VRNATIONAL 5"' THEWIDR WSj POUYR. 4 flyI r Yi Wadham s" Going ,Out of. THIS COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 PAM. LA 1 I 11,1 111111(By Associated Press) U IU PARIS, May 18 1927-The Amer- >ican method of "seeding" the drawl And Four Distaince :len! And L istTre e invaded France today when it wasa irow Ham uer announced that Bill Tilden, the Amer-i ican star, and Rene Lacoste, his great VE TOMORROW French rival, will be placed at thel top of their respective halves of en- tries :inAthe international hard court tennis championships which will be- gin Monday at St. Clarke. The leaders of the two remaining quarters will be selected from among Jean Borotra of France, Frank Hunter of the United States, Pierre Landry, of France. Baron Be Morturgo of 'Italy, H. Timmer of Holland. Business Sale is Every Man 's Opportunity ADVERTISING of the largest .teams ever to represent Michigan in a dual meet will leave at 12:30 o'clock' row for Colun:-bus where it will nter the Scarlet and Gray team .day in the anniual dual meet be- Sthe twohteams. The following en will report tomorrow noon: in Northrop, Prout, Hester, Las-j (Munger, Ohlheiser, Lomont, Hornberger, Wuerful, Lamont, r, Jones, Tarbill, Kinney, Schra- di, Lovette, Norton, Waldo, Dah- :noepp, McCaffree, Can-pbell, and I uded on the roster of the team g the trip are four distance menI ur hurdlers., Coach Farrell is ig to use all three of hislows rs, Cooper, Tarbill and Jones. il also use Kinney in the highs aid to Cooper. the two milerun, Lamont has named for the trip as well as erger and Wuerfel, while Mon- the lone entrant in the mile. ral of the newer men on the will *m-ake the trip for the ex- ce to be gained, and they may back a few points. Among these orton in the shot, put, Dahlem broad jump and Knoepp in the i SUITS - -TOPCOATS OVERCOATS Seventy-Five Sociefy Brand, College iall and Other Fine Makes OeHalf Price II Hi Suits ONE-THIRD OFF ONE-FOURTH OFF There is no equalling the quality and prices of the fine clothing we are offering in our Going Out of Business Sale. Society Brand and other fine makes are all included in these drastic reductions. ESPECIALLY 5 IC PRICED I/ J Hot Weather SUits FOR i II You will soon be thinking about a suit for summer wear. Buy it now in our sale. Our Sumner Suits are all brand new-Palm Beaches, Kool Cloth, Tro]'al, Worsteds and other summer fabrics. Yes, we have flannel trousers, too, for wear- with your darlk coat. If you are a telephone subscriber call Jimmie the Ad-Taker, Dial 21214, and your want ad will be charged. The Michigan Daily reserves the right to classify all wants ads under appropriate head- ings and to revise or withhold objectionable copy.. This column closes at 3 P. M. date preced- ing publication. Notice of any error must be given in time for the second insertion. CASH tATES Ten cents per reading line (on the basis of five average words to the line) for one or two insertions. Nine tents per reading line for three or more insrtions. . Cash classifieds received at the Daily, office in The Press Building on Maynard Street CONTRACT RATFS Special standardized rates given on applica- tion, LOST LOST-Glasses, fountain pen and pencil in case in either Angell or University Hall, Tuesday. Call1 21341. 166-167-168 LOST-Ladies brown handbag in or between University Hall and. St. Andre ws' church, Saturday. 'Pone University 68. Reward. 166 LOST-Saturday evening, May 7, a small 'steel and gold beaided bag. Reward. Phone, 9846. 166-167-1G5 LOST-A leather check book of Char- levoix State Bank. Call 7039. 166 LOST-Pigskin billfold with several identification cards. Reward. No- tify L. M. Smalley, phone 9152. 165-166-167 LOST--Small, dark brown leather purse. Monogram "B." Keep money. Return to Fannie Baker, Helen Newberry. 165-166' LOST-Glasses on or near campus, Saturday night. Finder please call Smith 8017. 165-166-167 LOST-Glasses in case, on Church street between Prospect and Hill streets. Finder please call 7472. 164-165-166 LOST-Glasses in case, on Church street, between Pr6spect and Hill streets. Finder please call 7472. 164-165-166- FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 4 AT O ne-fourth Less Doak, veteran hurler, pitched oston Braves to an 8-1 victory St. Louis yesterday, dropping ards from the second to the fifth in the standings. Detroit and nis continued in a tie for fourth in the Aien league. by de- g their respective opponents, ington and Boston. The Tigers Whitehill on the nound won the Senators in a light hitting while the Browns were beat- he lowly Red Sox in a contest ed by three .homne ruins. Pirates, defeated the league-, tg New York Giants in the Na- league in a game marked by slugging. The Pittsburgh ag- tion assembled 18 -hits and 13 The Cubs, recovering from their ning battle with Boston, moved second place by downing the s, 7-4, in a regulation nine inn- ontest. . ' Anterican League ington ...000 101o100- 3 6 1 it .......000 410 00x-5 6 3 $25.00 Furnishings, too- These are wonderful values in the -newest Spring are included in this sale. We have made substantial reductions on all furnishings and accessories. shURTs, SOCKS, TIES, hATS, CAPS, %GLQVES UNDERWEAR, TRATELING BAGS, ETC. WANTED WANTED-Cellist to do trio work for sixvees in Am Arbor this sum- m-fer. Call 31142. 0 166-167-168 MALE HELP WANTED -Manufac- turer desires district and local rep- resentatives to handle product in cgreat demand. Address Deeb Mfg. o., 21 E. South St., Indianapolis, Ind. 166 VANTED-First class tracer. Must be very good at lettering. Call b-etween 11-2, Chadwick, 510% E. Wiliiam.' 166-167 WANTED-Student salesman. Pre- ferably b siness administration man intending to stay through summ'er school. Box 185. 166 WANTED-If you think in terms of $2JOa month for your summer Vacation, wec need you in our or- ganization. Sales manager froni Toledo branch will interview you at Room 306, IUnion, Thursday and Friday. 166-167 WANTED-College women with ex- perience to operate . and manage high class summer inn and tea room on finest resort lake in north- ern Michigan, June 27 to Sept. 1. Address Box184, %Michigan Daily. 161,163,164,166,109,170,172,175 WANTED-Students who like good hot BARBECUES to know we de- liver between 9:30 and 11:30 P. M. BARBECUE INN, Dial 4481. c-Tues.-Thurs.-Sat. WANTED STUDENTS to know that Sant pays from $i to $25 for old suits and overcoats. 121 E. ANN DIAL 4306 tr NOTICE NOTICE $6,000 A YEAR!?! An old established Detroit firm needs a few college men. We teach you our business and see-to it that you are firmly entrenched in the mbst lucrative profession known. Write us all about yourself and we Will ar- range, for interview. APPLICANTS SELECTED CAN MAKE FROM $15 TO $20 A DAY TO START Write John I-I. Walsh & Sons, At- tention A. J. Hart, Sales Director, 1606 1st pNational Bank Building, De- troit, Michigan. DECORATING-Painting, paper-hang- ing 35c single roll and up. Con- scientious. Call C. W. Holmes, phone 5920. 729 Brooks."' tu-th-sat NOTICE-Do not leave Michigan until you have preserved your diploma by the famous drum-head mount process. Let's talk it over. J. B. Saunders, exceptional framing. : 306 South State St . tu-th-sun Students! Save Money! 25% off on used typewriters. Phone Landis 3489. tu-th-sat models, fabrics and shades. A real buy for you at this price. See us about your Knickers, Golf Hose, Shirts, Straw Hats, etc. 211 S. MAIN ST. "Where you mai buy with confidence" One-fourth Off on "Straws" All brand new 1927 modejs-Panamas, Leghorns, Sailors. These will go quickly. Get yours now! I Wadhams & Co LOST-A green Schaefer fountain 'pen, marked LeVerne Taylor. Phone 6988. 0, Corner Main and Washington Streets w W, I CorbeW s!§ ston ........000 101 310- 6 11 Louis ......002 031 11x- 8 13 Philadelphia-Chicago-Rain. w York-Cleveland-;-Rain. 0 0 Big Suit Special National Leagge is ....100000 000- 1 ....000 005 21x- 8 8 13 Pittsburgh ..533 010 New York.....000 500 010- 3 18 100- 6 9 2 1 5 0 5 35 OO $38.50 ' . ' v °.. .. -1 ,. a til . + Ca t r \ " i .l u A . z . r s £ 11 LOST-A green gold Wahl fountain pen, Friday morning on campus. Call J. E. Wendel, 3193. Reward. LOST-Friday, April 22, silver van- ity case on a chain, with two black enameled figures on front. Reward. 7817 FOR RENT FOR RENT -Furnished apartment. Two rooms and kitchenette. Avail- able June 10. 109 North Thayer.f Dial 7445. 166-167-168 FOR RENT-Near campus. Six .rooms. Completely furnished. June 1 to September 15. Phone 21097. wed-th-fri FOR RENT-For summer, four room furnished apartment. ,Moderate rates. Phone 22222. 65-66-67,68-69-70 SFOX SALE All makes of typewriters for sale or, rent. Excellent machines at, rea- sonable prices, for rent. Irompt repairing by experienced workmen.' Courteous service. Aulta Brand Ribbons and Carbons. Rider's Pen Shop, 315 State Street. sun-Cues-thurs-tf FOR -SALE-Modern upright piano. Excellent condition and tone. Price very reasonable. Call after 7'P. M. at 5841. 165-166-167 FOR SALE-Second hand Martin guitar. Can be seen at Allw,*n- dinger's Music House. 165-166-167 FOR1 SALE-1924 Ford touring. New bands. Starter. Excellent tires. $55. Johnson, 22491. 1008 ornwell. 165-166-167 ....300 040 000- 7 .020 100 001- 4 8 6 Cincinnati-Phillies-Wet grounds. Home Runs IHaney, Red Sox; Miller andil- iani~s, Browns; Henline, Phillies; 'raynor and Wright, Pittsburgh; Farrell, Giants. HE TAI'&DNGS Extra Pants Free Extra Pants Free Thursday Friday Saturday H Remember, when Corbett puts on a sale you will get something worth while. You know Corbett has nothing but fine merchandise at all times. Therefore you are assured of getting first class goods. Corbett is the only clothing man in Ann Arbor who owns his own store. Therefore you do not have to pay the big Prices for your goods. / t / . _,,.,r- s-,snr,-ss; x.. FOR convenience, speed and satisfac- tion, visit Trojnowskis Barber Shop. tues-thur-sat HEALTH .Begins when you phone 842$. C. M. Gibson, Chiropractor, 35 Wue'th Arcade. tues-thurs-sat-tt NOTICE-Stoddard Hair Shop. Try one of our permanent waves, which give depth and softness to the hair. 707 N.. University. tues-thurs-sat NOTICE-Hats cleaned and blockedI. All kinds of shoes cleaned, dyed and repaired. Satisfaction guaranteed. ANN ARBOR S11OP, 625 E. Liberty. c-Tues.-Thurs.-Sat. PAPERHANGING - 35c single roll and up. Painting also. C. W. Holmes, 418 N. State. Dial 3784 after 4 tu-th-sat TENOR GUITAR-Tunes like uke or banjo Our most popular string in- strument. Special price of $15. University Music House. NOTICE-For typing of all lhinds quickly and neatly done at popular prices phone: 7345. 162-63-64-65-66-67-68-69-70-71-72-73' TENOR BANJO-14-inch oversize re- sona.tor in form-fitting case. Spe- cial at $34- complete. The biggest price value we ever offered. You don't have to pay all cash. Uilver- sity Music House. ANN ARBOR CARPET Cleaning Works. Rugs Shampooed. Phone 8513. daily-ti TO SEE best of 50 lines clothing drop card to 1103 E. Washington. Phone 6365 evenings. $22 to. $30. tt American League Wa. L. Pct. New York..........20 Chicago....... ..17 Athletics ...........15 St. Louis..........13 Detroit ............13 Washington.........12 Cleveland...........2 BostOn..............9 National League W. New York....... .19 Chicago...... .. .15 Pittsburgh........14' Phillies ..... .....13 St. Louis....... ..15 Brooklyn...........13 Boston ...............10 Cincinnati ........... 7 8 13 14 14 14 15 15 18 .714 .567 .517 .4 81 .48 .444 .444 .333 Come down to Corbett's Thursday, Friday, Saturday and ou wilt let the first Suit you. ever had at a very spee i prie. Sults are all spe- L. Pct. 10 .655 11 .577 11 .560 10 .565 12 .555 18 .419 14 .417 20 .259 -0 FOR SALE-Doctors notice! Instru- ments and office equipment of the late Dr. Brett, Williamston. Every- thing a doctot rneeds. Call or write Mrs.' Winifred Brett, Williamston, Mich. Phone 41 at once. 164-165-166-167-168-169 FOR -SALE-Ford roadster. Demount- able rims, self starter, five good tires. Excellent condition. A bar- gain for $35.00. Call Roberts, phone 4418. 161-162-163-164-165-166 FOR SALE-1926 Ford Coupe. Loots like new. Has seat covers, heater, tir'es almost new. Price is right. 1922 Dodge touring, motor A-1 con- dition. Don't pay railroad fare. Drive this home. R. H. ALBER 514 E. Washington Phone 3115 FOR SALE-Most desirable large rooming house, furnished or unfur- nished. Best location. Easy terms. May rent. Dial 7733 (or 4454 evenings). FOR SALE-1921 Ford Touring. $40. Call 3283. t f 1 i [THE DETROIT THEATERS The Night Club Classic GARRICK-NOW Eves. 50c-$2.50 Wved. int. 50c-$.50 Sat. lMat.5~0c-$.04 mmommmommim NOTICE--The new Royal Portables are now on display at Rider's Pen Shop, 315 State St. A wonderful. machine: You will be interested. Call and see them. NOTICE - The new Victor Ortho- phonic Vortable machines are here. { }.< 11 Where You Can Bu with Confiddenee 7