanik Morton B. Icovo BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER{ PAUL W. ARNOLD Contracts................William C. Pusch Copywriting ..........Thomas E. Sunderland Local Advertsing ...eorge H. Annable, Jr. Yoreign Advertising ......Laurence Van Tuyl Circulation.... ......T. . Kenneth Haven Publication................John H. Bobrink Accounts_................Francis A. Norquist Assistants George B. Ahn .Selma Jensen W. H. -Allman James Jordan F. P. Babcock Marion Kerr Freda Bolotin T. N. Lennington Esther A. Booze Elizabeth Macauley G. S. Bradley W. A. Mahaffy J. 0. Brown / R. A. Meyer J uliette: open R. L. Miller V-lorence Cooper G. W. Perrett C. K. Correl . R. W. Preston E. V. Egelang . M. L. Reading B. Fishman J. E. Robertson affairs. The future of the United States in initiating and maintaining world problems depends upon its rep- resentatives. And in the near future its representatives will be these dele- gates. They should be picked with great care. AN APPRECIATION I. f Great achievements are rarely ac- complished in a sensational blaze of glory, and the fact that the results are not immediate and flashy does not mean that the deed lacks worthiness. This law is immutable, whether in the world in general or on the college campus, and the latest demonstration of its working is the 1927 Michigan yearbook-the Michiganensian. The members of the staff have spent much time in the preparation of the book. They have given the Univer- sity, as is generally admitted, one of the finest annuals it has ever had. Their work has been not so much the introduction of new features as the improvement of the established ones, though both ends have been accom- plished; and the result is very sat- isfactory. The glory that is theirs is short lived indeed. Their book, embodying a year's work, can appea but once. In a week or two the 'Ensians will be placed on their shelves, to be used only for fond reminiscenceand recol- lection. The work of this year's staff is done, and in addition to what ap- preciation may now be expressed, they will always have the satisfaction of a job well done. AN EASTERN CONFERENCE For many years the colleges and universities of the East, bound by a rigid tradition, have resisted any forces that tended toward a combina- tion into an athletic conference sim- ilar to the Big Ten. Harvard, Yale, and Princeton, with a sort of super- ficial snobbery, were the principal an- tagonists of the scheme, pointing out that the prestige of their annual bat- tles would be minimized if six or seven other schools were allowed to compete with them. Now conditions have changed, how- ever, and the Princeton-Harvard rel- ations have been suspended. In re- cent years a basketball conference of ten teams has been formed and has functioned with great success among the eastern teams; and within the past week a director, something in the nature of Major Griffiths of the Western Conference, has been ap- pointed by a group of eastern univer- sities to appoint officials for their football games. All of these steps show a tendency towards a single goal-an eastern con- ference. They show that th prin- ciple of organization in athletics is sound and natural; and they are en- couraging, because they mark the first recognition on the part o the East of a principle which has long been eminently successful in the West. The Big Ten, the Missouri Valley conference, and the Pacific coast or- ganization of colleges have all been successful to a notable degree. The handwriting on the wall seems to point to a similar plan for the East; and if that section can overcome cer- tain narrow prejudices, and take on a broader, view of intercollegiate competition, the existence of an Eastern conference, furnishing to its members the advantages enjoyed by the present organizations, is in the not too distant future. MILITARY TRAINING There may or may not be anything of significance in the fact that the seniors of the College of the City of New York have denounced military training as "utterly, irrevocably, and asininely useless;" but if the reflec- tion of popular opinion is any criterr ion, it certainly is significant, and immensely so. Without launching into a technical discussion of the value of military1 training at all, it is obvious that training which is entered with such a spirit as that is useless, -whether it be the finest thing in the world or not. There are two parts to every edu- cational process, the instructive and the receptive, and if the will to re- ceive and benefit is not there the course fails. If this state has arisen in connection with compulsory mili- tary training, in New York or any-, T MED ROLLe THE DAILY .-'l CRASHES THROUGH And there really was a Cap Night program after all. II * * * Tradition could not be downed. And even thoug-h the Cap Night address came to us through the medium of our own Daily, we wish to express our appreciation to Dean Cocley for completing that traditional event. * * * Student councilmen were jubilant over the reception of their Cap Night program by the campus yesterday. "We planned it as a surprise," was their statement. "We thought theI sti.dents would appreciate it move un-i "cr such circumstances Our obliga- iior. to the ^tudent body is a duty we cannot shirk, excep temporarily N"lien we have something else to at- l od to." * * * Yes, sir, you can always depend on those council boys. And The Daily will always back them right up, too--even to printing their alibis. Lantern night will be h1ld as usual this year, according to the ladies inj charge. Evidently they aren't taking any chances by turning it over to the Student Council. We were hoping that they would let the women have charge of Cap Night next year. But now that the Council has showed how much hiter- est it really takes in student aaffirs, perhaps it should be given another chance. After all, this plan of speeches via the easy chair isn't such a bad idea. It ought to be developed.; * * * Graduation would be a wonderful opportunity for a test. All that would be necessary for the exercise would be a circular letter. If anyone wanted to see what the seniors look like, he could borrow an 'Ensian. To make the exercises more formal the diplomas could be mailed under special cover. . The diploma fee would have to be raised a couple of cents to provide for the postage, but maybe the seniors could do with- out caps and gowns. That would make up the extra expense, and per- haps leave enough for a special de- livery stamp. I A MUSIC ramfa - __SUGGEST[IONS FOR TONIdiIT: The Music Box Revue = at 8:15 o'clock in. the Whitney The- G I T I - . trSe "D AT IT * * * A Review, By Vincent Wall AT GRAHAM'S = Divorced from the pageantry and glamour that surrounds the actual production, "Carmen" became last night a ponderous succession of arias -mae_ for the principals. The opus itself is one of the most lyrical in opera; w illtheof there are none of the broad sweeping O U I n phrases of tragedy that are expected w in Verdi, Poncielli, Gounod or Wag- ner. It remains flippantly gay and a sterens" sad to the end-and is always'a lovely piece of theatre, closely knit in for exams. Why not get the use of it now? motif and mounting to a succession ; T4.-U__ 9 I; Alice L..Fouch P.:j Fuller H Goldberg L. H. Goodman Beatrice Grecbexr C;.''W. Hamm~er A.- M. Hinikley M. R. Hubbard4 E. L. Hulse H. A. Japhn John Russinkle A. K. Scherer W. L. Schloss D ance Solomon g Harvey Talcott Fred Toepel G. T. Tremble :Ii Hiarold Utley Herbert Varnum Ray Wachter SUNDAY, MAY 22, 1927 Night Editor -NELSON J. SMITH, Jr. NEW YORK TO PARIS The achievejnent of Captain Charles Lindbergh, youthful airtmail flyer, in flying from New York to Paris in a non-stop flight of 36 hours, deserves to be acclaimed by all people who ap- preciate the daring, and the romance of modern life and progress. He made an actuality of a thing that has been the talk of aviators for the, past two years-the conquering of the vast spaces of open water between the eastern and western hemisphere. , The accomplishment is interesting both as a romantic feat and for its future commercial possibilities. With the development of the inter-conti- nental telephone service and regular aerial passenger and freight routes, contact between the two continents will become a more intimate thing. Speedy airplane transportation can unite the two continents as closely as various parts of the United States, and the feeling between them may be ac- cordingly strengthened. The flight marks the alliance of romance with unforeseen possibilities for the fu- ture. OUR REPRESENTATIVES With the naval parley at Geneva drawing nearer, agitation in Wash- ington favors the appointment of suc-; cessful public men .as the represen- tatives of the American government. The names of the men who represent- ed the United States at the Washing-' ton Disarmament meet - C h a r 1 e s Evans Hughes, Elihu Root, Henry Cabot Lodge, and Oscar W. Under- wood-are being quoted as examples of the type of men who should repre- sent the country in this new confer- ence. It is important that the United States apppint men who are capable f of filling the position and men who will uphold the dignity and the posi-l Lion of the country. The United States has taken the lead incalling the con-j ference and this very fact has con-9 tributed much to the interest that is being shown by the nations of the Special arrangements be iade for any of the are unable to read. ** * could easily seniors who A STEP in that direction has alT ready been made by the manager of the Radio night programs, who has had all the speeches printed in a copy of the University bulletin. Suc- cess of the plan is shown by 'the large numbers who have requested copies of the bulletin. CANDIDATE REMAINS SILENT C No statement has been issued by Joseph A. Bursley in regard to his proposed candidacy for Dean of Police. Several remarks, however, have been credited to the dean ofsthe student repression department. * * s "Our own department is far super- ior to the Ann Arbor police," accord- ing to the Dean. "We never had to use tear gas to stop a rush on the library." * * S ANOTHER PARTY Matchless artistry of design, glor- iously-throbbing golden strains of jazz, brilliantly gowned and-. - * * * Pardon, we almost started to write} a story on the senior ball. * * * But now the committee can see what a mistake they made by not sending us an invitation. We hope they'll have better luck next time.-Adv. * * * UNFORTUNATELY, we didn't hear the May festival this year. We love music, like all other savages, but since they were so mean as to close all the doors we decided not to listen. * * * That was a royal outburst that came from our abused contemporary on the right in campus opinion yesterday morning. We've always been a little of well-balanced climaxes. The name-role is always a tempest in tea pot, and is the most graceful in grand opera. Sophie Braslau in-, vested it with every shred of emotion . that could be forced into a concert interpretation. This in combination with a voice that possesses a brilliant range of florid beauty leaves nothing to be desired-except the actual per- formance. But despite the fact that every so- prano and contralto in the business would sell her soul for the part, it is a m st difficult role. , It was writ- ten at a time when a diva was ex- pected to do Donna Anna one night and Lucia the next; to be followed by Brunhilde or Queen of the night. And all the famous Carmens for years have been of the Patti, Luca, Calve and Ferrar (how people damned her when she actually bit Manuelita!) and now Bori and Garden. Other than Braslau in her singing of theHabanera, Tibbett's sonorous and warm baritone seemed o inter- pret most truly the nuances and feeling o the scor:e; he almost freed the Toreador song from the incubus of the language, and if he nadn't been badly covered by .the orchestra would have stopped the show. Ar- mand Tokatyan, the tenor, was con- sistently good and awful; never on pitch except when he was forcing his voice, he was almost given an ova- tion an almost unbelievably fine ren- dering of the duet in the third act. James Wolfe did nothing rather well. As for,the rest, considerable shouting was done on all sides, except from Lois Johnston, whose Micaela was ex- cellent. In shrt, while not perfect in all departments, and suffering in a loss of the vivid action and color of an actual presen'ation. "Carmen" -was both adequate a.nd stimulating-a fit program to close an excellent and in- teresting Festival. ERNEST HUTCHESON A Review, By Philip C. Brooks Thanks to the superb conducting of Mr. Frederick Stock, who holds his orchestra down masterfully to give the solo artist the best possible opportunity, Ernest Hutcheson estab- lished himself favorably with his first Ann Arbor audience, showing an amazing though far from ostentatibus technique, a pleasing naturalness, and a most agreeable sincerity of inter- pretation. Mr. Hutcheson had for his vehicle a remarkable work, for Beethoven in his E major concerto created a mag- nificently beautiful affair - the nu- merous brief impressive passages in the first movement-the fervent mel- odic grandeur of the Adagio-the vig- ourously inspiring Rondo-all com- bined to make an admirable impres- sion. Those ,who consider the Schubert Symphony the finest orchestral work of the Festival have ample grounds for their opinion. The extensively developed melodies, t h e striking rhythmic sequence, and the animation pervading the entire symphony and making it. at times like a fairy dance, when interpreted as the Chicago Sym- phony does them, would convince any- body. Schubert takes an' entire or- chestra through the most dexterous passages as gracefully as if he were- handling a single finely controlled in- strument. And it is again thanks to Mr. Stock that such an impression is gained, for he handles his group with a skill that enables i4 to do the most difficult works and maintain its high standards. Mr. Stock appears to feel and enjoy the spirit of his work in- tensely. There is evident an admir- able sincerity, on which is superim- posed the suave grandeur of a master artist. Offsetting the two rIore convention- al heavier numbers was Schelling's "Victory Ball." I had heard the same orchestra do it before, and the fantasy appeared even more than before HEADQUARTERS __._,r FOR PANAMA HATS Hats that are Good ,Prices that are Right. See us before you buy. Panama and Straw Hats Cleaned and BWocked We do regular Factory Work. Hats properly Bleached, properly Blocked, with all new trimmings, look just like new. (No Acids Used) Don't have a good hat ruined by having it done by unskilled work- men in cheap cleaning shops. Factory Hat Store (Where D. U. R. stops at State) 617 Packard St. Phone 7415 MANN'S CLZE Cr rn1E PLEASE DON'T MAKE PATH S ON THE CAMPUS A ider's Pen Shop 315 State Street Good Pictures, from the First In Brownie snapshots you save the thrill of your holiday fun for enjoyment over and over again. And with a Brownie it's simplicity itself to get good picture's-from the first. Let us show you. Brownies, Eastman-made, $2 up. Kodak Film in the yellow box. High-grade finishing. Francisco-Boyce Photo Coe OPEN SUNDAYS It has 0 to I2 times more ink capacity, always works and will outwear several pens of any other make. I SERVICE 4 41 I I' I I f®--- RINGS to 50% )iNcounat PATTERSON & o. UniIiversity at Forest I I 20% BURR, South '1 i I THE MICHIGAMME OIL CO. UNIFORM MOTOR PRODUCTS Of QUALITY and PROMPT SERVICE 4 Dance. AtGranger' There is a certain intangible atmosphere at Granger's that spells a good time for everybody. The friendly and courteous treat- ment that our student attendants give lends an immediate at-home feeling.-You will enjoy the peppy music of Jack Scott and his Wolverines and the special added features that they offer for your entertainment. Dancing Every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday f where else, it might better be aban- shy of these artistic personages, with dgned. their tempers and temperaments, but if they can manage to fill up so im- Americans wagered $2,750,000 on the portant a section as campus opinion Kentucky derby according to esti- with the squabbles they must be im- mates. Their contribution to flood re- portant, after all. lief thus far has been $9,000,000. If * * * only some horses would get in the Personally we've always consideredI path of the flood the hearts of sport- these music and drama enthusiasts a ing America might be touched. little childish. They never seem to agree on anything, and worse than Russia and England threaten to that they never get anything decided. Students From Saginaw> District Seeking Summer Employment If you are seeking sunvmrer employment in the Saginaw distri twthat will pay you in three ways: 1. In money. 2. Valuable experience 3. In the prospect of perman- ent future employment. If you are willing to work 11 11