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May 19, 1927 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-19

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lllllil I II I I IIIIIUD)



__ .._.._



By Herbert F. Vedder did ore tI'an 150 feet last Saturday,
1With .Ohio State conceded at least anl i !(d may heat out thne Ohio men, whoj
even break with Michigan in the tr~ack: failed to place in the quadrangular;
events Saturday, the Wolverines az r meet which was won with a throw of

Reduction By Blott,,HAR VARD RUNNERx
Leaves 27 PlayersTO TRY FOR t-ITLE
On 'Freshman Team'.
Coach Jack Blott of the freshman



exetdt u pas])tn tIa- .gin in the field events with A hare 1 as-
siblity (note that last word) -af Win-
ning every one of those seven tests.

59 feet;, 9 inches.
''tfritn, wh;o ewas fourth in the
~! ad~ignarmeet amid who is
capabl? e of about 42 feet, is the
b{-'t :fie Buckeyes have to offer
in tre Chot puat. .HIe should fall
n ayvietani to Lovette, Who has

Kor, '3OEd, of A nn
riled the CJhicago
trophy by Meyer;
ating the Chiceago
eting of prospective
eMichigan football~
hich was held last

A11other inter-0111g 10"slsiuhy N
that a new dual me~et record mill
be vet ill every onle on the four
Aveivilt vent-fl.lie i rn Inr, i'k-

hicago Alumni Trophy is
d silver football mounted on
y base andl inscribed wvithi
e of the winner. It is awarded1
lose of the' spring practicej
ar by the coaching staff to!
ldate who shows th'e great.-
ovement and value during the
spring training ?period. The
.e's attendance, improvement1
and value as a future Var-1
yer ar~e considerations that'
to the coaches' selection.
ling to an announcement
st nigh~t by Coach Elton E.
,Taylor w'as the unanimous
f the coach4ig staff for first
with a final rating of 94 points
a possible, 100. Taylor, who
d, is considered a prominent
,e for the vacancy at right end
the loss of Flora. He is also
e puntr
927 spring practice was term-
nost successful ever held, y
ieman, wh o was in charge 01
k. A total of 146 suits were
t the lbeginning of the train-
od 'and. the daily attendance
averaged' between 70 and 90
'thiis number 27 ,had perfect
ce records, while 14 nIis!ed
3 Wactice.
ttion for the" trophy this
eas unusually jkeen,. according
'Wieman, with 10 of the can-
obtaining an average higher
.The men,- who pressed Tay-
ely for first honors, were:
vard, Ann Arbor; Walter G-is-
,and Rapidts; Douglass Kf rr,
nd.; Harold J. Walder, Jack-
1n D. Whittle, Chicago; Gerg.e
"i e, Oklahoma City; Clifton E.
rough, Ferndale; Ho ward W.
edo; Edwin B. Poormh, Chi.-
ights, Ill., and Dominic Sullo,


cn,, ms,51dand iareliin. A,, lo 1 di. I!,ti e 'Wverine is in top
1FQ3 a iIttis, ~id(.2fieations g id rl form ie may breutk I)lnz.' dul
1) Plit to new 51Zfllir4l5 iu i fe meeltd' )i-id (if 4, feet, 5 1-4 ince
firs' two- tuenfl~o ed. ,deayr ago. !?'bird place is a
The dis;cus tlirow shouldM develop in.
to one of the most interpesti?.g (luels of D)(.Tiart lnhtlbard once jumped 25
'lhe entire aftern~oon, withi Schrave sand .efe. 1-2 inch ink -in Olin--Aicigan dual
of Micihgan and Rw";nus of Ohio State mee t, and iwhile this surely will not
as tlie, two principal characters of the ;be equall,, a Michigan man is slated
dIran~a. Rasmus has 1'17 feet 5 iches. to wvin th~is eye..1t 'Saturday, Perhaps
ipade at the Drake Belays, as his best j another Wolverine. will take .. econd
',?ark of the year, and is given as good kphace. North rop, who has beaten all
a chance of first place as any of the Conference rivals, shvould win whilp
Buickeyes. "Long JohAV' Schravesand Dahlein shiz0L be good enough to beat
has a best mark of 142 feet 2 inches; Crooks of 0Oiio, who won the quad-
4 aid has beaten 130 feet consistently. rangulor moef with a leap of 21 feet.
Both Rasmus and h'e slumpedl consid- 2 1-4 inch-if he can repeat his per-
eraly last Saturday in the adverse forirance of 21 feet, 9 1--2 inches
weather, but neither one may reason- against Iowa.


baseball squad, posted the final cut ; ' * hnJmyIjlnyadJc
of players last night. Due to the lack l ;Sharkey, both of Poston, step into the
of interest of the first year it,-n in '..';c:1rn toihatheYkesadu
the national _gamet, the Sqiuad at no Fin New Yo rk, one of the mnost import-
ti n wasvery large. The outfit hl ufht ftlehIye lteiia
peiulbenctt42cn iaes, tion tournamernt to find anl opponent
but the list posted last night reduc - for Gene Tunney will 'begin.
ell it to 27 men. Few of these have } h'' ugilistic followerts trecently install-
displayed any signs of starring, and Redl the c hunky 'Maloney as a favorite
from the appearance of their play, the, Jlat~1de to a cult over the left ey-emwhich
Varsity will obtain little new material' .?'' sharkey sutstaine0d vwhile ttlining for
for next year...t the 'Iout. Sharkey Jbelittles the Cut,
11111 has shown the best form of I~1oee claiming it wNill ntot hinder
anyone on the pitching staff, but un- io though, Maloney will probably
fortunately he injured his thumb in an ' .. Blake a target of it ith his left chop.
early workout, so that since' then he *~'~*''*~"" Both of the Hub heavyweights have'
has been unable to participate in any; . t4. S'. 1Otham fanors epettoeircedathasd
of the practices. If he had not suf- Cot1an an epec,.o.eca.ar
fered this injury, he would probably Y'> .. .. '"\ 's fight whlen the gong' rings for the
have developed into a first class pitch t :''''~. pening1 round tonighlt. Maloney has
er. * ,. .. . ..sattered thle hopes of several for-
The catching staff has also experi- eiglhn inlvadersl, notably Harry Pers-
enced a 'cut, as it now has but three .....S. " s' or, the S wedc, "and heo also holds a
members, Grodsky, Short, and Dolen ..... ~ ~ '" decision for JTack D1elaney, light heavy-
. ky. These n~an are all on a par, and ( .. ih hnlim ftewrd pr
it would be difficult to choose thie! *. 1,ey's rise to fame ca.me Iargeiy
best of the trio. They will probably """''. .. . .. .. ..hougrhIhis one-sided 'victory over
get a chance to show their wares in *i' harry Wills, the gr i~nt Negro, inl
the game that is being planned for ' Brooklyn last October.
this Friday on the regular Ferry field, .1l' j Miller Maloney, who trained for this fight
diamond between the physical educa ' Harvard sprint star, who will com- at Long-Branch, will probably enter
tion baseball -class and the yearling pete in tie. Intercollegiate A. A. A. the ring_ at 200 pounds^, while Shar-
tm. This game will give Coach' meet at Philadelphia May3 27 andl 2S. key, whao training was done in New
Mlott. an opportunity to view his team He finished third in the 100 yard i York, expects- to weigh in at . 189
in action. t dash last year. pounds.

ie4'ere II. Taylor
Freshmen Compete
In Telegraph Meet

Freshman track athletes began
competition yesterday on Ferry. field
in tihe Conference, outdoor telegraphiic
~meet sponsored by the Big 'T'ei Week-
I 1y, and will finish their comipetitiye
timecs and distances today. According
Ijto Coach Hoyt, there is little prom''is-
ing material on the. squnad, and de-
spite the fact that sortiegod times
have been registered, the team recent-
ly lost a telegraphic dual aieet to:
Ohio State.
Hoyt has entered a number of men
., n the 1W0 and 220 'yard dashes of
whom Chapman and Stuch are the

ably be expected to crack the dual
meet record of 137 feet 7. inciter,
U~nless 1(etz, Camnpbell, or Ile.-
Caffrebreaks. an arm or becontes
otherwvise lncapaitated if would
weantt, %'ihkgaiihas, a ioAl
gaged on th~e, ammer throw, wit-h
a strong ,possibility of taken all
Vio'se _places. First place honors
wary ~be a matter of courtesy, and
it -w1'oul. apliear that either Ketz
or Campbell sho~uld break the ex-
tlming meet record of 149 feet,
11 . nceis wbict was set by Harry
I~Jawiis of )ticb igan last year.
.1f~atre f nbedepended on for
~th~ree of'hbont 1:35 feet, while
P~jrelohMio only managed to
tate. tlu1rd in jist; Saturday's con.
petition 'when the' winneres dis-
tance was lli feet, 4 .inches.

As to pole T.,ulters-Pll North-
roI shouid score I& first win of
Ooe seaspw in tis event a inone
of the three Obhio,.vaihters has
made better thtan 1v feet tis year-.
.They are sophomnores ,Ihoweverr
and nay sprig surprises. Trout
of ichbi an should put lit a strong
bld for second homiors."

Mediocre-or poor-as are Michigan's
high jumpers,, noxe- of the Ohio men
appears any stronger, since Anson is
ineligible. It is not known who Coach
Farrell will take on the trin, but
Northrop will probably compete, as
will Waldo both of whom tiedl with
the Illini for second place last week.:
Dane is a pro')able third entry. Any or"
all of the three mnay make 5 feet 10
inches or better.


} M

Lnight's program Includedl
es by Coach Fielding TT. Yosi
apt. Bennie Oosterbaan on foot-
rospects for next year, which
edesignated as Stadium year
Da of the fact; that it will marl
dica.ion of the new Wolverifne
m.Coach Wieman spoke to thel
on the results of the spring
ce just completed, and the pro-
was concluded by the present a-
f the trophy to Taylor.
VV YORK-Tommy Ilcii31tcw of
"k won the world's pocket hi!-
itle from Erwin Rudolph.
UIS-The game of billiards hcdl
gin in France.


outsaningt~ unaaidII1cI sL> Jck ovtt hoingbet PHILAD1E LVHTA -4 'Eddie ' Collins,
the century is :10.3,: while no excep- With Athletis'oseconsbaseman ibelead
tionally good times have been recordI- form in th~e javelin throw with every of Anetc'fonfisetime ins20lears
ed in the furlong.Tire Seynmour twins svcceeag meet, it is practically cer- otita o h frttm n2,er
will also compete in; the latter evenit. fain tat Capt. Phil Northrup will not 'of playin g.
In thie quarter mile, hale Seymour is .throw the spear again until the Con-i
credited with a timeF of 51.7" i ~~ee meet, May 27 and 28 at Madi-( DETROIT-Four players in- the mia-
spr-ing, while a number, of others ar~e son. In view of Lovette's 194 foot jor leagues wear glasses while play-
n~o~farbehnd im.Dalon eymurthrow of last week, it maybe that he,
Stehenon,.1Iuphy, Rid an Rih- anbetter Northrup's dual meet ree-
ardson are t t:ie men' entered in od throw of 194 feet, 6 inches made. REA THE WwANT ADS
this event,t two years ago. Knoepp of Michigan
Ini the' half mile Vi ubert andi' H.'iden
appear to be the best of a mediocr.e
lot, although Tilley had shown somel
promise until lie was fore d to leave , s' SPECIAL
the squad on account of an irnfcction. Tit-ee -ytmCleeSisVle o$85
Hayden and Grunow are the men upon Tit ee -ytmCleeSisV le o$85
whom HIoyt is placing his hopes in theFrdyadStdyOny
mile. There are four fairly good twoIFia~n Stra ny
milers working out, 3essen, Kennedy,$3
Nunnely, and Smith, who should scord F E R S
a few points at least.r- EW .GR0 SS
!Thie shot nutters are not getting -
much distance 'ii,-their heaves, but 309 South Main
Hulburt, Brooks, Crego, and Reiwitch
appear to be the best of the candi-. .. ~r"...".~ .~~°tiO '~" .:+'
Raber are the -outstanding aspirants
zin the 'discus throw. ® AL es M IM-iI

You must not
let the chance
of a life-itie

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Wve are closing
out ra c lean
stock o'f mer-


and fail

chandise at


to buy



, .. .,.

Have 4 Pairs of Sho es



iniv~ersary Sale


1 ~pair tan shoes
to be worn before 6 o'clock
1 pair black shoes.
to be worn after 6 o'clock
1i pair dress shoes
for formal occasions
1pair sports shoes
for gollycor sports wear
Many men have more
paras aternatin~g
them dcgiy,qdds to their
wear and comfort.

Men's, Shoes



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Extra.S ecals

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your choice at these prices


315 Pairs of Murphy's_ Distinctive
Shoes for Men, including Sport
Oxfords, Street Oxfords an fd D'regs

Dress up

$3.00, 'now $2.25
$2.50, 1now $1.87
$2.00,' now $1.50
'White Slip-over

$ .5ValIues $ 10®.Q0to $12.00

mAnke'asIond x/




Special Price
Your Choi~ce
S'pecial Prices

Match the trim neatness of your silk hose with ankle-
fashioned Dun $uu-sith oxfords. They're stunningly
good looking - stylish with your finest apparel.
The. Spring Styles are here,

All 11 sizes in Stock.

$8.50 now $7.45

"0 T

Mll rih AT Pnni Shim1 n

A- A --u.-w--% - r "u, t-4 aw' Y d- T-

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