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May 21, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-21

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Youthful Flyer
Is On Way To

a t,.


Dancing in the softly illuminated, the first appearance of his orchestra Upon enterng the cool spring garden
flower bedecked ballroom of the Union at this university. rendezvous, into which the ballroom
more than 700 members of the class of Stuart 11. Sinclair, general chairman was transformed, each couple was pre-
1927 made merry for a few brief hours o the affair, was accompanied by sented
last night at the last forn ,al class Miss Virginia Tonnelier, of Denton
lance of the year. Music and special- Harbor, Mlich., at the head of the grand souvenir program having a twisted
ty entertainment by Jack Crawford j march, which was played to "The Vic-I golden cord, in which the names of
and his ten piece o1chestra of Chicago r s." No moving pictures of the dan- the twelve numbers comprising the
night clubL faime, proved to be the fea- c.rs were taken, as was originally dance program were listed.
Lure of the evening. The clowning phlnned. Dancing started shortly after 9:30
antics of Jack himself, who is said 1Unique indirect lighting effects, o'clock, and continued until 2:30
...._._.,.~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..11. f,..A.1.A.- , '~n"I he1~1.1O"11.1Ii6-1

Sing Operatic Role [IlT [ILL



Little Expresses Belief That Promises
'Of Governor In Regard To J
Action Will 11old
Although Gov. Fred W. Green firm-
ly denied in an interview yesterday,
that he would veto the mill tax bill
passed b the last legislature, he says
that the state of the public finances
will allow only the bare cost of the
maintenance and operation of state in-
stitutions and department.
President Clarence Cook Little is
confident that Governor Green will not
break his promise not toveto the mill
tax bill, as the govern.or himself has
advocated the ren oval of the tax limit.
The President's statement follows:
"I am receiving from University of
Michigan clubs and many other organ-
izations, as well as the press, queries
as to the present statu of the Univer-
sity bills and feel that a statemen
may be helpful at this time.
"Of course I am disturbed by the in- I
terviews which lhave recently been at-
tributed to Gov. Green. On the other
hand, he has so many times declared
himself as being in favor of all the
buildings finally voted to the Univer-
sity by the overwhelming action of
both branches of the legislature, that
I am sure that he has not been cor-
rectly quoted. Only a day or two be-
fore the legislature adjourned the mat-
ter of the school building for research
and advancement of our knowledge in
the great field of education was
brought up in a conference with Gov.
Green, Senator Sink, Representative
Warner and myself.
"Some misinformed people had been
trying to make the governor believe
that the building was a normal school.
The governor clearly recognized the
absurdity of this and told us that he
was not in favor of elininating that
:item. He had previously in my pres-
ence requested the senate finance com-
mittee to be as generous as it could
with the University both for building
and for maintenance. When therefore
this cotmittee after most careful con-
sideration at a time when every other
financial need of the state had been
considered by them, put through the
senate with only one dissenting vote
the two University bills as they now
stand, and as they were voted by a
tremendous majority of the house I am
sure that the governor will, stand for
his former statement.
One of Platform Planks.
"I do not believe that the governor,
with education, forning as it did one
of the very foundation planks of his
platform, will cut educational appro--
priations for maintenance or for build-
ing. The two houses were willing to
stand for the responsibility of voting
for the bills. The representatives of i
the people who elected the governor
spoke in no uncertain way-by not a
slight or doubtful majority. There
might be an excuse for a chief execu-
tiveless openly committed to educa-
tion and to increased opportunity for
the boys and girls of Michigan to op-
pose or to override the judgment of
the legislature.
"I can see nothing in the governor's
written word or in his often repeated
statements to ne that would justify
sne in believing that the statements at-
tributedeto hirr or the rumors of his an-
tagoistic attitude towards the action
of the legislature concerning the Uni-
versity are anything more than un-
authorized views of those not in a po-
sition to know.
"I am expecting a denial from him
of these rumors in the near future.
Such a good business m-an as he is
would surely have foreseen long ago
that cuts in the University program
would have been necessary had such
been the case.
"I am sure that he would never have
led the finance committee and the rest
of us to count on a program and then
override previous assurances after the
legislature had left Lansing."

R. Okeson, of Lehigh university, to-
night was named as the sole repre-
sentative of ten large eastern colleges
and universities in the selection ofl
football officials 'for their important

to be the jolly fat c own prince of casting od(diY Iigured shadows upon
azz, met with the enthusiastic ap-the wall pillars, lent a soft glow to
proval of the near gradluates, sub- the laborate costunes of the girls
stantiating his claim to popularity in and their formally attired escorts.
rnW. L Pt
Illinois .......... 6 2 .750
]PRSO S NTE CE10 11Iowa ............ 4 2 .667
Minnesota,.......2 1 .667
MICHIGAN ...... 5 3 .625
Wisconsin . . 3 2 .600
Captain Charles Lindbergh, former I iconste........4 2 .400
air mail flyer, who yesterday set out Ohio State.......4 5 .444
on his non-stop flight across the At- WILL BE SENT FTO ISTRICT 0 1"h1Indiana.........1 6 .143
lni.C11,111111 JAIL tUNLIESS IChicago .........1 6 .143
EXPERT TO SPEAK Today's Ganiest
ON HYDROGEN IONChicago at Purue
IOhio State at Illinois
Oil Operator Liberatled Oi $500,000 Iowa at Indiana.
W. Mansfield Clark., Professor of Bond Given When Indicted I Michigan at Wisconsin.
chemistry, hygenic laboratory, Unit- Three Yeam Ag
ed States public health service, will
lecture on the "Determination of Hy- (By Associated xPress)
I'WASHINGTON, May 20-Harry M.
drogen Ions" at 8 o'clock next Thurs- Sinclair, wealthy oil operator, must
day night in the chemistry amphithea- serve three months inL the District of
tre. Columba jail for contmpt of the Sen-
Dr. Clark is the coorginaor of the
sulfonphthalein series of indicators ate unless the higher courts itervene.
now universally used in medical, bac- T'his sentence, plus a fine of $500,
teriological, chemistry, and biological was imposed today by Justice itz of
1work. He is considered by members of the District of Columbia supreme court
the faculty to be one of the authorities as a result of Sinclair's conviction by I
li his field ad hisbooshavebe IES OYER ST. JOHNS TWELVE
trainsfed.intom his lang ave been a jury on the refusal to answer to HOURS AFTER LEAVING
transed is ma langges, ntof certain questions in the second_ naval ROOSEVELT FIELD
He has ublished a large amon oil inquiry in .1924. t_______FEL
work on the use of indicators for de- An appeal was noted inymeniately
termining the concentration of hydro- and the lessee of the TapotDoie HAS 1600 MILES OF SEA 1
gen ion or the acidity or alkalinity of naval oil reserve in Wyong9wa
a solution. Professor Clark is attempt- again liberated on a $500,000 bond 'sing Speed Over Land As Estinmate<
ing to findhaseries of indicators which he gave after he was indictedl Should Make Arrival In Paris
which wll chage colo accoritonearly three years ago. ,The case willAt5OlokSna
the oxidizing or reducing power of a be fought through the United States At 5 O'clock Sunday
solution just as he found a series of Supreme court an1d may take two years (By Associated Press)
indicators which change color accord- for final determination.NE YOK Ma 20-F1ying
ing to the -de'gree of acidity of a solu- The unishment meted out to the W YORK, May 20.- Fyin g
tion. The latter series of indicators is well known sportsman and oil man through the darkness, Charles Lind-
in constant use, especially in physio- apparently was more severe than le burgh left all lad behind him to-
logical and biological chemistry. and his counsel had anticipated. They night when he passed over New-
had hoped for the minimum sentence foundland and struck out for Ireland,
ANDREWS, HAYNES of one month in jail and a mine o 1900 miles across the open sea. I
WILL LEAVE JOBS" ''Te maximum fixed by law is twelve The Middle Western air pilot flew
months and $1000. over St. Johns, Newfoundland, at 7:15
(By Associated Press) -- o'clock Eastern daylight time. He
WASHINGTON, May 20-Lincoln C. NEW YORK, May 20--Harry F. Sin- "stepped out" across the Atlantic just
Andrews and Roy A. Haynes, the two clair does not expect to serve the sn- eight minutes leps than 12 hours after
outstanding figuir in federal prohi- tence of three months in jail or pay his takeoff at Roosevelt field this
bition enforcement, soon are to pass the fine of $500 as imposed on him in morning. In that time he had cover-
ti e cetWashington today for contempt of the ed more than 1000 miles along the
from the picture. United States Senate, he declared on New England coast, across Nova
They will be succeededI by Seymour his arrival here in his private car to Scotia and across Newfoundland.jAt
Lowman, former Lieutenant-governor night. no time during this part of his jour-
of New York State, and James M. Do- He characterized the sentence as an ney was he more than 100 miles from
ran, chief chemist of the prohibition1 experiment to "justify political exped- land. b th
iency," and the result of "a clever It was partly because te"great
umixture of the Senate and the District circle course has its first leg onor
Andrews leaves office on August 1 of Columbia Supreme court. It must near land that Lindbergh was partial
at his. own request, his special mis- be reviewed finally under independent I to it. It was believed that this would
sion having been fulfilled; Haynes judicial princinles," he said. insure ample testing of the engine so
goes out after six years of service, and "I was sentenced today for having! that if any flaw developed (and it was
after what many have regarded as a refused to answer certain questions thought it would develop in the firstf
test of acid strength between S'ecre- before a committee of the Senate." the 1000 miles if at all) a landing could
tary Mellon and Wayne B. Wheeler, oil magnate said. "The sentence of the be made before the actual flight over
chief counsel of the Anti-Saloon court was foreordained." the little-traversed ocean wastes was
league. begun.
Lowman will replace Andrews as as- 'ENSANS ARE CIEN OUT On the basis of Lindgergh's speed
sistant secretary of the treasury in S N"AE 0 E up to the time he left Newfoundland,
charge of prohibition, customs, and jNOW AT PRESS BUILDIN i 1t was estimated that he would reach
coast guard; Dr. Doran will succeed Paris, if that speed was maintained
Haynes as commissioner of the prohi- Distribution of the 1927 Michigan- throughout, by midnight tomorrow,
bition bureau. i ensians will take place in the Press Eastern daylight time whichwoul
be 5 o'clock Sunday morning in
building beginning today, announced
OHIO STATE.-Eleven members of John A. Cunningham, '28, sales mana- ti anc0 houresholdhave been con-
the animal husbandry class are learn- ger, yesterday. The distribution will sumed in the flight.,
ing to shear sheep by actual experi- continue from 1 to 5 o'clock every aft- Route Little Traveled
ence. ernoon until June 1
-e rBecause the "great circle" route is
not traveled by many ocean liners,
RUTH V EN COMPAR ES NEW MUSEUM it was considered improbable that re
TO MODERN KINDRED STRUC TURES portson Lindbergh's progress from
TO M DERNKINDED SRUCTRESNewfoundland to Ireland would be
Several new departures in museum may be extended without interfering There was a tense look about "Silm'"
construction and valuable technical with the use of the 'building. When Lindbergh's eyes as he sat in his
features will be incorporated into the finally completed the structure will be blind cabin, looking at his instru-
new University Museum now under two and a half times the size of the ment board as his motors were tuning
construction at the corner of Washte present unit. up for a daring dash over an air route
naw and North University avenues. The museums 'of zoology, geology, I that he was to feel for with his faith-

The new building, to be completed in and anthronology, and the University ful compass.
January 1928, will represent many of Herbarium will all, have exhibits, As the motor raced and then idled,
the best modern structures of its kind; laboratories, and offices in the new the young Missouri captain never took
said Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven in an building. There will also be a general his eyes from the instruments which
interview yesterday. I library of zoology, geology, anthro- will make or break him as he tries to
The exhibition halls, which will be pology and botany. make Paris the next station after New
in the steel wing along Washtenaw Architecturally the building will be j York on the air express.

o cUock this m1s orning, wiien I th iniai
I nur.ober marked the end of the last
social function of the year to be held
by the senior graduating class.
Senator Couzens Places Fortune At
Disposal Of Governor To Aid.
Aff lited Families
(By Associated Press)
BATH Mich., May 20-While funeral
cavalcades crept along country roads
today, freighted with the child victims
of the Bath school explosion, a sym-
pathetic public assured the rehabili-
tation of the stricken community.
United S'tates Senator James Couz-
ens placed his huge fortune at the
disposal of Gov. Fred W. Green for the
relief of the afflicted families, and re- !
storation. of the schoolbuilding which!
was torn down by demented Andrew
Kehoe. Friendly hands stretched out;
on all sides with offers of assistance.
Aid was tendered freely in the hope
that the grief of those who lost loved
ones might be even slightly mitigated.
Many of the 44 who lost their lives in I
the school explosion Wednesday were
buried today. The shocked main street
of the village was roped off to bar the
crowds of curious from the churches
and bereaved homes. Part of the fu-
nerals were held here, others in farmI

Sophie Bradlau
(Ity Associated Press)>
Commander De Pinedo announim-
cad tonight that lie planned to take
off at 8 o'clock toumorrow night
for his trans-Athantie flight. lie
estimated he would reach the
Azores about 8 o'elock Sunday
TRIETASSEY, N. F., May 20-The
Italian aviator, Commander Francis-
co De Pinedo, completing the itinerary
of his four-continent flight which hasj
carried him through Europe,, AfricaI
and the Americas, landed here atl
6:03 _. n. Atlantic daylight time;.
after a flight from Shippegan Island,
N. D.
While traversing the south coast ofI
Newfoundland he kept a sharp look-
out for traces of the plane "White
Bird", in which Captains Charles Nun-
gesser and Francois Coli are lost. He
saw no signs of the missing planef
however. f .
The Italian flier passed over the4
waters between Nova Scotia and New-
foumndland not far ahead of Charles
Lindbergh, who is attempting the New
York to Paris flight in his ship "The
Spirit of St. Louis."

Metropolitan 'rand Opera Soloists To
Sing Carmen In Eveniing; Tibbett
And Braslan Have Leads
Ernest Hutcheson, American pianist
and Bizet's "Carmen" will be the prin-
ciple attractions of the fifth and sixth
concerts this afternoon and tonight In
Hill auditorium, completing the seriee
of programs for the 34th annual May
The final Beethoven music for the
Festival will be played by Mr. Hut-
ces"'n, in his rendition of the difil-
cult "Concerto for the Pianoforte, No.
5". This work was unplayed for a
considerable time after its composi-
tion, but was finially given in 1810, by
another. Beethoven himself ceased
playing in 1808.
'he other number which will be
played by Mr. Hutcheson is the Schu-
bert "Symphony No. 10 in C major,"
in which he will be supported by the
Chicago Symphony orchestra. The
"Victory Ball" by Schelling, a fan-
tasy, will be performed by the or-
chestra alone. This number was first
played by the Philadelphia Symphony
orchestra in 1923. It was written by
Schelling from the poem by Alfred
Noyes, of the same title. The Schubert
piece was selected for its similarity
to the other numbers that are going
to make up the theme of the Festival.
Huteheson Makes Debut
Ernest Hutcheson is an Australian-
American, who has never before been
heard in Ann Arbor, although nego-
tiations have been pending on differ-
ent occasions. The orchestra for his
recital will be under the direction of
Frederick Stock.
The sixth and finial concert will
be given entirely over to the perfor-
mance of Bizet's "Carmen". The lead-


nhouses, and some in Lansing andj . --ng roles will be taken by five'soloists,
neighboring towns. Ministers were INEW YORK, May 20.-Charles A. four of whom are from the Metropol-
called in form a wide area to conduct } Levine, head of the Columbia Air-__
the services. Funeral equijpment from craft corporation, owner of the en-
many cities was brought to meet the durance record-breaking monoplane, i Reviews of both of yesterday's
grim situation. announced tonight that the plane will I concerts will be found in the
Many Flowers Donated positively take off for Paris in the Music and Drama column on
At Red Cross headquarters flowers morning. The announcement followed ampage 4. u
were piled high. They were sent large- a conference in the Biltnore hotel _
ly by donors who knew neither those with Charles C. Lockwood, attorney
who died nor their families. for Clarence D. Chamberlain, who had itan Grand Opera company. The Chi-
The blasted remains of the madman been chosen to make the flight with a cago Symphony orchestra will support
who loosed the scourge were buried co-pilot whose identity has not been the opera, which is in four acts, and
unsung and unmourned in St. Johns. revealed.., the smaller arts and chorus work
His sister, Miss Alice Kehoe, of Battle will be done by the University Choral
Crearranged ~ ase.Te S A K Y R S E Union. This will mark the third -
Creek,mrants of hisbody were low- HR EY CRUSHES pearance of the Choral Union in the
torn remnants fhinodaerpow-
ered into the grave by an undertaker J I M M Y MALONEY programs of this year's May Festival.
in the presence of some gravediggers. Earl V. Moore director -of the Festival,
There were no services. (By Associated Press) will conduct the orchestra during the
In sharp contrast were the funerals i NEW YORK, May 20- Displaying an opera.
of those who lost their lives because unexpected crushing attack, Jack Braslan Has Lead
of Kehoe's mad revenge plot. I Sharkey, giant ex-sailor, knocked out 'The role of the Toreador, Eseamillo,
Little girl schoolmates gathered his Boston rival, Jimmy Maloney, to- will be sung by Lawrence Tibbett,
wild-flowers and strewed them about night in the fifth round of a 15 round Metropolitan tenor from California,
the home of Rev. and Mrs. Scott Mc- match that upset all calculations, and the title role of Carmen will be
Donald, whose 13-year old daughter, While a pop-eyed crowd of 30,000 carried by S'ophie Braslau, contralto.
Thelma, was buried this afternoon. " looked on in astonishment, Sharkey Armand Tokatyan, Armenian tenor,
The funeral procession went 30 miles mastered Maloney with a bewildering who advanced to the Metropolitan
from the McDonald home in Bath to 1 drive from the start, knocked the through the Cairo Opera and Milan,
the Springport cemetery. chubby Irishman just before the end will sing Don Jose. The double roles
Next week, with bleak days etched of the fourth, and finished him in tme of Zuniga and Morales will be taken
indelibly in its memory, the commun- fifth with a slashing right-handed as- by James Wolfe, bass.
ity will turn to the work of recon- sault that left the beaten man a gory. Lois Johnston, of Detroit, a so-
struction and the state will continue and battered figure. prano who received her training under
its investigation into the atrocity. It was a technical knockout victory, Theodore Harrison In the School.of
Ifor the referee, Lou Magnolia, stepped I Music, and who last year sang roles
CORNELL.- Seventy-four nembers in to stop the count when it had 11for the San Carlo Grand opera com-
of the faculty have written for pub- reached six on Maloney's third and pany, will also have one of the leading
lications in the past year. last knockdown. parts.
I Bizet is known as a composer who
Ihas discovered power in other fields
MAY FESTIVAL THRONGS GIVE HER than the dramatic. The scene of the
GREATEST T HRIL L ARTIST ASSERTS opera is laid in Spain, and the plot
____istaken._from the novel by Prosper

"Ann Arbor's audience has given me
the greatest thrill that I have ,ever!
experienced," declared Rosa Pon-
selle, soloist on last night's May Fes-
tival concert, and Metropolitan Op-
era artist, after the splendid recep-
tion accorded her singing of the aria,
"in '. A "'

October 1 Miss Ponselle will open her

season inDetroit, this to be followedI
by another series of appearances with
the Metropolitan Opera company.
"Norma" will be her only new op-
eratic role and Miss Ponselle says
that it is by far the most difficult that
she has yet taken. "La Vestale," in


Pace, ace, Di ,tromU v s 'rI U lwhich she created such a furor in mu-
"La Forza del Destino. i sical circles last season, is to be re-
Miss Ponselle is concluding her vived along with "Ernani" and "La
concert season with her May Festival Forza del Destino," the two other op-
appearance, and admitted that she eras in which Ponselle scored such
was glad; now she "will have time a marked triumph. Incidentally, Miss

(By Associated Press)
EVANSTON, Ill., May 20-Michigan
drew nearer the top of the column in
the Big Ten baseball race today by de-
feating Northwestern 5 to 0 when Fred
Asbeck, the new pitching 'find" held
the heavy-hitting Northwestern team
to one hit. Heidmans double was the
Purple's only safe blow and six were
fanned by Asbeck. He issued no
passes. Northwestern is Asbeck's sec-
ond victim, Ohio State being the other
team which could not solve his de-

avenue, are to consist of two main
floors and a balcony. The floors will,
be of rubber tile, and the walls will
be of tho"so-called curtain type, built,
of cinder block, to eliminate undesir-
able echoes and voice resonance.

featured by stone heads of pioneerI
American naturalists on the fourth
floor spandrels. Carleton W. Angell of
the museum staff has designed heads
of Gray, Leidy, Saye, Powell, Brinton,
I and Agassiz for these spandrels. On

NEW YORK, May 20.-The Ballanca
monoplane may follow Lindbergh on
the flight to Paris in the morning,
Clarence E. Chamberlain, pilot, at
Curtis field said tonight. His state-

to furnish her New York apartment
that has long been neglected." Her
secretary reminded her that first she
would have to catch up on her re-
cordings, so Miss Ponselle intends
to spend the wshole of next week at

Ponselle is one of the few operaticj
stars who have both opened andj
closed a season at the Metropolitan.
An example of Rosa Ponselle's gen-
erosity was her entertaining of the
crippled children in a Grand Rapids

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