THE MICHIGAN DAILY IATOR IS O PARIS I liiI m Expeditl4 First 1Pert ey. 4? .4 hnap, of the geolog four other member niversity of Michiga dition sailed yeste: rk for Bremen aboai Gorge Washington c e expedition to Gree: y, which includes the weather bureai utrologist, C. R. Kal Fred Hertz, photo . Oscany.n Jr., radi n Prof. W H. Hobi Erlanson in Coper y will leave for Ho on the Danish stele ner Disko. this summer wi k begun; last year i determine a reliabl r fore-casting of tl storms by obtainin logical data. In o: complete record c ns throughout thi church of the Univer 'dfirector of the Al and P. C. Osyanya tor, will remain i the coming winter t cal observations, an mapping survey o :essor Hobbs Jefft in advance o ;ular party to complete arrange with the Danish government ii I'agen, and also to lecture befor fic societies in London and Ber fore making a final address ii hagen on "The Greenland Exi ms of the University of Mich! io communication with the expo at its base camp near the edg inland ice cap will be main by means of a radio statioi has been established here by th 1 States Army Signal corps. NES"OTA-Dr. Heniy Suzzalo r president of the University c ngton who 'resigned as the re friction between the uniiversit istration and the governor c ngton ill deliver the chief ad at University of Minnesota Corn meit exercises. 0-Professor S. J. Allen of th sity of Cincinnati has develope( metal which ie hopes will lim from radio all wet cells, an( ly the use of tubes of any des Y g's 1, rdl S. [1- o 1-= el 10' In td; fn I- ~-to L_. Ia University Museum Personnel Expected To Stay Unchanged No changes in the personnel of the University museum staff are an- ticipated when the new museum is completed, according to an unofficial statement by Dr. Hinsdale of the de- partment of archeology and ethnology. The different divisions will continue under their present heads, Dr. Dice in zoology, Dr. Guthe in anthropology, Dr. Bartlett in botany, Dr. Case in paleontology, and Dr. Gaige in ento- mology. Dr. Ruthven will be director of the Museum. .,-.!\ - *'. ". . ., M *7 1 ~ / f / S / '- /r / ' /r I / NEW ... f ..' ,,. .,. .. I /." i :: S t yx" Y "8'r:: N/i, 1A } I : :' y;'w; ':e: , . k w m, It is expected that the new building will be ready by January 1, 1928. Many valuable collections, now pri- vately owned, have been promised to the museum at its completion. These gifts have been delayed till that time because of the present inadequate fa- cilities for their safe keeping. The new building will be fire-proof and the collection can be kept there without any danger. Drt Hinsdale stressed the fact that while there will be. many interesting exhibits in the museum it will not be a show place but a workshop where the directors can do research work in their. various fields. ORA ATORS TO HOLD BANQUE T TUESDAY Installation of new officers for the Oratorical association and presenta- tion of medals to all those students who have won forensic contests this year, and who have represented the University on debating teams, will take place at a banquet to be given by the Oratorical association at 6:15 o'clock Tuesday, May 24, at the Union. Professor R. D. T. Hollister of the public speaking department will pre- sent the medals and awards, and short speeches will be given by sev- eral members of the. staff of the de- partment of public speaking. The banquet . will be complimentary to those students who have won honors in - public speaking on the campus, during the past year. READ THE WANT ADS \ ,? ' i - ------------ x .4 Captaiji Charles Lindbergh in front of his .monoplane, "The Spirit of St. Louis," at Curtiss Field, Long islanId. N. Y., en route to Paris SENIORS TO SING NEXT WEDNESDAY Seniors of all schools and colleges m the campus will hold their an- iual Senior sing next Wednesday ight, May 25, it was announced by ie committee in charge yesterday. le sing was originally planned for ast Vednesday but was postponed ,e to the death of Dean Lloyd. 1t I r- Ill Frocks for All Summer Frocks made Occasions 11 Patronize Daily Advertisers Frocks for morning, frocks for afternoon, frocks for even- ing and party festivals. Frocks of all outdoor sports: on the links, motoring or playing ten- nis. Frocks of Youthfu Spirit and ,Stylin les modes Ssmart- the riat- or student. Expertly styled because they are made by apparel experts. Expertly styled since they were selected by style ex- perts. In the very newest modes, stressing every newest style feature. (I F~' I ) By Premier Couturiers . ....... . .... . . .... ... .... The Ann Arbor Press II PRINTERS Maynard St. BINDERS ENGRAVERS Phone 3456 A grouping of,styles that includ that are every one youthful and yet many that are appropriate for ron as well as for the debutante o 'SW .~ .1' .~..'I. j .~*.I4~. .... *1 .... . (/ *.1~ .~.,.. If .II. A Presentation of Models for Everyone There are frocks for every taste and type., Charming dresses in the newest colors and cleverest combinations. Of the loveliest new summer silks. I lvertisers ENVELOPE ENCLOSUREsS ECONOMICAL ADVERTISING V IOFITABLE SITIER WORK rflh opportunity of getting und business and sales expe- ience, is available wvith reliable ational manufacturing concern. iberal compensation. Write the uller Brush Co., 411 Wood- rook Bldg., 5050 Joy Rrjad, De- -oit, or phone students Frank uensel, 0630, or Max Shadley, We want to tell the MERCHANTS and MANUlACr- V1u4'as of Ann Arbor of ONE GOOD WAY to RJAcH a great many people for BUT LIrTE MONEY. ENvEIorE STUrFERS sent with your BILLS and MoN' rY. STATEMENTS, that tell of some UN- lJSUAI, SERViCE or of BARGAINS ji MERCHANDISE, of ten start a customer TOWARD MORE purchases. VE WIL, iE CLAn To HELP you plan a series of these -ImIwuL MAILING PIECES. 'AE Fur Stordge Service Priced $19.75 to $59.50 - The Shop of Personal Service Today-Friday "THE FIGHTING COMEBACK" The Ann Arbor Press Official Printers to the University of Michigan F. BUYTENDORP. Manager PRESS BUILDING PHONE 3456 S nt TON' inday IMIX ii ____ Read The Daily "Classified" Columns __ - E.. loc RPHEU eTheater 25c 1oe m JoH NOW NOTBA"tr M 0RE COLORED SHIRT SALE Collar Attached , u wlLfe+fra...iv Y1 in e Your Choice jo any Colored Shirt in Our Stock $2.o i Three for $6.oo TWO DAYS ONLY Friday and Saturday May 20th and 21st I II 11