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May 20, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-20

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MAY GU, 1;j.; 1

Published every morning except Monday
turing the University year by the Board in
Contrel of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
creditedrin this paper and the local news pub-
Us hed therein.



Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
ofrpostage granted by Third Assistant Post-
miaster General..
Subscription by carrier. $3.75; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May.
Bard Street.
Phones: Editorial. 4925; Business 21a14.
Telephone 4925
Edior... ..W. Calvin Patterson
City Editor... ........Irwin A. Olias
News Editors........ rederick Shillito
t~ Philip C. Brooks
Women's Editor. ... ..Marion Kubik
Sports Editor..... ......Wilton A. Simp~son
Telegraph Editor..........Morris Zwer ing
Mualo and Drama....:...Vincent C. Wall. Jr.
Aligt Editors
Charles Behyme t Ellis Merry
Carlton Champe Stanford N. Phelps
Jo Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith
ames Herald Cassam A. Wilson
Assistant- City Editors
Carl Burger Henry Thurnau
Joseph Brunswick


ent at the conference is taken by
political observers to be an indication
that the parley will be a success.
The five big nations of the world,
all of whom may be represented at the
meeting, should be able to do much
that will materially assist the League
of Nations Preparatory commission.
It may even come about that they
will, by finding a common ground of
agreement, be able to supersede the
work of this commission and reach
an agreement which would bind them
more than would the decisions of the
League commission.
The time is ripe for the settlement
of the question. There have been
many preparatory notes among the
nations and the stand of each is
known to all of the others. Action
must come soon because of the com-
missions of the League that will be
meeting next fall and the impossibil-
ity of getting delegates to attend two
meetings at the same time. The way
has been paved and the time has been
set. It is to be expected that the con-
ference will accomplish some lasting
good toward the limitation of navies
and naval armaments.

Marion Anderson
Margaret Arthur
ean'aaimpbeUl r
Jessie Church
Chester E. Clark
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(. Martin Frissel
obert Gessner'
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Elaine Grubers
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Stewart Hooker
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Milton Kirshbaum
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Richard Kurviak.
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Mary Ptolemy
Morris Quinn
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Mary Louise Taylor
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Marian Welles
Thaddeus Wasirlewski
Sherwood Winslow
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Milford Vanik

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ohn Russinkle
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Ilerbert Varnum
Ray Wachter

FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1927
Night Editor-ROBERT E. FINCH
Since the bloody cataclysm in north-
eastern Europe called the Russian
revolution left the Soviets safe on the
pinnacle in Petrograd (Leningrad),
every story, that has emanated from
Russia has been a story of horror and
perversion, and every wild and rabid,
idea that has been laid bare has been
called "Bolshevist."
With this common suspicion of the
Soviets has gone also a mistrust
among nations as a whole, and the
United States is not yet ready to rec-
ognize the great red republic. Some
of the allegations are no doubt sound,
and some are unsound, but the gen-
eral attitude that ascribes to all Rus-
sians long bearded incendiarism is
without a doubt totally' vicious and
It is this attitude that apparently
characterized the recent raid of the
Scotland Yard detectives on the Sov-
iet headquarters in London. Some
person spread the rumor that the
Russians had been stealing British
state papers and the result was a
Very discourteous raid on the Soviet
headquarters. Nothing was found
,that could possibly incriminate the
agents there, and the whole raid
turned into a colossal farce as far as
the English are concerned.E
No doubt the raid was founded on C
some thread of suspicion, however,
and where there is suspicion there -is
almost certain to be a cause for that
suspicion. ]f the Soviets are unjustly
suspected at many times, there must'
beeA basis for the \mistrust founded
on their previous actions. In England, I
for instance, it is known that they
have flooded the country with Soviet
propaganda; and while the raid by .
the Scotland Yard officers was dis-
courteous and perhaps unjustifiable,I
the attitude of the Russian emis-
saries themselves must be improved'
immensely if Russia is to take her
place among the more respected na-!

Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of commun-
cants will, however, be regarded a
confidential upon request.
To The Editor:
For all the vaunted pseudo-sophis-
tication, the would-be iconoclasm and
the frequent red-heat pitch attained
by its most ardent self-style liberals,
libertarians and radicals, the Univer-
sity plainly remains a child's world,
the Nrld of Make-Believe.
"Criticisms" of divers theatrical
events appearing from time -to time
in The Daily come to mind. It would
seem to be a point of honor with
those presently writing reviews that
not condemn "grown-ups" shows
which they had witnessed in New
York or on the road were a traditional
heresy, especially those which had re-
ceived favorable notices from profes-
sional critics. I can still recall Mr.
Vincent Wall's startling review of
"The Captive" last winter, in which
he upset and completely put to rout
all the canons of dramaturgy prog-
nosticated by the professional review-
ers in their unanimous praise of .this
play and its presentation. More re-
cently, there come to mind his few
"smart" lines ament "Trelawney of
the Wells" revival with an all-star
cast, which, according to Mr. Wall,
turned out to be a hoax, for with a
few exceptions, they really presented
the aspect of so many supers. The
supers thus characterized were Mr.
John Drew, Mr. Rollo Peters, Mr.
John Kellerd, Mr. Otta Kruger, Miss
Estell Winwood, Miss Helen Gahagan,
Miss Henrietta Crossman, etc. Thus
do our youthful Brans, in their still
adolescent striving for originality
adopt the code that "to criticize is
to disagree."
Contrasted with this chronic atti-
tude, is the nebulously honest and
compromising one toward local pro-
ductions. Mimes' awful production of
"R. U. R." unequivocably praised-the
Rockford Players more or less eulo-'
gized. Not since the days when it costi
something like six pins or its equiva-
lent in "aggies" to gain entrance to
somebody's cellar in order to view
the historical talent of neighborhood
celebrities-average age about 9-1
have I seen a more naive, a more
childish performance than that of
Rockford's "The Firebrand."]
I would fain have it understood that<
I am whole-heartedly in accord withl
and commend the spirit that moves1
Mimes, Rockford and other such
groups, and herewith bestow upon1
them all an A plus in Effort. But I
do hold out for an honest, non-chau-
vinistic estimate of their work as a
much more salutary procedure for
both players and reviewers; players
because honest adverse criticism
should serve to inspire them to great-
er results, and reviewers becauset
they cannot too soon learn and begint
the practice of the principle that
Truth, insofar as a critic is able to1
grasp it, is the fundamental requisite
1} criticism.
One wonders how these tyros-in-
criticism arrive at their standards. In
the case of Mr. Vincent Wall vs.t
"Trelawney of the Wells," it is exceed-
ingly plain that he judged the per-
forms of Mr. John Drew, et al, in the
light of his knowledge of the art of'
histrionics gained from Mr. RobertL
Henderson, et al.7

Engineers probably have some sec-
ret or other to justify their existence.
And perhaps that is the secret confid-
ed to the most distinguished of their
number when initiated into the an-
cient and honorable order of Vul-
cans. * * *
If there really Is an excuse for an
engineer, they ought to make it pub-
lie at once. It would save a lot of
* * *
At least we'll have to give the sul-
tans of soot the honors in the com-
petition with the premature lawyers
yesterday on the campus. In this
matter of the semi-barbaric affairs
known as initiations, they are far
ahead of their more civilized contem-
* . *a
The lawyers try hard to draw the
crowds with their stocks and bonds,
but after all their neophytes are hu-
man beings. But these engineers-.
* ***
The worst part in this anvil-pound-
ing ceremony isn't that of the boys
being initiated. It's the ones working
in the engineering building that have
to listen to it all afternioon.
While leading the new Vulcans
about the campus, some doubt arose
as to whether one was fully qualified.
The tree was not hurt very much,
but neither was the boy, so he was
declared satisfactory.
* * *
One of the senior members almost
got stuck in reading the ritual. But
he skipped the word, so everything
turned all right.
,' * *
Astonishment, mingled with a little
disappointment, was the lot of the
special Rolls delegation to the Adelphi
meeting Wednesday night.
* * *
The disappointment came when
they found that Professor Hobbs and
his so well-concealed opinions were
not to be included in the discussion.
But it was more than offset when the
speaker offered to list 12 valid rea-
sons why the S. C. A. could continue
to flourish on our campus.
* * *
The Rolls delegation went to the
meeting primed to uphold Professor
Hobbs against the S. C. A. "We're al-
ways glad to help the professor make
a name for himself on the campus,"
declared the leader, "especially in
such a worthy cause."
* * *
Nellie, official spokesman for the
professor, was indignant when she
heard her master was not included
in the program. However she re-
fused to confirm reports that the so-
ciety would be sued for breach of con-
* * *4
"Our greatest blessing came on the
day the S. C. A. brought Sherwood
Eddy to the campus," declared a
speaker. But the opposition couldn't
let that one pass. "A greater bless-
ing came on the day he left," was
their answer.
* * *
After all, it was probably fortunate
that only 11 persons attended the
* * *
"YOU DON'T have to pay for things
like you do at, the Y. M. C. A." de-

clared the S. C. A. supporter. Whic j
reminds us that you probably don't
have to pay for things at the North
Pole, but we can't say for sure as we
haven't been there either.
* * *
After all the discussion, they finally
voted that the S. C. A. should be
abolished. We guess Adelphi really
does have a purpose on the campus.
* * *
It was with the greatest surprise
that we learned that we are a full-
fledged member of the Students
Christian association, by virtue of
having signed a church preference
slip last fall. We'll be careful of what
we sign next time.
* * *
BUT SINCE the deed has been
done, we must exect a twinge of
conscience every time we speak of
that venerable organization.
Now we'll probably have to attend
that meeting in a couple of weeks.
They're considering a revision of the

progran of tile thirty-fourth lay
Festival t 2:30 o'clock in Hill audi-
TONIGlT: The fourth program of
the Festival at 8 o'clock in Hill audi-
* * *
A review, by Robert Ramsay
The Beethoven Mass is the most
collossal work ever undertaken by the
University Choral Union. Its eloquent
power, and its daring conception
make it the finest bit of sacred music
ever written, even though its tradi-
tion defying boldness removes it
from its rightful place in the church
There is a touch of secularity, far
removed from the etherial ascerticism
of the early Italians which make Bee-
thoven's work far more wonderful
than any other liturgical music.
Palestrim and Bach have caught the
reverent mysticism of the church of
the middle ages, but Beethoven, by
his genius has intermingled with this
pure scholasticism, an undertone of
secular reality that not only colors
his music with the deepest and purest
religious emotion, but infuses into it,
a marvellous touch of abundant
With a majestic sweep of the out-
most grandeur, the Mass proceeds on
a theme of highest religiosity, through
turbulence and fear, and ends on a.
note of sublime peace. Beethoven has
done his work with astounding sim-
plicity, yet he has achieved a poetic
and dramatic masterpiece. From de-
pression and fear, he carries the soul
to accents of the noblest inspiration
that religious feeling can produce,
-and in an impressively brilliant fash-
don has made a work of beauty un-
equalled in musical history.
The Credo is probably the most
marvellous division of the Mass,
structurally and harmoniously, though
it is rivalled by the impressive Angus
Dei which is such lofty and eloquent
power that it almost defies definition.
The whole Mass is so tremendous in
proportions, so noble in. inspiration,.
so victorious and heroic in conception,
that it 'can not be comprehended in
one hearing.
The chorus did splendid work, the
soloists were adequate, but the chief
ciedit must go to the orchestra.
Beetfovenj has done much more with
his orchestra than any other, ai his
treatment of the chorus itself, is sym-
phonic in its approach. Much of the
credit of interpretation must go to the
Chicago orchestra which met its task
with a breadth of artistry that can
not pass mention.
The Funeral March from the Third,
the Heroic symphony, is probably the
most majestic movement of that won-
derful work. Beethoven was at his
best in the third, and the Funeral
March is an example of his finest gen-
ius. Opening with a sombre theme in
the violins, it soon passes to a duet
between flute and oboe, marvellously
polyphonized which seems to depict
the mystery of death. Beethoven's
work is the finest in the literature of
funeral dirges. It is not the grim-
ness or the terror of death that he
paints, but the luminous glory of
transfiguration. It too . carries out
its majestic theme victorious death
with bold heroic strokes of genius.
* * *
Due to an unfortunate error, the
cut of Betsy Lane Shepherd, the so-
prano of last night's Beethoven quar-
tet, appeared in the review of Schu-

It isn't often that the same diva
opens and closes the Metropolitan
season. ..Rosa Ponselle, however, was
accorded the distinction of the selec-
tion as prima donna soprano for both
the "Vestale," the initial offering, and
"P-sifi'," which formally closed the
year. Although the latter was given
for but one night, "Vestale" remains
one of the triumphs of the year-a
triumph mostly for Miss Ponselle for
besides the Joseph Urban settings
there was little to praise besides her
extraordinary performance as the er-
ring virgin. Moreover, although she
had created the role the previous
season, the resuscitating of the
Spontini opus is not easy, even for
one whose Guilia was one of the land-
marks in a career which is still ex-f
Her program tonight consists of a
group bf songs and two arias-both
from Verdi operas: "Ernani Invol-







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Elderly Freshman. charter to make a really live organi-I
zation for their rest house over onj
TO THE SENiORS State stieet. In the interests of the
To The Editor: campus we wish them luck, even if
In the item which appeared in last it is to cramp our style a little.
week's Daily announcing the initial ap- * * *
pearance of Seniors in their caps The $1.14 accumulated by Mr. Hay
and gowns at the Swing-Out cere- for the William Herbert Hobbs Found-
monies it was stated that "hereafter ation for the S. C. A. Fresh Air camp
Seniors will wear caps and gowns on was formally turned over to the new

it the great white way
White shoes will be the vogue this season. There's nothing dressier,
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Japan and Great Britain have ac-

ani" from "Ernani" and "Pace, Pace,
Mio Dio" from "The Force of Des-
tiny"-a work hardly popular as it-




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