'I I I' SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1927 APPROPRI "'ATIONS ILL WILL PERMIT WIDER IMPROVEMENT PLANSI J1lMIANIZING OF )EDtCATION IS FIRST PROJECT TO BE CARRIED T 1ROUGH PERMITS FORESTRY UNIT Will Provide Land For Women's League Building; League:Louses To Be Replaced By Dormitores By Paul J. Kern Barring unfortunate occurrences, such 'as a possible veto by Gov. Fred Green, the University will have, in the next two years, $4,150,000 for per- manent improvementp and an 19- crease of more than $500,000 a year for operating expenses. This is ac- cording to the action taken in the ex- piring moments -ef the last legislative session. The acquisition pf\ the money in itself is good, but it would be use- less if the wise administrators of the school hadn't found something to do with it, and what will be done is real- ly the significant thing after all. The removal of the limit on the mill tax is the measure by which the Uni- versity will benefit to the fullest de- gree. This is the money that is used for current-expenes, and the Univer- sity, it seems, has been entitled to a ,mill tax on all assessed property in the state for more than half a cen- tury. While this sounded well, it was far from prf ct in reality, because the legislature, In providing the mill tax, also linfttheamount that the University was allowed to receive in any one year to $3,700,000. The result was that the University grew and the sta grew and the income was still $3,700,000 a year, leaving an annual deficit\ in spite of the rigid economy. practiced on the faculty salaries. The restriction has been removed, however, and the resultant income,' with the six mill levy, will be some- where between, $4,200,000 and $4,700,- 000 a year. The things which can be accomplished with all of this extra money, according to the plans of those in charge, will te immense. Humanizing Education In the first place the idea of hu- manizing education, which the exten- sion speakers have long talked about, can be executed with the additional' funds. Individual attention to the stu- dents, as proposed by the advocates of the new movement, will be the key- note of Michigan's policy; and accord- ing to the University Bulletin Michi- gan's 'reat size will not handicap her in the least, since it is organiza- tion thatreally counts. More atten- tion will also be paid to the selection i of students by personal interview and correspondence, and the addition- al faculty men required will use part of the additional income. A freshmen week, during which all' freshmen come to school a week early and become acquainted with the Uni- versity, is another of the projects planned; and the individual contracts with the faculty, through small groups and the smaller classes, will lead to al humanizing that has been impossible} with the comparatively small faculty hitherto. All of this, of course, willJ require additional faculty men, and 'high grade men, and the extra funds needed will have to come from they expanded mill tax revenue. Then the second great phase of the program planned by the authorities is the projected foresty school and its resultant cooperation with the con- servation forces of the state. The new school, which will take its place beside the older units of the Univer- sity will replace the department of forestry and will lend aid to the state in its conservation program, of which a former professor, Leigh Young, is now director. Will Stuily Spaire Time Last of the three things which the additional funds are- expected to ac- complish is to provide courses in- structing the college youths on how to use their spare time. There has' THE MICHIGAN DAILY "AMERICA" PREPARES FOR TRANS-OCEANIC HOP SOCIETY NAMES OFFICERSFOUNDATIONGIVESIMAGAZINE OFFERS . I TIJ)ADNT AWARDS ISTIIJ)VT AWARDS The "America," triple motored P okker monoplane, is flight from New York to Paris, at Roosevelt field, N. Y. undergoing final tests, preparing for the trans-oceanic been considerable worry in the higher circles, as to what students should do with the immense amount of time that they have on their hands after finish- Ing their studying, and the new plans will teach them how to use it both while in school and later in life. To this ein courses in music, sculpture, and drawing will be instituted, and the University will stock reading rooms with open shelves and encour- age general reading. All of those things are going to be accomplished with the extra money accruing from the mill tax. In addi- tion to this the legislature added a, $4,150,000 bonus for the purpose of new lands and buildings. The first item on this list is the $350,000 appro- ipriation for the land for the new Women's League building, which starts construction in June. For years the women have been selling candy and riding tickts, and holding roller skating tournaments for the benefit of the League fund, and now that they have neatly $1,000,000 they rather expect the legislature to fur- nish 4 place for their building. The solons didn't disappoint them, and the result is that the building will at at least have a site. Another item for the benefit of the women is a $250,000 appropriation for land for women's dormitories. It is one of the favorite alarms of the au- thorities that about 800 women live in League houses that are not partic- ularly fit for women to live in. The money appropriated will provide land for women's dormitories, to be built sometime in the future. On the whole it is probably only a tacit recognition that land in the center of Ann Arbor, around the University, had better be bought as soon as possible if it is going to be bought at all-for finan- cial reasons. Educational Item Provid1 The next sum provided was $1,100,- 000 for an elementary school build- ing. A high school building, in which to let the students practice, has a- ready been erected and the first class will graduate in June. The elemen- tary unit will complete the system, and provide laboratories for all branches and grades of teaching. It will be eected close by the present building, which is constructed on the unit system. The final and most important ap- propriation is that for the new wing on Angell hall. This edifice, when constructed, was planned for possible wings on each 'end, and with the erection of the new museum and the resultant razing of the ancient build- ing now serving the purpose, space1 will be provided for one of these wings, on the south end. Old University hall, erected in 1869, has long served its purpose as home of the administration of the Univer- sity, but with th erection of the new south wing it will be torn down. Chief among its offenes is the fact that it stands only eight feet away from the rear of Angell hall, and if it should catch fire, dry and decayed as it is,'it would do very serious dam- age to the stone and glass of the fire- proof building in front of it. Mason hall, the first building on the canis- erected in 1841, will remain in all probability, and also the old South wing of University hall, built soon after. They are both substantial and sound, and retain some sentimental i WILL OFFER MINERALOGY appeal to the old g;aurlates who rec-COURSES DURING SUMMER ognize little else on the present D iN campus. Stludents in the College of Dental The wing for Angell hall -will f-Surgery will be offered their required nish also an auditorium for large course in mineralogy this summer if a classes, a much neded attribute, and sufficient number can be found who will provide fproof vaults for rec- wish to take it. The course is being ords, which the University lackssofred for the first time in sunner now. school. now.p All in all the legislature did a most generous job in its University appro- IXBEETHOVEN DRAFT SHOWN priations. The only items refused downright were the proposed obser- On exhibition in the main library is vatory and summer biology camp; an original manuscript of Beethoven's and the amount left will provide am- third movement of the Credo from ple opportunity for President, Little the "Missa Solemnis". The work is and the faculty to practice their new written in pencil and is a first draft ideas. of the movement. It has been loaned to the library by a Detroit collector Patronize Daily Advertisers who has it for sale. f ^- v S J h. ' P'},; S'. ' fs I "~ ".;« r with £VELYN BRENT CIRTANI5S* FRAN.K TUTTLE lai~iopYiPI1;UR.JESSE £ SY aaQ. "aal .Vun ,@c LLure, I I QN THE STAGE- iss Juliet Assisted at SA rao (i Revue" H Uarold SolnIon Sunday-Clara Bow in "ROUGH HOUSE ROSIE" I I "Last Tmes Today" A I "Last Times Today" 4 U a. E MR lu OrJEAT0 I -. E The Screen's Fiunniest Elopement! I ft THE PLAY BOY VACATION days ahead. Time for flannels and knickers-and a pair of our 1ri n -U 4~zS