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May 19, 1927 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-19

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LIZARETH WELLMN geant Rehearsal
l Will Be In Costume
is CH U IR lflIIJPLA :!it10I W\ith the completion ol the cos-
tumes and the perfecting of the dances
Ronal Hatmilton Haynes To Meet With of the Freshman pageant, to be given
Womeu Iterestld In Writing at 6::' o'clock on May 24 following
Junior Play Book;the cusiomary piejic supper at >
-- o'clJock, a dress rehearsal will be pre-

----_ .

OTHER OFFICERS ELECTED sened this afternoon. cai
Chariot races with drivers crawkMng
Elizabeth Wellman, '29, was chosen thoir NhiPs with on hand as they
geneqral chairman of the Junior Girls' hold numerous gi'na':'tl reins o; rib-,
play for next year at a meeting of all bon in the other and with small,
sophomore women yesterday in Uni- white-clad figures running down the!
versity hall auditorium. She will be course to the music off the Marche
assisted by Jean Hathaway, assistant Militaire, promise to be among the'
chairmn; Marie Hartwig, business most attractive dances of the nageant.'
manager; Betty Smithers, chairman The Bacchanalia, also represented in
of programs, and June Marshall, th: program, will portray the feast
chairman of publicity. of J3achus which the Romans cele-
The meeting was presided over Jby brated every three years with an or-
Betty Pruce Van Antwerp, '29, vice- giastic procession at night.
president of the sophomore class, who The main feature of the production
presented the nominees. Betty Nutt, concerns the race of Atlanta with her
'28, general chafrman of this year's suitors, one of whom, IHippomenes by
Junior Girls' play, addressed the ) naime, succeeds iif defeating the Greek
group before the election explaining maiden in the contest and in winningl
some of the duties of each office and lier to wed by throwing in her pathl
the qualifications necessary in the tliree golden apples given him by
woman elected. Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and
Announcement was also made of a C love. Virginia Losee, '30, has been
m eting tomorrow of all sophomores chosen for the part of the heroine and
i erested in writing books and lyrics Frances Sackett, '30, for that of ther
for the play. Donal Hamilton Haynes, victorious Greek athlete.
who assists in the selection and pro- While the participants in the dances
duction of the play, will give the have been preticing, busy fingers,1
group some general information with yards of white cloth, needles stitching
regard to the writing of the book, and every available moment have resulted
lyrics. Further announcement of the in the finishing of the costumes. These
exact time and place of the meeting are to be exclusively white and are
will appear in the Daily tomorrow. so draped as to produce the effect of
different Greek styles. Dorothy Me-
SCHEDULE TRACK' Neee, '30, chairman of costumes, assist-
MEET SA TURDA ed b her first committee of eight
YTmembers and sub-committee, is re-
--- sponsible for the designing.
The inter-class track meet which As a means of advertising the pa-
was postponed Wednesday because of geant and arousing interest in this
rain, will be held at 10 o'clock Sat- activity of first year women, 56 of the
urday morning. Officials and contest- eligible freshmen, who are not serv-
ants are asked to be at Palmer field ing on committees or taking part in
at 9:45 for instruction. I the dances, will be divided into seven
Any contestant who cannot entergroups and will visit the 'dormitories,
the meet due to the delay is asked to sororities, and league houses during
call her class manager. Class manag- I the dinner hour!.
ers are: senior, Etruria Doster; jinn- ! A change in; the program cover.
ior, Eleanor Treadwell; sophomore, has been necessitated due to the dif-
Esthler Middlewood; freshman, Mar- ficulty in printing the intricate design
jorie Muffley. For other information, on the poster drawn by Virginia Mc-
call Nellie Hoover 3318. Gonigal, '30, who won first prize in
The events in the meet will be the the contest. The poster awarded sec-
same as before, and all entrants are ond prize and submitted by Katherine
asked to appear when possible. No Abbott, '30, will be used instead for
person may sign up for more than the cover design according to the new
three events and only experienced plans.N
runners may enter the 50 yard dish. Margaret Bush, general chairman of

Bright, clear eyes, healthful com- ter the art. Capt J. acobs was it Senior Society, honorary society for
x anraumInstall ation of officers for the inlependent senior women held their W. A. A. will sponsor its second
lxio and distinive,gracefulchareof ittmen legue will occur at the an- fr l initiation to mebership Mon canoe trip wl the luron rivet Fri-
bearing are the visible results of the University of Arizona, Tucsona : wr day afternoon at hlelen Newberry resi- day aternoon at 5:30 o'chlck. Ainy-
g.for three years and during that time .ual ill w'ch will be er- dence. The following seven women one who enjoys canoeing and would
A. J. Ochser, M. D., oLlrd. t., pr .ito had G00 colleowWmen, from almo were receiv9d into membership: Laura like a real good time with excellent
of the Ameria M ).CeLdfIuresl ai0olle.<roralm gynnlasium. Attendance will be Osgood, Dorothy Morehouse, Jean food promised and a guarantee of a
of"theerian olegem of Surgens, every state in the union, bedes o200 by houses and the old and new boards MeKaig, Marion Anderson, Katherine 7:30 o'clock return, is asked to join
"There is no other form of exercise
that so fully affects cvery nerve andcadets in his ridin clases."V: will also be seated together. Lardner, Audrey Wright, and Martha the group at Saunder's Canoe livery
every organ of the human body in a pupils rode the 'Me('le lhu' armthy s l- A fcature of the program' \'ill be a Robinson. Officers for next year were 0n this trip.
healthful way as does riding," he de- die and the English. Fr hen'', mad speech by Mrs. W. D. Henderson, ex- chosen as follows: president, Jean If enough canoes the taken, there
dared recently. American flat-saddle astride" es : ecutive secretary of the alumnae McKaig; vice-president, Katherine will be a reduced rate. All those de-
Among equestrians a question often in a late article. .n the advanced ( Oucil who will outline the relation- Lardner; secretary, Dorothy More- siring to take this trip are asked to
debated is, "Should women ride class, including high school wn'h Sil b&twVen vimen's activities and house; treasurer, Marion Anderson. sign on a poster in Barbour gymna-
astride?" Capt. Fenton S. Jacobs, Jumpm four feet and cross-country ' the NWomnen's league as the central After the initiation, a banquet at sum, so that one person will be able
United States Cavalry, states that galloping over the roughest territory ''ruing body. She will also give the Green Tree Inn was given for the to buy the food for the w4 hole group.
horseback riding astride, for girls, injin that vicinity, the girls gave a bet- a tent tine report of the financial initiates. Evelyn Murray, '27, wel-
addition to being an attractive, clean te exhibition than did the calets." stat:s of the building fund to date. comed the new women, and Laura N O T I C E S
and exhiliarating sport, has been "The sidesaddle owes it oril; to The outgoing officers of the league Osgood replied for the initiatees.
highly beneficial for those who mas- fashion and to the camouflage of i Tare: president, Evelyn Murray; vice- - All women who have been selected
dveltes rath anefitwo aen cie arjorie Miller; secretary, The en.gagement of Elsa Ohlmacher, to be leaders and aides in the Lantern
p Mardeelopt tobe e rai w rii Maion Weles; treasurer, Lucy See- '25, of Detroit and Calvin Patterson, Night procession are asked to meet et
'Cast Selected For tined Capt. Jacobs. Several hundred hey; corresponding secretary, Margaret '27, f Washington, D. C., was an- 4o'clock Friday at Palmer field to
S e i r P l e rs a o ri i g si e ie a a l awkins. The officers who ill p l a T ea ho s. Mslhlnyeei h p o e so r a k d t e t a
rual yr the style by a French princess who s nt Elizh nounced Saturday, May 14 at the Kap- receive instruction for marching.
wished to conceal her deformed spine, tt - fa w a Theta house. Miss Ohlmachter T'he last interclass baseball prac-
A bNutt:ivice-pesident, Margaret Haw- -as vice-president of the '25 literary teewill be held today, after whiheb
The castw for "The Far Away Prin- in his "Readings i rSocial Problems o kins, secretary, Cynthia Hawkins; class and Mr. Patterson was editorial teams will be chosen. All those who
1 P~,4 ir Wcst o "The Far Away Prin- I in hisn"Readingsin.Social~Prblems."w.,on+ding secretary. Florence

cols, y ier man; Siuderiann, which This vogue was introduced in England
has been chosen as the play to 'be in 1388 by An, itqe en of Rich-
given by the senior women at the an- ard II. In the reign of Elizabeth the
nual senior breakfast has been select- sidesaddle was again popularized be-
ed as follows: cause a niember of her royal house-
The Princess Von Geldern, Ruth Mc- hold had a withered limb which was
Cann. not noticeable when she rode side-
Baroness Van Brook, Laura Craft. wise wearing a full skirt.
Herr Fritz Strubel, Margaret Sher- Egyptian women of the sixth cen-
man. tury did not approve of the sidesad-
S rau Van Halldorf, Evelyn Murray. ( dIe for on a vase found at Daphinae,
Rosa, Mary Louise Gutekenst. a woman is shown riding astride.
Milly, Mary Kent-Miller. Not until the twelfth century did rid-
Frau Lindermann, Kathleen Chis- ing sidewise become fashionable and
holm. then a pad was introduced oil whichl
The play will be under the direc- a lady rode sidewise behind her hus-
tiin of Minna Miller, while Ruth band and steadied herself by holding
Hirschman is chairman of the com- to his belt.
mittee. In conclusion, Capt. Jacobs said,
The scene of this one-act skit is i "Riding astride stimulates self-con-
laid in a quaint old German village, fidence, daring, cojideration for oth-
in a famous waterin'g place. Herran ers, aggressiveness, quick thinking,
Sudermann is a contemporary Ger- I coordination of mind and body, re-


frolmes; and treasurer, Betty Smith-
Patronize Daily Advertisers

curector r Me M~ iciiian iDaily. - want 10 be on a teamti must report.


Among the Popular "Visitors" at the Rubley Shoppe Who
Stop Over a Day or Two from New York, Chicago, etc.
The Sweater Suit for Sport, the silken plaited skirt combined
with a contrasting -silk or wool sweater.
The Silk Frock for Infornal Wear, of delightful hue and style.
The Simple White Frock, which the Clever Senior will want tfo
meet, because she knows that this is the perfect foundation for a
Black Cal) and Gown.
And, of course, accessories of real~ distinction.

C'mon Up and You'll
Come Often.
State St. (over Derrill raitt)

"In the Arcade" ,

: ... ..



man playwrite.

. ' " i

laxation, and a better posture."









a -


- -

rsonal Engraved Cards Now
100 Cards and Plate (Script) $2.75
Cards and Plate (Solid Old English) $4.00
100 Cards and Plate (Block) $4.00
Cards and Plate (Shaded Old English) $5.OP

The University of Santo Thomas at
Manila in the Philippine Islands is
the oldest United States University.

the pageant, has announced a special
meeting of the general committee at
5 o'clock Friday in the league parlorss
at Barbour gymnasium. I



Let us quote you price on Class Announcements and
save you money

- /u






PHONE 4515

We .erve Breakfast, Luncheon and Dinner
Shot Orders from 7 A. M. to 12 P. M.



.. .. .!

. . . .. .. li.. l









Anniversary Sale

When You Can Find Such Values
in te I Hosiery Sale at
Mack's Basement Store?



1204 South University Ave.

Phone 8191

Women's Shoes


."r ..
_- = -
:. =

Lovely Frocks
Delightful frocks that
give a maximum of
smartness to a mini-
mum of cost. Dainty
chiffons, georgettes,
prints and washable
silks in all the shades
favored for the spring
and summer seasons.


All Silk Hosiery
with Poirted Heel
A service weight hose made of a very
fine grade silk, 300 needle gauge.
Semi-fashioned with a. trim-fitting
pointed heel, completely ll silk or
with a lisle hem. You will find
wide assortment of colors in this
group. Some are slightly irregular.
(Basement Store)

Full Fashioned
Pure Silk Hosiery
Choice of pure silk chiffon to the top
or service weight with a lisle hem.
They're slightly irregular, but you
can't find a better buy in Ann Arbor!
Among the colors are parchment,
nude, skin, rose, pearl, gunmetal,
charnpaigne and sunset.

(Basement Store)

J. MURPHY'S Dstinctivc Footwear

Chiffon and





532 Pairs of Women's -Pumps, Straps

and Tim.

high and

low ..heels. All sizes, A-.
all, of this season's styles.

in Newest Shades
This sale group includes 200 dozen
pairs in all the smart shades-the
very hose that thousands of Ann
Arbor women are wearing, purchased
,At a much higher price. Pure silk

Service Weight
Pure Silk Hosiery
The small irregularities that occur
in these hose permit us to sell them
at one-half of what you would reg-
ularly pay for them! But the mis-
weaves are limited to tops and feet,
so ln o inlni md- i anfne+ nn



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